Finnish nouns, part 36kielenkanta - Synonym of kielenkantimetkielenkantimet - tongue, as in something to be loosened to represent someone starting to be very chattykielenkärki - The tip of tongue.kielenkäyttäjä - language userkielenkäyttö - usage (ways and contexts in which spoken and written words are used)kielenkääntäjä - translatorkielenkääntäminen - language translationkielennimi - language namekielennäyte - language samplekielenopas - language guidekielenopetus - language teachingkielenopiskelu - language study, language learningkielenparsi - Synonym of puheenparsikielenselkä - dorsum (of the tongue)kielensuunnittelu - language planningkielentarkastaja - language editorkielentarkastus - language editingkielentarkistaja - proofreaderkielentarkistus - proofreadingkielentuntemus - knowledge of languagekielentutkija - linguistkielentutkimus - linguisticskielenvaihto - language shiftkielenviljely - language cultivation, language developmentkieli - tongue (organ)kieli ja kirjallisuus - studieskieli-identiteetti - language identitykieli-instituutti - language institutekieli-kitahermo - glossopharyngeal nervekielialue - language area, linguistic areakieliasu - wording, form of languagekielifilosofia - philosophy of languagekielifysiologia - physiology of speechkielihistoria - historical linguistics, language historykielihäiriö - developmental language disorderkielijä - an informer; someone who informs, snitcheskielijänne - frenulum of tonguekielikampela - tonguefish (any fish in the family Cynoglossidae)kielikello - blabbermouth, tattler, gossiperkielikeskus - language centerkielikoe - language testkielikonsultointi - language consultancykielikontakti - language contactkielikoodi - language codekielikorva - ear for a language, Sprachgefühl (instinctive or intuitive grasp of the natural idiom of a language)kielikukkanen - unintentionally ambiguous wording such that one meaning (possibly the one most commonly understood first) is humorous (similar to crash blossom)kielikunta - A language family.kielikurssi - language coursekielikuva - A figure of speech.kielikylpy - language immersion (method of teaching a foreign language by using that language in teaching all or most school subjects)kielikysymys - language questionkielilaboratorio - language labkielilainsäädäntö - language legislationkielilaki - language actkielileikko - long-tongued bat (bat of the genus Glossophaga)kielilläpuhuja - tongues speakerkielilläpuhuminen - glossolaliakieliluu - hyoid bone, lingual bonekielimaantiede - language geographykielimakkara - tongue sausagekielimato - tongueworm (any of the Pentastomida, a group of parasitic invertebrates)kielimies - a male linguist or a man interested and/or well versed in language and linguisticskielimuoto - language form, lectkielimuuri - language barrierkielinero - language geniuskieliniekka - linguist (person skilled in languages)kieliohjelma - language programkieliolot - linguistic situation, linguistic conditionskieliopas - language guidekieliopillinen persoona - grammatical personkieliopillisuus - grammaticality (state or attribute of obeying the rules of grammar; grammatical correctness)kieliopinnot - language studieskieliopintarkistin - grammar checkerkieliopisto - language academykielioppi - grammarkielioppinatsi - grammar Nazikielipeli - language gamekieliperhe - Synonym of kielikuntakielipesä - language nestkielipilli - reed pipekielipoliisi - language police, grammar Nazikielipolitiikka - language politicskielipsykologia - language psychologykielipuoli - a person with bad language skillskielipää - head for languages, ear for languages (innate skill at learning languages)kieliraja - language borderkielirele - reed relaykieliresurssi - language resourcekielirisa - lingual tonsilkieliryhmä - language groupkieliside - tongue-tiekielisilta - Synonym of talla (piece on a stringed instrument that supports the strings).kielisoitin - stringed instrumentkielisosiologia - language sociologykielistudio - language studiokielisukulainen - language relativekielisukulaisuus - language relation, linguistic relationkielisuudelma - tongue kiss, French kisskielisyöpä - tongue cancerkielitaidottomuus - having no language skillskielitaistelu - language strife (conflict in Finnish history over the status of Finnish and Swedish as languages)kielitaito - language skillskielitaituri - polyglotkielitaju - Sprachgefühlkieliteknologi - language technologistkieliteknologia - language technology, human language technologykielitiede - linguisticskielitieteilijä - linguistkielitoimisto - language institute, language bureau (an organization regulating a language and its usage)kielitulehdus - glossitiskielitunne - Synonym of kielitajukielitutkinto - language diplomakielitypologi - language typologistkielitypologia - linguistic typologykielivalinta - language selectionkielivaranto - the languages used by a communitykieliversio - language version, language editionkielivirhe - language error, language mistakekielivoimistelu - practicing dexterity in speaking, such as lingual dexteritykieliyhteisö - language communitykieliympäristö - linguistic environmentkieliäänne - lingual (sound articulated with the tongue)kielletty hedelmä - forbidden fruitkielletty vyö - bandgapkielo - lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis)kielteisyys - negativitykieltely - forbidding or denying repeatedlykieltenopettaja - language teacherkieltenopetus - language teaching, language educationkieltenpidin - tailpiece (component on many stringed musical instruments that anchors one end of the strings, usually opposite the end with the tuning mechanism)kielto - ban, prohibitionkieltoilmaus - negative expressionkieltolaki - prohibition (law prohibiting consumption, sale and production of alcoholic drinks)kieltolause - negative phrasekieltomerkki - prohibition signkieltomuoto - negative form (of a verb)kieltopartisiippi - negative participle (in Finnish, a participle formed with -maton/-mätön, with the possible meanings "that