Finnish nouns, part 7asuinympäristö - living environmentasuja - dweller, inhabitant, denizenasujaimisto - populationasujain - denizen (inhabitant of a place; one who dwells in)asukas - resident, inhabitantasukasdemokratia - tenant democracy (representative system that enables participation of tenants in the management of the landlord organizations)asukasluettelo - list of tenants, list of residentsasukasluku - A population, as the count of the number of residents in a given area.asukasmäärä - population (number of residents within a political or geographical boundary)asukasneuvosto - residents' council, citizens' councilasukaspuisto - residential parkasukaspysäköinti - resident parking (arrangement that grants preferential parking to the residents of an area in that area)asukaspysäköintitunnus - resident parking permit, resident's parking permitasukastiheys - population densityasukastoimikunta - residents' committeeasukasyhdistys - residents' associationasukkaannimitys - demonymasukki - dweller, denizen, inhabitant, often an unwanted or temporary one.asukokonaisuus - outfit, suit, ensembleasuma - residenceasuma-alue - residential areaasumajäte - Synonym of asumisjäte.asumalähiö - residential suburbasuminen - verbal noun of asuaasumisedellytys - residence requirementasumisjäte - household waste, domestic waste (waste generated by households)asumiskulu - accommodation expenseasumiskustannukset - housing costsasumislisä - residence allowanceasumismeno - housing expenditure, housing costasumisoikeus - right of residenceasumisoikeusasunto - a residence or an apartment that is part of a housing cooperativeasumisoikeusmaksu - housing fee (in a housing cooperative)asumisoikeusyhdistys - housing corporation, housing cooperative organizationasumisoikeusyhtiö - housing cooperative, right-of-occupancy companyasumispalvelu - accommodation service, housing serviceasumispolitiikka - housing policyasumistaso - housing standards, living standardsasumistiheys - A measure of crowding of residenctial space, expressed as the number of dwellers per living space (e.g. sq.ft or sq.m) or per room.asumistuki - housing allowance, housing assistance, housing supplement, shelter allowance (form of social security, paid to qualifying low income tenants to support them in their reasonable housing costs, normally consisting of rent)asumistukijärjestelmä - housing benefit systemasumisväljyys - density standard, living spaceasumus - dwellingasumusero - separation, marital separation (informal arrangement of a married couple to live separately, but short of a divorce)asunnonhaltija - landlord, householder (legal owner of a residence)asunnontarvitsija - person who is looking for or needs a residenceasunnontarvitsijaryhmä - group of people looking for a residenceasunnonvälittäjä - housing agent, real estate agentasunnonvälitys - real estate work, housing services collectivelyasunnoton - a homeless personasunnottomien asuntola - homeless shelter (building set up to provide for the needs of homeless people)asunnottomuus - homelessnessasunto - home, residence, housing unit, dwelling unit, unit (any place, especially a constructed place, where one lives or can live)asunto-oikeus - domicile lawasunto-olot - Synonym of asuinolot.asunto-osake - share in a condominium, strata titleasunto-osakeyhtiö - condominium, housing co-operative, or housing corporation (a legal entity, peculiar to Finnish law, for ownership and management of a residential building in which real property is owned jointly by a limited liability corporation and the right to control and use each unit is tied to ownership of a particular set of shares)asunto-osakeyhtiölaki - Limited Liability Housing Companies Act (official translation of the Finnish asunto-osakeyhtiölaki; law 2009/1599)asunto-osoite - residential addressasunto-osuuskunta - housing cooperativeasuntoalue - residential areaasuntoalus - houseboat (vessel, such as a barge, used as a dwelling)asuntoauto - Synonym of matkailuauto.asuntoetu - employee housing benefitasuntohotelli - aparthotelasuntokanta - housing stockasuntokatu - residential streetasuntokauppa - housing deal, housing transaction (instance of buying or selling an apartment)asuntokauppalaki - Housing Transactions Act (official translation of the Finnish asuntokauppalaki; decree nr. 1994/843)asuntokunta - household-dwelling unitasuntola - dormitory, dorm (building with communal spaces for housing students, homeless, rehabilitation etc.)asuntolaina - mortgage, home loan (loan taken to finance purchasing of residential property, in which the property acts as collateral to the loan)asuntolaiva - A large houseboat, especially one that houses more than one household.asuntoluotto - mortgage (mortgage for buying a residence)asuntomarkkina - housing marketasuntomessut - housing fair (A trade fair with main focus on residential construction and home decoration)asuntoministeri - minister of housing and urban development (in Finland, a secondary minister of the Ministry of Environment; this post is not always held)asuntomurtaja - housebreaker (criminal who breaks into and enters another's house with the intent of committing a crime)asuntomurto - house break-inasuntonäyttely - housing exhibitionasuntonäyttö - open house (period of time during which a house which is for sale is open for inspection or tour by interested parties)asuntoperävaunu - Synonym of asuntovaunu.asuntopolitiikka - housing policyasuntopula - housing shortageasuntorakentaminen - residential construction (industry, activity, branch)asuntosäilö - A storage space for movables in an apartment building.asuntosäästäjä - home saver (one who saves money for buying a home)asuntosäästäminen - The act or process of saving for buying a home.asuntotiheys - residential density, housing density (number of dwelllings per unit of land area)asuntotoimi - housing