Finnish nouns, part 107ulkolima - ectoplasmulkolinja - outside line, outer lineulkolinjapuhelu - outside line callulkoloinen - ectoparasiteulkoluku - rote learning, learning by roteulkoluoto - outer isletulkolähetti - outdoor messengerulkolähetys - foreign missionulkolähetysauto - Synonym of ulkotuotantoautoulkoläksy - something to be memorized as homeworkulkolämpötila - exterior temperatureulkoläpimitta - outside diameter, external diameterulkomaa - foreign countryulkomaailma - outside worldulkomaalainen - foreignerulkomaalaislaki - Aliens Act (a law managing non-citizens' relationship to a foreign country)ulkomaalaisomistus - foreign ownershipulkomaalaisuus - foreignness, being from a foreign countryulkomaalaus - exterior paintingulkomaali - exterior paintulkomaanapu - foreign aidulkomaanedustus - foreign representationulkomaanelävä - foreignerulkomaankauppa - foreign tradeulkomaankauppaministeri - minister of foreign tradeulkomaankauppapolitiikka - foreign trade policyulkomaankirjeenvaihtaja - foreign correspondent (reporter based in a foreign country)ulkomaankomennus - secondment abroad, posting abroadulkomaanlehtori - a lecturer or teacher teaching their native language abroadulkomaanlento - international flight (flight between two or more countries)ulkomaanliikenne - international traffic, traffic abroadulkomaanmarkkinat - foreign marketulkomaanmatka - trip abroadulkomaanmatkailu - international tourism, foreign tourismulkomaanosasto - foreign affairs departmentulkomaanpassi - passport (for traveling abroad)ulkomaanpuhelu - international phone callulkomaanraha - foreign currencyulkomaansuhteet - foreign relationsulkomaantoimittaja - foreign editor, foreign reporterulkomaantyöntekijä - expatriate (person who lives outside their own country for work reasons)ulkomaanuutinen - foreign or international newsulkomaanvaluutta - foreign currencyulkomaanvelka - foreign debtulkomaanviholainen - Synonym of rohtonukula (“Leonurus cardiaca”).ulkomainonta - outdoor advertisingulkomainos - outdoor advertisementulkomaisuus - foreignnessulkomeri - high seasulkoministeri - foreign minister; (US equivalent) secretary of stateulkoministeriö - ministry for foreign affairs, foreign ministry, Foreign Office (UK), State Department (U.S.)ulkomitta - external dimension, outer dimensionulkomuisti - one's own memoryulkomuoto - appearanceulkomuseo - open air museumulkonaisuus - externalityulkonaliikkumiskielto - curfewulkonema - projectionulkonenä - nose (visible part of the nose as opposed to the internal parts)ulkonurkka - outer cornerulkonäkö - look, appearance, semblanceulkopaikallissija - Any of the three cases adessive, ablative and allative in Finnish that indicate location on a surface or in the neighbourhood of something, or a movement towards or from such location.ulkopaikkakuntalainen - someone from another municipality or townulkopaisti - silverside (cut of beef)ulkopalsta - a registered lot or plot outside one's home lotulkopalvelus - outdoor (military) serviceulkopelaaja - outfielderulkopeli - outdoor gameulkopiiri - outsiders collectivelyulkopinta - outer surfaceulkopiste - exterior pointulkoplaneetta - superior planet (any planet that orbits the Sun farther than Earth)ulkopohja - outsole (on a shoe)ulkopolitiikka - foreign policyulkopuhelu - exchange line callulkopuoli - outsideulkopuolinen - outsider (person)ulkoraja - external border (of a political entity)ulkorakennus - An outbuilding.ulkorata - outer lane of a running trackulkorataennätys - outdoor track recordulkoreitti - Synonym of ulkoväyläulkorengas - outer ringulkoreuna - outer edge, outer margin, outer borderulkoruokinta - outdoor feedingulkoruokintakausi - pasture season, outdoor feeding seasonulkosaari - outer islandulkosaaristo - outer archipelagoulkosatama - outport, outside port, offshore port, offshore harborulkoseinä - outer wallulkosivu - outer sideulkosorkka - two half-hitchesulkosuhteet - foreign relationsulkosuomalainen - a Finn living abroad, an expatriate Finnulkosynnyttimet - external parts of a or the female reproductive systemulkosyrjä - outer side or outside of a foot, arm, wrist or other similar body partulkotaite - hip (on a roof)ulkotakki - outdoor coatulkoteatteri - outdoor theaterulkoteltta - fly, tent fly, fly sheet (extra cover of a tent to protect against bad weather)ulkoterä - Synonym of ulkosyrjä.ulkotila - outdoor space, outer spaceulkotulento - allativeulkotuli - votive candle, grave candleulkotulo - outer productulkotuotantoauto - outside broadcast vanulkotutkimus - obstetric abdominal examinationulkotyö - outdoor workulkotäyttö - Synonym of vierustäyttöulkouuni - outdoor ovenulkovaate - outdoor clothing; (in the plural) outdoor clothes, outerwearulkovalaisin - exterior light, exterior lampulkovalaistus - outdoor lightingulkovalo - outdoor light, outside lightulkovalta - foreign power (foreign country, especially in official context)ulkovarustus - outworkulkoverhous - cladding, sidingulkoverkko - external network, public network, wide area network (as opposed to an intranet, etc.)ulkovessa - An outhouse (toilet).ulkovuoro - state of being the fielding team, defensive inningulkoväylä - outer waterwayulkoydin - outer core (outer part of the core of the Earth consisting of liquid