which does not (VERB)", "that which has not (VERB)", "that which has not been (VERB)", "that which cannot (VERB)", "that which cannot be (VERB)")kieltosana - negative (word that indicates negation)kieltosopimus - convention or agreement that bans somethingkieltosääntö - exclusion principlekieltotaulu - prohibition signkieltoverbi - negative verbkieltäjä - denier (person who denies something)kieltäminen - verbal noun of kieltää, denyingkieltäymys - denial, self-denialkieltäytyjä - refuser, declinerkieltäytyminen - verbal noun of kieltäytyä, refusalkiemura - twist, turn, loopkiemurtelu - squirming, corkscrewing, wrigglekiepahdus - Synonym of kiepsahduskiepahtaminen - verbal noun of kiepahtaakiepaus - Synonym of kiepsahduskiepautus - Synonym of kiepsautuskieppi - hank (coil or loop)kieppi - A resting hole in snow dug by a bird or an arctic fox.kieppo - Synonym of roll-on.kiepporaikaste - roll-on deodorantkiepsahdus - a spin, twirlkiepsahtaminen - verbal noun of kiepsahtaakiepsaus - Synonym of kiepsahduskiepsautus - making spin or turn (around once)kiepunta - spinning, twirlingkierintä - rollingkierittäminen - verbal noun of kierittääkieritys - rolling (causing something to roll)kieroilija - crookkieroilu - weaseling, conspiringkieroselkäisyys - scoliosiskierosilmä - cross-eyed personkierosilmäisyys - squintkierous - crookedness, twistednesskieroutuma - perversion, warp, kinkkieroutuneisuus - perverseness, obliquitykierre - thread; worm (of a screw or nut)kierregalaksi - Synonym of kierteisgalaksi.kierreharja - corkscrew wand (a type of mascara wand)kierrehyppy - twist jumpkierrejalka - screw pole anchorkierrejousi - coil springkierrekaira - helical auger (geotechnical tool for drilling and sampling)kierrekampa - pitch gaugekierrekansi - screw cap, screwtopkierrekansio - ring binderkierrekiinnitys - threaded fixingkierrekone - spiral machinekierrekorkki - screw capkierrekotilo - twisted ramshorn, Bathyomphalus contortus (species of small air-breathing freshwater snail that lives in freshwater habitats especially small, impoverished water-bodies and drains and marshy or peaty pools)kierrelaukaus - spin shot, shot with a spinkierrelehtiö - spiral-bound notebookkierreleuka - die, screw die (device used to cut an external screw thread)kierrelyönti - cut, hook, spin shotkierremutteri - threaded nutkierrenaula - twist nail, spiral nailkierrenuotta - Danish seine, anchor seine.kierrepakka - Synonym of kierreleukakierrepora - spiral drill, twist drillkierreportaat - spiral staircasekierrepultti - threaded boltkierreputki - threaded tube, coiled tubekierrepää - tap, threaded endkierretanko - threaded rodkierretappi - tap, screw tap, thread tap (device used to cut an internal screw thread)kierretulkki - threading insertkierretulppa - screw bungkierretyökalu - thread-cutting tool, tap wrenchkierreura - threaded groovekierrevatkain - a wire whisk with a horseshoe-shaped flat curly endkierrin - rotatorkierros - round, lap (a circular or repetitive route)kierrosaika - lap timekierroslaskija - revolution counterkierroslaskuri - revolution counterkierrosluku - revolution speed, number of revolutions within a certain amount of time (often measured in units like revolutions per minute)kierroslukumittari - tachometerkierrosmatka - the distance travelled in a lapkierrostaajuus - frequency of rotation or revolutionkierräntä - circumventionkierrätettävyys - recyclabilitykierrättäminen - verbal noun of kierrättääkierrätys - rotationkierrätysastia - recycle bin (container in which items to be recycled may be placed)kierrätysilma - recirculated air, recycled airkierrätyskauppa - thrift shop (shop which sells used goods)kierrätyskeskus - recycling centre/centerkierrätyskuitu - recycled fiber, secondary fiberkierrätyslaitos - recycling plant, recycling facilitykierrätyslasi - recycled or to-be-recycled glass materialkierrätysmateriaali - recyclate, recycled materialkierrätyspiste - waste collection point, recycling collection pointkierrätystuote - recycled productkierteisgalaksi - spiral galaxykierteishäntäkarhu - kinkajou (Potos flavus)kierteishäntämuurahaiskarhu - southern tamandua, Tamandua tetradactylakierteishäntämuurahaiskäpy - tree pangolin, Manis tricuspis.kierteishäntäpiikikkö - prehensile-tailed porcupine (New World porcupine of the genus Coendou)kierteishäntäpiikkisika - Synonym of kierteishäntäpiikikkö.kierteissarvikauris - Synonym of kierteissarvivuohi.kierteissarvivuohi - markhor, Capra falconerikierteissumu - spiral nebula, spiral galaxykierteisyys - helicity (quality of being helical)kierteittäminen - verbal noun of kierteittääkierteitys - tapping (cutting an internal screw thread)kierteitystappi - Synonym of kierretappikiertelijä - one who wanders aroundkiertely - wandering, walking or driving aroundkierto - rotation (act of rotation or rotating)kiertoaika - orbital period, year (time it takes for any planetary body to make one revolution around another body)kiertoajelu - A tour, especially a sightseeing tour in a vehicle.kiertoasento - twisting positionkiertohaastattelu - interviewing many people about the same topickiertohaka - swivelkiertoheiluri - torsion pendulumkiertohuimaus - vertigo (sensation of whirling and loss of balance)kiertoilmahengitys - circular breathingkiertoilmaisu - A circumlocution (when saying something in another way, not necessarily euphemistically); a euphemism.kiertoilmakypsennin - air fryer (kitchen appliance)kiertoilmaus - A circumlocution (saying something in another way, not necessarily euphemistically).kiertoilmauuni - convection ovenkiertojako - crop rotation scheme (plan according to which a farmer rotates their crops)kiertokanki - connecting rod, conrodkiertokasvi - any plant in the family Convolvulaceaekiertokaula - torticollis (condition in which the neck muscles contract causing the neck to twist or jerk)kiertokirje - circular, circular letterkiertokoulu - a form of school without a school building in which the teacher moved between villages and taught in some building