Finnish nouns, part 81raittikylä - a village along some route or passage, such as a roadraittius - temperance, sobriety (abstinence from intoxicants, especially from alcohol)raittiusaate - The cause of temperance.raittiusjuoma - Any non-alcoholic drink suggested or offered as an alternative to alcohol.raittiusjärjestö - temperance organizationraittiuskasvatus - temperance educationraittiuslautakunta - A municipal board for promotion of temperance.raittiusliike - The temperance movement.raittiuslupaus - A pledge of temperance, the pledge (promise to abstain from drinking alcohol).raittiusmies - A supporter of temperance movement.raittiusseura - A temperance association.raittiussihteeri - temperance secretaryraittiustyö - temperance workraittiusvalistus - temperance educationraittiusväki - The supporters of temperance movement collectively.raittiusyhdistys - temperance associationraivaaja - clearer, sweeperraivaaminen - verbal noun of raivataraivain - machine used in deminingraivari - Synonym of raivonpuuska (“fit of rage, tantrum”).raivaus - clearance, clearing (act of clearing, or getting rid of something that is in the way)raivauskalusto - clearing equipment, rescue equipmentraivaussaha - clearing saw, brush cutterraivaustraktori - bulldozerraivaustyömaa - clearing site (site where clearing work takes place)raivio - clearing (in forest)raivo - fury, rage, wrathraivo - back of the headraivoaminen - verbal noun of raivotaraivohullu - raving madraivohulluus - raving madnessraivokkuus - ferocityraivokohtaus - fit of rageraivonpuuska - tantrum, fitraivonta - raging, stomping, storming, rampagingraivopää - a raging person or animalraivoraitis - teetotaler (person who never consumes alcohol)raivostuminen - verbal noun of raivostuaraivotar - A Fury.raivotarjonta - vertex presentationraivotauti - rabies, hydrophobiaraivotila - Synonym of raivotarjontaraivotila - state of rageraivuri - trimmer (device used to trim vegetation)raja - border, boundary, limit, line (line or frontier area separating political or geographical regions)raja - a worn out object, something wornraja-aita - border fenceraja-alue - frontier (a boundary region)raja-arvo - limit (value to which a sequence converges)raja-asema - border stationraja-asukas - frontiersmanraja-asutus - settlement or population in the border region (of something)rajaaminen - verbal noun of rajatarajageminaatio - Synonym of rajakahdennusrajaheitto - throw-inrajahinta - frontier price, reserve pricerajahyöty - marginal utility, marginal benefitrajain - cropper (tool that crops)rajajoki - boundary riverrajajoukko - border troops, border force (peacetime troops that protect the border)rajajoukot - border troops, border forcesrajajääkäri - a private in the Finnish Border Guardrajakahakka - A border skirmish.rajakahdennus - gemination as it occurs in Finnish at the end of some words (jäännöslopuke)rajakarjalainen - someone from Raja-Karjala (the eastern parts of Ladoga Karelia)rajakauppa - cross-border trade, frontier traderajakaupunki - border city, border townrajakivi - borderstonerajakki - advocate for stricter immigration controlrajakohta - demarcation pointrajakoira - border guard dograjakomissaari - border commissionerrajakreivi - margraverajakreivitär - margravinerajakulma - critical anglerajakustannus - marginal costrajakylä - border villagerajakytkin - limit switchrajaliikenne - border trafficrajalinja - demarcation line, border linerajallisuus - limitedness, restrictednessrajaloukkaus - violation of territorial integrity, such as of airspacerajamaa - borderlandrajamerkki - boundary markerrajamies - border guardrajamitta - limit measurement, limit valuerajamäärä - quantity limitrajanaapuri - adjoining neighbour (individual, country etc. that shares a border with another)rajanaapurukset - neighbouring individuals, countries etc. that share a border collectivelyrajanaapuruus - sharing a border (with), being a neighboring countryrajanhaltija - a creature haunting a border, screaming when the border is movedrajankäynti - demarcation (act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit, especially when not caused by war)rajanopeus - terminal velocityrajantarkistus - boundary surveyrajanveto - demarcationrajanylitys - crossing a borderrajanylityspaikka - border crossingrajapaalu - border postrajapinta - interface (point of interconnection between entities)rajapuomi - border barrier, border boomrajapyykki - landmark, border post (sign indicating border of two or more countries), merestone (archaic)rajarauha - peace on the border, absence of a border conflictrajariita - border dispute, frontier disputerajaselkkaus - border incident, border skirmish, border conflictrajaseutu - frontier, borderland (part of a country which fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region)rajaseututyö - social work done in border regionsrajasopimus - border agreementrajasulku - border closurerajasuoja - border protectionrajataajuus - cutoff frequencyrajataistelu - border conflict, border skirmish, border battlerajatapaus - borderline caserajatarkastus - border check, border inspectionrajatarkistus - Synonym of rajatarkastus (“border check”)rajatiede - fringe sciencerajatieto - supernaturalism, occultismrajatila - limit staterajatilahäiriö - borderline personality disorderrajatilapersoonallisuus - Synonym of epävakaa persoonallisuusrajattomuus - limitlessness, boundlessness, infinitenessrajatulkki - limit gaugerajatulo - marginal profit, marginal revenuerajatuotto - marginal