Finnish nouns, part 72perheliikunta - family exercise, family workoutperheloma - family vacationperhelääkäri - family doctorperhemajoitus - homestay (form of tourism)perhemetsätalous - family forestryperheministeri - minister for family affairsperhemuoto - family type, family structureperheneuvoja - family counselorperheneuvola - family counseling centerperheneuvonta - family counselingperheneuvottelu - family meeting, family consultationperhenimi - cognomenperheohjelma - family program/programmeperheoikeus - family law (area of private law pertaining to family matters and domestic relations)perheomenapuu - apple tree with grafted branchesperheonni - family happinessperhepakkaus - family packageperhepalaveri - family meeting (informal meeting for discussion)perheperinne - family traditionperhepeti - the parents and young children sleeping together in the same bed (as opposed to sleeping separately)perhepiiri - family circle (the social circle comprising one's family)perhepolitiikka - family policyperhepotretti - family portraitperhepyjama - family pajamasperhepäivähoitaja - childminderperhepäivähoito - family daycareperhepäiväkoti - family daycare centerperheraamattu - family Bibleperheriita - domestic disputeperhesarja - a television show about family lifeperhesiteet - family tiesperhesivu - family page (page in a newspaper about family topics)perhesosiologia - sociology of the familyperhesuhteet - family relationships, family relationsperhesurma - familicide, family killingperhesuunnittelu - family planningperhesynnytys - a childbirth where the whole family (including the father) is presentperhetapaaminen - family reunionperhetapahtuma - family event, family occasionperhetapaus - Synonym of perhetapahtumaperhetausta - family backgroundperheterapeutti - family therapistperheterapia - family therapyperhetilaisuus - family eventperhetraditio - Synonym of perheperinneperhetragedia - family tragedyperhetunne - feeling or sense of familyperhetuomioistuin - family courtperhetuttava - family friendperhetuttu - family friendperhetyttö - a girl living with her familyperhetyö - family work, family laborperheuutinen - family newsperhevalmennus - parent trainingperhevalokuva - family photoperhevapaa - family leave, family-related leaveperhevene - family boatperheviljelmä - family farmperheväkivalta - domestic violenceperheyhtiö - family businessperheyhtymä - family union, family groupperheyritys - family businessperheystävä - family friendperho - fly (fishing lure)perho-onginta - fly fishingperho-onki - fly fishing rod, fly rodperhokalastus - fly fishingperhokela - fly reel, fly fishing reelperholainen - a person from or living in Perhoperholiivi - fly vestperhonen - insect of the order Lepidoptera; butterfly, moth or skipper.perhonsidonta - fly tyingperhosefekti - Synonym of perhosvaikutus (“butterfly effect”)perhosentoukka - caterpillarperhoshaavi - butterfly netperhoshiha - butterfly sleeveperhosiima - fly line, fly fishing lineperhoskoira - papillon (dog)perhoskokoelma - butterfly collectionperhospihvi - butterflied steakperhosrausku - butterfly ray (ray of the family Gymnuridae)perhosreuma - Synonym of punahukka.perhossimppu - lupus erythematosusperhossolki - butterfly clip (hairclip with a butterfly shape)perhostoukka - caterpillar (larva of a butterfly)perhostus - fly fishingperhosuinti - butterflyperhosvaikutus - butterfly effectperhosveitsi - butterfly knife (folding knife with two rotating handles)perhovapa - fly fishing rodperiaate - principleperiaatekysymys - matter of principle, question of principleperiaateohjelma - political platform, political agendaperiaatepäätös - decision in principleperiaatteettomuus - unprinciplednessperiapsis - periapsisperiastroni - periastronperidootti - peridotperidotiitti - peridotiteperifeerisyys - peripheralityperiferia - periphery (region)perifraasi - periphrasisperifyton - periphytonperigeum - perigee (point in the orbit of any object which is at the shortest distance from the center of the central body)periheli - perihelionperihämäläisyys - being very Tavastianperijä - heirperijätär - heiress, heritress, heritrix (female heritor)perikardiitti - pericarditisperikardium - pericardiumperikarppi - pericarpperikato - ruin, destruction, undoingperikoreesi - circumincessionperikoroniitti - pericoronitisperikunta - heirs collectivelyperikuva - archetypeperillemeno - getting through, getting acrossperillepääsy - reaching the destinationperilletulo - arrival (to the final destination)perillinen - beneficiary, heir, inheritor (one who benefits from the distribution of an estate)perilymfa - perilymphperiminen - verbal noun of periäperimisjärjestys - Synonym of perimysjärjestysperimiskulut - collection costs (cost incurred to collect debt that is owed)perimiskustannus - collection cost, recovery costperimispalkkio - Synonym of perintäpalkkioperimistoiminta - debt collectionperimys - inheritance, successionperimysjärjestys - order of successionperimyssota - war of successionperimä - genome (complete genetic information of an organism)perimätapa - Synonym of perinnäistapaperimätieto - loreperinataaliaika - perinatal periodperinataalivaihe - perinatal periodperinatologi - perinatologistperinatologia - perinatologyperinne - traditionperinnearkisto - tradition archive, traditional archiveperinnebiotooppi - traditional biotopeperinnekasvi - traditional plantperinnelaiva - a historically important ship that still exists todayperinnelajianalyysi - genre analysisperinnelajike - An heirloom (crop variety that has been passed down through generations).perinneliikunta - traditional