iron-nickel alloy)ulkoyksikkö - outdoor unit, outside unit (of a heat pump, air conditioner, or another device with parts inside and outside of a structure)ulku - wooden poleulkustauti - peptic ulcerationullakko - atticullakkoasunto - loft apartment/flat, attic apartment/flatullakkohuone - garret (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house)ullakkohuoneisto - attic flat, attic apartmentullakkoikkuna - dormer windowullakkokamari - attic bedroomullakkokerros - attic floorullakkokomero - attic closet, garretuloke - appendage, limbulokepalkki - cantilever (beam anchored at one end and projecting into space)ulompi linjamies - offensive tackleulonnus - moving outwardsulosajo - driving off the road or the resulting crashulosanti - delivery (manner of speech)ulosheittäjä - outflow pipe (for rainwater, etc.)uloshengitys - exhalationuloshengityslihas - muscle of exhalationuloskirjautuminen - check-out, checkoutuloskirjautumisaika - check-out time (time of day by which one must check out of a hotel etc.)uloskäynti - exituloskäytävä - Synonym of uloskäynti (“exit”)ulosliputus - flagging outuloslyönti - first draft of an assembly drawinguloslähtö - going outulosmarssi - walkout (mass action of people leaving a place as a form of protest)ulosmeno - egress, exit, going outulosmenoliikenne - outbound trafficulosmenotie - exit route, exit roadulosmenoväylä - outbound routeulosmittaus - foreclosure, enforcement, repossessionulosotonhaltija - the authority ordering an attachment (seizing of property to satisfy a debt)ulosotto - attachment (taking a person's property by a court order to satisfy a debt)ulosottomies - distrainorulosottovirasto - enforcement agency, enforcement office (agency or office that collects unpaid debts by attachment)ulospuhallusilma - exhaust airulospääsy - getting outulospääsytie - out, way out, exitulostaminen - verbal noun of ulostaaulostamistarve - need to defecateuloste - excrement, faecesulosteensiirto - fecal (microbiota) transplantulostenäyte - stool sampleulostesiirre - fecal transplantulostetartunta - fecal-oral transmissionulostulo - outputulostulokerros - output layerulostuloteho - Synonym of lähtötehoulostus - defecation, excretionulostusaine - laxative, evacuant, purgative, catharticulostuslääke - purgative, laxativeulosvedin - extractor (tool for extracting or pulling out)ulosvirtaus - outflux, effluxulottaminen - verbal noun of ulottaaulotteisuus - dimensionality (property of having dimensions)ulottuma - reach, range (how far something or someone reaches)ulottuminen - verbal noun of ulottua, extending, stretchingulottuvaisuus - Synonym of ulottuvuus (“dimension”)ulottuvuus - A dimension.ulpukka - spatterdock, yellow waterlily, cow lily, yellow pond-lily (Nuphar lutea)ulsteri - ulster (type of men's long overcoat made of rough material, often featuring a cape that covers the shoulders)ulsterilainen - Ulsterman (male from Ulster)ultima - ultima (last syllable in a multisyllable word)ultimaatumi - ultimatumultimate - ultimate frisbee (game)ultimus - In an academic promotion ceremony, the person who graduates with the second best grades and receives his/her diploma last.ultimusmaisteri - In a masters' promotion ceremony, the graduate who has the second best average grade and who receives his/her diploma last.ultimustohtori - In a doctoral promotion ceremony, the graduate who has the second best average grade and who receives his/her diploma last.ultra - Short for ultrakevyt (“ultralight”). (aircraft that weighs very little)ultrajuoksija - ultrarunnerultrajuoksu - ultrarunning (running of ultramarathons)ultrakevyt - ultralight (aircraft that weighs very little)ultrakevytlento - ultralight aviationultramaraton - Synonym of ultrajuoksuultramariini - ultramarineultrasonografia - ultrasonographyultratulo - ultraproductultravioletti - ultravioletultraviolettiaalto - ultraviolet waveultraviolettikatastrofi - ultraviolet catastropheultraviolettisäteily - ultraviolet radiationultraviolettivalo - ultraviolet lightultraääni - ultrasound (sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing)ultraäänihoito - ultrasound (use of ultrasound for therapy)ultraäänikuva - ultrasound imageultraäänikuvaus - ultrasonographyultraäänitutkimus - The study of ultrasound. See radiologia.uluus - ulus (raion, or district, in Sakha Republic, Russia)ulvahdus - A yelp.ulvahtaminen - verbal noun of ulvahtaaulvilalainen - a person from or living in Ulvilaulvo - The typical stench of a wet dog hair.ulvoja - howlerulvominen - verbal noun of ulvoaulvonta - howlingumaijadi - Umayyadumami - umamiumbra - umbraumbri - Umbrian (person)ume - mist, fogumeshu - umeshuumiakki - umiakumma - ummah (the worldwide Muslim community)ummehtuneisuus - stalenessummessaolo - not yielding milk, being dry (of a cow)ummetus - constipationummikko - a monolingual (person who speaks only their own mother tongue)ummistaminen - verbal noun of ummistaaummistus - Synonym of sulkeminen (“closing, shutting”)umpeenkasvu - growing together, growing shutumpeenmeno - expiration, expiryumpi - constipationumpiauto - a car with a closed roof; a car that is not a convertible or suchumpierite - Synonym of sisäeriteumpieritys - Synonym of sisäeritys.umpierityshäiriö - hormonal disorderumpieritysjärjestelmä - endocrine systemumpihanki - relatively thick unbroken blanket of snowumpihankihiihto - deep snow skiingumpihumala - soddenness (state of being completely drunk)umpijää - solid iceumpikaivo - septic tank, cesspitumpikatu - blind street, dead endumpikausi - the time when a cow bags up (doesn't yield milk due to preparing to calve)umpikela - stationary lureumpikortteli - closed block (a block of buildings that form a ring but with an open space in the middle)umpikuja - blind alley, dead-end, dead end, cul-de-sac, impasse (road or situation)umpikänni - being blind drunk or very drunkumpilaavu - a closed lean-toumpilehmä - a cow that is bagged upumpilevy - enclosed hard diskumpilippu - folded ballot, secret ballotumpilisäke - appendix, vermiform appendixumpilisäketulehdus - appendicitisumpilisäkkeen tulehdus - appendicitis (inflammation of the vermiform appendix)umpiluu - complete bone; used in expressions, especially to describe one's head in a meaning akin to boneheadumpimielisyys - uncommunicativeness, close-mindednessumpimurtuma - Closed fracture (bone fracture where the bone does not break the surface of the skin).umpimähkä - A pile of embers covered with ash in order to keep the fire alive for longer than if left uncovered, typically overnight.umpimähkäisyys - haphazardness, randomnessumpinaisuus - solidity, solidnessumpinen - Synonym of umpihanki.umpio - A hermetically sealed space or container.umpiointi - canning, bottling (method of food storage and preservation)umpiolasi - insulating glassumpiolasi-ikkuna - solid glass windowumpiotölkki - hermetic jarumpiovalaisin - sealed beam (type of lamp)umpiperä - dead endumpipiha - yard surrounded by buildings from all sidesumpipiirakka - a pie or pasty in which the filling is completely enveloped by doughumpipussi - Synonym of divertikkeli (“diverticulum”).umpipussitauti - diverticulosisumpipussitulehdus - diverticulitis (inflammation of diverticula)umpipuu - solid woodumpiraide - sidingumpirauhanen - endocrine glandumpireikä - blind holeumpisilmä - blind; used especially of newly born animals whose eyes have not opened yetumpisolmu - An overhand knot.umpisuolentulehdus - typhlitis (inflammation of the blind gut, or caecum)umpisuoli - blind gut, caecum, cecumumpisäiliö - Synonym of umpikaivoumpitavu - A syllable ending with a consonant, closed syllableumpitie - Synonym of umpikujaumpitunneli - closed off tunnelumpivaunu - A kibitka-style telega.umpiäänne - Synonym of klusiili (“plosive, stop”)umppari - Clipping of umpilisäke (“appendix”).umpu - flower budunaarioperaattori - unary operatorunbibium - unbibiumunbinilium - unbiniliumunbitrium - unbitriumunbiunium - unbiuniumundekaani - undecaneundekyleenihappo - undecylenic acidunderground - underground (culture)undergroundelokuva - underground filmundergroundkulttuuri - underground cultureundesimi - eleventh (interval)undesyleenihappo - Alternative form of undekyleenihappoundulaatio - undulationundulaatti - budgerigar, budgie, pet parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatusundulaattori - undulatoruneksija - dreamer, daydreameruneksiminen - verbal noun of uneksiauneksinta - dreaminguneliaisuus - drowsiness, sleepinessunelma - dream (a hope or wish; imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping; implies desirability)unelma-ammatti - dream jobunelmakartta - map of dreams, dream map (a crafted map of one's dreams or ambitions)unelmaloma - dream vacationunelmamaailma - dream worldunelmamaali - dream goalunelmatalo - dream house, dream homeunelmatorttu - A type of Swiss roll where cocoa is mixed into the sponge cake, often with cream (ermine frosting) as the filling.unelmien prinssi - Prince Charmingunelmoija - dreamer, daydreamerunelmoiminen - verbal noun of unelmoidaunelmointi - dreaming, reverieunenhorre - Synonym of unenhorrosunenhorros - slumber, torporunenlahja - talent for sleepingunennäkijä - dreamerunennäkö - dreaming (experiencing imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping; neutral term, not implied positive)unenomaisuus - dreamlikenessunenpuute - sleep deprivationunensaanti - getting sleepunentarve - need for sleepunentulo - falling asleep, sleepingunettomuus - insomniaunettomuusklinikka - insomnia clinicunho - oblivionunhoittaminen - verbal noun of unhoittaaunhola - oblivion; the state of being completely forgottenuni - sleep (state of reduced consciousness)uni-valverytmi - sleep-wake cycleuniaattikirkko - Uniate churchuniaika - Dreamtime (time of creation of the world in Australian mythology)uniapnea - sleep apneauniasu - nightclothes, nighwearunienselitys - interpretation of dreams, interpreting dreamsunientulkinta - interpreting dreamsuniformiteetti - uniformityuniformu - Alternative form of univormu.unihaalari - sleeper (type of pajamas that covers the whole body)unihalvaus - sleep paralysisunihiekka - sleep (in the corner of the eye, dried up rähmä)unihiiri - dormouse (any of several small rodents in the family Gliridae)unihygienia - sleep hygieneunihäiriö - sleep disorder, somnipathy, parasomniauniikkikappale - unique (a thing without a like; something unequalled or unparallelled)unijukka - Synonym of nukkumattiunikauhuhäiriö - night terror (type of sleeping disorder)unikeko - dormouse (any small