profit, marginal revenuerajaus - limitingrajauskynä - eyelinerrajausviiva - demarcation linerajausväri - liner (cosmetic product)rajavaltuutettu - border delegaterajavalvonta - border controlrajavartija - border guardrajavartio - border guardrajavartioasema - border guard postrajavartiolaitos - border guard (agency)rajavartiomies - border guardrajavartiosto - border guard, border patrolrajavero - marginal taxrajavesistö - transboundary waters, transboundary water bodyrajaviiva - A borderlinerajaviranomainen - border authorityrajavyöhyke - border regionrajavälikohtaus - border incident, border skirmish, border conflictrajoite - constraintrajoitin - limiterrajoittamattomuus - unlimitednessrajoittaminen - verbal noun of rajoittaarajoittuma - restriction (of a function)rajoittuneisuus - restrictednessrajoitus - limit, limitation, restriction, constraintrajoitusalue - restricted zone, restricted arearajoitusehto - constraint, conditionrajoni - district, raion (administrative division in Russia and some other East European countries)rajuilma - storm, tempestrajuus - Fierceness.rakas - darling, sweetheart, loverakastaja - loverrakastajatar - female lover, mistressrakastaminen - verbal noun of rakastaarakastavainen - loverrakasteleminen - verbal noun of rakastellarakastelukohtaus - love scenerakastettavuus - lovabilityrakastettu - beloved, dear (term of endearment)rakastuminen - verbal noun of rakastuarakeisuus - granularity, graininessrakenne - structure (in the abstract, as in the underlying shape or organization of something; underlying shape of a solid; overall form or organization of something)rakenne-ero - difference in structure, structural differencerakenneaine - texturing agentrakenneanalyysi - structural analysisrakennebiologia - structural biologyrakenneilmaisin - stud finderrakenneisomeria - structural isomerismrakennekaava - structural formularakennekehitys - structural developmentrakennekynsi - artificial nailrakennelma - structure, construct (of a temporary, simple, or crude, built structure; not usually used of a house-like structure)rakennemalli - model structure, structured modelrakennemuoto - structure, structural formrakennemuutos - restructuringrakenneosa - structural component, structural partrakennepiirustus - structural plan, arrangement drawingrakennepolitiikka - structural policyrakennerahasto - A financial tool set up to implement the Regional policy of the European Union with the aim of reducing regional disparities in terms of income, wealth and opportunities.rakennesopeutusohjelma - structural adjustment programrakennesuunnittelu - structural engineeringrakennetekniikka - structural engineeringrakenneteräs - structural steelrakennetyyppi - design type, structural typerakennetyöttömyys - structural unemploymentrakenneuudistus - restructuringrakennevika - construction flaw, structural defectrakennus - building (closed structure with walls and a roof)rakennusaine - building materialrakennusaineenvaihdunta - anabolism (constructive metabolism of the body)rakennusaineteollisuus - building materials industryrakennusakustiikka - building acousticsrakennusala - construction, construction branch, construction business (trade of building structures)rakennusalue - building area, construction arearakennusarkkitehti - a person that has completed a vocational education in architecture in a vocational school (ammattikoulu)rakennusautomaatio - building automationrakennuselementti - building elementrakennusfirma - construction firmrakennushallinto - building administration, building managementrakennushanke - construction project, development projectrakennushistoria - building historyrakennushomma - construction project, construction workrakennusinsinööri - civil engineerrakennusinventointi - building inventoryrakennusjärjestys - building code, building ordinancerakennusjäte - construction wasterakennuskaavoitus - building surveyingrakennuskanta - building stockrakennuskate - construction roofingrakennuskeramiikka - ceramic construction productsrakennuskielto - ban on buildingrakennuskivi - building stonerakennuskompleksi - building complexrakennuskone - construction machinerakennuskorkeus - height of a buildingrakennuskuivain - construction dryerrakennuskulttuuri - building culturerakennuskustannukset - construction costsrakennuslaki - building act (law regulating construction and maintenance of buildings)rakennuslasi - building glassrakennuslautakunta - board of construction, buildings committeerakennuslevy - building board, building panelrakennusliike - construction firmrakennuslupa - planning permission, construction permit, building permitrakennusmaa - building landrakennusmaalari - building painterrakennusmateriaali - building material, construction materialrakennusmestari - A polytechnic level degree in construction, aimed at training foremen; often translated as master builder into English.rakennusmies - construction man, construction workerrakennusmuistomerkki - building monumentrakennusmuovi - construction plastic, builders' ware of plasticrakennusmääräys - An individual regulation included in a building code.rakennusneuvos - an honorary title of the fifth rank granted by the President of Finland to people with accomplished careers in the construction industryrakennusohje - building instruction, construction planrakennusoikeus - the maximum total constructed floor area allowed on a given lot; equal to the product of floor area ratio and the area of the lot.rakennusosa - building block (component