department (branch of municipal department that manages public housing)asuntotontti - residential lotasuntotuotanto - residential construction (the total amount of residential construction in a given area within a given period of time)asuntovaunu - camper, travel trailer (US), caravan (UK) (trailer for temporary living)asuntovelka - home mortgage (mortgage taken for acquiring a home)asuntovene - houseboatasuntoyhtiö - housing companyasuroolipeli - Synonym of larppi.asustaminen - verbal noun of asustaaasustautuminen - verbal noun of asustautuaasuste - accessory, accessory garment (article that completes one's basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves)asusteliike - accessory shopasustelu - living, dwelling (for a long period of time)asuttaja - settler, colonizerasuttaminen - verbal noun of asuttaaasutus - settlementasutusalue - settlement areaasutushistoria - settlement historyasutuskeskus - center of populationasutuskeskustaistelu - urban combatasutusmaantiede - settlement geography (branch of geography that investigates the earth's surface's part settled by humans)asutusmuoto - type of settlementasutusnimi - name of a settlement, oikonymasutuspolitiikka - settlement policyasutusrakenne - settlement structure (quantitative and qualitative pattern of distribution of housing, places of work, and infrastructure within a certain area)asutustila - resettlement plot (after WWII, piece of land handed over to a resettler coming from the territory that Finland ceded to the Soviet Union)asutustilallinen - resettler (in post-WWII period, owner-occupant of an asutustila, or resettlement plot)asutustoiminta - resettlement program (program for resettling elsewhere in Finland the population of the territories which were ceded to the Soviet Union after WWII)asuuri - azure (colour)asvaltointi - Alternative form of asfaltointiasvaltti - Alternative spelling of asfalttiasvaltti-ihottuma - Alternative form of asfaltti-ihottumaasvalttitaltta - asphalt chiselasymmetria - asymmetryasymmetrisyys - asymmetricalnessasymptootti - asymptoteasyndeettisyys - The quality of being asyndetic.asyyli - acylasyylioikeus - Synonym of turvapaikkaoikeus.asyylitransferaasi - acyltransferaseat-merkki - at sign, at symbolataksia - ataxiaatamaani - atamanataraksia - ataraxia, ataraxy (peace of mind, tranquillity, calmness).atarakti - ataractic (drug that is used to tranquilize; a tranquilizer)atari - professional and habitual crimeatariyksikkö - A former unit in the Finnish keskusrikospoliisi (“National Bureau of Investigation”), now called rikostiedusteluyksikkö (“Criminal Intelligence Unit”).atavismi - atavismatavistisuus - The property of being atavistic.ateenalainen - An Athenian person.ateismi - atheismateistisuus - atheisticnessateljee - atelierateljeekriitikko - a friend or colleague who provides criticism on a work that has not yet been releasedateljeekritiikki - criticism or review given by a friend or colleague before it is released to more peopleateljeetyö - An item produced in an atelier.ateria - meal (food that is prepared and eaten)ateriakuljetus - meals on wheels (service in which food is delivered to those unable to cook for themselves)ateriankorvike - meal replacementateriapalvelu - catering service, foodservice (business of providing food and related services)ateriarytmi - eating rhythm, meal rhythmateriatuki - meal benefit (monetary benefit)aterin - silverware (US), cutlery (UK) (forks, knives and spoons collectively)aterinpidike - cutlery holderaterinsarja - set of silverware, silverware setaterioiminen - verbal noun of aterioidaateriointi - diningaterioitseminen - verbal noun of aterioidaaterooma - An atheroma.ateroskleroosi - atherosclerosis.atimia - atimyatk-ajokortti - computer driving licence (certification)atk-ala - IT branchatk-järjestelmä - Synonym of tietojärjestelmä.atk-keskus - Synonym of laskentakeskus.atk-kirjoittaja - Synonym of tallentaja.atk-laite - A piece of data processing equipment; a computer or peripheral.atk-laitteisto - data processing equipmentatk-luokka - computer labatk-ohjelma - computer programatk-ohjelmisto - Synonym of ohjelmisto.atk-ohjelmoija - programmeratk-ohjelmointi - programmingatk-oikeus - Synonym of tietotekniikkaoikeus.atk-opetus - ICT educationatk-pääte - computer terminalatk-rikollisuus - Synonym of tietotekniikkarikollisuus.atk-rikos - Synonym of tietotekniikkarikos.atk-suunnittelija - automatic data processing planner (profession)atk-tallenne - electronic recordatk-tallennus - data recordingatk-tallentaja - data inputter, data entry clerk, digitizeratk-tarvike - computer accessory (mouse, memory stick, memory card and other comparable gear connected with a computer)atk-tuki - IT supportatk-tukihenkilö - IT support personatlaksengaselli - Synonym of cuvieringaselli.atlaksenvihertikka - Levaillant's woodpecker, Picus vaillantii (North African species of green woodpecker)atlantinhelmiäiskala - lovely hatchetfish, Atlantic silver hatchetfish, Argyropelecus aculeatus (small fish living in mesopelagic zone of all oceans)atlantinlevykala - Atlantic spadefish, Chaetodipterus faberatlantinmerilahna - Atlantic pomfret, Brama bramaatlantinpartakala - stout beardfish, Polymixia nobilisatlantinsilli - Atlantic herring, Clupea harengusatlantinviistäjä - Synonym of vyöviistäjä.atlas - atlas (collection of maps)atlaskarhu - Atlas bear, Ursus arctos crowtheriatlaskerttu - Tristram's warbler, Sylvia deserticola (North African species of warbler)atlaskuonokas - North African elephant shrew, Petrosaltator rozetiatlasleijona - Nubian lion, Barbary lion, Atlas lion, Panthera leo leo, (extinct subspecies of lion)atlasnikama - Synonym of kannattajanikama.atleetikko - athleteatleetti - athleteatleettisuus - The property of being athletic.atletiikka - Those sports collectively which require great physical strength, such as weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, martial arts, bodybuilding.atmosfääri - atmosphereatolli - atollatomi - atomatomiaika - The Atomic Age.atomiase - atomic weaponatomienergia - atomic energyatomifysiikka - atomic physicsatomifyysikko - Synonym of ydinfyysikko.atomikausi - The Atomic Age.atomikello - atomic clockatomikerroskasvatus - atomic layer depositionatomikoko - atomic sizeatomikärki - Synonym of ydinkärki.atomimalli - atomic modelatomimassa - atomic massatomimassayksikkö - atomic mass unitatomioppi - atomismatomiorbitaali - atomic orbitalatomipaino - atomic weightatomipommi - atomic bomb, A-bombatomireaktori - atomic reactoratomismi - atomismatomisti - atomistatomistisuus - The property of being atomistic.atomiteoria - atomic theoryatomivastuu - Synonym of ydinvastuu.atomivoima - nuclear poweratomivoimala - nuclear plantatomivoimalaitos - nuclear power plantatomivoimamikroskooppi - atomic force microscopeatomiydin - atomic nucleusatonaalisuus - atonalityatonia - atony, atoniaatoopikko - An atopic person.atooppinen ekseema - atopic dermatitis (hereditary skin disease)atopia - atopyatorvastatiini - atorvastatinatra - Alternative form of aatraatrain - trident, or other resembling fishing tool with any number of prongs, e.g. a gig, leisteratria - Alternative form of ateria (“meal”)atrium - atrium (central room in Roman homes)atriumtalo - atrium houseatrofia - atrophyatropia - Alternative form of atrofiaatropiini - atropineatsalea - azaleaatselaiinihappo - azelaic acidatseotrooppi - azeotropeatsidotymidiini - zidovudine, azidothymidineatsimuutti - azimuthatsoospermia - azoospermia (absence of live sperm in the semen)atsorubiini - azorubineatsoväri - azo dyeatsoväriaine - azo dyeatsoyhdiste - azo compoundatsteekki - Aztec (person)atsuriitti - azuriteattasea - attachéattasealaukku - Synonym of attaseasalkku.attaseasalkku - attaché caseattentaatti - assault, especially a politically motivated assassination or an attempt to it.attika - atticattila - attila (flycatcher of the genus Attila)attila - attila, atilla (a type of Hungarian jacket or coat)attosekunti - attosecondattraktiivisuus - attractivenessattraktio - attractionattraktori - attractorattribuointi - attribution (act of attributing)attribuutio - attributionattribuutioteoria - attribution theoryattribuutti - attribute, qualifieratulat - forceps, tweezersatšeh - Alternative form of aceh (“Acehnese, Aceh (language)”)au pair - au pairau pair -tyttö - au pair girlau-lapsi - extramarital child (child born outside marriage)au-äiti - extramarital mother (single mother)aubergiini - aubergine, eggplant (Solanum melongena)audari - Term of abuse, particularly for people on the autism spectrumauder - Alternative form of auer (“haze”)audienssi - audience (a formal meeting)audio - audioaudiofiili - audiophileaudiogrammi - audiogramaudiolaite - audio device, (piece of) audio equipmentaudiologia - audiologyaudiometri - audiometeraudiometria - audiometryaudionomi - audiologistaudiotekniikka - audio technologyaudismi - audismauditoija - auditorauditointi - auditauditorio - auditorium (large room for public meetings or performances)auer - haze (caused by dust particles)auervaara - casanova, Don Juan (promiscuous, philandering man)augiitti - augiteaugmentaatio - augmentationaugmentatiivi - augmentativeaugmentti - augmentaugustinolainen - Augustinian (follower of St Augustine)augustinolaisluostari - Augustinian monasteryaugustinolaismunkki - Augustinian (friar or monk of any Augustinian order)auguuri - augurauhti - Synonym of haahkaauhto - a humid or damp forest or grove, usually one by a riveraukaiseminen - verbal noun of aukaistaaukaisija - openeraukaisin - openeraukaisu - opening (act)aukea - clearing (area of land devoid of obstacles to vision, such as trees)aukeama - spread (length of two printed pages which are visible at the same time)aukeaminen - verbal noun of auetaaukeamisaika - opening time (time when a business, office, school etc. opens to the public)aukean paikan kammo - agoraphobiaaukeneminen - verbal noun of auetaaukeus - openness (of land or an area; being open, or clear of obstacles)aukile - fontanelleaukio - plaza, squareaukiokammo - agoraphobiaaukiolo - of an office, business or similar, the state of being open for publicaukioloaika - opening hoursaukki - NCO schoolaukko - hole, gap, openingaukkohakkuu - patch clearcutting (forestry practice: removal of all the stems in a limited, predetermined area)aukkokohta - holeaukkopahvi - Synonym of kehyspahviaukkopeite - spraydeckaukkosuhde - f-numberaukominen - verbal noun of aukoaaukottaminen - verbal noun of aukottaaaukotus - holing (act of making hole or holes)auksidi - frigate tuna (Auxis thazard)auktori - authorauktorisointi - authorizationauktoritatiivisuus - authoritativenessauktoriteetti - authorityauktoriteettisuus - Synonym of auktoritatiivisuus (authoritativeness; sense "commanding behavior")auktoriteettiusko - trust on authoritiesauktorointi - Alternative form of auktorisointiaula - lobby (spacious reception area, especially in a public building)aulabaari - lobby bar (bar that is in a lobby)aulatila - lobby, lounge (a space used as such)aulio - abutilonaulius - willingness, helpfulnessauma - stookaumakatto - hip roofaumattu taitekatto - mansard roofaumaus - stookingaunio - Synonym of aihioaunuksenkarjala - Olonets Karelian, Livvi-Karelian (dialect of Karelian language)aunus - Livvi-Karelian, Olonets Karelian (Finnic language, or a dialect of Karelian, spoken chiefly in Russia in the area between lake Ladoga and Lake Onega)auonta - Synonym of aukominen.aura - auraaura - plough, plowaura-auto - snow plow (vehicle)auraaja - plower, plougherauraaminen - verbal noun of aurata, ploughing/plowingaurajuusto - A type of relatively hard blue cheese produced in Finland.aurakulma - In snowplough turn/snowplow turn, the angle into which the skis