of that villagekiertokulku - circulation (act of moving in a circle, especially in a natural process)kiertokulma - angle of rotationkiertokyky - rotation (of a substance, compound, etc; in a plane of polarization)kiertokysely - survey, polling (interviewing a large number of people for their opinion or view)kiertokäynti - guided tour, sightseeing tourkiertokäämimittari - galvanometerkiertolainen - satellite, moonkiertolaiselämä - nomadic lifekiertolaisuus - vagrancy, being a vagabondkiertoliike - circulation, rotational or circulating movementkiertoliikemäärä - Synonym of pyörimismäärä.kiertoliittymä - roundabout, traffic circlekiertolintu - Synonym of vaelluslintukiertolähestyminen - circling approachkiertomatka - tourkiertomäntämoottori - rotary piston enginekiertonikama - axis, epistropheus (second cervical vertebra of the spine)kiertonivel - swivel joint, pivot joint (joint that may move horizontally such as the neck vertebrae)kiertonopeus - turnover ratekiertonäyttely - touring exhibitionkiertopalkinto - a prize that is held by the last winner until another eventkiertopoikkeama - displacement or deflection caused by rotation of projectilekiertopokaali - a cup or trophy handed from winner to new winnerkiertopotku - roundhouse kick (kick in which the attacker swings his/her leg around in a semicircular motion, striking with the front of the leg or foot)kiertoprosessi - circulation processkiertopumppu - circulating pumpkiertorata - orbit (circular or elliptical path of one object around another)kiertosiipipumppu - rotary vane pumpkiertosuunta - direction of rotation or circulationkiertotalous - circular economykiertotatar - black bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus)kiertotie - detourkiertotähti - planetkiertouuni - rotary kilnkiertoventtiili - circulation valve, rollover valvekiertovesipumppu - circulator, circulating water pumpkiertovesiviljely - aquaponicskiertoviljely - crop rotation (practice of rotating crops between fields)kiertue - tourkiertuelainen - member of or participant in a tourkiertuemuusikko - touring musiciankiertueteatteri - touring theaterkiertyminen - verbal noun of kiertyäkiertymä - torsion, contortionkiertynyt napanuora - nuchal cordkiertäjä - agent noun of the verb kiertää.kiertäjähermo - vagus nervekiertäjäkalvosin - rotator cuffkiertäjänikama - The axis vertebra.kiertäminen - verbal noun of kiertää, going or walking around, circumambulationkierukka - spiralkierukkajousi - coil spring, spiral springkierukkakuljetin - spiral conveyorkierukkanauha - Vitruvian scroll, wave scroll (scroll pattern used in borders and architectural mouldings, resembling waves in water or a series of parchment scrolls viewed on end)kierukkapyörä - worm wheelkierukkavaihde - worm gear, worm gearboxkierukkavälitys - worm drive, worm wheel transmissionkieryys - twistednesskierähdys - spin (instance of spinning around once)kierähdystyyli - straddle technique in high jumpkierähtäminen - verbal noun of kierähtääkiesi - carkiesit - gig (a two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage)kiesus - Jesuskietaisu - winding, wrappingkietaisuhame - wraparound skirtkietaisutakki - wraparound coatkietouma - Synonym of kietoutumakietoutuma - entanglementkieunta - crow (of a cock)kievari - inn, tavernkiffeli - Alternative form of kihveli.kihahdus - hissing briefly, brief hisskihahtaminen - verbal noun of kihahtaakihara - curlkiharapelikaani - Dalmatian pelican, Pelecanus crispuskiharapää - curlyhead (person with curly hair)kiharatukka - curlyhead (person with curly hair)kiharrin - Any device used for curling the hair, but usually understood to refer to curling iron or similar tool.kiharruspihdit - curling tongs (tongs, usually electrically heated, used for curling or waving the hair)kiharruspuikko - curling iron, curlerkiharrusrauta - curling ironkihartaminen - verbal noun of kihartaakiharuus - curlinesskihaus - Synonym of kihahduskihelmöinti - tingle, tingling (prickling or mildly stinging sensation)kiherrys - giggling, snickeringkihinä - sizzlekihlajaiset - engagement party (party held to celebrate a couple's recent engagement)kihlajaisjuhla - engagement partykihlajaislahja - engagement presentkihlakumppani - engaged person in relation to his/her partner, especially in legal contextkihlakunnankäräjät - a session of kihlakunnanoikeuskihlakunnanneuvos - an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished local police chiefs (nimismies), registrars or other local politicians or bureaucratskihlakunnannimismies - chief of a district office (kihlakunnanvirasto)kihlakunnanoikeus - Until Dec. 1993 the court of first instance in the rural areas of Finland, since then replaced by käräjäoikeus. English-language equivalents vary by jurisdiction, at least following are used: county court (UK), district court (US).kihlakunnansyyttäjä - District prosecutor.kihlakunnantuomari - district judgekihlakunnanvirasto - district officekihlakunnanvouti - "district bailiff"; the title of a bailiff or court enforcement agentkihlakunta - hundred (administrative subdivision)kihlalahja - engagement giftkihlapari - engaged couple (couple who have promised to marry each other)kihlasilkki - Synonym of kirkkosilkkikihlasormus - engagement ringkihlat - engagement ring and engagement presents (collectively)kihlattu - betrothed; fiancée (female), fiancé (male) (person engaged to be married)kihlaus - engagement, betrothal, espousal (the act of getting engaged in expectation of a marriage)kihlausaika - An engagement (period of time when marriage is planned or promised).kihlausilmoitus - engagement notice, engagement announcementkihlautuminen - verbal noun of kihlautuakihniöläinen - a person from or living in Kihniökihnuttaminen - verbal noun of kihnuttaakihnutus - rubbing oneself (against something)kiho - bubblekihokki - sundew (Drosera)kihomato - pinworm, seatworm; threadworm (UK), Enterobius vermiculariskihti - goutkihtikohtaus - gout attackkihu - skua, jaeger (bird of the genus Stercorarius)kihu - bustle, stirkihupyhä - a South Karelian traditional market daykihveli - dustpankiidättäminen - verbal noun of kiidättääkiihdyke - accelerantkiihdyte - accelerantkiihdytin - acceleratorkiihdyttäjä - accelerator (one who, or that which, accelerates something)kiihdyttäminen - verbal noun of kiihdyttääkiihdytys - acceleration (act, state)kiihdytysajo - drag race (race in a car or on a motorcycle to determine the fastest vehicle)kiihdytysauto - dragster (heavily modified or custom-built vehicle used in drag racing)kiihdytyskaista - drag strip lanekiihdytyskilpailu - drag race (race in a car or on a motorcycle to determine the fastest vehicle)kiihkeys - hecticness, freneticness, franticnesskiihko - zeal, frenzy, passion, fervorkiihkoilija - A fanatic.kiihkoilu - being zealous or obsessedkiihkoislamilaisuus - Islamic fundamentalismkiihkoisuus - passionateness, ferventnesskiihkoisänmaallisuus - ultrapatriotism, chauvinismkiihkomieli - fanaticness, fanaticismkiihkomielisyys - fanaticismkiihkottomuus - dispassionateness, unimpassionedness, passionlessnesskiihkouskonnollisuus - religious fanaticism, fanatic religiousnesskiihoke - stimuluskiihote - stimulant (stimulating substance)kiihotin - stimulator (device or substance that stimulates)kiihottaja - The agent noun of the verb kiihottaa (“all senses”), especially an agitator (one who agitates).kiihottaminen - verbal noun of kiihottaa, exciting, agitating, provokingkiihottuminen - verbal noun of kiihottuakiihottumisvaihe - excitement phase, arousal phasekiihottuneisuus - excitednesskiihottuvuus - excitability, excitablenesskiihotus - agitationkiihotusaine - stimulant (substance)kiihotuspuhe - rantkiihotustila - state of excitement or arousalkiihotustoiminta - agitationkiihtelys - Old Finnish unit of amount of squirrel furs; equal to four tikkuris or forty furs.kiihtosana - interjectionkiihtymys - excitement, agitationkiihtymystila - state of excitementkiihtyneisyys - agitatednesskiihtyvyys - acceleration (amount by which a speed or velocity increases; change of velocity with respect to time)kiihtyvä liike - accelerated motionkiikari - binocularskiikarikivääri - rifle with a telescopic sightkiikaritähtäin - telescopic sightkiikarointi - using binocularskiikkeryys - unsteadinesskiikki - A beam from which an animal was hung by its hind legs for skinning.kiikku - Synonym of keinu (“swing”).kiikkulauta - seesaw, teeter-totterkiikkustuoli - rocking chairkiikkutuoli - rocking chairkiikunta - swingingkiikuttaminen - verbal noun of kiikuttaa, rocking (gently moving back and forth)kiila - wedge (simple machine)kiilaaminen - verbal noun of kiilata, wedgingkiilahihna - V-beltkiilakivi - keystone, stone wedgekiilakorko - wedge heelkiilakorkokenkä - A wedge-heeled shoe.kiilakylki - harlequin rasbora, Trigonostigma heteromorpha (small cyprinid fish native to SE Asia, popular as aquarium fish)kiilalause - subordinate clause in the middle of another sentencekiilaliitos - wedge jointkiilapyrstökotka - wedge-tailed eagle, eaglehawk (Aquila audax)kiilatulo - wedge productkiilaura - keywaykiilaus - wedgingkiiliäinen - botflykiille - enamel (in tooth)kiillegneissi - mica gneiss (variety of gneiss with high concentration of mica)kiilleliuske - mica schistkiilloke - polishkiillote - polish (substance)kiillotin - A polisher (tool or machine used for polishing)kiillottaja - polisher (one who makes something smooth or shiny)kiillottaminen - verbal noun of kiillottaakiillotus - polishing (act)kiillotusaine - polish (substance)kiillotusharja - polishing brushkiillotusjauhe - polishing powderkiillotuskone - polishing machinekiillotusvaha - polishing waxkiiltely - glittering, glisteningkiilto - glint, gleam, shinekiiltokirppa - A flea beetle of the genus Crepidodera.kiiltokultiainen - Sclater's golden mole, Chlorotalpa sclaterikiiltokuoriainen - nitidulid, sap beetle (any beetle of the family Nitidulidae)kiiltokuva - a glossy and often embossed print used as a decorationkiiltokuva-albumi - glossy photo albumkiiltokuvamaisuus - polishedness, being polished, embellished or airbrushedkiiltokuvapoika - pretty boykiiltokärpänen - blow fly (fly in the genus Lucilia)kiiltolahna - Lampris guttatuskiiltomaali - glossy paintkiiltomalva - common mallow (Malva sylvestris)kiiltomato - A common glowworm (Lampyris noctiluca).kiiltonahka - patent leather, patentkiiltonahkakenkä - glossy leather shoekiiltopaperi - glossy paperkiiltopensas - spotted laurel, Japanese laurel, Japanese aucuba, gold dust plant, Aucuba japonica (shrub native to rich forest soils of moist valleys, thickets, by streams and near shaded moist rocks in China, Korea, and Japan, common garden plant)kiiltopinta - glossy surfacekiiltosametti - crushed velvet (lustrous velvet with a patterned appearance)kiiltosara - rock sedge (Carex saxatilis)kiiltovalkku - bog twayblade, fen orchid, yellow widelip orchid, Liparis loeselii (orchid species, the only one in genus Liparis that is native to Europe)kiiltoväri - glossy colorkiiltäminen - verbal noun of kiiltääkiiltävyys - shininess, glossiness, lustrousnesskiilu - A glow (the state of a glowing object).kiilukainen - Synonym of kiilupistiäinenkiiluminen - verbal noun of kiiluakiilupistiäinen - chalcid waspkiilusilmä - eyeshine (visual effect caused by tapetum lucidum)kiima - heat; (ungulates) rutkiima-aika - the period of being in heat; (ungulates) rutting timekiimakierto - estrous cyclekiimattomuus - anestruskiina - The Chinese language.kiina-alkaloidi - Cinchona alkaloid (alkaloid extracted from the bark of trees in the genus Cinchona, used to prevent malaria)kiinailmiö - The China syndrome.kiinakuori - cinchona, cinchona barkkiinalainen - Chinese (person)kiinalainen sormilukko - Chinese finger trap (toy)kiinalainen uusivuosi - Chinese New Yearkiinalaiskaulus - mandarin collar, Chinese collar (short unfolded stand-up collar on a shirt or jacket)kiinalaiskaupunginosa - Chinatownkiinalaiskortteli - Chinatown (district of a city with high concentration of Chinese residents)kiinalaismies - Chinese mankiinalaisnainen - Chinese womankiinalaisuus - Chinesenesskiinanaavikkokissa - Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti)kiinanalligaattori - Chinese alligator, Yangtze alligator, Alligator sinensiskiinanaurinkomäyrä - Synonym of kiinanhillerimäyrä.kiinanbambumyllikäs - Chinese bamboo rat, Rhizomys sinensiskiinanbamburotta - Synonym of kiinanbambumyllikäs.kiinanbrokkoli - kailan, Chinese broccoli, Chinese kale, gailan, Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra (leaf vegetable with thick, flat, glossy blue-green leaves with thick stems, and flower heads similar to broccoli)kiinangaselli - Przewalski's gazelle, Procapra przewalskiikiinanharjakoira - Chinese Crested Dogkiinanherhiläinen - Asian giant hornet, Vespa mandarinia (largest species of hornet in the world)kiinanhillerimäyrä - Chinese ferret-badger, Melogale moschatakiinanisosiippa - large myotis, Myotis chinensiskiinanjerbo - Mongolian five-toed jerboa, Siberian jerboa, Allactaga sibirica (species of rodent in the family Dipodidae found in China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Turkmenistan)kiinanjokidelfiini - Yangtes river dolphin, Lipotes vexilliferkiinanjänis - Chinese hare, Lepus sinensiskiinankaali - napa cabbage; Chinese leaf (UK) (Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis)kiinankaivajapäästäinen - Asiatic short-tailed shrew, Blarinella quadraticaudakiinankellosammakko - oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis.kiinankuori - cinchona (bark)kiinanlanguri - Francois' langur, Francois' leaf monkey, Trachypithecus francoisikiinanliito-orava - Synonym of kiinanliituri.kiinanliituri - groove-toothed flying squirrel, North Chinese flying squirrel, Aeretes melanopteruskiinanluumu - Synonym of litsikiinanlyhythäntäpäästäinen - Synonym of kiinankaivajapäästäinen.kiinanmaruna - Chinese mugwortkiinanmuntjakki - Reeves's muntjac, Muntiacus reevesikiinanmuurahaiskäpy - Chinese pangolin, Manis pentadactyla.kiinanmyskikauris - Chinese forest musk deer, Moschus berezovskiikiinannaurulokki - Saunders's gull (Chroicocephalus saundersi)kiinannenäapina - gray snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus brelichikiinanpalatsikoira - Pekingese (breed of dog)kiinanpaperi - Chinese paper (type of paper)kiinanpikkuliito-orava - Synonym of indokiinanliituri.kiinanpuuöljy - tung oilkiinanpystynenäapina - Synonym of kiinannenäapina.kiinanruohosipuli - Synonym of kiinansipulikiinanruusu - Chinese hibiscus, China rose, Hawaiian hibiscus, shoe flower, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (species of hibiscus native to SE Asia, common as houseplant)kiinanshakki - Alternative spelling of kiinanšakkikiinansipuli - garlic chive, Allium tuberosum (relative of onion, the garlic-flavoured leaves of which used as a vegetable in cooking)kiinantiikeri - South China tiger (population of Panthera tigris tigris native to southern China)kiinantupaija - northern tree shrew, Tupaia belangerikiinanšakki - Chinese checkers (board game)kiinapuu - cinchona (any of several South American trees of the genus Cinchona)kiinatar - Chinese womankiinaviini - cinchona (medicine)kiinihappo - quinic acidkiinne - fixedkiinnekohta - attachment, anchorkiinnelaastari - surgical tape, medical tape; adhesive tape (US) (tape made specifically for fastening bandages and related healthcare applications)kiinnelaina - mortgage, mortgage loan, mortgage credit (form of secured loan in which fixed property is used as collateral)kiinnikasvama - Synonym of kiinnike (“tissue adhesion”).kiinnikasvettuma - Synonym of kiinnike (“tissue adhesion”).kiinnike - fastener (anything used to fasten)kiinnikeremmi - bungee (elastic cord with hooks, used for securing luggage)kiinniolo - being closedkiinniottaminen - verbal noun of ottaa kiinni, catching, seizingkiinniotto - apprehension, capture, arrest, seizurekiinniotto-oikeus - right to detain; see yleinen kiinniotto-oikeus (“citizen's arrest”)kiinniottokortti - entry, entry card (in a trick-taking game such as bridge or whist, a card in one's hand that allows one to win a trick when a card of its suit is led by another player)kiinniottopakko - Synonym of ylimenopakko.kiinnipano - closing (a door, etc.)kiinnipidin - Synonym of kiinnike.kiinnipito - holding (the act of holding something)kiinnipitoterapia - attachment therapy, holding therapy (group of unvalidated therapies characterized by forced restraint of children in order to make them relive attachment-related anxieties)kiinnipitäminen - holding (onto)kiinnisaanti - catchingkiinnite - fixer (chemical)kiinnitin - fastener (any device that fastens)kiinnittyminen - verbal noun of kiinnittyä, adherence (close physical union of two objects)kiinnittäjä - fastener (someone or something that fastens)kiinnittäminen - verbal noun of kiinnittääkiinnityksenhaltija - mortgageekiinnitys - mortgage (security for repayment of a loan)kiinnitysaine - fixation agent, fixing agentkiinnityshakemus - mortgage applicationkiinnityskirja - mortgage deed, bondkiinnityskohta - anchorage, anchor or attachment pointkiinnitysköysi - mooring linekiinnityslaina - mortgage loankiinnitysluotto - mortgage creditkiinnitysluottolaitos - mortgage credit institutionkiinnitysluottopankki - mortgage bankkiinnitysoikeus - right to mortgagekiinnityspiste - anchorage, anchor or attachment pointkiinnitysrauta - metal bracketkiinnitysrekisteri - mortgage registerkiinnitysrengas - securing ring, retaining ringkiinnityssuola - a type of salt when used for dyeing textileskiinnitystahna - adhesive pastekiinnitystarvike - fixing or fastening materialkiinnitystodistus - mortgage bond, mortgage certificatekiinnitystulppa - fixing plugkiinnitysvakuus - mortgage-backed securitykiinnitysvelka - mortgage debtkiinnostaminen - verbal noun of kiinnostaakiinnostavuus - interestingnesskiinnostuminen - verbal noun of kiinnostuakiinnostus - interestkiinteistö - premises (a unit of real property comprising land and any buildings on it)kiinteistöala - real