that is part of a larger construction)rakennuspaikka - building site (place where a building is located, is currently under construction, or shall be constructed)rakennuspalikka - building block (block made of wood or plastic that is used as a children's toy)rakennusperinne - building traditionrakennusperintö - architectural heritage, building heritagerakennuspiirtäjä - technical drawer, draftsmanrakennuspiirustus - construction draft, blueprintrakennuspohja - building ground, building siterakennuspuu - construction timberrakennuspuuseppä - builder carpenter, builder joinerrakennuspuusepänteollisuus - Synonym of rakennuspuutuoteteollisuusrakennuspuutavara - construction timber, structural timberrakennuspuutuoteteollisuus - construction woodwork industry, construction carpentry industryrakennuspäällikkö - construction managerrakennusrasite - building encumbrance, building servituderakennusrunko - frame of a buildingrakennusryhmä - group of buildingsrakennussaneeraus - building renovationrakennussarja - construction setrakennusselitys - specification of design of a buildingrakennussiivooja - building cleanerrakennussirkkeli - circular saw tablerakennussuojelu - architectural conservation, building conservancyrakennussuunnitelma - building plan, construction planrakennussuunnittelu - architectural engineering, architectural design, civil engineering, building design, construction designrakennustaide - architecturerakennustarkastaja - building inspectorrakennustarkastus - building inspectionrakennustarvike - building material, hardwarerakennustekniikka - construction engineeringrakennusteline - scaffoldingrakennustensuojelu - conservation or protection of buildingsrakennusteollisuus - construction industryrakennusteräs - construction steelrakennustoimi - construction work, construction activityrakennustoiminta - construction work, construction activityrakennustuotanto - construction outputrakennustuote - construction productrakennustuoteteollisuus - construction products industryrakennustutkimus - Synonym of rakennustarkastusrakennustyyli - building stylerakennustyö - construction, construction work (the process of constructing)rakennustyöläinen - construction workerrakennustyömaa - construction siterakennustyömies - construction workerrakennustyöntekijä - construction worker, construction laborerrakennusurakka - construction contract workrakennusurakointi - construction contractingrakennusurakoitsija - construction contractor, property developerrakennusvaihe - construction phaserakennusvalvonta - building supervisionrakennusvienti - construction exportsrakennusyhtiö - construction companyrakennuttaja - developer (of real estate)rakennuttajakonsultti - construction management consultantrakennuttaminen - verbal noun of rakennuttaarakentaja - builderrakentaminen - verbal noun of rakentaa, construction, building (act or process of constructing)rakentamismääräys - building regulation, construction regulationrakentamisohje - construction instructionsrakentamisoikeus - right to construct or buildrakentamisrajoitus - building restrictionrakentamistalous - construction economicsrakentamistiheys - construction density, building densityrakentamisvauhti - construction speedrakenteistumisteoria - structuration theoryrakenteistus - structuringrakenteisuus - structurednessrakentelu - building (casually, leisurely or repeatedly)raketinheitin - A multiple rocket launcher.raketinheittimistö - rocket artilleryraketti - rocketrakettiammus - rocket munitionrakettiase - rocket gunrakettihyökkäys - rocket attackrakettimoottori - rocket enginerakettipolttoaine - rocket fuelrakettireppu - jet packrakettitiede - rocket science (literal and figurative sense)rakettitieteilijä - rocket scientistrakettivaihe - rocket stageraki - rakirakia - rakijarakiitti - rachitis, ricketsrakka - blockfield, block field, felsenmeer, boulder field, stone field (surface covered by boulder- or block-sized angular rocks usually associated with alpine and subpolar climates and periglaciation)rakkain - dear, love, honey (term of endearment)rakkakuoppa - a pit that has been dug in a torrakkamaa - Synonym of rakkarakkari - rascal, thug, chav (anti-social youngster)rakkaudellisuus - lovingnessrakkaudenjumala - god/goddess of loverakkaudenoppi - doctrine of love (especially in religious contexts)rakkaudenosoitus - expression of loverakkaudenteko - act of loverakkaudentunnustus - display of love, display of affectionrakkaudettomuus - lovelessnessrakkaus - love, affectionrakkausasiat - love affairs or mattersrakkausavioliitto - love match (marriage based on a spontaneous mutual feeling of love)rakkausdraama - romantic dramarakkauselokuva - romantic movierakkauselämä - love liferakkausjuttu - love affairrakkauskertomus - love storyrakkauskirje - love letterrakkauskohtaus - love scenerakkauslaulu - love songrakkauslukko - love lockrakkauslyriikka - romantic lyric poetryrakkausromaani - romance novel, romantic novelrakkausruno - love poemrakkausseikkailu - love affair, love adventurerakkaussuhde - love affair (amorous relationship)rakkaustarina - love storyrakkausterapia - love therapyrakki - mongrel, mutt, pooch, cur (mixed-breed dog)rakki - truss (rope or iron used to keep the center of a yard to the mast)rakkikoira - hound dog, mongrelrakkine - A machine or device working poorly or not at all; a contraption.rakko - bladder (flexible sac that can expand and contract and that holds liquids or gases)rakkohauru - bladderwrack, black tang, rockweed, bladder fucus, sea