are brought with respect to each other.aurakäännös - snowplough turn, snowplow turn, wedge turn, pizza slice (simple downhill skiing turn, performed by bringing front tips of the skis together, pushing the tails wide apart and regulating the braking of each ski)auralainen - a person from or living in Aura (Finnish municipality)aurankukka - corncockle (flowering plant of the genus Agrostemma)aurankurki - A handle of an animal-drawn plough.auranvannas - plowshare (cutting edge of a plow)auraus - ploughing/plowingaurauskalusto - snowplowing equipmentaurauskulma - toe (the alignment of wheels)aurausmerkki - snowplowing marker, plow stake (roadside stick that serves as guide for a snowplow operator)aurausviitta - Synonym of aurausmerkkiaurikalsiitti - aurichalciteauringonhattu - echinacea, coneflower, purple coneflower (any of the nine herbs of genus Echinacea).auringonhattu-uute - echinacea extractauringonjumala - sun god, solar deityauringonkehrä - sun disc (symbol of the sun)auringonkehä - halo (circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun, caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere)auringonkilo - sunshineauringonkukansiemen - sunflower seedauringonkukka - sunflower.auringonkukkaöljy - sunflower oilauringonkylpy - Synonym of aurinkokylpy.auringonlasku - sunset, sundownauringonlämpö - solar heatauringonnousu - sunriseauringonottaja - sunbatherauringonotto - sunbathingauringonpaahde - blaze of the sun (intensive sunshine)auringonpaiste - sunshineauringonpaistetunti - sunshine hourauringonpalvoja - sun worshipper (one who worships the sun)auringonpalvonta - heliolatry (religion and sunbathing)auringonpilkku - sunspotauringonpilkkujakso - solar cycle, sunspot cycleauringonpimennys - solar eclipseauringonpisto - Alternative form of auringonpistosauringonpistos - sunstroke.auringonpolttama - sunburnauringonpuoli - the side on which the sun is shiningauringonpurkaus - solar flareauringonsappi - sun dog, sundog, mock sun, phantom sun, parhelionauringonsuoja - sun screen, sun visorauringonsuoja-aine - Synonym of aurinkosuoja.auringonsuojakerroin - sun protection factorauringonsuojavoide - sun lotionauringonsäde - sunbeam, sun rayauringonsäteily - solar radiationauringonvalo - sunlightauringonvarjo - sunshade, parasolaurinko - the Sunaurinkoahven - pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus)aurinkoaika - solar timeaurinkoauto - solar caraurinkoautografi - sunshine recorderaurinkoeläin - heliozoan (protozoan of the order Heliozoa)aurinkoenergia - solar energyaurinkohapero - A brittlegill, Russula solaris.aurinkohattu - sunhat, sun hat (hat that protects from the sun)aurinkoisuus - sunninessaurinkojako - division of farming land according to the open-field system with strips aligned with the movement of the sunaurinkokaha - solar collectoraurinkokala - sunfish (any fish of the family Molidae)aurinkokalenteri - solar calendaraurinkokansi - sundeckaurinkokatos - sun shelter (structure, often tent-like and portable, which provides protection for the sun)aurinkokatto - sunroofaurinkokattotiili - solar shingleaurinkokello - A sundial.aurinkokenno - solar cellaurinkokennosto - solar cell plant (solar cells connected together to a small-scale power plant)aurinkokeratoosi - actinic keratosisaurinkokeräin - solar collectoraurinkokerääjä - solar collectoraurinkokeskisyys - heliocentrismaurinkokompassi - solar compassaurinkokuningas - mandarin (self-centered leader)aurinkokunta - solar systemaurinkokurki - sunbittern (species of bird, Eurypyga helias, the sole member of the family Eurypygidae, found in the tropical regions of the Americas)aurinkokylpy - A sunbath.aurinkolasit - sunglassesaurinkolippa - sun visoraurinkoloma - vacation in the sunaurinkolämmitys - solar heatingaurinkolämpö - solar thermal, solar thermal poweraurinkomatka - vacation in the sunaurinkomonninen - Burgess' cory, Corydoras burgessi (small tropical fish, kept as aquarium fish)aurinkomyrsky - solar storm, geomagnetic stormaurinkomäyrä - Synonym of hillerimäyrä (“ferret-badger”).aurinkopaneeli - solar panelaurinkopaneelisalkku - solar panel briefcase (arrangement of two or more solar panels that can be folded into the form of a briefcase for portability)aurinkopari - solar cellaurinkoparisto - solar batteryaurinkoperhonen - any butterfly of the subfamily Heliconiinaeaurinkopulla - a rahkapulla with (often orange) jam in the middleaurinkopuuteri - sun powder (powder used to give the skin a tanned hue)aurinkoranta - sun beach, sun beach resort (beach or resort with regular sunshine, especially one used as vacation spot)aurinkorasva - sunscreenaurinkoristi - sun crossaurinkosade - sun shower (rain shower that occurs when the sun is shining)aurinkosuoja - sunblock (strong), sunscreen (weak)aurinkosähkö - solar electricityaurinkotalo - solar house (house in which solar energy is applied for heating and/or local power generation)aurinkotiili - solar shingleaurinkotuoli - sunchair, sunlounger, sunbedaurinkotuuli - solar windaurinkouuni - solar ovenaurinkovakio - solar constantaurinkovarjo - sunshadeaurinkovene - solar powered boataurinkoventtiili - sun valveaurinkovoide - suntan lotion, suncreamaurinkovoima - solar poweraurinkovoimala - solar power plantaurinkovoimalaitos - Synonym of aurinkovoimala.aurinkovuorokausi - A solar dayaurinkovuosi - solar yearaurinkoöljy - tanning oil (oil-based product used as sunscreen)auripigmentti - orpimentaurora - Synonym of auroraperhonen (“orange tip butterfly”)auroraperhonen - orange tip (butterfly of the genus Anthocaris cardamines)auskari - Alternative form of äyskäri.auskultaatio - auscultationauskultantti - student teacherauskultointi - auscultationauslan - Auslan (Australian Sign Language)aussi - An Aussie.aussifutis - Aussie rules (Australian rules football)austeniitti - austeniteaustralialainen jalkapallo - Australian rules