sports, traditional exerciseperinnelääke - traditional medicine (substance used as medicament in folk medicine)perinnemaisema - traditional landscapeperinnemusiikki - traditional musicperinnepuutarha - traditional gardenperinnerakentaminen - traditional constructionperinneruoka - traditional foodperinnetiede - folkloristicsperinnetieto - traditional knowledgeperinneurheilu - traditional sportsperinneympäristö - semi-natural habitat, traditional habitatperinnäistapa - inherited tradition or customperinnöksiosto - acquiring a freehold of a kruununtilaperinnöllinen elliptosytoosi - hereditary elliptocytosis (blood disease)perinnöllisyys - heritability, heredityperinnöllisyyslääketiede - medical geneticsperinnöllisyysneuvonta - genetic counselingperinnöllisyyspsykologia - genetic psychologyperinnöllisyystiede - genetics (field of science)perinnöllisyystieteilijä - geneticistperinnönjako - distribution or settlement of the estateperinnönjakokirja - estate settlement/distribution documentperinnönjakotilaisuus - an occasion where the estate is settled or distributedperinnönjättäjä - one who left an inheritance, testatorperinnönluovutus - estate liquidation (to cover the debts of the deceased)perinnönsaaja - heir, inheritorperinpohjaisuus - thoroughnessperinteellisyys - traditionalnessperinteikkyys - traditionality (state or condition of having traditions)perinteinen - classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)perinteinen hiihtotapa - classic skiingperinteinen hiihtotyyli - classic skiingperinteinen kiina - Traditional Chineseperinteinen tyyli - classic skiingperinteisyys - traditionality (state or condition of being traditional)perintä - debt collectionperintäkirje - collection letter, debt collection letterperintäkulu - debt recovery cost, debt collection costperintäkustannus - collection cost (of taxes, etc.)perintäpalkkio - tax collection charge, tax collection feeperintätoimisto - collection agencyperintö - heritageperintöhopeat - a silverware set that has been inheritedperintöhuonekalu - an article of furniture that has been passed down or inheritedperintökaari - Code of Inheritance (law governing inheritance and will, especially that of Finland or Sweden)perintökalleus - heirloom (valued possession passed down through the generations)perintöoikeus - law of successionperintöomaisuus - hereditary property, hereditary possessionsperintöosa - inheritance (that which a person is entitled to inherit)perintöosuus - share of an inheritanceperintöprinsessa - A runner-up (any of one or more nominated runner-ups in a beauty contest).perintöprinssi - crown prince that is second-in-lineperintöruhtinas - crown prince that is second-in-lineperintösana - inherited word, native wordperintösopimus - succession or inheritance agreementperintötekijä - Synonym of geeni (“gene”).perintötila - ancestral estateperintötuomioistuin - probate court (court whose function is to administer estates and prove wills)perintövero - inheritance tax, estate tax (tax charged on the beneficiaries of an estate)periodi - period (of time)periodiopetus - teaching in short periodsperiodisuus - periodicityperiodityö - work in periodsperipateetikko - Peripatetic (disciple of Aristotle)peripetia - peripeteiaperipohjalaisuus - being very Ostrobothnianperisentri - pericenterperiskooppi - periscopeperistaltiikka - peristalsis (rhythmic, wave-like contraction of the digestive tract that forces food through it)perisynnittömän sikiämisen päivä - Immaculate Conception (Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary celebrated on December 8th)perisynnitön sikiäminen - Immaculate Conception (doctrine, in the Roman Catholic Church, that Virgin Mary was conceived free from original sin)perisynti - the original sinperiteksti - peritextperitoneaalidialyysi - peritoneal dialysisperitoniitti - peritonitisperivihollinen - archenemyperiytyminen - verbal noun of periytyäperiytyvyys - hereditarinessperjantai - Friday (day of the week; the fifth day of the week in Finland and in the ISO 8601 standard)perjantai-ilta - Friday nightperjantai-iltapäivä - Friday afternoonperjantaiaamu - Friday morningperjantaiaamupäivä - late Friday morningperjantaipullo - bottle of alcohol bought for the weekendperjantaipäivä - a Friday (day that is a Friday)perkaaja - gutter (one who guts fish)perkaali - percaleperkaaminen - verbal noun of perata, gutting (a fish)perkaus - gutting (evisceration of a fish)perkausjäte - fish offal, fish trimmingsperkausrauta - a type of tool used to gut a fishperkeet - parings, trimmings, guts, offal (parts of fish removed during gutting)perkiö - arable land or meadow tilled from hinterlandperkloorihappo - perchloric acidperkolaatio - percolationperkolaattori - percolator (type of device used to brew coffee)perkolointi - percolationperkussio - percussionperkussionisti - percussionistperkuu - Synonym of perkaus (all senses)perkuulauta - fish gutting boardperliitti - perlite (volcanic glass)permakulttuuri - permaculturepermalainen - Synonym of permiläinenpermanentti - permanent (chemical hair treatment)permanganaatti - permanganatepermanto - Synonym of lattia (“floor”)permantoliike - floor exercisepermantopaikka - stall (seat close to or about level with the stage)permantovoimistelu - floor gymnasticspermeaasi - permeasepermeabiliteetti - permeabilitypermeanssi - permeancepermetriini - permethrinpermi - Synonym of rihma (“snare (trap)”)permi - any of the Permic languagespermi - Synonym of permikausipermikausi - Permian, Permian periodpermiläinen - Permian (person belonging to Komi or Udmurt people)permiläiskieli - Permic