oak, black tany, cut weed, dyers fucus, red fucus, rock wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) (species of seaweed)rakkokasvain - bladder tumorrakkokivi - bladder stonerakkolaastari - blister plasterrakkolasi - bubble glass (glass with air bubbles within)rakkolevä - bladderwrack, Fucus vesiculosus (common seaweed)rakkomato - bladderworm (larva of tapeworm)rakkopilli - bladder bagpiperakkosyöpä - bladder cancerrakkotulehdus - cystitis, bladder infectionrakkula - blister, vesiclerakkula-aste - blastularakkulaihottuma - bullous disorder, bullous pemphigoidrakkulakasvain - ganglion cystrakkulamunuaistauti - polycystic kidney diseaserakkularauhanen - seminal vesiclerakkulavaihe - vesicular stage, acute eruptive phase (phase of a disease in which vesicles form on the skin of the patient)rakletti - Alternative form of raclette (“raclette”)raklettigrilli - raclette grillraklettijuusto - raclette cheeserako - crack, chink, fissure, slit (narrow opening)rakoileminen - verbal noun of rakoillarakoilu - fissuring (splitting in a way that forms fissures)rakolista - Synonym of saumalistarakonen - slit, crack (small and narrow opening)rakonokka - openbill (bird of the genus Anastomus)rakontähystin - cystoscoperakontähystys - Synonym of virtsarakontähystysrakosuutin - crevice nozzlerakotuli - Synonym of rakovalkearakotulkki - feeler gaugerakovalkea - A type of open fire where the fire burns in a crack between two large logs; the fire burns slowly yet warmly.raksa - construction siteraksahdus - snap (sound)raksahtaminen - verbal noun of raksahtaaraksahtelu - cracklingraksi - hanging loop (small loop sewn into a jacket, towel etc. for hanging)raksu - darling, dear (term of endearment)raksuttaminen - verbal noun of raksuttaa, tickingraksutus - tick, ticking (relatively quiet but sharp sound generally made repeatedly by moving machinery)rakuuna - dragoon (cavalryman)rakuuna - tarragon (plant and its leaves used as spice)rallattaminen - verbal noun of rallattaarallatteleminen - verbal noun of rallatellarallattelu - singing carefreely, going tra-la-larallatus - Synonym of rallatteluralli - song, jingle, tuneralli - gratingralli - rallyralliajaja - rally driverralliajo - rally raceralliauto - racecarralliautoilija - racing car driverralliautoilu - rally, rallyingrallicross - rallycrossrallienglanti - English spoken with a heavy Finnish accent.rallikilpailu - rally competitionrallikuski - rally driverrallireitti - rally routerallitapahtuma - rally eventralliurheilu - rally sportsralliyleisö - rally spectators (collectively)raloksifeeni - raloxifeneramadan - Ramadanrambutaani - rambutanrambutani - rambutanramen - ramenramenkeitto - ramen soupramennuudeli - ramen, ramen noodlerami - grand, grando (in tuppi and similar games, bid to win majority of tricks in a game with no trumps)rami - ramie (plant and fiber)ramina - rams (card game)ramma - Alternative form of grammarampa - A lame person.rampa ankka - lame duckrampautuminen - verbal noun of rampautuaramppi - ramp (inclined surface that connects two levels)ramppikulma - ramp angleramppikuume - stage frightramppivalot - footlightsrampuus - lameness (being physically lame, or having an impediment to walking due to the feet or legs)ranapalkki - catheadrangaiseminen - verbal noun of rangaistarangaistavuus - punishabilityrangaistus - punishmentrangaistusaika - penalty timerangaistusaitio - penalty boxrangaistusalue - penalty area (rectangular area in front of a soccer goal)rangaistusasteikko - penalty scalerangaistusheitto - penalty throwrangaistuskeino - means of punishmentrangaistuskoppi - a cell or small room used as a punishmentrangaistuskuljetus - penalty dribbling, dribbling during a penalty kick, shot, etc.rangaistuslaitos - penal facility, correctional facilityrangaistuslaukaus - penalty shotrangaistuslaukauskilpailu - penalty-shot shootout, penalty shootout (series of penalty shots taken to decide a winner after a game has resulted in a tie and extra time has been played)rangaistuslyönti - penalty strokerangaistusmaali - A penalty goal.rangaistusmerkintä - penalty record, penalty entryrangaistusmääräys - penal order, penalty orderrangaistusmääräysmenettely - penalty order procedurerangaistusperuste - criterion for a penalty or sanctionrangaistuspotku - penalty kickrangaistuspotkukilpailu - penalty shootout (a series of penalty kicks)rangaistuspotkupiste - penalty markrangaistusseuraamus - Synonym of rikosseuraamusrangaistussiirtola - penal colonyrangaistusvaatimus - penalty demandrangaistusvankeus - incarceration, imprisonment (as a punitive measure)rangaistusvanki - convict, prisonerrangaistusväline - instrument of punishmentrange - range, shooting range (place to practice shooting)ranka - pole (delimbed but not debarked stem of a thin tree that is not cut to a specified length)rankahake - wood chip made from dried and delimbed treesrankaisemattomuus - impunityrankaisija - punisherrankaisu - punishmentrankaisukeino - means of punishmentrankaisutapa - method of punishmentrankaisutoimi - punitive measure or action, retributive measure or actionrankaisuvalta - power to impose penaltiesrankalauta - spine boardrankarakenne - skeletal structure, substructureranki - rank (position of a person)rankinen - a traditional mosquito screen used with a lean-torankinglista - ranking listrankkaaminen - verbal noun of rankatarankkari - penalty kickrankkarikisa - penalty shootout, shootoutrankkasade - heavy rain, downpour, rainstorm, cloudburstrankkaus - ranking (one's position in a