footballaustralialaismies - Australian manaustralialaisnainen - Australian womanaustralialaisuus - Australianness (property of being Australian)australianbandogge - Australian bandog (type of dog popular in Australia, bred from Neapolitan mastiff and pitbull, not recognized as breed of its own by kennel clubs)australiandoggilepakko - white-striped free-tailed bat, Tadarida australisaustralianenglanti - Australian Englishaustralianhylje - Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinereaaustraliankarjakoira - Australian Cattle Dog (breed of dog)australiankelpie - Australian kelpie, kelpie (breed of dog)australiankurki - brolga (Antigone rubicunda, syn. Grus rubicunda) (Australian species of crane)australianlenkko - grey-headed flying fox, Pteropus poliocephalusaustralianmerileijona - Synonym of australianhylje.australiannuolihaukka - Australian hobby, Falco longipennis (Australian species of hawk)australianpaimenkoira - Australian shepherd (breed of dog)australianpyhäiibis - Australian white ibis, Threskiornis moluccaaustralianpähkinä - macadamia nut, bauple nut, Queensland nut, nut oak (Macadamia integrifolia)australiansarvihai - Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) (nocturnal, oviparous bullhead shark of the family Heterodontidae, found in the coastal regions of Australia)australiansotka - hardhead (Aythya australis)australiansuomalainen - Finnish Australianaustraliansuorotta - Australian swamp rat (Rattus lutreolus)australianterrieri - Australian Terrier (breed of dog)australiantuulihaukka - Australian kestrel, nankeen kestrel, Falco cenchroides (Australian species of kestrel)australianvalevampyyri - ghost bat, Macroderma gigasaustralianvesirotta - rakali, golden-bellied water rat, Hydromys chrysogasterautarkia - autarchy (condition of economic self-sufficiency)autekologia - autecologyautentikointi - authentication, authenticatingautenttisuus - authenticityautere - Alternative form of auerautioituminen - verbal noun of autioituaautioitus - desolation (act of depriving of population)autiokaupunki - ghost town (deserted town)autiokylä - deserted village, ghost villageautiomaa - wasteland, wildernessautiomaja - Synonym of autiotupa.autiosaari - desert island (uninhabited island)autiotalo - ghost house, abandoned house, deserted houseautiotila - deserted farm, ghost farmautiotupa - wilderness hut, shelter (unlocked hut or cabin in the wilderness, free for anyone to spend the night)autismi - autismautismikirjo - autism spectrumautisminkirjo - autism spectrumautisti - autist (autistic person)autius - desolation, desolatenessauto - car, automobileauto-onnettomuus - car accidentautoajelu - car ride (instance of riding a car, especially for pleasure and not necessarily having a specific destination)autoala - automobile industryautoasema - Synonym of taksiasema.autoasentaja - car mechanic (profession, job title)autobiografia - Synonym of omaelämäkertaautodafee - auto da feautodidakti - autodidactautoetu - car benefit (taxable value of the private use of a company car)autofagia - autophagyautofiktio - autofictionautogamia - autogamyautogangsteri - road hog (bad or inconsiderate driver of a motor vehicle)autogeneesi - autogenesisautogiro - autogiroautografi - autographautohajottamo - Synonym of autopurkamo.autohalli - garage, parking garage (a large space for parking cars)autoharja - car brush, automobile brushautohuoltamo - car service shopautohurjastelija - speederautohurjastelu - speedingautohälytin - car alarmautoilija - motorist, someone who drives a carautoilu - motoring (act of driving car)autoimmuniteetti - autoimmunityautoimmuunisairaus - autoimmune diseaseautoimmuunitauti - autoimmune diseaseautoistuminen - verbal noun of autoistuaautojenkuljetusvaunu - Synonym of autonkuljetusvaunu.autojono - tailback, carline, line of cars (line of automobiles)autojuna - motorail, car trainautokaista - drive-through (arrangement for providing drive-through service)autokamera - dashcam (digital video recorder mounted anywhere inside a car)autokansi - car deck (deck for transporting cars on a ferry etc.)autokanta - car stock (all vehicles of an entity, such as a company or region)autokatos - carportautokatsastus - vehicle inspectionautokauppa - car dealershipautokauppias - car dealerautokefalia - autocephaly (independence of a national or regional Eastern Orthodox church from the authority of other Eastern Orthodox churches; these include all ten patriarchates, and half a dozen self-declared ones)autoklaavi - autoclave (sterilized heating vessel)autoklinikka - mobile clinic, clinic on wheels (clinic built on a van or truck)autokolari - car crash, car accidentautokorjaamo - car repair shopautokorrelaatio - autocorrelationautokoulu - driving schoolautokraatti - autocratautokraattisuus - The quality of being autocratic.autokratia - An autocracy (system of government in which power is held by one individual).autokuljetus - car rideautokulkue - motorcadeautokunta - car, entry (a car entered into a race, often an endurance race, including the drivers who drive it)autokuorma - carloadautokuormallinen - carloadautokuski - driver, motoristautokyyti - car ride, ride, especially one offered to a passengerautolautta - ferry, ferryboat (one carrying or designed to carry cars)autoletka - A line of cars.autoliike - car dealershipautoliikenne - car trafficautolyysi - autolysisautolähtö - mobile start (start from behind a slow-moving, hinged gate mounted on a motor vehicle)automaalaamo - car painting shopautomaalari - car painterautomaatio - automationautomaatioasentaja - automation installer (profession, job title)automaatiojärjestelmä - automation systemautomaatti - automatonautomaattiase - automatic weaponautomaattikamera - automatic camera (mechanical camera without manual control of aperture and shutter time)automaattikirjoitus - automatic writing, psychography (alleged paranormal phenomenon in which a person's writing is controlled by a spirit)automaattikivääri - automatic rifleautomaattikytkin - automatic clutchautomaattilypsy - automatic milking, robotic milkingautomaattinen täyttö - autocompleteautomaattiohjaus - autopilotautomaattiovi - automatic doorautomaattiportti - automatic gateautomaattipuhelin - rotary dial phoneautomaattisoitin - automatic musical instrument (musical instrument that produces music automatically or through only mechanical input of a player)automaattistuminen - verbal noun of automaattistuaautomaattisulake - automatic fuse (small circuit braker used to protect electrical installations from overcurrent in a way similar to traditional fuses)automaattisulatus - auto-defrostautomaattisuus - The property of being automatic.automaattitarkennus - autofocusautomaattiteoria - automata theoryautomaattitäydennys - Synonym of automaattinen täyttö (“autocomplete”)automaattivaihteisto - automatic transmissionautomaattivalotus - automatic exposureautomaattivarasto - automated storageautomalli - car modelautomarket - Alternative form of automarketti.automarketti - A supermarket with ample parking in order to attract motoring customers.automatiikka - automatismautomatisoiminen - verbal noun of automatisoidaautomatisointi - automationautomatisoituminen - verbal noun of automatisoituaautomatka - car driveautomatkailu - car tourismautomekaanikko - An auto mechanic.automerkki - make of carautomobiili - automobile, carautomorfismi - automorphismautomurto - car break-inautomyyjä - car sellerautonajaja - Synonym of autonkuljettaja.autonajo - car drivingautonalusta - car chassisautonasentaja - An auto mechanic.autonavain - car keyautonhuolto - Act of servicing a car.autonkatsastaja - vehicle inspectorautonkatsastamo - vehicle inspection station (garage or other establishment entitled to carry out inspection of automobiles)autonkatsastus - Synonym of autokatsastus.autonkori - automobile bodyautonkuljettaja - motoristautonkuljetusauto - car carrier, car transporter (truck built for transporting automobiles)autonkuljetusvaunu - autorack, car carrier (railroad car designed for carrying automobiles)autonmyyjä - Synonym of automyyjä.autonomia - autonomyautonominen hermosto - autonomic nervous systemautonomistaja - car ownerautonosa - car part, auto partautonpyörä - car wheel, auto wheel (wheel designed to be used in cars)autonrengas - car tireautonromu - rustbucket, junker, beater (automobile in poor operating condition)autonrotisko - hooptie, banger (decrepit car)autonrämä - Literally "wreck of a car"; a jalopy.autonvalmistaja - car manufacturerautopaikka - parking spot, parking space (space for parking an individual car)autopankki - drive-in bank, drive-thru bankautopeltiseppä - auto body mechanic (US)autopesula - car wash (place or room where cars are washed)autopikajuna - motorail, motorail train (train that allows passengers to take their cars along)autopilotti - autopilotautoplastia - autoplastyautopommi - A car bomb (bomb installed in an automobile to kill the occupants).autoprotolyysi - autoprotolysisautopuhelin - car phone, carphoneautopukki - car trestleautopurkaamo - Misspelling of autopurkamo.autopurkamo - wreck yard, wrecking yard, wrecker's yard, salvage yard, junkyard, breaker's yard, scrapheap, scrapyard (location of a dismantling business where wrecked or decommissioned vehicles are brought for recycling)autoradio - car radio, car audioautoradiografia - autoradiographyautoradiopuhelin - car radiotelephoneautoradiopuhelinverkko - car radiotelephone networkautorahtikirja - waybill or bill for lading for auto transportautorata - racing track, racing circuitautoretki - road trip on a car, especially a recreational oneautoritaarisuus - The property of being authoritarian.autoritarismi - authoritarianism (form of government)autoritäärisyys - Alternative form of autoritaarisuusautosaattue - convoy (of cars)autosampoo - Alternative form of autoshampoo.autoshampoo - car shampooautosomi - autosomeautosotamies - a private in the Finnish transport corps; driverautosuunnistus - car orienteeringautotalli - garage (place to store a car, etc.)autotallibändi - garage bandautotallifirma - company working out of a garageautotehdas - car factory, automobile factoryautotekniikka - automobile technologyautoteline - car stand, car holder (especially for a phone)autoteollisuus - car industry, automobile industryautotermiitti - A person who steals parts from abandoned cars.autotie - motorable road (road accessible for ordinary road vehicles)autotomia - autotomyautotrofi - autotrophautottomuus - carlessnessautoturma - car accident, especially a fatal oneautotypia - autotypyautourheilija - car sportsman, auto sportsman (one who does auto racing as hobby or profession)autourheilu - autosport, auto racingautovaha - car waxautovaja - car shedautovakuutus - auto insurance, motor insuranceautovaras - car thiefautovarikko - vehicle depot (facility for storing and servicing a fleet of road vehicles)autovarkaus - car theftautovero - car tax, vehicle taxautovuokraamo - car rental (business that hires cars to its customers)auttaja - A helper; one who helps.auttamattomuus - unhelpfulness (state of not helping or being unhelpful)auttaminen - verbal noun of auttaaauttavaisuus - helpfulnessauttelija - helper, especially one that provides small help repeatedly, see autellaauttelu - help, especially small help offered repeatedly, see autellaautti - ravine, gorgeautuaaksijulistaminen - beatificationautuaaksijulistus - beatificationautuaallisuus - blessednessautuullisuus - Synonym of autuaallisuus.autuus - blissauvo - blissav-aineisto - AV material, audiovisual materialav-kääntäjä - A subtitler (someone who translates subtitles for a living).av-laitteisto - audiovisual equipmentav-oppimateriaali - audiovisual teaching