languagepermis - permanent (hair treatment)permitiivisyys - Alternative form of permittiivisyyspermittiivisyys - permittivitypermu - Synonym of kurmupermutaatio - permutationpermutaatiomatriisi - permutation matrixpermutaatioryhmä - permutation grouppermutointi - permutating, permutationperna - spleenpernaruoho - any plant of the genus Sisymbriumpernarutto - anthraxpernasairaus - spleen condition, spleen disorderpernasyöpä - spleen cancerperoksidaasi - peroxidaseperoksidi - peroxideperoksisomi - peroxisomeperonismi - Peronismperovskiitti - perovskiteperpendikkelipituus - length between perpendicularspersaus - hinder, buttocksperseet - extreme drunkennessperseidit - The Perseids.perseily - mucking aboutpersentiili - percentileperseptio - A perception.perseptroni - perceptronpersia - the Old Persian languagepersialainen - Persian (person)persialaissota - Greco-Persian warpersialaisuus - Persiannesspersianapila - Persian clover, shaftal, Trifolium resupinatum (annual clover used as fodder and hay)persiankissa - Synonym of persialainen (breed of cat).persikankivi - peach pitpersikanpunainen - peach red (color)persikka - peach (fruit)persikkahapero - A brittlegill, Russula violeipes.persikkaiho - smooth skinpersikkakirva - green peach aphid, peach-potato aphid, potato aphid, tobacco aphid, Myzus persicaepersikkapuu - peach treepersilja - parsley, Petroselinum crispum (herb)persiljanippu - bunch of parsleypersiljanjuuri - Synonym of juuripersiljapersiljaseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius sulfurinus.persiljavoi - butter flavored with parsleypersimon - persimmonpersimoni - persimmonperskat - dottle, grounds (substance left after use, such as of tobacco or coffee)perskänni - soddenness, drunkennessperskärpänen - Synonym of nautakiiliäinenpersnetto - operating loss, negative revenuepersoilu - acting greedy (for sweet things, etc.)personaaliunioni - personal unionpersonal trainer - personal trainerpersonalismi - personalismpersonifikaatio - personificationpersonifiointi - personificationpersonointi - personificationpersonoituma - personification (that which personifies something)persoona - person, grammatical person (linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom he is speaking)persoonaliite - personal suffixpersoonallisuus - personalitypersoonallisuushäiriö - personality disorderpersoonallisuustesti - A personality test.persoonallisuustyyppi - personality typepersoonamuoto - personal formpersoonapronomini - personal pronounpersoonapääte - personal suffixpersoonattomuus - impersonalness (not having person)persoonaunioni - personal unionpersous - greediness (for sweet things, etc.)perspektiivi - perspective (view, vista or outlook)perspektiivikuva - perspective (an image taken from a perspective)perspektiivimaalaus - perspective painting (a painting)perspektiivipiirustus - perspective drawingpersposki - arsecheekpersreikä - Alternative form of persereikäperstuntuma - gut feelingpersu - Synonym of perussuomalainen (“member or supporter of the Finns Party”).persus - behind, bottom, backside, bum, can (buttocks)persuukset - buttockspertiitti - perthitepertsa - classic, classic skiing (style of cross-country skiing)pertunmaalainen - a person from or living in Pertunmaapertuska - a wide-bladed axe used to cut thickets or peatperu - heritage (property that may be inherited; inherited traditions)peruke - wire trace, snoodperukirja - inventory of an estate, (list of all the assets and liabilities of a deceased person compiled as required by Finnish inheritance law)perukka - A back end, out-of-the-way corner or place; often used in plural (a place which is remote or otherwise difficult to reach).perulainen - Peruvianperuminen - verbal noun of peruaperuna - potato, Solanum tuberosum (plant and the tuber)peruna-ankeroinen - golden nematode, golden potato nematode, potato cyst nematode, yellow potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis (pest of plants of the family Solanaceae)perunahiutale - potato flake, potato crispperunajauho - potato flourperunakappa - a kappa of potatoesperunakattila - potato kettle, potato boilerperunakeitto - potato soupperunakellari - potato cellarperunakuokka - potato hookperunakuoppa - hole, pit or cellar for storing potatoesperunakuoriainen - Synonym of koloradonkuoriainenperunakuutio - potato cubeperunalaari - potato binperunalaatikko - Traditional Finnish (sweetened) potato casserole, a common Christmas dish.perunalajike - potato cultivarperunalastu - potato chip (US), potato crisp (UK)perunaleivos - potato fritter, potato cakeperunalettu - potato pancakeperunalimppu - a sweet and sour round bread containing floury potatoesperunalohko - potato wedgeperunalumi - an airy side dish made of grated or strained floury potatoes, somewhat resembling mashed potatoesperunamaa - potato field, potato gardenperunamakkara - A kind of sausage made with potato.perunamuhennos - mashed potatoesperunamuusi - mashed potatoesperunamuusijauhe - instant mashed potatoesperunamylly - a hand-operated potato millperunamämmi - mämmi made of rye and potatoesperunanenä - large, ugly noseperunanhitu - Synonym of perunankuoriperunanistutus - planting potatoesperunanistutuskone - potato planting machineperunanitu - potato sproutperunankukka - potato flowerperunankuori - potato skinperunankuorimaveitsi - potato peeling knife, potato peelerperunankuorimisveitsi - Synonym of perunankuorimaveitsiperunankylvö - sowing potatoesperunanlohko - Alternative form of perunalohkoperunanmukula - potato tuberperunannostaja - potato lifter (person)perunannosto - harvesting