estate business, real estate sectorkiinteistöeläke - a system in which someone who sells property keeps the right to live on it for the rest of their lifekiinteistöhallinto - property managementkiinteistöhuolto - property maintenancekiinteistöhuutokauppa - real estate auctionkiinteistöjohtaminen - property managementkiinteistöjäte - waste from private or business propertieskiinteistökauppa - real estate sales, real estate trade, real estate transactionkiinteistökehittäjä - real estate developer, property developerkiinteistölaina - property mortgage, property loankiinteistöliiketoiminta - real estate businesskiinteistöluettelo - real estate listingkiinteistöluotto - real estate creditkiinteistöneuvos - an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished businesspeople in the real estate industrykiinteistönhoitaja - property managerkiinteistönhoito - property management (operation, control and oversight of real estate)kiinteistönhoitoyritys - real estate management companykiinteistönhuolto - property maintenancekiinteistönkauppa - real estate tradekiinteistönkehittäjä - Alternative form of kiinteistökehittäjä.kiinteistönluovutus - property transferkiinteistönmuodostamisoikeus - planning permission law, real estate formation lawkiinteistönomistus - real estate ownershipkiinteistönpito - real estate managementkiinteistönvälittäjä - estate agent (UK); real estate agent, real estate broker, realtor (US) (person or company who acts in the sale of land, property, real estate etc. for another)kiinteistönvälitys - real estate businesskiinteistöosakeyhtiö - A legal entity for ownership and management of non-residential property similar to asunto-osakeyhtiö, the main difference being that the regulation concerning kiinteistöosakeyhtiö is less restrictive. The official translation of this term into English is "joint-stock property company".kiinteistörahasto - real estate fundkiinteistöraja - cadastral boundarykiinteistörasite - real estate easementkiinteistörasitus - Synonym of kiinteistörasitekiinteistörekisteri - property register, cadastre, cadaster; land registry (UK) (comprehensive recording of the real estate or real property's metes-and-bounds of a country)kiinteistörekisterikartta - cadastral map, cadastral index mapkiinteistörekisterinote - Alternative spelling of kiinteistörekisteriote.kiinteistörekisteriote - property register extract, cadastral certificate (official certificate of the current ownership, area, borders and other details of a property)kiinteistöstrategia - buildings strategykiinteistötaloustiede - real estate economicskiinteistötoimitus - cadastral survey, cadastral procedure (public survey of land for the purpose of defining borders, taxation etc.)kiinteistötunnus - property identifierkiinteistötuomari - judge or official for land registrations and mortgageskiinteistövero - A tax based on the value of real estate. An exact English equivalent would be real estate tax but in practice property tax and millage tax are often based solely on the value of real estate.kiinteistöveroprosentti - property tax ratekiinteistövälitys - real estate businesskiinteistöyhtiö - Short for kiinteistöosakeyhtiö (“joint-stock property company”)kiinteys - solidnesskiinteytys - solidifying (making solid)kiinteytysjumppa - toning workoutkiinteytysvoimistelu - calisthenicskiinteä aine - solid (solid matter as opposed to fluids)kiinteä faasi - stationary phase (adsorbing phase of a chromatography system)kiinteä juhla - fixed feastkiinteä kustannus - fixed costkiinteä linja - landline (fixed telephone communications cable)kiintiö - A quota.kiintiöinti - allocating a quota or quotaskiintiöjärjestelmä - quota systemkiintiöpakolainen - quota refugeekiintiöperiaate - the principle of having a quotakiintiösopimus - quota agreementkiintoaine - solid (substance in the fundamental state of matter that retains its size and shape without need of a container)kiintoaines - solid matterkiintoavain - non-adjustable wrench, non-adjustable spannerkiintoisuus - interestingness, intriguingnesskiintojää - fast ice (sea ice which is permanently anchored around islands or shallows off the coast)kiintokallio - solid rock, bedrockkiintokaluste - fixture, fitted furniturekiintokaulus - permanent collar (permanently sewed-on collar, as a counterpart to a detachable collar)kiintokuutio - Short for kiintokuutiometri (“solid cubic metre”).kiintokuutiometri - solid cubic metre (measurement of volume for wood, timber or other solid materials; measured as a single solid or the sum of volumes of pieces without any gaps)kiintolava - stationary platform, fixed platform (on a truck, etc.)kiintolenkki - wrench or spanner with a box-endkiintolevy - hard diskkiintolevyasema - hard disk drivekiintoluku - fixed-point numberkiintomitta - the volume of wood measured in solid cubic metreskiintomotti - Synonym of kiintokuutiometri (“solid cubic metre (of wood)”)kiintopallo - captive balloon, tethered balloon; tethered aerostatkiintopenkki - fixed bench, stationary benchkiintopiste - fixed pointkiintopisteverkko - set point road networkkiintopyörä - rigid casterkiintopyörähdys - hip circlekiintopää - standing endkiintorasti - permanent checkpointkiintoside - fixed binding of a ski (common in the early 20th century)kiintotiheys - solid density, apparent solid densitykiintotilavuus - solid volumekiintotähti - fixed starkiintouitto - timber raftingkiintyminen - verbal noun of kiintyäkiintymys - affection, attachmentkiintymyssuhdeteoria - attachment theorykiintyneisyys - fondness, attachednesskiipeilijä - climberkiipeilijähiiri - Synonym of gaboninmetsähiiri.kiipeily - climbing (sport)kiipeilyseinä - climbing wallkiipeilyteline - jungle gym, climbing frame, monkey bars (playground structure)kiipeli - jam, bind, dire straitskiipeäminen - verbal noun of kiivetäkiipijä - a bird of the genus Climacteriskiipijähiiri - climbing mouse (appears in common names of mouse-like rodents in the genera Dendromus, Dendroprionomys, Irenomys, Megadendromus, Pogonomys, Rhipidomys