materialav-väline - AV equipmentavaaja - openeravaajapankki - issuing bankavaali - avalavaaminen - verbal noun of avataavaamisaika - opening time (time when a business, office, school etc. opens to the public)avaari - Avar (A North Caucasian language).availu - openingavaimenperä - key fob (item carried on a key ring either as decoration or for security)avaimenreikä - keyholeavain - key (device designed to open and close a lock)avainasema - key position (crucial or decisive position)avainasiakas - key client, key customeravainavaruus - keyspaceavainbiotooppi - key biotopeavainehdokas - candidate keyavainhahmo - key figure, key personavainhenkilö - key personavainkaappi - key cabinetavainkaulalapsi - latchkey kid, latchkey childavainkehys - keyframeavainketju - key chain (chain onto which a key may be attached)avainkilpi - keyplate (plate on a door that contains the keyhole)avainkimppu - bunch of keysavainkirjoahven - keyhole cichlidavainkoodi - keycode (code that serves to unlock)avainkortti - keycardavainkotelo - key caseavainkoukku - key hookavainkysymys - key (to a problem)avainlaji - key speciesavainlapsi - Synonym of avainkaulalapsi.avainluku - key figureavainlukulista - a physical card used to identify a person when authenticating for online banking services, containing a list of number pairs (avainluku and turvaluku)avainnauha - key strapavainnippu - bunch of keysavainnus - keying (in telegraph or image editing)avainpari - keypairavainpelaaja - key playeravainrengas - keyringavainromaani - key novelavainsana - keywordavaintekijä - key factoravaintenvaihto - key exchangeavaintodistaja - key witnessavainviulu - keyed fiddle, nyckelharpaavainärsyke - key stimulusavajaiset - opening, opening ceremony (formal commencement)avajaisistunto - opening sessionavajaisjuhla - opening ceremonyavajaisjuhlallisuudet - opening festivitiesavajaisjumalanpalvelus - opening worship (worship ceremony held at the beginning of a conference, parliamentary season etc.)avajaisnäyttely - opening exhibition, inaugural exhibitionavajaispuhe - opening speech, opening addressavajaispäivä - opening day (day when an opening ceremony of anything is held)avajaisseremonia - opening ceremonyavajaistarjous - inaugural offer (special offer to celebrate the opening of a commercial establishment)avajaistilaisuus - opening eventavanne - ostomyavannepussi - ostomy bagavant-garde - Synonym of avantgardismi.avantgardismi - avant-gardismavantgardisti - avant-gardistavanto - ice hole; a hole, either man-made or natural, in the ice of a frozen body of water.avantosukellus - ice divingavantouimari - ice swimmeravantouinti - ice swimmingavarakatseisuus - broad-mindednessavaramielisyys - open-mindednessavarrin - expanderavarrus - enlarging, widening, expansion (making something more spacious)avarruskone - reameravartaminen - verbal noun of avartaaavartuma - ampulla (dilated end of a duct)avartuminen - verbal noun of avartuaavaruudellisuus - spatialityavaruudentutkimus - Synonym of avaruustutkimusavaruus - spaceavaruusaika - space ageavaruusalus - spaceship, spacecraftavaruusase - space weaponavaruusasema - space stationavaruusesine - space object (any man-made object launched into the outer space)avaruusgeometria - solid geometry (geometry of three-dimensional Euclidean space)avaruushila - space latticeavaruushuopa - space blanketavaruusisomeria - spatial isomerismavaruusjärjestö - space agencyavaruuskapseli - space capsuleavaruuskeskus - space centeravaruuskilpa - Space Raceavaruuskoe - space testavaruuskone - space machineavaruuskoordinaatit - spatial coordinatesavaruuskulkuneuvo - space vehicle, spacecraftavaruuskulma - solid angleavaruuskuvio - space figureavaruuskvantittuminen - space quantizationavaruuskävely - space walk (activity performed by an astronaut outside of a space vehicle in space)avaruuskäyrä - space curveavaruuslaboratorio - skylabavaruuslaiva - spaceshipavaruuslento - space flightavaruuslentokone - spaceplaneavaruuslentäjä - A member of the crew of a spaceship; an astronaut or cosmonaut.avaruusliikenne - space trafficavaruusluotain - space probeavaruuslääketiede - space medicineavaruusmatka - space tripavaruusmatkailu - space tourismavaruusmies - spacemanavaruusohjelma - space programavaruusoikeus - space lawavaruusolento - extraterrestrial alienavaruusolio - Synonym of avaruusolento.avaruuspuku - space suitavaruuspuolustus - space defense (US), space defence (UK)avaruuspöly - cosmic dustavaruusrakenne - space frame (truss-like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern)avaruusraketti - space rocketavaruusromu - space debrisavaruussukkula - space shuttleavaruussäteily - cosmic radiation, space radiationavaruussää - space weatheravaruustekniikka - space technologyavaruusteknologia - space technologyavaruusteleskooppi - space telescopeavaruusteollisuus - space industryavaruustiede - space scienceavaruustoiminta - space-related activity, space explorationavaruusturismi - space tourismavaruusturisti - space touristavaruustutkimus - space researchavaruusvoimat - space force, space forcesavatar - avatar (earthly incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu)avattava silta - movable bridge (bridge that can be opened, usually to allow watercrafts to pass)avauma - Alternative form of avautumaavaus - opening (act of opening)avauserä - opening period, opening half, opening round (first segment in a sports contest such as ice hockey or boxing which is divided in two or more segments)avausjakso - opening halfavausjuoksu - opening run (first run scored by a team or a player, either in a match or career etc.)avauskokoonpano - starting line-upavauslenkki - ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it)avausmaali - opening goal (first goal in a match)avausosuus - opening leg, first leg (of a relay race)avausottelu - opening match, opening game (the first game or