list sorted by performance)rankki - mash, wash, dregs (sediment left behind when manufacturing spirits/liquor or yeast, particularly one from which alcohol has already been extracted)rankki - rank (rank of a group in group theory)rankkitynnyri - barrel of mash or dregsrankkuri - animal control officerranko - Alternative form of rankarannansiirtyminen - coastline change, coastline shiftingranne - wristrannehihna - wristband, wrist straprannehälytin - wrist alert braceletrannekanava - carpal tunnelranneke - wristbandrannekello - wristwatchranneketju - chain braceletrannekompassi - wrist compassrannekoru - braceletrannelaukaus - wrist shotrannelaukku - wristlet bag, clutchranneliike - wrist action. wrist movementranneluu - carpal bonerannenivel - any of the joints of the wrist, or those joints collectivelyranneote - wrist grasprannepaino - wrist weightrannerengas - wristlet, bracelet, wrist ringrannesuoja - wrist guardrannetuki - wrist rest, wrist guardrannevaltimo - radial arteryrannikki - Synonym of merirannikkirannikko - coastrannikkoalue - coastal regionrannikkoalus - coastal vessel, coasterrannikkoasema - coastal stationrannikkohöyry - coastal steamerrannikkoilmasto - coastal climaterannikkojalkaväki - marine corps, coastal jaeger corpsrannikkojääkäri - marine, coastal jaeger (private in the Finnish 'coastal jaeger' or marine corps)rannikkokalastus - coastal fishingrannikkokanava - a radio or television channel in Swedish for coastal areas with large Swedish-speaking minority or even a majority of suchrannikkokaupunki - coastal townrannikkolaivasto - coastal fleetrannikkolaivuri - coastal shipping operatorrannikkolaivurin radiotodistus - A Short Range Certificate, SRC (British), Maritime Restricted Radio Operator's Certificate, ROC(M) (US, Canadian).rannikkoliikenne - coastal trafficrannikkomerenkulku - coastal navigationrannikkopatteri - coastal batteryrannikkopuolustus - coastal defenserannikkopuumuura - Sooretama slaty antshrikerannikkoseutu - coastal regionrannikkotykistö - coastal artilleryrannikkotykki - coastal gunrannikkovaltio - coastal staterannikkovartiolaiva - coast guard ship, coastal defense shiprannikkovartiosto - coast guardrannikkovesi - coastal waterrannikkoväestö - coastal populationrannikkoväylä - coastal passagerannikkoyhteisö - coastal communityranska - French (language)ranskalainen - a Frenchman or a Frenchwomanranskalainen peruna - french fryranskalainen punnerrus - French press, lying tricep extension, skullcrusher (weight exercise)ranskalaiset - nominative plural of ranskalainenranskalaiset perunat - chips/French fries (British), french fries (US)ranskalaismies - Frenchman, French manranskalaisnainen - Frenchwoman, French womanranskalaisuus - Frenchnessranskanbulldoggi - French Bulldog (breed of dog)ranskankerma - crème fraîcheranskankielinen - Francophone (speaker of French)ranskanleipä - French rollranskannos - French translation.ranskanpaisti - beef loin roastranskanperuna - french fry (US), chip (UK)ranskanperunat - nominative plural of ranskanperunaranskantaminen - verbal noun of ranskantaaranskantauti - French disease (syphilis)ranskatar - Frenchwomanranskis - Alternative form of ranskanleipä.ranstakka - Synonym of hiilihankoranta - shore, strand, coast (the border of a body of water and land in general)ranta-alpi - garden loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris)ranta-alue - waterfront area, shore arearanta-asemakaava - beach plan (zoning plan for an area with a beach)ranta-asu - beachwearrantaelämä - life at a beachrantahiekka - beach sandrantahietikko - the expanse of sand at a beachrantahotelli - beach hotelrantajalkapallo - beach soccerrantajuurikas - sea beet, Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima (wild ancestor of the cultivated beets)rantakaava - Synonym of ranta-asemakaavarantakaavoitus - coastal planningrantakahvila - a café at a beach or shorerantakaislikko - the reeds or a bed of reeds at a beachrantakala - a dish made from fish cooked in butterrantakallio - seacliffrantakana - rallid (any member of the family Rallidae of birds: rails, crakes, and coots)rantakasvi - coastal plantrantakasvillisuus - coastal florarantakatu - boardwalk (especially one running alongside a beach)rantakaura - beachgrass, marram (grass of the genus Ammophila)rantakerttuli - Northern waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis)rantakirppu - dune buggy, beach buggyrantakivi - coastal stone, coastal pebblerantakivikko - the rocky ground of a beachrantakohde - beach destination, beach resortrantakoivikko - coastal birch woodsrantakoivu - a birch at a shore or beachrantakukka - purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria (semi-aquatic herbaceous plant)rantakukkakirppa - loosestrife flea beetle, Lythraria salicariaerantakunto - being beach-fit, beach bodyrantakurvi - Terek sandpiper, Xenus cinereusrantakäärme - grass snake, Natrix natrixrantaleijona - a man who shows off his looks at a beachrantaleikki - a (children's) play or game involving a beach, such as the sand of a beachrantaleinikki - creeping spearwort, Ranunculus reptans (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)rantalentopallo - beach volleyballrantalintu - any bird of the order Charadriiformesrantaloma - a seaside or beach holiday or vacationrantama - coast, bankrantamaa - shorelandrantamaisema - the view of a beachrantamatala - nearshore (zone of shallow water by a shore)rantamatalikko - a shallow or shoal at a beachrantamerkki - any formation