rodent in the family Gliridae)unikeonpäivä - National Sleepy Head Day (Finnish Seven Sleepers Day)unikko - poppyunikonsiemen - poppyseed, poppy seed (spice)unikorni - unicornunikoulu - sleep training (for babies or young children)unikuva - dream; what someone one sees in a dreamunilateralismi - unilateralismunilelu - bedtime toyuniliike - nyctinastyunilukkari - a church officer who would wake up sleeping peopleunilääke - soporific, sleeping pillunimaito - Synonym of yömaitounimaski - sleeping maskuniohjaus - sleep guidanceuniongelma - sleeping problemunioni - unionunipatja - static charge sensitive bedunipussi - sleeping bag, sleeping sack (for infants or young children)unipäiväkirja - dream journalunirytmi - sleep schedule, sleep patternuniseksi - unisex fashionuniseksi - sleep sexuniseksiasu - unisex clothingunisono - unisonunissakulkija - sleepwalker, somnambulistunissakävelijä - Sleepwalker, somnambulist.unissakävely - somnambulism, sleepwalkingunissakävijä - sleepwalker, somnambulistunissapuhuminen - sleeptalking, somniloquyunissasaarnaaja - sleeping preacher, trance preacherunisuus - sleepinessunitabletti - sleeping pillunitarianismi - Unitarianismunitarismi - unitarianismunitauti - sleeping sicknessunitila - sleep (reduced state of consciousness)unitutkimus - sleep research (study of sleep as neurophysiological phenomenon).unityö - dream work (in the Freudian theory of dreams)univaje - sleep debtunivarianssi - univarianceunivelka - sleep debtuniversaalialgebra - universal algebrauniversaalikvanttori - universal quantifieruniversaalisuus - universalityuniversaalitiede - universal scienceuniversiadit - The Universiade.universumi - universeunivormu - uniform (distinctive outfit)unkari - Hungarian languageunkarilainen - a Hungarianunkarilaisuus - Hungarianness (state or property of being Hungarian)unkarinajokoira - Hungarian hound (breed of dog)unkarinnos - Hungarian translation.unkarinsara - Carex melanostachyaunkarinvinttikoira - Magyar agar, Hungarian greyhoundunkarinvizsla - vizslaunnutus - masturbatingunohdus - oblivion (the state of being completely forgotten)unohtaja - forgetterunohtaminen - verbal noun of unohtaaunohtavaisuus - forgetfulnessunohtelu - forgettingunohtuminen - verbal noun of unohtuaunsiaali - uncial, uncial scriptunssi - ounce (in Finland, either around 27.9, 29.6 or 28.3 grams depending on context)untuva - down (soft, immature feather)untuvakangas - down fabric (fabric material made out of down)untuvakarva - lanugo (soft down or fine hair, specifically that covering the human foetus)untuvamakuupussi - down sleeping baguntuvapallo - ball of downuntuvapeite - elderdown, down cover, down quiltuntuvapeitto - down blanketuntuvapilvi - cirrus, cirrus clouduntuvapusero - down blouseuntuvapussi - down baguntuvatakki - down jacketuntuvatyyny - down pillowuntuvatäkki - eiderdownuntuvikko - chick (very young bird clad only in down)ununbium - ununbiumununennium - ununennium.ununheksium - ununhexiumununkvadium - ununquadiumununoktium - ununoctiumununpentium - ununpentiumununseptium - ununseptiumununtrium - ununtriumuoma - riverbed, channel, streambedupanishad - Upanishad (authorless Hindu text)upeaherkkusieni - The prince, Agaricus augustus.upeus - magnificence, grandeur, brilliance, lavishness, splendor, gorgeousness (state or quality of being magnificent)upokas - crucibleupokasteräs - crucible steeluposkasvi - elodeid, underwater plant, submerse aquatic plant (plant that grows completely below the surface of water, or with only flowers above)uposlehti - submerged leaf (leaf of an aquatic plant that is completely under water)uposlehtinen - elodeid (stem plant that completes its entire life cycle submerged, or with only its flowers above the waterline)upote - subordinate clauseupotettu kustannus - sunk costupottaminen - verbal noun of upottaaupotus - immersionupotuskaste - immersion (total submerging of a person in water as an act of baptism)upotuskoristelu - inlayupotuspiikki - set (a punch for setting nails in wood)upotuspora - counterboreupotussuolaus - brine salting (method of salting food by immersing it in brine)uppari - Synonym of kohokoukku (“uppercut”).uppiniskaisuus - stubbornnessuppoama - displacementuppoaminen - verbal noun of upotauppoasennus - flush mounting (way of installing something, such as electric or light fixture, so that the surface of the fixture is flush with the surface on which it is mounted)uppokanta - flush head, flat head, countersunk head (in a bolt, screw or rivet, a flat conical top allowing it to be inserted flush with a surface)uppokantanaula - braduppokantaniitti - flathead rivet (type of rivet designed to fit in a countersink so that it sits flush with a surface)uppokantapultti - flathead, flathead bolt (type of bolt designed to fit in a countersink so that it sits flush with a surface)uppokantaruuvi - flathead, flathead screw (type of screw or bolt designed to fit in a countersink so that it sits flush with a surface)uppokaste - Synonym of upotuskaste.uppokeitin - deep fryer, deep-fat fryeruppokuumennin - immersion heateruppolukko - flush lock (lock that is mounted flush with the surface of the door)uppomuna - poached egguppopaistaminen - verbal noun of uppopaistaauppopaistin - deep fryer, deep-fat