match for a team or individual in a series, season, tournament etc.)avauspotku - kick-offavauspuhe - opening speechavauspuheenvuoro - opening statement, opening argument, opening speechavauspäivä - opening day (day when something, especially a conference, exhibition, tournament or similar event begins)avausrengas - ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it)avaussiirto - opening moveavausvedin - ring pull (ring on top of a tin or can, used to open it)avautuma - openingavautuminen - verbal noun of avautuaavautumisvaihe - cervical dilation (opening of the cervix, the entrance to the uterus, during childbirth)avec - vis-à-vis, date, companyavekki - Alternative form of avec.avennin - broach, broaching toolavento - Alternative form of avanto.aventuriini - aventurine (type of quartz)aventuriinikvartsi - aventurineavenue - avenue (type of street)averroismi - Averroismaversio - aversionaversiohoito - Synonym of aversioterapiaaversioterapia - aversion therapyavesta - Avestan (language)avi - regional state administrative agency; see aluehallintovirastoaviaario - A birdhouse or a large birdcage.avidiini - avidinaviisi - newspaperavio - marriageavio-oikeus - marital right (any right that a marriage brings to the spouses regarding the other spouse or their property)avio-onni - marital happinessavioehto - prenuptial agreementavioehtosopimus - prenuptial agreementavioelämä - married lifeavioero - divorceavioerokanne - divorce suitavioerolapsi - child of divorceavioeroperhe - divorced familyavioerotuomio - divorce decreeavioeste - impediment to the marriageavioikä - marriage age, marriageable age (age at which a person can legally get married)avioituminen - verbal noun of avioituaavioitumisikä - marrying age (age at which a person gets married)avioituvuus - marriage rate (number of people getting married in a given age bracket divided by the number of people in that bracket, often estimated for men and women separately)aviolainsäädäntö - marriage lawaviolapsi - legitimate child (child born or conceived during marriage)avioliitto - marriage (union between people, most often a man and a woman, that creates a family tie and carries legal and/or social rights and responsibilities)avioliitto-oikeus - marriage lawavioliittokoulu - marriage schoolavioliittokuulutus - banns (public announcement of a forthcoming marriage)avioliittolaki - Marriage Act (piece of legislation that regulates the marriage)avioliittolupaus - promise of marriage (mutual promise of two people to marry each other)avioliittomarkkinat - marriage market (hypothetical market in which prospective partners to marriage try to attract the most suitable other half)avioliittoneuvoja - marriage counselloravioliittoneuvola - marriage counsellor's officeavioliittoneuvonta - marriage counselingavioliittopalatsi - wedding palace (building for wedding ceremonies)avioliittotodistus - marriage certificateavioliittovälittäjä - marriage agency, introduction agencyaviolupaus - Synonym of avioliittolupaus.aviomies - husband (man in a marriage or marital relationship).avioneuvoja - marriage counseloravioneuvola - Synonym of avioliittoneuvola.avioneuvonta - marriage counselingavioniikka - avionicsavionrikkoja - adulterer (male), adulteress (female)aviopari - married coupleaviopetos - The act of enticing someone to marry or to give a promise to marry on fraudulent grounds, e.g. by concealing one's true identity or hiding an impediment to marriage.aviopuoliso - spouseaviorikos - adulteryavioseksi - marital sexaviosiippa - spouseaviosuhde - marital relationshipaviosääty - married state (state of being married)aviottomuus - illegitimateness (quality of being born outside marriage)aviovaimo - wife (married woman)avistavekseli - sight bill, sight draft, demand bill (draft to be paid on presentation)avittaminen - verbal noun of avittaaavitus - help, boostavo - Abbreviation of avokysymys.avo-oja - open ditchavo-osasto - open ward (ward in mental institution or prison which allows some freedom to the patients or prisoners)avoauto - A convertible (US) or cabriolet (UK) car body type.avoero - breakup (separation of an unmarried couple)avohaava - open woundavohakkuu - clearcutting, clearfelling, clearcut logging (forestry practice)avohame - wrap skirt, wrapavohoito - non-institutional careavohousut - a traditional type of (chiefly women's) underpants that did not cover the crotchavohuolto - social field work (social work done outside the walls of institutions)avohylly - open shelfavoimet ovet - open house, open day (casual event where an institution is open for inspection by anyone interested)avoimuus - openness (quality of being open)avoin joukko - open setavoin kirja - open book (naively open person)avoin markkina - open marketavoin suhde - open relationshipavoin tähtijoukko - open clusteravoin yhtiö - general partnership (form of partnership where partners are jointly liable for the partnership's debt)avointen ovien päivä - open house event (lasting one day, or one day of such event)avojohto - overhead power lineavojono - staggered column, combat columnavokado - avocadoavokadopuu - avocado, avocado tree, Persea americanaavokallio - bare cliff (cliff that is not covered by earth)avokanootti - Synonym of intiaanikanootti.avokas - moccasin, court shoe, pumpavokassukka - socklet, footletavokatseisuus - sincerityavokeittiö - open space kitchen, open-plan kitchenavokelanauha - open-reel tapeavokelanauhuri - reel-to-reel tape recorderavokki - Synonym of avopuolisoavokonttori - open plan officeavokortti - open card (card dealt face up so that all players are able to see it)avokuisti - open verandaavokumppani - cohabitation spouse, common-law spouseavokuntoutus - outpatient rehabilitationavokysymys - open-ended question (permitting a freeform response, as opposed to multi-choice or yes-no questions)avokämmen - wide-open palm<-- -->