characteristic of a former beachrantametsä - riparian forestrantamuodostuma - a formation at a beach or shorerantamuoti - beach fashionrantamuuri - seawall (wall along a waterfront to protect against erosion of the shoreline)rantamökki - a cabin or cottage by a beach or shorerantaneula - spined loach (small needle-like Eurasian sweetwater fish, Cobitis taenia)rantaniitty - coastal meadowrantanuoliainen - spined loach (small needle-like Eurasian sweetwater fish, Cobitis taenia)rantaoikeus - a right to use a beach and its area of waterrantapalle - a certain kind of geological formation at a beachrantapallo - beach ballrantapalsta - a patch or plot of beachrantapatja - beach mattress (usually an inflatable one)rantapato - jetty, leveerantapenger - bank (bank along the border of a body of water)rantapetäjä - pine tree next to a beachrantapuku - a dress or suit designed to be used at a beachrantapyyhe - beach towelrantarakentaminen - coastal buildingrantarata - coastal railwayrantaremmi - a group of drunken people at a beachrantarosvo - one who loots ships at a beachrantaruotsalainen - a Swedish Finn who lives at a coastrantaryssä - An ethnic Russian living in Estonia (lit. Coast Russkie)rantasalmelainen - a person from or living in Rantasalmirantasappi - Synonym of sappi (“plant of the genus Centaurium”)rantasauna - a sauna located on the shore of a body of waterrantasipi - common sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucosrantatasanko - coastal plainrantatie - coastal roadrantatontti - a plot at a beach (for a house)rantatuoli - deck chairrantatyttö - beachgirl (girl who spends a lot of time at the beach)rantatörmä - Synonym of törmärantatörö - Synonym of törörantatöyräs - Synonym of töyräsrantautuminen - verbal noun of rantautuarantavahti - lifeguard (attendant at a beach)rantavalli - bulkhead (man-made embankment along a waterfront to protect against erosion of the shoreline)rantavaltio - coastal staterantavalvoja - beach lifeguard, beach guardrantavehnä - sand ryegrass, lyme grass, sea lyme grass, Leymus arenarius (grass native to the sandy coasts of Atlantic and Northern Europe)rantavesi - water near the shoreline (part of a body of water that is very close the shore)rantaviiva - shorelinerantavyöhyke - shoreline zonerantayrtti - gypsywort (Lycopus europaeus)rante - a place where timber is stored for domestic useranteen veneluu - The scaphoid bone (navicular bone of the wrist).rantojen mies - homeless alcoholic or other addictrantojensuojelu - coastal protectionrantsu - beachrantu - stripe, stain (marking)ranu - a French fryranualainen - a person from or living in Ranuaranunculus - ranunculus (plant of the genus Ranunculus)raottaminen - verbal noun of raottaarap - rap, rap musicrap-musiikki - raprapa - dirt, mudrapa - dregs, draff (settled sediment of alcoholic fermented drinks, such as beer)rapaantuminen - verbal noun of rapaantuarapajuoppo - drunkard, alcoholicrapakalja - Synonym of ykkösolut.rapakeli - muddy weatherrapakivi - rapakivirapakivigraniitti - rapakivi graniterapakko - puddlerapakunto - poor physical conditionrapalätäkkö - puddle of mudrapapalli - a ball twined from birchbark, with stones insideraparperi - rhubarb, Rheum rhaponticumraparperihillo - rhubarb jamraparperikeitto - rhubarb soupraparperikiisseli - rhubarb kiselraparperimehu - rhubarb juiceraparperipiirakka - rhubarb pierapauma - Synonym of rapautumarapautuma - crumbling, erosion, weatheringrapautuminen - verbal noun of rapautuarapautumissora - Synonym of moro (“gravel”)rapavelli - Synonym of kuravellirapeus - crispiness, crunchinessrapiiri - rapier (slender, straight, sharply pointed sword)rapina - rustlerapiseminen - verbal noun of rapistarapistelu - rustling, act of making a rastling soundrapmusiikki - rap musicraportoiminen - verbal noun of raportoidaraportointi - reportingraportti - A reportraporttiteksti - text of a reportrappaaja - plastererrappaaminen - verbal noun of rapatarappari - plastererrappaus - plastering (on buildings)rappauslaasti - render, plaster, mortarrappauspinta - plastered surfacerappausverkko - plaster meshrappeuma - degeneration (the result of degenerating).rappeutuma - degeneration (the result of degenerating)rappeutuminen - verbal noun of rappeutua, degeneration (process of degenerating)rappeutumissairaus - degenerative diseaserappi - plaster (that which has been plastered)rappio - decay, degradationrappioalkoholisti - a drunkard whose life is in ruin as a result of the alcoholismrappiotila - state of declinerappu - Synonym of porras (“stairstep”).rappukäytävä - A stairwell.rappunen - stair, steprappuralli - a cast iron doormat with brushes for scrubbing shoesrapsahdus - snap (a short and somewhat silent rustling or snapping sound)rapsahtaminen - verbal noun of rapsahtaa, snapping (making a short and somewhat silent rustling or snapping sound)rapsaus - Synonym of rapsahdusrapse - rustlerapsi - rapeseed, colza (plant Brassica napus)rapsikakku - rapeseed cakerapsikirppa - cabbage stem flea beetle, rape flea beetle, Psylliodes chrysocephalairapsikuoriainen - common pollen beetle, blossom beetle, pollen beetle, rape beetle, Brassicogethes aeneusrapsikärsäkäs - cabbage seed weevil, cabbage shoot weevil, turnip seed weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictusrapsinsiemen - rapeseed (individual seed)rapsipelto - canola field, rapeseed field (field of Brassica napus)rapsipistiäinen - turnip sawfly, beet sawfly, Athalia rosaerapsiöljy - colza oil, rapeseed oilrapsodi - rhapsoderapsodia - rhapsodyrapsu - fine (monetary penalty)rapsutin - scratcher (piece of equipment used to scratch part of the body to relieve an itch)rapsuttaminen - verbal noun of rapsuttaa, petting by rubbing or scratchingrapsutus - scratchingrapu - European crayfish, noble crayfish, broad-fingered crayfish, Astacus astacusrapueläin - crustacean, crabrapujuhla - crayfish partyrapukanta - crab stock (population available to be captured from the wild for economic use)rapukastike - crayfish saucerapukauluri - neckwarmer for a crayfish partyrapukausi - crayfish season (in Finland, the time of year when it is legal to catch crayfish)rapukeitto - crab soup, crawfish souprapukestit - crayfish partyrapulokki - Olrog's gull (Larus atlanticus)rapurutto - crayfish plagueraputalous - crab economy, crab industryrapuveitsi - crab knife (a type of knife used for eating crab)rapuvoi - crab butter (greasy yellow-to-white jelly-like substance that accumulates on the inside of the shell of a crayfish or a crab)rariteetti - rarityrarotonga - Cook Islands Maori, Rarotonganrasagiliini - rasagilinerasahdus - crackle, rustle (brief sound)rasahtaminen - verbal noun of rasahtaarasahtelu - crackling or rustlingrasavilli - mischief-maker; unruly or naughty childrasemisaatio - racemization (formation of racemate)rasi - A forest that has been cleared for slash and burn but has not yet been burnt.rasia - box, case, container, casket (mostly one of relatively small size)rasiallinen - a boxful, caseful or cartonful (of)rasisminvastaisuus - antiracismrasistisuus - racistnessrasite - burdenrasiteoikeus - easement, servituderasitesopimus - easement agreementrasitetie - easement roadrasittaminen - verbal noun of rasittaarasittavuus - painfulness, arduousnessrasitus - strain (act of straining, or the state of being strained)rasitusastma - exercise-induced asthmarasituskoe - stress testrasitusmurtuma - stress fracture (small crack in a bone caused by repeated stress)rasitusrintakipu - angina pectorisrasitussairaus - straining diseaserasitustesti - stress testrasitustodistus - encumbrance certificate, encumbrancerasitusvamma - repetitive strain injuryraskas vesi - heavy waterraskas vety - deuterium, heavy hydrogenraskaslastialus - heavy cargo vesselraskasmetalli - heavy metal (type of metal)raskasmielisyys - melancholyraskassarja - heavyweight divisionraskasvaahto - low expansion foamraskasvesi - heavy waterraskasvety - Alternative spelling of raskas vetyraskaudenaika - pregnancy periodraskaudenehkäisy - contraception, prevention of pregnancyraskaudenkeskeytys - abortion (an induced abortion of a human fetus)raskaudentila - gravidity, pregnancyraskaus - heaviness, weightraskausaika - pregnancy, gestation (period of time between conception and birth)raskausarpi - stretch mark, stria, especially one caused by pregnancyraskausdiabetes - gestational diabetesraskaushepatoosi - intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancyraskausjuova - pregnancy line, linea negraraskauskilo - baby weight, baby fat (weight gained by a woman during pregnancy)raskauskoe - pregnancy testraskauskolestaasi - Synonym of raskaushepatoosiraskauskolmannes - trimester of pregnancyraskauskuukausi - pregnancy monthraskausmaha - pregnant bellyraskausmyrkytys - preeclampsia (complication of pregnancy)raskauspahoinvointi - morning sicknessraskaussyrjintä - pregnancy discriminationraskaustesti - pregnancy testraskaustodistus - certification of pregnancyraskaustoksemia - Synonym of pre-eklampsiaraskausvaihe - stage of pregnancyraskausviikko - pregnancy weekraski - a fermentation starter used in the leavening of (sourdough) rye breadrasko - heavy recoilless rifleraspaus - dental (cleaning of horse's teeth)raspi - rasp (coarse filing tool)raspikurkku - a singer with a coarse voicerassaaja - Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: one that cleans pipes with a pipe cleaner.rassaus - cleaning with a pipe cleanerrassi - pipe cleanerrassu - poor thingrassukka - Alternative form of rassurasta - rasta, Rastafarian (person)rastafari - Rastafarianism (movement)rastaletti - dreadlocksrastas - thrush (any of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae)rastaskerttunen - great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceusrastasverkko - garden netrastat - dreadlocksrastatukka - hair with dreadlocksrasteri - half-toningrasterikulma - screen anglerasterikuva - raster imagerasteripiste - halftone dotrasteritiheys - dot density, resolution (of a halftone screen)rasterointi - rasterizingrasti - X, cross (mark or sign that resembles the letter X)rastimäärite - checkpoint clue symbolrastinmäärite - Alternative form of rastimääriterastuli - solitaire (several bird species in the genera Myadestes and Endomodestes)rasva - fat (tissue, substance)rasva-aine - fatty substancerasva-aineenvaihdunta - lipid metabolismrasva-alkoholi - fatty alcoholrasva-apina - A grease monkey (mechanic, often with the specific connotation of an automobile mechanic).rasvaaminen - verbal noun of rasvatarasvaevä - adipose finrasvahappo - fatty acidrasvahiiri - fat mouse (rodent in genus Steatomys)rasvahäntä - fatty tailrasvahäntähyppyrotta - Synonym of rasvahäntäjerbo.rasvahäntäjerbo - fat-tailed jerboa (jerboa of the genus Pygeretmus)rasvaimu - liposuctionrasvaisuus - greasinessrasvakala - lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus)rasvakalvo - layer of greaserasvakasvain - lipomarasvakattila - grease potrasvakehrääjä - oilbird (Steatornis caripensis)rasvakeitin - deep fryer, deep-fat