fryeruppopaisto - deep-frying (method of cooking)uppopallo - underwater rugbyuppoperho - wet fly (in fly fishing, a fly that fishes under the surface of water)uppopumppu - submersible pumpuppopuu - snag (piece of wood in water)upposuolaus - brine salting, brininguppotukki - snag (trunk of tree submerged in water)uppouma - displacement (of a ship)uppoutuminen - verbal noun of uppoutuauppoutuneisuus - embeddednessuppovaaka - areometer, hydrometer (device for measuring density of a liquid)uppovalaisin - A light fixture with housing installed inside a wall or ceiling thus that the surface of the fixture is flush with its environment.upseeri - officerupseeriaines - officer material (those persons collectively who are considered capable of being trained as officers)upseerikerho - officers' clubupseerikokelas - officer candidateupseerikoulu - officer school, military academy (any institution which trains officers for any military force)upseerikunta - officersupseerinarvo - officer rankupseerinura - officer careerupseeristo - officersupslaaki - cuff (end of a pants leg, folded up)ura - track, groove, rut, trail, furrow (mark in the form of a groove or long, narrow depression left by something that has passed along)ura-autoilu - slot car racinguraani - uraniumuraaniatomi - uranium atomuraaniesiintymä - uranium deposituraanifluoridi - uranium fluorideuraaniheksafluoridi - uranium hexafluorideuraanikaivos - uranium mineuraanimalmi - uranium oreuraanipommi - uranium bomburaanirikaste - yellowcakeuraaniyhdiste - uranium compounduraatti - urateurahdus - grunturahtaminen - verbal noun of urahtaaurahöylä - rebate planeurakehitys - career developmenturakierto - career mobilityurakka - contract (a specified task for the performance of which a contract is made; especially in the building industry)urakka - pricket (male reindeer in its second year)urakkapalkka - piece rate (rate paid per unit produced)urakkasopimus - works contracturakkasumma - contract price (of a work contract)urakkatyö - pieceworkurakoija - Alternative form of urakoitsijaurakointi - contract workurakointiliike - contractor businessurakoitsija - contractor, independent contractoruraleikkuri - groove cutter, wall chaseruraliitti - uraliteuralistiikka - Uralistics (study dealing with Uralic languages, field of linguistics)uranainen - working woman, career womanuranauha - weatherstripuraniitti - uraniteuraniniitti - uraniniteuranografia - uranographyuranuurtaja - groundbreaker, pioneeruranuurtajantyö - pioneering workuranvalinta - career selectionuraohjus - career-obsessed person, careerist (especially one that is seeing success and progressing with their career)urapaikkaus - road rut repairuraputki - career path, career ladderuraruuvi - slotted screwurasiili - uracilurasuunnittelu - career planningurasuuntautuneisuus - career-orientednessurbaanilegenda - urban legendurbaanisuus - Synonym of urbaaniusurbaanius - urbannessurbanisaatio - urbanizationurbanismi - urbanismurbanisoituminen - verbal noun of urbanisoituaurdu - Urdu (one of the official languages of Pakistan)urea - ureaureaasi - ureaseuremia - uremiauretaani - urethaneuretriitti - urethritisurheileminen - verbal noun of urheilla, participating in sport or sportsurheilija - A sportsman or sportswoman.urheilijansydän - athlete's hearturheilijapalkka - grant by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture to (former) top athletesurheilijatar - A sportswoman.urheilu - sport, sports, athletics (organized and often competitive physical activity in general)urheilu-uutinen - of sports newsurheiluammunta - shooting sports, target shootingurheiluauto - sports carurheiluautoilija - sports car driver or ownerurheilueläin - sports body, sports governing bodyurheiluennätys - sports recordurheiluhalli - sports hallurheiluhenki - sportsmanshipurheiluhieroja - sports masseur or masseuseurheiluhousut - sports pantsurheiluhullu - sports fanurheiluilmailu - sport aviationurheilujalkine - sports shoe, sports footwearurheilujohtaja - sports manager, sports leaderurheilujoukkue - sports teamurheilujoukot - sportspeople working as troops in the militaryurheilujuhla - sports celebrationurheilujuoma - sports drinkurheilujärjestö - sports body, sports organizationurheilukalastaja - sport fisherurheilukalastus - sport fishingurheilukassi - sports bagurheilukello - sports watchurheilukenttä - sports field (flat area of land where sports events are staged)urheilukeskus - sports centerurheilukieli - sports languageurheilukilpailu - sport competition, athletic competitionurheilukisat - sports contesturheilukomppania - sports company (in the military)urheilukuva - sports photo, sports pictureurheilukuvaaja - sports photographerurheilulaji - sport (activity that uses physical exertion or skills competitively under a set of rules that is not based on aesthetics)urheilulanka - sport yarnurheiluliike - sports storeurheiluliivit - sports braurheilullisuus - sportinessurheiluloma - sports vacation, sports holidayurheilulukio - sports lukio, sports high schoolurheiluluokka - sports classurheilulääketiede - sports medicineurheilulääkäri - sports physicianurheilumalli - sports modelurheilumetsästys - sport huntingurheilumieli - sporting attitude or moodurheiluministeri - sports minister, minister