potatoesperunannostokone - potato harvester, potato lifterperunanpano - Synonym of perunanistutusperunansiemen - potato seedperunantaimi - potato sapling, potato treeperunanuija - potato masherperunanvarsi - potato stem, potato stalkperunanviljely - potato cultivationperunaohukainen - potato pancake, potato crepeperunapelto - potato fieldperunapenkki - potato bedperunapiirakka - Karelian pasty made with potato fillingperunapuuro - potato porridgeperunarieska - rieska (unleavened flatbread) made of potatoesperunarupi - common scab, as a relatively harmless variety of scab.perunarutto - potato blight (plant disease)perunarösti - potato pancake (shallow-fried pancake of grated potato and egg)perunasalaatti - potato saladperunasarka - potato patchperunasato - potato harvest, potato cropperunaskonssi - tattie sconeperunasoppa - potato soupperunasose - mashed potatoesperunasurvin - potato pestleperunasuurimo - potato starch grainperunasyöpä - potato wart; Synchytrium endobioticumperunasäkki - potato sackperunateatteri - the act of peeling potatoesperunateollisuus - potato industryperunatärkkelys - potato starchperunavako - plowed furrow for potatoesperunavalmiste - potato product, potato preparationperunavesi - potato waterperunaviipale - potato sliceperunaviljelmä - potato farm, potato plantationperunaviljelys - Synonym of perunaviljelmäperunkirja - Alternative form of perukirjaperunkirjoitus - the formal process of compiling a list of all the assets and liabilities of a deceased person as required by Finnish inheritance lawperunkirjoitusarvo - value of something considered when drawing up an inventoryperunrotta - Andean rat, Lenoxus apicalis (species of rat found on the eastern slopes of Andes in Peru and Bolivia)perus - foundationperusaate - basic principleperusaihe - basic subject, fundamental subjectperusaine - base substance, substrateperusaineenvaihdunta - basal metabolism; basal metabolic rateperusaineisto - basic materialperusaines - basic material, basic element, basic aspectperusajatus - basic idea, principleperusarvo - fundamental value, basic valueperusasenne - basic attitude, underlying attitudeperusasento - basic positionperusasia - essential (something basic, elementary or indispensable)perusaste - positive (not comparative, superlative, augmentative nor diminutive)perusedellytys - prerequisite, fundamental conditionperuselementti - fundamental elementperuselinkeino - primary industry, basic industryperuselintarvike - staple (basic food stuff)perushankinnat - normal or standard suppliesperushinta - base price, basic price (price quoted as a base without including additional charges)perushoitaja - nursing assistant, nurse's aideperushoito - general careperushyödyke - primary goodperusjono - fundamental sequence, Cauchy sequenceperusjoukko - universeperuskaava - basic formulaperuskallio - basement (mass of igneous or metamorphic rock forming the foundation over which a platform of sedimentary rocks is laid)peruskalusto - standard equipmentperuskartoitus - baseline surveyperuskartta - base mapperuskastike - mother sauce, basic sauceperuskaura - 101, routine, a trivial action (or one that should be)peruskirja - charter (document issued by an authority, creating a public or private institution, and defining its purposes and privileges)peruskivi - cornerstone (ceremonial stone set at the foundation of a building, often in the corner and inscribed with the completion year and other details)peruskorjaus - major overhaul, complete renovation (thorough reparation of a building or structure)peruskorko - base rateperuskorvaus - basic compensation, basic amountperuskoulu - The name commonly used in Finnish for Finland's 9-year comprehensive schools starting at the age of 7 (literally means "basic school"; a more precise or more descriptive name would be (yhdeksänvuotinen) yhtenäiskoulu).peruskoulu-uudistus - comprehensive school reformperuskouluaste - comprehensive or primary education as a grade or step of educationperuskoululainen - a pupil in a (Finnish) comprehensive school (peruskoulu)peruskoulunopettaja - comprehensive school teacher, primary school teacherperuskoulutus - basic educationperuskoulutuskausi - recruit training, basic training, boot campperuskunta - basic municipality (a municipality that does not have a governing body but that is not in itself part of a regional governing body)peruskunto - base fitnessperuskurssi - initial course, foundation course, basic courseperuskysymys - basic question, fundamental questionperuskäsite - basic conceptperuskäyttäjä - basic userperuslaki - basic lawperuslaskutoimitus - arithmetic operationperuslause - fundamental theoremperuslinja - basic line, fundamental line (line, idea)peruslukema - default reading (of an instrument)perusluku - cardinal numberperuslukusana - In Finnish grammar, a cardinal numeral that is expressed as single, non-compound word and may be used as an element for composing compound numerals. These "elementary" numeral are yksi (“one”), kaksi (“two”), ... . kymmenen (“ten”), sata (“hundred”), tuhat (“thousand”), miljoona (“million”), miljardi (“billion”) etc.perusluonne - fundamental natureperuslyönti - basic hit, basic shotperuslämpö - core temperatureperusmaa - groundmassperusmaksu - base fee, base chargeperusmaku - basic tasteperusmalli - basic model, standard modelperusmerkitys - denotationperusmetalli - base metal (common metal)perusmuoto - lemma, basic form (canonical form of an inflected word; ie the form usually found in dictionaries)perusmuuri - foundation wallperusmuurilevy - Synonym of patolevyperusmäärä - basic