fryerrasvakerros - layer of greaserasvakeräymä - fat aggregationrasvakiilto - greasy lustrerasvakimpale - slab or chunk of fatrasvakoe - fat testrasvakoostumus - fat composition, fat contentrasvakovettumistauti - atherosclerosisrasvakovetustauti - atherosclerosisrasvakudos - adipose tissue, fatty tissue, fat tissuerasvakynä - grease pencilrasvaletti - greased hairrasvaliitu - oil pastel, wax oil crayonrasvaliitupiirros - oil pastel drawingrasvaliukoisuus - liposolubility, lipophilicityrasvamaksa - fatty liverrasvamonttu - grease pit, inspection pitrasvamuodostuma - fat depositrasvamäärä - fat level, fat contentrasvanahka - greasy leatherrasvanippa - grease nipplerasvapallo - a ball or clump of fatrasvapalo - grease fire, oil firerasvapitoisuus - fat contentrasvapoimu - fat creaserasvapoltto - seasoning (treating the cooking surface of a cast iron, steel etc. piece of cookware with oil or fat to create a non-stick surface)rasvaprosentti - fat contentrasvaprässi - grease gunrasvapäämutu - black-headed minnow, fathead, Pimephales promelas (cyprinid fish of the Mississippi valley)rasvarauhanen - uropygial gland (secretory organ, at the base of a bird's tail, that secretes the oil used in preening)rasvari - greaser (one who applies grease)rasvarieska - rieska with slices of bacon on toprasvasekoite - creamer, blend of fatsrasvasilli - oily herringrasvasisältö - fat contentrasvasolu - adipocyterasvasolukko - fat tissuerasvasuodatin - grease trap, grease filterrasvatahra - grease stainrasvaton maito - non-fat milk, homogenized and pasteurized skim milk/skimmed milk (in Finland, milk with at most 0.5% fat content)rasvattomuus - the quality of not containing fat, of being fat-freerasvaus - greasingrasvavilla - Unwashed sheep wool.rasvis - Synonym of rasvaletti.rata - railroad trackrata-ajo - track racing, circuit racingrata-auto - track racing carrata-autoilija - circuit racing driverrataennätys - track recordratagolf - miniature golfrataharjoittelu - track training, course trainingrataharjoitus - track practiceratajakso - track sectionratajuoksu - track runningratajärjestys - track orderratakelaaja - Synonym of pyörätuolikelaajaratakelaus - Synonym of pyörätuolikelausratakierros - lap around a trackratakisko - rail (metal bar)ratakävely - track walkingratalaji - track sportrataliikenne - rail trafficratamestari - roadmaster (one in charge of a railroad track)ratamo - plantain (plant of the genus Plantago)ratamokasvi - any plant of the plantain family (Plantaginaceae)ratamoottoripyörä - track racing motorbikeratamoottoripyöräily - motorcycle road racingratamoottoriveneily - speedboat track racingratanaula - Synonym of kiskonaularataosa - railway sectionratapiha - rail yardratapyörä - track bike, track bicycle (a bicycle used in track cycling)ratapyöräily - track cyclingratapölkky - railroad tie, cross-tie (US), railway sleeper, sleeper (UK) (heavy, preserved piece of timber or concrete slab laid crossways to and supporting the rails of a railroad)ratapölkkysieni - scaly lentinus (Neolentinus lepideus)rataresonanssi - orbital resonanceratarikko - track breakdown, railway track breakdownratas - Short for hammasratas (“gearwheel, cogwheel”).rataseläin - rotiferrataslukko - wheellockratasmylly - a water mill in which the wheel resembles a cogratasnivel - Synonym of kiertonivelrataspakka - cogset, cassetterataspyörä - cogwheelratatui - ratatouilleratatuomari - track refereeratatyö - track workrataveneily - powerboat circuit racing, inshore powerboat racingrataverkko - rail network, railway networkratavirkailija - track marshalratayhteys - rail linkrati - row, chainratifioimisasiakirja - instrument of ratification, ratification documentratifioimiskirja - instrument of ratificationratifiointi - ratificationratikka - Synonym of raitiovaunu (“tram”).ratina - crackling, rustlerationaalifunktio - rational functionrationaaliluku - rational numberrationaalisuus - rationalityrationalismi - rationalismrationalisoija - rationalizer (one who rationalizes)rationalisointi - rationalizingrationalisti - rationalistrationaliteetti - rationalityratkaiseminen - verbal noun of ratkaistaratkaisevuus - crucialnessratkaisija - solverratkaisin - solver (device or program that solves)ratkaisu - solution, answer (to a problem)ratkaisuehdotus - proposed solutionratkaisukaava - solution formularatkaisukeino - solution, remedy, way of solvingratkaisukeskeisyys - solution orientation, goal orientationratkaisukristillisyys - a kind of Christianity that promotes the idea of coming to faith oneselfratkaisumaali - winning goalratkaisumalli - resolution modelratkaisuottelu - deciding matchratkaisutaistelu - decisive battleratkaisutapa - solution, way of solving or resolvingratkaisuvaihe - resolution phase, award phaseratkaisuvalta - decisive influenceratkeama - rip, tear, rent, splitratkeamattomuus - unsolvabilityratkeaminen - verbal noun of ratketa, tearing, rippingratkoja - solver (one who solves)ratkonta - solvingratsastaja - rider (one who rides a horse)ratsastajapatsas - equestrian statue (statue depicting a person on horseback)ratsastaminen - verbal noun of ratsastaaratsastuksenopettaja - horse instructor, riding instructorratsastus - horseriding, equestrianism, equitation (act or action of sitting on and controlling a horse for sport, recreation or transport)ratsastusasento - cowgirl position (sex position)ratsastushalli - indoor horse riding arenaratsastushousut - riding breeches, jodhpursratsastuskenttä - horse riding arena, horse riding field<-- -->