of sports (minister responsible for sports)urheilumuoti - sports fashionurheilumuoto - form of sportsurheilunopetus - sports educationurheiluopisto - sports academyurheiluosasto - sports section (in a newspaper)urheilupaita - sports shirturheilupeli - sports gameurheilupistooli - sports pistolurheilupsykologi - sports psychologisturheilupsykologia - sports psychologyurheilupuisto - sports parkurheilupusakka - sports jacket, warmup jacketurheilupyörätuoli - sports wheelchairurheilupäivä - sports dayurheilurintaliivit - sports braurheilusali - gymurheiluselostaja - sportscaster, sports commentatorurheiluselostus - sports commentaryurheiluseura - sports club, athletic cluburheilushortsit - sports shorts, workout shortsurheilusivu - sports page (in a newspaper or similar)urheilusortsit - Alternative form of urheilushortsiturheilusukellus - sport divingurheilusukeltaja - sport diverurheilusukka - sports sockurheilusuoritus - sports performance, sports accomplishmenturheilutalo - sport hall, sports house, gymnasiumurheiluteippi - athletic tapeurheilutoiminta - sporting activityurheilutoimittaja - sportswriterurheilutoimitus - sports desk, sports departmenturheiluvaatteet - sportswearurheiluvalmennus - sports coachingurheiluvalokuvaus - sports photographyurheiluvamma - sports injuryurheiluväki - sportspeopleurheiluväline - sporting equipment, sports equipmenturheiluvälinekauppa - sports equipment storeurheus - bravenessurho - herourhoollisuus - braveness, valianceuriaali - urial, Ovis vigneiuridiini - uridine (a nucleoside)urina - growling soundurinaali - urinalurittaminen - verbal noun of urittaauritus - grooving (cutting grooves into or onto)urkinta - snoopingurkkija - snoopurkufasadi - organ facadeurkuharmoni - harmoniumurkujensoittaja - organisturkujensoitto - playing the organurkukappale - organ piece, a piece of music composed for the organurkukonsertti - organ concerturkukoraali - hymn for organurkulehteri - organ gallery, organ balconyurkumusiikki - organ musicurkuparvi - organ lofturkupenkki - organ benchurkupilli - organ pipeurkupillikaktus - organ (species of cactus, Stenocereus thurberi)urkupiste - pedal pointurkupyssy - organ gunurkuri - organisturkusävellys - organ compositionurkutaiteilija - organ artisturli - URLuro - Alternative form of urhourokaanihappo - urocanic acidurokanaasi - urocanaseurokinaasi - urokinaseurologi - urologisturologia - urologyuronihappo - uronic aciduropygiaalirauhanen - uropygial gland (secretory organ, at the base of a bird's tail, that secretes the oil used in preening)uros - male, especially of mammalian speciesuroshirvi - staguroskettu - male fox, reynard, dog-foxuroskissa - tomcaturoskoira - male doguroskosketin - male connectorurosleopardi - male leopardurosmetso - a male capercaillieurospontti - tongue (protruding part in a tongue and groove joint)urossukupuoli - male sex, male genderurostiikeri - male tigeruroteko - deed (brave action)urotyö - deed (brave action)urpiainen - common redpoll (Acanthis flammea)urpo - a foolish or stupid person; fool, moron, dolturpoilu - acting like a moronurpu - catkinurputtaminen - verbal noun of urputtaaurputus - grumbling, grousing, complainingurso - North American porcupine, Canadian porcupine, Erethizon dorsatumurtikaria - urticariauruguaylainen - An Uruguayan.uruguaynvyötiäinen - greater naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous tatouay)urut - organ (musical instrument)urvelo - dumb person, dolt, nitwitusalainen - A person from the United States.useus - number, quantity; especially a large or increased amountuskaliaisuus - audacityuskalikko - daredeviluskallus - daring (boldness)uskaltaminen - verbal noun of uskaltaauskis - religious personusko - faith (religious belief system)uskollisuudenvakuutus - pledge of allegiance or faithfulnessuskollisuudenvala - homageuskollisuus - loyalty, fidelityuskomattomuus - incrediblenessuskominen - verbal noun of uskoauskomus - belief (something believed)uskomushoito - faith healinguskomusjärjestelmä - belief systemuskomuslääkintä - alternative medicineuskomusolento - mythical creature, mythological creatureuskomustarina - myth, legend, mythical storyuskon hyppy - leap of faithuskonasia - matter of faithuskonelämä - religious lifeuskonkappale - dogmauskonkiihko - religious bigotryuskonkiihkoilija - bigot, zealot, fundamentalistuskonkilvoitus - fight of the faithuskonkäsitys - belief, tenetuskonlahko - A religious sect.uskonluopio - apostateuskonnollisuus - religiousnessuskonnonfilosofia - philosophy of religionuskonnonharjoitus - practicing a religionuskonnonopettaja - religion teacher, religious education teacheruskonnonopetus - religious education, religious instructionuskonnontutkimus - religious studiesuskonnonvapaus - freedom of religionuskonnottomuus - irreligiousness; irreligionuskonoppi - dogmaticsuskonoppinut - theologian, religious scholar; one educated in religious theory and practiceuskonpuhdistus - Reformation, the Protestant Reformation (religious movement initiated by Martin Luther)uskonpuute - lack of faithuskonrauha - sanctity of religion, religious peace (peace to practice one's religion)uskonsisar - sister in the faithuskonsota - religious waruskonsuunta - religious denominationuskonto - religionuskontoekologia - ecology of religionuskontokammo - religiophobiauskontokunta - religion (people of same faith collectively)uskontomaantiede - geography of religionuskontopuolue - religious partyuskontorikos - religious offense, religious crimeuskontososiologi - sociologist of religionuskontososiologia - sociology of religionuskontotiede - religious studiesuskontotunti - religion class, religion lessonuskontotutkimus - Alternative form of uskonnontutkimus.uskontunnustus - creed (statement of belief that summarizes the faith it represents)uskonvaino - religious persecutionuskonvapaus - freedom of religionuskonvarmuus - conviction or certainty of one's faithuskonveli - fellow believeruskoontulo - conversion (becoming religious)uskottavuus - credibilityuskottavuusfunktio - likelihood functionuskottelu - convincing (of something untrue)uskottomuus - unfaithfulness, infidelity, disloyalty, adulteryuskottu - confidantuskottu mies - trustee, guardian ad litemuskoutuminen - verbal noun of uskoutuauskovainen - A religious person, a believer.uskovaisuus - religiousnessusma - Alternative form of usva (“mist”)ussa - religion (school subject)ussurinpäästäinen - Ussuri shrew, giant shrew, Sorex mirabilis (large species of shrew found in Northeast Asia)usuttaminen - verbal noun of usuttaausutus - siccing, setting on, urgingusva - mist, fogusvaisuus - mistinessutahilainen - Utahn, Utahan (person)utare - udderutareliivi - cow bra, udder brautaretulehdus - mastitisuteleminen - verbal noun of udellauteliaisuus - curiosity, curiousnessutelija - nosey parker (overly inquisitive or prying person)utelu - queryutilitarismi - utilitarianismutilitaristi - utilitarianutopia - utopiautopisti - A utopian, idealistic person.utopistisuus - utopiannessutu - haze, mist (of water vapor)utuisuus - mistiness, fogginess, hazinessutupilvi - foguu - The name of the Latin-script letter U.uu - hole, nestuudelleenarviointi - re-evaluationuudelleenjulkaisu - rereleaseuudelleenjärjestely - reorganizationuudelleenkierrätys - recirculationuudelleenkirjoitus - rewrite, rescript, rewritinguudelleenkoulutus - re-educationuudelleenkäynnistys - reactivationuudelleenkäytettävyys - reusabilityuudelleenkäyttö - reuseuudelleenlaivaus - transhipmentuudelleenmetsitys - reafforestation, reforestationuudelleenmuotoilu - rewording, redraftinguudelleenohjaus - redirectuudelleenorganisoiminen - verbal noun of uudelleenorganisoidauudelleensijoitus - relocationuudelleensovitus - arrangement, remix (adaptation of an existing, already once arranged piece of music)uudelleensyntyminen - rebirthuudelleenvalinta - reelectionuuden-amsterdaminhylje - subantarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus tropicalisuudenaikaisuus - modernity (quality of being modern)uudennos - innovation (something innovated)uudennus - renewinguudenseelanninhaukka - New Zealand falcon, Falco novaeseelandiae (species of falcon endemic to New Zealand)uudenseelanninlepakko - New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat, Mystacina tuberculatauudenseelanninlokki - black-billed gull (Chroicocephalus bulleri)uudenseelanninpinaatti - New Zealand spinachuudenseelannintylli - double-banded plover; banded dotterel, pohowera (NZ); Charadrius bicinctus (species of plover native to New Zealand, Chatham Island and Aucland Islands)uudenvuoden tina - Alternative form of uudenvuodentinauudenvuodenaatto - New Year's Eve (day)uudenvuodenkortti - New Year's carduudenvuodenlupaus - New Year's resolutionuudenvuodenpuhe - New Year's speechuudenvuodenpäivä - New Year's Day.uudenvuodentina - metal cast for purposes of molybdomancy on New Year's Eve as part of a common practice in Nordic and German-speaking countries, originally tin but now often leaduudenvuodenvalvojaiset - a gathering held to celebrate the changing of the yearuudenvuodenyö - watchnight; the night between New Year's Eve and New Year's Day during which a new year beginsuudestisyntyminen - verbal noun of uudestisyntyä, A revival, reinvigoration, rebirth (spiritual renewal).uudestisyntynyt - A reborn person.uudin - curtain, drapeuudisalue - frontieruudisasukas - settler (someone who settles in a new location, especially one who makes a previously uninhabited place his home)uudisasunto - new home, newly built homeuudisasutus - settlement (newly established colony)uudismuodoste - A neologism (recently coined word).uudisraivaaja - settler (one who settles in a new location, especially in a previously uninhabited place)uudisraivaus - land reclamationuudisrakennus - new buildinguudisrakentaminen - construction of new buildingsuudissana - neologismuudistaja - reformeruudistalo - Synonym of uudistila (“farm established on a previously uncultivated land”).uudistaminen - verbal noun of uudistaauudiste - innovationuudistila - A farm that is established on a previously uncultivated land.uudistuminen - verbal noun of uudistuauudistus - reformuudistusala - area of reformuudistushakkuu - regenerative fellinguudistushanke - reform projectuudistusliike - reform movementuudistusmielinen - A reformist.uudistusmielisyys - reformism, revisionism (advocacy of a reform)uudistusohjelma - reform program, reform plan, reform agendauudistustyö - renewal workuudisviljely - cultivation on newly reclaimed landuudisviljelys - newly cultivated plantationuuhi - ewe, especially one that has lambeduukkari - U-turnuuma - waistuumajansaame - The Ume Sami language.uumen - depths, innardsuumoileminen - verbal noun of uumoilla, hunching, having a hunch, sensing, presaginguumoilu - having a hunchuuni - ovenuunijuusto - Finnish dish made of cow beestings.uunijäätelö - baked Alaskauunikala - baked fishuunikinnas - Synonym of patakinnas.uunikuivaus - oven dryinguunilintu - willow warbler, Phylloscopus trochilusuunillinen - ovenfulluuniluuta - oven broom, oven brushuunilämmitys - heating with a furnace or similar, such as a fireplaceuunimakkara - sausage baked in the ovenuunimunakas - oven omeletteuuninluukku - oven door, stove dooruuninlämpö - oven temperature, oven heatuuninpankko - the side heated platform of a pankkouuniuuninpelti - baking tray, oven trayuuninpäällys - the top side of an oven (that can be heated)uuninsuu - the open side of an ovenuuniomena - baked appleuunipaisti - roast (hunk of meat roasted in oven)uunipannu - baking tin (especially a wider or metallic one)uunipavut - baked beansuunipelti - baking trayuuniperuna - baked potatouunipiirakka - Any pirog that is baked in an oven, as opposed to pannupiirakka which is made in a frying pan.uunipuu - firewood for an oven or a stoveuunipuuro - A type of porridge baked in oven.uuniritilä - oven rack, oven grilluuniruoka - baked fooduunivaunu - sheet pan rackuunivuoka - baking tin, baking casserole (especially a smaller, ceramic or glass one)uuno - fooluupumattomuus - tirelessnessuupuminen - verbal noun of uupua, getting tired or exhausteduupumus - fatigue, exhaustionuuraislainen - a person from or living in Uurainenuurastaja - toileruurastaminen - verbal noun of uurastaauurastus - toilinguurna - urn, casketuurnahauta - a grave in which an urn is burieduurnahautaus - urn burialuurnahautausmaa - a graveyard or cemetery with funeral urnsuurnaholvi - columbarium, cinerarium (place for storage of cinerary urns)uurnalehto - urn garden, columbariumuurnavaali - ballot box (process or method of voting)uurre - furrow, line (deep wrinkle, such as in the skin of the face, especially on someone's forehead)uurrehöylä - plough (joiner's plane for making grooves)uurreliitos - dado jointuurros - grooveuurrostaminen - verbal noun of uurrostaauurrostus - cutting a grooveuurteisuus - having grooves, being grooveduurteisvalas - rorqual (whale of the family Balaenopteridae)uurto - grooving, furrowinguusasiallisuus - New Objectivityuusaste - gradian (unit of angle equal to 1/400 of full circle)uusavuttomuus - incapability of taking care of oneself because of excessive pamperinguusbarokki - Neo-Baroqueuuselintarvike - novel food productuusfasismi - neofascismuusfasisti - neofascistuusfilologia - new philology, modern philologyuushankinta - new acquisition, new purchase (purchase or acquisition of something new)uushenkisyys - new age (spiritual movement)uushopea - nickel silveruusi aika - modern era, modern age, modern history (period after the Middle Ages, i.e. from abt. the year 1500 to today)uusi vuosi - Alternative spelling of uusivuosi.uusija - reneweruusikaarlepyyläinen - a person from or living in Nykarlebyuusikaupunkilainen - a person from or living in Uusikaupunkiuusikuu - new moonuusiminen - verbal noun of uusiauusinta - renewal (act of renewing)uusintaesitys - repeat performance (of a theatrical play)uusintainvestointi - reinvestmentuusintajulkaisu - republication, reissue, repostuusintakilpailu - repeat race, repeat competition, rematchuusintakuulustelu - re-examination, retrying an examinationuusintakäsittely - reprocessinguusintalähetys - rebroadcast, repeat broadcastuusintaottelu - rematch (repeated contest)uusintapainos - reprintuusintarikollinen - repeat offenderuusintavaali - repeat election, re-electionuusinto - Synonym of uusintauusinvestointi - new investment, reinvestmentuusiokuitu - Synonym of kierrätyskuitu (“recycled fiber”).uusiokäyttö - reuse (act of salvaging or in some manner returning a discarded item into something usable)uusiolasi - reusable glass, reclaimed glassuusiomassa - recycled pulpuusiomuovi - recycled plasticuusiopahvi - recycled cardboarduusiopaperi - recycled paperuusioperhe - Alternative form of uusperheuusioraaka-aine - secondary raw materialuusiorengas - retread (a used tire whose surface has been replaced to extend its life and use)uusiosana - an old forgotten word adapted as a neologism with a new meaninguusiosinkku - someone who is single againuusiotuote - recycled product, secondary productuusiseelantilainen - A New Zealander.uusiutuminen - verbal noun of uusiutua, recurring, relapsing (of an illness, problem, etc.)uusiutumiskyky - regeneration ability or capacityuusiutumistaipumus - tendency to recuruusivuosi - New Yearuusjako - land consolidation (planned readjustment and rearrangement of fragmented land parcels and their ownership)uusklassikko - neoclassicist (follower of neoclassicism)uusklassisismi - neoclassicismuusklassismi - neoclassicismuusklassisuus - neoclassicismuuskokkiini - Ponceau 4R (food coloring, E124)uuskolonialismi - neocolonialismuuskonservatiivi - neoconservative, neoconuuskonservatismi - neoconservatismuuskritiikki - New Criticismuuskäyttö - new use (use for a new purpose)<-- -->