amountperusnäyttely - permanent exhibition, main permanent exhibitionperusohje - basic principle, basic guidelineperusoikeus - fundamental right, basic right (right regarded as belonging without presumption to all human beings under a given jurisdiction, or universally)perusolemus - essenceperusolettamus - basic assumption, basic premiseperusoletus - principle (fundamental assumption)perusomavastuu - basic contributionperusominaisuus - basic characteristicperusopetus - primary educationperusopetusryhmä - primary education group (of pupils)perusopinnot - basic studiesperusopiskelija - undergraduateperusoppi - fundamental doctrine, basic doctrineperusosa - A basic element or fundamental part of anything.perusosoite - base addressperuspaalu - foundation pileperuspaalutus - foundation pilingperuspalkka - basic salaryperuspalvelu - One of the government services which is considered to serve the basic human needs, usually understood to include health and social services.peruspalveluministeri - The Minister of Health and Social Services in the Finnish government.perusparannus - renovation, improvementperusparannustyö - basic restoration or improving workperusperiaate - fundamental principleperuspiirre - basic feature, fundamental characteristicperuspilari - fundamental pillar, basic pillarperuspiste - basis pointperusprosessi - basic processperuspuku - underwear leotard for gymnastics, ballet, etc.peruspäiväraha - basic unemployment allowance, basic unemployment benefitperuspääoma - principal {money originally invested or loaned}perusrahoitus - core funding, basic fundingperusrakenne - infrastructure, foundation, basic structure, basic designperusratkaisu - fundamental solutionperusrunko - rootstockperusryhmä - fundamental groupperussairaus - underlying health condition, chronic health condition, pre-existing (medical) condition, underlying disease, chronic ailmentperussana - simplex (simple word; word without affixes)perussidos - basic weave (one of three types of weave: plain weave, twill and satin)perussijoitus - basic investmentperussointu - basic chordperussopimus - a framework agreement (an agreement on general terms of cooperation between two or more parties, which forms the basis for more detailed or ad hoc agreements)perussuomalainen - Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see perus, suomalainen. Typical, normal, average Finn.perussuunta - basic directionperussuure - base quantity (physical quantity, chosen by convention, by which other physical quantities are defined)perussyy - root cause (initiating cause of a chain of events which leads to an outcome or effect of interest)perussävel - tonic, keynote (first note of a diatonic scale)perussävy - basic toneperusta - base, foundationperustaajuus - fundamental frequencyperustaja - founder (one who founds or establishes (a company, project, organisation, state, etc.))perustajajäsen - founding member, founder memberperustajaurakointi - real estate development, property development (business activity in which a construction contractor also acts as property developer)perustajaurakoitsija - A real estate developer or property developer, who also constructs; often originally a construction contractor who has gotten involved in development in order to increase its profit margin.perustajavaltio - founding member state (of an international organization)perustaminen - verbal noun of perustaaperustamisasiakirja - instrument of incorporation, founding documentperustamiskirja - memorandum of associationperustamiskokous - inaugural meetingperustamissopimus - establishment treatyperustamistyö - foundation workperustamisvuosi - establishment year, a year in which something was establishedperustanlaskija - one who laid the groundwork for something (often figuratively)perustanta - foundingperustapaus - base caseperustarve - basic needperustarvike - A staple, as a basic or essential supply.perustase - primary balance, basic accountperustaso - base level, basic levelperustauti - Synonym of perussairausperuste - grounds (basis or justification)perusteellisuus - thoroughnessperusteettomuus - unfoundedness, unjustifiednessperustehtävä - basic task, fundamental taskperustekijä - fundamental factorperusteksti - base textperustelemattomuus - unjustifiedness, unsubstantiatednessperusteleminen - verbal noun of perustellaperustelu - rationale, argument, justification (process of reasoning)perusteollisuus - basic industryperusteos - seminal workperusterveydenhuolto - primary care, primary healthcareperustieto - basics, elementary knowledge, basic knowledge, grounding (fundamental knowledge or background in a field or discipline)perustila - baseline conditionperustoimeentulotuki - basic subsistence income, basic income supportperustuki - basic support, basic paymentperustulo - basic incomeperustuminen - verbal noun of perustuaperustuotanto - primary productionperusturva - basic social security (the minimum level of social security to which the poorest people are entitled)perusturvallisuus - basic safetyperustus - foundation, groundworkperustuslaillisuus - constitutionality (the status of being constitutional)perustuslainmukaisuus - constitutionality (the status of being constitutional)perustuslaki - constitution (a legal document describing the formal system of primary principles and laws that regulates a government or other institutions)perustuslakioikeus - constitutional courtperustuslakituomioistuin - constitutional courtperustuslakivaliokunta - The Constitutional Law Committee.perustustyö - foundation workperustutkimus - fundamental research, basic researchperustutkinto - undergraduate degreeperustutkinto-opiskelija - undergraduate, undergraduate studentperustyyppi - standard, basic typeperusuusiutumisluku - basic reproduction numberperusviiva - baselineperusvoide - An unmedicated and unperfumed moisturising cream typically sold at a pharmacy, cold cream.perusvoima - fundamental forceperusvuorovaikutus - fundamental interactionperusvuosi - base yearperusväite - axiom (especially in philosophy)perusväri - basic color, primary colorperusyksikkö - base unit (unit of measurement on which others are based)perusäänes - fundamental toneperuukki - wig (head of artificial hair)peruuntuminen - verbal noun of peruuntuaperuuttamattomuus - irreversibility, irrevocability, indelibilityperuuttaminen - verbal noun of peruuttaa, backing, reversingperuuttamisoikeus - right of cancellation, right of withdrawalperuutus - A cancellation.peruutuskamera - reversing camera, rear-view cameraperuutusmatka - a trip or tour available for a discount because the original buyer cancelled itperuutuspaikka - an available seat (on a flight, etc.) because the original buyer cancelledperuutuspeili - rear-view mirrorperuutustutka - reversing radar, parking radarperuutusvaihde - reverse gearperuutusvalo - reversing lightperversio - perversionperversiteetti - perversityperverssiys - perversitypervitiini - methamphetaminepervo - pervperä - rear, back, tail end (aft part of anything), stern, aft (rear part or after end of a ship or vessel)peräaallokko - stern wave (the wave or waves caused by a stern of a (moving) ship)peräaalto - The wash (wake of a ship), specifically the large waves produced.peräairo - stern oarperäaukkokanava - anal canalperäaukon kohottajalihas - levator ani (muscle that forms part of the pelvic floor; in humans it supports the viscera in pelvic cavity)peräevä - An anal fin.peräharus - backstayperähytti - aft cabinperäkaide - pushpitperäkamari - back bedroom, back roomperäkammari - Alternative form of peräkamariperäkammarin poika - an adult man living with his parents, especially one that is single, unemployed and not in educationperäkaneetti - Synonym of loppukaneettiperäkansi - afterdeck, taffrail (deck area at the stern of a vessel)peräkastelli - aftcastle, aftercastle, sterncastle (structure above the main deck in the aft of a sailship, often housing the officers' cabins)peräkkäishaku - linear search, sequential searchperäkkäisjärjestys - sequential order, consecutive orderperäkkäistulkkaus - consecutive interpretation, consecutive interpretingperäkkäisyys - successiveness, consecutivenessperäkontti - Synonym of tavaratila.peräkoroke - poop deckperäkoukku - rear hook, trailer hook, hitchballperäkulma - back cornerperäkylä - remote village, backwaterperäkärry - A light trailer suitable to be pulled by a small vehicle.peräköysi - stern lineperälaatikko - headbox (of a paper machine)perälaita - rear edge, rear sideperälauta - tailgate, tailboard (hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle)perälautamalli - an agreement or a contract with a backup planperälyhty - aft lanternperämasto - aft mastperämela - stern paddleperämerenmaruna - Artemisia campestris subsp. bottnica, a highly endangered subspecies of ketomaruna (field sagewort), which occurs naturally only on the sandy shores of the Bothnian Bay .perämies - helmsman (member of a ship's crew who is responsible for steering)perämoottori - outboard motorperämoottorivene - outboard motorboatperänpito - control of a marine vesselperänpitäjä - helmsman, steersmanperänurkka - far corner, back cornerperäosa - tail end, back endperäpainoisuus - tail-heavinessperäparras - tafferelperäpeili - transom (flat or nearly flat stern of a boat or ship)peräpenkki - rear bench, back benchperäpohjalainen - a person from the region of Peräpohjolaperäportti - stern doorperäporttialus - ship designed to be loaded through stern doorsperäprutku - outboard motorperäpuikko - suppositoryperäpukama - hemorrhoidperäpuoli - The hind part of anything, but especially that of a man, an animal, a boat or a ship.peräpää - back, rear (back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last on order)peräranka - A sternpost.peräruiske - enemaperäruisku - enema syringeperäseinä - back wall (wall forming the back side of a structure)peräsin - rudderperäsinkone - powered steering gear (on a ship)peräsinlapa - rudder bladeperäsintanko - Synonym of peräsinvarsiperäsinvarsi - tillerperäsinvipu - whipstaff (long pole attached to a tiller)perässähiihtäjä - someone who is skiing behindperässäroikkuja - tailgater (a driver who doesn't maintain a safe following distance)perässätulija - laggard, lagger, dawdler, one who comes behindperäsuolentulehdus - proctitis (inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum)peräsuolilämpö - rectal temperatureperäsuolioppi - proctologyperäsuolisyöpä - rectal cancerperäteljo - Synonym of perätuhtoperätila - breech positionperätilasynnytys - breech birthperättäisyys - successiveness, consecutivenessperättömyys - unfoundedness, ungroundednessperätuhto - stern thwart, aft thwartperätuuppari - kicker (outboard motor, especially a small one)perävako - anal cleftperävalo - taillight, tail lamp, rear light (one of a pair of red lights, mounted on the rear of a vehicle)perävannas - A sternpost.perävaunu - A trailer (unpowered wheeled vehicle that is towed behind another).peräytys - Synonym of peräännytysperääminen - verbal noun of perätäperäänajaja - one who rear-endedperäänajo - rear-end collisionperäänantamattomuus - The property of being unyielding; stubbornness.peräännytys - forcing to retreatperääntyminen - verbal noun of perääntyä, retreat (act of reversing, moving back)perääntymiskäsky - order to retreat or withdrawperääntymistaistelu - fighting retreatperääntymistie - way of retreatperääntymisvaihe - retreat phase (of a war or a battle)pesah - Pesach, Passoverpescovegetaristi - pescetarianpeseminen - verbal noun of pestäpeseta - pesetapeseytymistila - washing or bathing facilitypeseytymisväline - a piece of equipment for washing oneselfpesijä - nester (one who nests)pesijä - washer (person)pesijätär - female washer (person who washes for a living)pesiminen - verbal noun of pesiäpesimäaika - nesting timepesimäalue - breeding rangepesimäkanta - breeding stockpesimäpaikka - nesting sitepesimäpiiri - territory of a birdpesimäpuu - nesting treepesimäpuuha - nesting chorespesimäpönttö - nesting boxpesin - washer (something that washes, especially a simple device for that purpose)pesintä - nestingpesintäpaikka - Synonym of pesimäpaikkapesis - Finnish baseball, pesäpallo.pesismaila - Synonym of pesäpallomaila (“pesäpallo bat, similar to a baseball bat”)peski - A type of reindeer fur coat.peso - peso (currency; coin or note of one peso)pessaari - cervical cap, pessary (female contraceptive device)pessimismi - pessimismpessimisti - pessimistpessimistisyys - pessimisticness, pessimismpestaaja - hirer (one who hires)pestaaminen - verbal noun of pestatapestaus - hiring (the act of hiring)pestausraha - Synonym of pestirahapestautuminen - verbal noun of pestautuapesti - job, taskpestimarkkinat - Synonym of pestuumarkkinatpestiraha - money given to someone who takes up a job or taskpestisidi - pesticidepesto - pestopestuu - hiring, recruitingpestuumarkkinat - a fair for finding and hiring farmhands and maidspesu - wash, washingpesuaine - detergentpesuainetabletti - detergent tabletpesuaineteollisuus - detergent industrypesuallas - A sink (washbasin).pesuamme - washtubpesuastia - washing bowlpesubetoni - washed concretepesue - litter (animals born in one birth)pesuhuone - shower room, bath room.pesuistuin - bidet (low-mounted plumbing fixture)pesujauhe - washing powder (powder used e.g. in washing clothes)pesukaappi - washstand with cabinetspesukarhu - raccoon, Procyon lotorpesukarhukoira - coonhoundpesukarttu - Synonym of pyykkikarttupesukinnas - washing mittpesukivi - Synonym of puhdistuskivipesukone - any machine that washes, such as a (clothes) washing machine or a dishwasherpesula - laundry (place or room where laundering is done)pesulaite - washer, washing apparatuspesulappu - washclothpesuliuos - washing solutionpesumerkintä - wash instruction label, washing labelpesumerkki - laundry symbol (pictogram indicating how a piece of clothing, bedding, or other textile product should be laundered)pesuneste - washing liquidpesunkestävyys - washability (the quality of being capable of being washed without causing damage)pesuohje - washing instructionspesuohjelma - washing cyclepesupalju - washing tubpesupallo - detergent dosing ball, dosing washing ball, dosing ballpesupulveri - washing powderpesupussi - washbagpesupöytä - washstandpesuri - washer (machine that washes)pesuriepu - washclothpesurätti - washclothpesusieni - bath sponge (Spongia officinalis)pesusienikurkku - loofah, luffa, a tropical vine of the species Luffa aegyptiaca.pesusoikko - washtubpesusooda - washing soda, soda ash, Na₂CO₃pesutabletti - washing tabletpesuteho - washing performancepesutila - washing premise or facilitypesutorni - stackable washer and dryer combopesutupa - communal laundry room shared by the inhabitants of an apartment buildingpesuvati - washbasin, washbowl (movable basin for washing the face and hands)pesuvesi - washwaterpesuväline - washing equipmentpesye - Alternative form of pesuepesä - nest (structure built by a bird or other animal as a place to incubate eggs and hatch and/or rear young)pesäero - breaking up of a common estate upon divorcepesäjuuri - bird's-nest orchid (Neottia nidus-avis)pesäke - growth (mass of cells affected by a disease)pesäkekovettumatauti - multiple sclerosispesäkolo - burrow, colonypesäkunta - Synonym of pesuepesällinen - an amount that a firebox can contain (of wood, etc.)pesäloinen - brood parasitepesäluettelo - insolvency claim listpesämuna - nest egg (savings)pesänhoitaja - administrator, estate administrator (someone appointed to administer a bankruptcy estate)pesänjakaja - executor, administrator (someone appointed by a testator to administer a will)pesänjako - execution of the last will and liquidation of an estatepesänkavallus - embezzlement in a trusted relationship, such as between spouses, by children of parents or in an estatepesänselvittäjä - administrator of an estatepesänselvitys - administration of an estatepesänteko - nesting, building a nestpesänväli - the distance from one base to the nextpesäpaikka - site of a nestpesäpallisti - Synonym of pesäpalloilijapesäpallo - a sport developed in Finland in the 1920s, similar to and largely based on baseballpesäpallo-ottelu - a pesäpallo matchpesäpalloilija - A pesäpallo player.pesäpalloilu - The sport and practice of playing pesäpallo.pesäpallojoukkue - a pesäpallo teampesäpallokenttä - pesäpallo fieldpesäpallokypärä - pesäpallo helmetpesäpallomaila - a pesäpallo bat, similar to a baseball batpesäpallonpelaaja - Synonym of pesäpalloilijapesäpallopeli - a pesäpallo gamepesäpallotuomari - a pesäpallo refereepesäpuu - nesting treepesäpönttö - nesting box, nest box (man-made box provided for wild birds or small animals to nest in)pesätuomari - base umpirepesävahti - baseman, basepersonpesävalkea - fire burning in a fireplacepetaaminen - verbal noun of pedatapetabitti - petabitpetaliitti - petalitepetankisti - pétanque playerpetankki - pétanquepetatavu - petabytepetaus - making the bedpetauspatja - Synonym of sijauspatjapeti - bed (furniture or other place for sleeping)petidiini - pethidinepetiitti - brevierpetikaveri - bedfellowpetipuhe - pillow talkpetipuuha - the stuff that happens in the sack (i.e. sexual intercourse)petivaate - bedclothespetkel - Short for kuorimapetkel (“bark spud”).petkele - Alternative form of petkel.petkuttaja - cheaterpetkuttaminen - verbal noun of petkuttaapetkutus - hoax, spoof, cheatpeto - beast, predatorpetoankerias - cutthroat eel (eel of the family Synaphobranchidae)petoeläin - carnivore, any member of the order Carnivorapetohyönteinen - predatory insectpetokala - predatory fishpetokuoriainen - adephaganpetolintu - bird of preypetollinen ystävä - false friendpetollisuus - treacherousnesspetomaisuus - beastlinesspetonisäkäs - predatory mammalpetopistiäinen - any insect in the series Spheciformespetopunkki - predatory mitepetos - betrayal, treachery, treasonpetosyritys - deceit (attempt to deceit)petovahinko - damage caused by carnivorous animalspetra - Alternative form of peurapetraus - bettering, improvingpetrimalja - A Petri dish.petrografia - petrographypetrokemia - petrochemistrypetrokemikaali - petrochemicalpetroli - kerosene (US), paraffin (UK).petrologi - petrologistpetrologia - petrologypetsaus - applying stain (on)petsi - stain (substance used to color a surface by soaking, particularly wood in a way that leaves the grain visible)petsiväri - stain (substance used to soak into a surface and colour it)petting - Alternative form of pettinki.pettinki - petting (sexual acts of kissing, stroking etc.)pettu - phloem and cambium layers of a pine, especially as processed to famine foodpettujauho - phloem flour or flour with pine phloempettuleipä - bark bread (bread extended with phloem, used as famine food)pettuliina - A sheet cut from underneath the bark of a pine, consisting of its phloem and cambium layers. Historically, these sheets were soaked, boiled, roasted and ground to flour that was mixed with rye flour to bake bark bread.petturi - traitorpetturuus - traitorshippettyminen - verbal noun of pettyäpettymys - disappointmentpettäjä - traitor, betrayer, deceiverpettäminen - verbal noun of pettää, cheating, conning, defraudingpetunia - petuniapetunnyljin - Synonym of kuloinpetäjikkö - forest of pine treespetäjistö - Synonym of petäjikköpetäjä - pinepetäjänkuori - Synonym of männynkuoripetäjäveteläinen - Alternative form of petäjävetinenpetäjävetinen - a person from or living in Petäjävesipeuhapaikka - playroom, playing corner (room or corner dedicated for children's playing)peuhaus - romping, frolicking, playingpeuhupaikka - Synonym of peuhapaikkapeuhutunti - play hour (event of physical but non-sportive playing for kids, especially one that is supervised)peukalo - thumbpeukalohanka - purlicue, the interdigital fold or space between the thumb and the index fingerpeukaloinen - Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytespeukalointi - tampering, meddling (with)peukalokiila - thumb gussetpeukalokyyti - hitchhikingpeukalokyytiläinen - hitchhikerpeukalonhanka - Alternative form of peukalohankapeukalonjälki - thumbprintpeukalonkynsi - thumbnailpeukalonpää - thumb tip, tip of one's thumbpeukalopaini - thumb war (children's game)peukalopotti - thumbpeukaloputti - Alternative form of peukalopottipeukaloruuvi - thumbscrewpeukalosääntö - rule of thumbpeukalovarvas - big toepeukku - thumbpeukkuhuora - An individual who begs for likes for no real reason on websites, such as YouTube.peukuttaja - person who liked or gave a thumbs up (on social media)peura - a reindeer or a caribou, a general term used to refer to the deer species Rangifer tarandus and its twelve subspeciespeurahiiri - eastern deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)peurahiiru - deer mouse, deermouse (New World mouse of the genus Peromyscus)peurankello - clustered bellflower (Campanula glomerata)peuranliha - deer, venisonpeuranmetsästys - deer huntingpeurannahka - deerskinpeuranpyynti - deer huntingpeuranvaadin - deer doepeuranvasa - The fawn of a deer.peuranvirna - Arctic milkvetch (Astragalus frigidus)peurapatsas - a statue of a reindeerpezzotaiitti - pezzottaitepfennig - pfennigphilanderinopossumi - gray four-eyed opossum, Philander opossumphilanderinvillapussirotta - bare-tailed woolly opossum, white-eared opossum, Caluromys philanderphishing - phishingphotobombaus - photobomb (the act of photobombing)pi'issä - inessive plural of pikipiaffe - piaffe (movement)piaffi - Alternative form of piaffepianiino - pianino, pianettepianismi - pianismpianisti - pianist, piano playerpiano - pianopiano-oppilas - piano studentpianohaitari - piano accordionpianoharmonikka - piano accordionpianokappale - piano piecepianokonsertti - piano concertpianokonsertto - piano concertopianokoulu - piano schoolpianokvartetti - piano quartet (group)pianokvartetto - piano quartetpianokvintetti - piano quintet (group)pianokvintetto - piano quintet (piece)pianolanka - piano wirepianomusiikki - piano musicpianonkieli - piano wirepianonsoittaja - piano player; pianistpianonsoitto - playing the piano, piano playingpianonvirittäjä - piano tunerpianonviritys - piano tuningpianosolisti - piano soloistpianosonaatti - piano sonatapianosoolo - piano solopianosovitus - piano arrangementpianosävellys - piano compositionpianotaide - piano artpianotaiteilija - piano artistpianoteos - piano workpianotrio - piano triopianotunti - piano lesson<-- -->