and Vernaya)kiipijäkala - climbing gourami, climbing perch (fish of the family Anabantidae)kiipijäkasvi - Synonym of köynnöskasvikiipijäkerttuli - black-and-white warbler, Mniotilta variakiipimäelin - tendrilkiipimäjalka - a zygodactyl toekiira - An evil spirit.kiirastorstai - Maundy Thursday, Holy Thursday, Covenant Thursday, Great and Holy Thursday, Sheer Thursday, Thursday of Mysterieskiirastuli - purgatorykiire - hurry, haste, rushkiire - vertexkiireapulainen - temporary helper, tempkiireellisyys - urgencykiireellisyysjärjestys - order of priority, order of urgencykiireellisyysluokitus - classification of urgency, (medical) triagekiireellisyysluokka - urgency class, priority classkiireettömyys - unhurriedness, leisurenesskiireisyys - hastiness, rushednesskiirekausi - busy seasonkiireys - busyness, urgencykiireysjärjestys - Synonym of kiireellisyysjärjestyskiiri - Alternative form of jiiri.kiiri - Synonym of radio.kiiru - hurry, hastekiiruhtaminen - verbal noun of kiiruhtaakiiruna - ptarmigan (Eur.); rock ptarmigan (N.Am.), Lagopus muta.kiirus - Synonym of kiirekiisa - a small box or chest with a lidkiiski - ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua)kiisla - guillemot, murre (seabird of the genus Uria)kiislanen - auklet (small seabirds of the auk family Alcidae)kiisseli - kisel, kisselkiista - dispute, disagreementkiistakapula - bone of contentionkiistakirja - polemic book, polemic writingkiistakirjoitus - polemic writingkiistakumppani - Synonym of riitakumppanikiistakysymys - issue, point of contentionkiistanaihe - topic or cause of a disputekiistapallo - jump ball, any method to begin or resume play in unclear situationskiistattomuus - undisputedness, indisputabilitykiistely - disputing, arguingkiistettävyys - deniability (condition or degree of being deniable)kiisto - Synonym of kiistäminenkiistäminen - verbal noun of kiistääkiistämättömyys - undeniabilitykiisu - pyrite (any metallic-looking sulphide)kiitettävyys - laudability, excellencekiito - flight, run, scud, dash (fast, usually linear movement)kiitohämähäkki - nursery web spider (spider of the family Pisauridae)kiitojuna - A certain type of express train, in use in Finland from 1953 to 1971.kiitolaukka - four-beat gait, gallopkiitollisuudenosoitus - expression of gratitudekiitollisuudentunne - feeling or sense of gratitudekiitollisuudenvelka - indebtedness, debt (state of owing something due to gratitude)kiitollisuus - gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciation (of a person)kiitonopeus - gliding speedkiitorata - runwaykiitos - thanks (expression of gratitude)kiitosjumalanpalvelus - thanksgiving (religious) servicekiitoskauppa - getting something for freekiitoskirje - thank-you letterkiitoskortti - thank you cardkiitosmaininta - commendatory mentionkiitospuhe - thank-you speechkiitospäivä - Thanksgiving Daykiitosrukous - prayer of thanksgivingkiitosuhri - sacrifice of praisekiitosvirsi - hymn of praisekiitotavara - express goods, express parcelkiitotie - runwaykiitovirtaus - supercritical flowkiittimet - fingers; used in connection with praying.kiittäjä - thankerkiittäminen - verbal noun of kiittääkiittämättömyys - Ingratitude, ungratefulness.kiituri - speederkiitäjä - something that moves at a high speedkiitäjäinen - Synonym of maakiitäjäinenkiitäjälintu - apodiformkiitäjäperhonen - Synonym of kiitäjä (“moth”)kiitäminen - verbal noun of kiitääkiivailija - zealotkiivailu - contending, being zealous aboutkiivastelija - Alternative form of kiivailijakiivastuminen - verbal noun of kiivastuakiivastus - losing one's temperkiivaus - quick-temperedness, excitablenesskiivi - kiwi (bird of the genus Apteryx)kiivihedelmä - kiwi fruitkiivilintu - kiwi birdkikattaminen - verbal noun of kikattaakikatus - gigglingkikherne - chickpeakikka - gimmickkikka kolmonen - clever trick, life hackkikkailu - tricking, getting clever or creativekikkara - A piece of excrement from a small animal such as a hare.kikkare - Synonym of kikkarakikkatalja - boom vangkikkelihevi - power metalkikkelikuva - dickpickikpapu - Synonym of kikhernekiksauttaminen - verbal noun of kiksauttaakiksi - chalkkiksit - kicks (pleasures, thrills)kiku - Abbreviation of kiinteä kustannus (“fixed cost”).kikuju - Kikuyukiky - Short for kilpailukykysopimus. (a Finnish collective agreement concluded in 2016)kilahdus - ting, ping, clangkilahtaminen - verbal noun of kilahtaa, tinging, plinging, clangingkilarit - a fit of ragekilaus - Synonym of kilahduskilautus - phone call, ring, buzz (informal, U.S.), tinkle (informal, UK)kildininsaame - The Kildin Sami language.kili - goatling, kid, kidlingkiliasmi - chiliasmkiliasti - chiliastkilikello - bell, particularly a small and high-pitched onekilinä - A jingle (sound of metal or glass clattering against itself).kilipukki - billy goatkiliseminen - verbal noun of kilistäkilistäminen - verbal noun of kilistääkilivila - Kilivila (Austronesian language)kiljahdus - A high-pitched shout, yell.kiljahtaminen - verbal noun of kiljahtaakiljaisu - A cry.kiljaus - A short, high-pitched shout, yell.kiljoona - zillionkilju - A type of homemade alcoholic drink, made with sugar and yeast.kiljuhanhi - lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus)kiljuharjasvyötiäinen - screaming hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus vellerosus (burrowing armadillo of South America which squeals when handled or threatened)kiljukotka - greater spotted eagle (Clanga clanga, syn. Aquila clanga)kiljumerikotka - African fish eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)kiljuminen - verbal noun of kiljuakiljunta - screaming, yellingkilkattaminen - verbal noun of kilkattaakilkatus - tingle, jinglekilke - tingle, jinglekilkka - jingle bellkilkki - Saduria entomonkilkkuseppä - coppersmith, Psilopogon haemacephalus (South Asian barbet species)kilkula - a tag of ownership for reindeerkilkutin - bell or something else that makes a tinkling soundkilkuttaminen - verbal noun of kilkuttaakilkutus - tingling, jinglingkilleri - a phone call that only rings oncekilleri - trap (designed to catch an animal)killinki - skilling (monetary unit)killisilmä - a popeyed personkilluminen - verbal noun of killuakillutin - pendant, blingkilo - kilogram, kilokilo - shine, gleamkiloampeeri - kiloamperekilobaari - kilobar (unit of pressure)kilobitti - kilobitkilogramma - kilogramkilogrammavoima - Synonym of kilopondi.kilohaili - spratkilohertsi - kilohertzkilohinta - price per kilo or kilogramkilojoule - kilojoule (1000 joules)kilokakku - cake that is sold to customers in pieces of desired size and priced by weightkilokalori - kilocaloriekilokandela - kilocandelakilokki - seepweed (plant in the genus Suaeda)kilometri - kilometre/kilometerkilometrikorvaus - kilometer allowance, mileagekilometrinnielijä - ride, wheels (automobile, especially a fast one)kilometripylväs - milepost, milestonekilometritehdas - unemploymentkilometritehtailija - long-distance runner or walkerkilonewton - kilonewtonkiloparsek - kiloparseckilopondi - kilopond, kilogram-force (unit of force equal to the magnitude of the force exerted by one kilogram of mass in standard gravity)kilopondimetri - kilopondmeterkilopulla - pitko that is sold to customers in pieces of desired size and priced by weightkilotavu - kilobytekilotonni - kilotonkilovoltti - kilovoltkilowatti - kilowattkilowattitunti - kilowatt-hourkilowattituntimittari - kilowatt-hour meterkilpa - contest, racekilpa-ajaja - racing driver, racerkilpa-ajo - racingkilpa-ammunta - shooting sportkilpa-auto - race carkilpa-autoilija - racing driverkilpa-autoilu - race car driving, car racingkilpahakija - competitor, applicant, rivalkilpahevonen - racehorsekilpahiihto - competitive skiingkilpahiihtäjä - competitive skierkilpaileminen - verbal noun of kilpailla, competing, contendingkilpailija - competitor (person or organization against whom one is competing)kilpailu - contest, competition, racekilpailuaika - contest period (a period of time during which replies to a contest must be submitted in order to qualify)kilpailuetu - competitive advantagekilpailuhallinto - competition administrationkilpailuhenki - competitive spirit, rivalry, emulationkilpailuhenkisyys - competitiveness (being inclined to competitive)kilpailukalenteri - competitive event calendarkilpailukanslia - competition councilkilpailukausi - competitive seasonkilpailukielto - non-compete term (ban, usually based on a written contract that prevents a person or company from competing with another, especially with a former employer or partner)kilpailukieltolauseke - non-compete clause, non-compete (clause in a contract that prevents a person or company from competing with another, especially with a former employer or partner)kilpailukierros - competition roundkilpailukokemus - competitive experiencekilpailukomissaari - competition commissionerkilpailukuponki - competition slipkilpailukyky - competitiveness (the relative ability to compete in the market)kilpailukykyisyys - competitiveness (being able to compete)kilpailulaji - competitive sportkilpailuluokka - competition classkilpailumaasto - competition terrainkilpailumieli - competitive attitudekilpailuneuvosto - competition council, competition boardkilpailunhalu - competitiveness, willingness to competekilpailunrajoitus - restriction on competitionkilpailunumero - competitor's numberkilpailuohjelma - competition programkilpailuoikeus - competition lawkilpailupaikka - competition site, competition venuekilpailupolitiikka - competition policykilpailupäivä - competition daykilpailurikkomus - competition infringement, anticompetitive practicekilpailusuoritus - competitive performancekilpailutalous - competitive economykilpailutilanne - competitive situationkilpailutoiminta - competitive activitykilpailuttaminen - verbal noun of kilpailuttaakilpailuviranomainen - competition regulator (government agency responsible for regulating and enforcing competition laws)kilpailuvirasto - competition regulator; competition authority (European Union terminology) (regulatory body overseeing competition on a market).kilpailuyhteiskunta - competitive societykilpajuoksija - competitive runner, race runnerkilpajuoksu - racekilpakenttä - arena (place where a competition takes place; also figuratively)kilpakone - racing machinekilpakosija - rival suitorkilpakumppani - fellow competitorkilpakärryt - sulky (two-wheeled cart used in harness racing)kilpakävelijä - competitive walker, race walkerkilpakävely - racewalking or speedwalkingkilpalatu - ski track suited for competitionskilpalaulanta - competitive singingkilpapurjehdus - sailing, yacht racingkilpapyörä - racing bicyclekilpapyöräilijä - racing cyclistkilpapyöräily - cycle racingkilparata - racetrack, circuitkilparatsastaja - jockey, competitive horse riderkilparatsastus - horse racingkilparatsu - racehorsekilpasarja - competition serieskilpasisar - fellow (female) competitorkilpasisko - fellow (female) competitorkilpasoutu - competitive rowingkilpasuksi - competition ski, competitive skikilpatanssi - competitive dancekilpatehtävä - task or puzzle with a prizekilpatilanne - race conditionkilpatoveri - fellow competitorkilpauimari - competitive swimmerkilpauinti - competitive swimmingkilpaurheilija - competitive athletekilpaurheilu - competitive sportskilpaurheilulaji - competitive sportkilpavarustelu - arms racekilpaveikko - Synonym of kilpatoverikilpaveli - fellow (male) competitorkilpavene - race boat (any type of boat used for racing)kilpaveneily - boat racingkilpi - shield, protective armorkilpialue - shield regionkilpiarvo - nameplate rating (of a transformer)kilpijäkälä - stippleback lichen (lichen of the genus Dermatocarpon)kilpikaari - a wall arch of a barrel vaultkilpikaarna - the thick dry bark in older pine treeskilpikangas - drill (strong, durable cotton fabric with a strong bias in the weave)kilpikierto - moonseed (a plant of the genus Menispermum)kilpikirva - soft scale (Coccidae)kilpikonna - turtle, tortoise (Testudines)<-- -->