Finnish verbs, part 4ideaalistava - present active participle of ideaalistaaidealisoida - To idealize.idealisoiva - present active participle of idealisoidaidentifioida - to identifyidentifioitua - To identify with.identifioituva - present active participle of identifioituaidentifioiva - present active participle of identifioidaideoida - to come up with an idea or ideasideoiva - present active participle of ideoidaidlailla - To idle.idätellä - frequentative of idättää (“to sprout, germinate”)idättelevä - present active participle of idätelläidättävä - present active participle of idättääidättää - To sprout, germinate.iestävä - present active participle of iestääiestää - To yoke; to put a yoke.ignoorata - to ignoreignoroida - To ignore.ihaileva - present active participle of ihaillaihailla - to adore, admireihailtava - present passive participle of ihaillaihannoida - to glamorizeihannoiva - present active participle of ihannoidaihasteleva - present active participle of ihastellaihastella - to admire, marvel (at)ihasteltu - past passive participle of ihastellaihastua - to fall for, become infatuated with (+ illative)ihastuttaa - To delight, fascinate, thrill.ihastuva - present active participle of ihastuaihmetellä - to wonder, to ask in surpriseihmetelty - past passive participle of ihmetelläihmeteltävä - present passive participle of ihmetelläihmettelevä - present active participle of ihmetelläihmettyä - to be(come) surprised, puzzled or bewildered (by)ihmettää - Synonym of ihmetyttääihmetyttävä - present active participle of ihmetyttääihmetyttää - to confuse, puzzle, befuddle, bewilderihmismäistyvä - present active participle of ihmismäistyäihmismäistyä - To become more human.ihmistyvä - present active participle of ihmistyäihmistyä - to become civilizediirintää - To translate into Irish.ikkunoida - to screen, filterikkunoiva - present active participle of ikkunoidaikuistaa - to immortalise (make eternally famous)ikuistava - present active participle of ikuistaaikävystyttää - To bore, tire, weary.ikävystyvä - present active participle of ikävystyäikävystyä - To become bored.ikävöidä - to miss, long, yearnikävöivä - present active participle of ikävöidäikääntynyt - past active participle of ikääntyäikääntyvä - present active participle of ikääntyäikääntyä - To age.ilahduttaa - to delight, cheer up, make someone's dayilahtua - To be(come) delighted, be(come) pleased.ilahtuva - present active participle of ilahtuailakoida - To rejoice.ilakoiva - present active participle of ilakoidailjettää - To disgust (to cause an intense dislike for something).iljetä - to bring oneself (to do), dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the nerve (to do)ilkamoida - to rejoiceilkamoiva - present active participle of ilkamoidailkeilevä - present active participle of ilkeilläilkeillä - To act badly, meanly, wickedly.ilkkua - To jeer, scoff.ilkkuva - present active participle of ilkkuailkuttu - past passive participle of ilkkuaillallistaa - Synonym of illastaa.illastaa - to sup (to have supper)illastava - present active participle of illastaaillistellä - to show one's tongue repeatedlyillistää - to show one's tongueillustroida - To illustrate.illustroiva - present active participle of illustroidailmaantua - to crop up (to occur, especially suddenly or unexpectedly)ilmaantuva - present active participle of ilmaantuailmaava - present active participle of ilmatailmaileva - present active participle of ilmaillailmailla - To aviate.ilmaiseva - present active participle of ilmaistailmaista - to express (oneself)ilmakuivata - To air-dry.ilmakuivattaa - To air-dry.ilmakuvata - To take aerial photographs.ilmalautailla - to skysurf (to practice the sport of skysurfing)ilmapalloilla - To fly a hot-air balloon.ilmastaa - to aerate (to supply air to)ilmastava - present active participle of ilmastaailmastoida - to air-conditionilmastoiva - present active participle of ilmastoidailmastua - To become aerated.ilmastuva - present active participle of ilmastuailmata - to bleed (to remove air from hydraulic system)ilmehtivä - present active participle of ilmehtiäilmehtiä - to make faces, make a face, pull a faceilmeilevä - present active participle of ilmeilläilmeillä - To make faces.ilmeittävä - present active participle of ilmeittääilmeittää - to give a personal touch or sound when playing or singingilmenevä - present active participle of ilmetäilmentyvä - present active participle of ilmentyäilmentyä - To be manifested.ilmentävä - present active participle of ilmentääilmentää - to embody, exemplify, express, indicate, manifestilmestyvä - present active participle of ilmestyäilmestyä - to appear, show up, materialize, pop upilmetä - to appear, turn outilmiantaa - To inform, report (a crime, dissenter etc.).ilmituoda - To reveal.ilmoitella - frequentative of ilmoittaa (“to inform, announce”)ilmoitettava - present passive participle of ilmoittaailmoitettu - past passive participle of ilmoittaailmoittaa - to report, notify ((of/about) = elative, to = allative)ilmoittanut - past active participle of ilmoittaailmoittautua - to enrol/enroll in, register in (school = kouluun, a course = kurssille)ilmoittautunut - past active participle of ilmoittautuailmoittautuva - present active participle of ilmoittautuailmoittava - present active participle of ilmoittaailmoitteleva - present active participle of ilmoitellailmoittua - To become aired (exposed to air)ilmoittuva - present active participle of ilmoittuailoita - to be happy, glad, cheerful (of = elative)iloitseva - present active participle of iloitailoittu - past passive participle of iloitailostua - To become delighted.ilostuttaa - To delight, cheer up.ilostuttava - present active participle of ilostuttaailostuva - present active participle of ilostuailotella - To frolic.ilotteleva - present active participle of ilotellailvehtivä - present active participle of ilvehtiäilvehtiä - To jest, to make fun.ilveilevä - present active participle of ilveilläilveillä - To antic (to perform antics).imaiseva - present active participle of imaistaimaista - To suck (rapidly, once).imarrella - To flatter, compliment, (colloquially) to butter up, soft-soap, suck up to.imeentyä - Synonym of imeytyäimeksivä - present active participle of imeksiäimeksiä - to suck (with one's mouth)imelletty - past passive participle of imeltääimellyttävä - present active participle of imellyttääimellyttää - Alternative form of imeltääimeltyvä - present active participle of imeltyäimeltyä - To become sweet.imeltävä - present active participle of imeltääimeltää - to sweeten starchy foods by keeping them warm over a lengthy periodimelöittävä - present active participle of imelöittääimelöittää - to sweetenimenyt - past active participle of imeäimeskelevä - present active participle of imeskelläimeskellä - to suck (casually, for a while; like e.g. a lollipop)imettävä - present active participle of imettääimettää - to breastfeed, suckleimetyttää - Synonym of imellyttää.imetyttää - to have (someone else) suckle one's childimevä - present active participle of imeäimeyttävä - present active participle of imeyttääimeyttää - to cause to be absorbed.imeytyvä - present active participle of imeytyäimeytyä - to become sucked up, absorbedimeä - to suckimitoida - to imitate, mimic, impersonate (especially of an impressionist)imitoiva - present active participle of imitoidaimmobilisoida - to immobilizeimmunisoida - To immunize.immunisoitua - To become immune.immunisoituva - present active participle of immunisoituaimmunisoiva - present active participle of immunisoidaimmuunistaa - to immunizeimmuunistava - present active participle of immuunistaaimmuunistua - To become immune.immuunistuva - present active participle of immuunistuaimpata - To sniff, huff something in order to get intoxicated.implantoida - To implant (to insert surgically into the body).implantoiva - present active participle of implantoidaimplementoida - to implementimplikoida - To imply (to suggest a logical inference).implikoiva - present active participle of implikoidaimplisoida - Alternative form of implikoidaimplisoiva - present active participle of implisoidaimponeerata - to impressimponeerattu - past passive participle of imponeerataimponoida - To impress.imponoiva - present active participle of imponoidaimportoida - To import.imppaava - present active participle of impataimpregnoida - To impregnate.impregnoiva - present active participle of impregnoidaimprota - to improviseimprovisoida - To improvise.improvisoitu - past passive participle of improvisoidaimprovisoiva - present active participle of improvisoidaimputoida - To impute.imuroida - To vacuum.imuroiva - present active participle of imuroidaimuttaa - To kiss intensively.inahtaa - To utter a sound.inahtava - present active participle of inahtaaindeksoida - To index.indeksoiva - present active participle of indeksoidaindikoida - To indicate.indikoiva - present active participle of indikoidaindisoida - To induce.indisoiva - present active participle of indisoidaindividuaalistaa - To individualize.individuaalistava - present active participle of individuaalistaaindividualisoida - To individualize.individualisoiva - present active participle of individualisoidaindoktrinoida - To indoctrinate.indoktrinoiva - present active participle of indoktrinoidaindonesialaistaa - to Indonesianize (to make Indonesian)indonesialaistua - to Indonesianize (to become Indonesian)indonesiantaa - to translate into Indonesianindusoida - To induce.indusoitua - To become induced.indusoituva - present active participle of indusoituaindusoiva - present active participle of indusoidainfektoida - To infect.infektoitua - To be infected.infektoituva - present active participle of infektoituainfektoiva - present active participle of infektoidainformoida - To inform.informoitu - past passive participle of informoidainformoiva - present active participle of informoidainfota - To inform.inhaloida - To inhale.inhaloiva - present active participle of inhaloidainhiboida - To inhibit.inhiboitua - To become inhibited.inhiboituva - present active participle of inhiboituainhiboiva - present active participle of inhiboidainhimillistyvä - present active participle of inhimillistyäinhimillistyä - to become more humane, to humanizeinhimillistävä - present active participle of inhimillistääinhimillistää - To humanize.inhoava - present active participle of inhotainhota - to loathe, detest, abhor (doing = partitive of the verbal noun or (informal) first infinitive)inhottaa - To disgust (to cause an intense dislike for something).inisevä - present active participle of inistäinistä - to buzz on a relatively high frequency, as a mosquitoinjektoida - To inject.injektoiva - present active participle of injektoidainjisoida - to injectinkarnoitua - To be incarnated.inkarnoituva - present active participle of inkarnoituainnoittaa - to inspire (to do = illative of the third infinitive) (to act as a source for inspiration)innoittava - present active participle of innoittaainnoittua - to be inspiredinnoittuva - present active participle of innoittuainnostaa - to inspire, excite, encourage (to do = illative of the third infinitive)innostua - to get excitedinnostuttaa - Alternative form of innostaainnostuttava - present active participle of innostuttaainnostuva - present active participle of innostuainnota - To enthuse overly.innovoida - to innovateinnovoiva - present active participle of innovoidainspiroida - Synonym of innoittaa (“to inspire”)inspiroitua - To be(come) inspired.inspiroituva - present active participle of inspiroituainstalloida - to installinstalloiva - present active participle of installoidainstitutionaalistua - To be(come) institutionalized.institutionalisoida - to institutionalize/institutionaliseinstitutionalisoitua - to be(come) institutionalized/institutionalisedinstrumentoida - To instrumentate (add an instrumental score).integroida - To integrate (as opposed to differentiate).integroitu - past passive participle of integroidaintegroitua - To integrate.intellä - to argue or insist constantly or unrelentinglyinterferoida - to interfere (of waves, to be correlated with each other when overlapped or superposed)internationalisoida - Synonym of kansainvälistää (“to internationalize”).internoida - To intern (imprison).interpoloida - to interpolateinterrailata - To travel using the InterRail train pass.interreilata - Alternative form of interrailataintialaistaa - to Indianize (to make Indian)intialaistua - to Indianize (to become Indian)intoava - present active participle of innotaintoilla - to be enthusiastic (about something)intoutua - To become enthusiastic.intrigoida - to intrigue (to conceive or carry out a secret plan)inttää - to insist, assert, argueintuboida - to intubateinvalidisoida - To disable (to cause a handicap).invalidisoitua - To become disabled.invalidoida - To make someone disabled.invalidoitua - To become disabled.inventoida - To produce an inventory.investoida - to invest (in something = illative)ionisoida - To ionise/ionize.ionisoitua - To be(come) ionised/ionized.irakilaistaa - to make Iraqiirakilaistua - to become Iraqiiranilaistaa - to Iranianize, Iranize, Iranify (to make Iranian)iranilaistua - to Iranianize (to become Iranian)irisoida - to iridesce, be iridescent (to exhibit iridescence)irkata - To chat on IRC.irkkailla - to chat on IRCirlantilaistaa - to make Irishirlantilaistua - to become Irishironisoida - To ironize.irroittaa - Alternative form of irrottaairronnut - past active participle of irrotairrota - to come off, come loose, detach, separate, loosenirrotella - frequentative of irrottaa (“to detach, remove, take off, undo, loosen”)irrotettu - past passive participle of irrottaairrottaa - to loosen, free, detach, unfasten, undo, separate, releaseirrottautua - to detach oneselfirrottua - Alternative form of irrottautuairstailla - to behave lecherously, lead a loose life, lead a dissolute life; lech (slang)irtaantua - To be detached, loosened.irtautua - To secede.irtisanoa - to terminate an employment, to lay off (to terminate employment by the employer for reasons not depending on the employee)irtisanoutua - to resign (one's office), quit, give noticeirvailla - to make fun of, to poke fun at (+ allative or partitive)irvata - Synonym of pilkata.irvistellä - To grimace.irvistyttää - to make grimace or grinirvistää - to grimaceirviä - to mock, jokeiskemä - agent participle of iskeäiskenyt - past active participle of iskeäiskettää - To have something hit.iskeytyä - To hit, impact.iskeä - to strike, hitiskostaa - to instill (to cause a quality to become part of someone's nature)iskostua - to get/be instilled (to become part of someone's nature)iskukuumentaa - to process in UHT (especially milk and milk products)iskuttaa - to play with emphasis (such as on alternate beats)isoloida - To isolate.isoloitua - To become isolated.isontaa - To enlarge.isontua - To grow in size.isota - to hunger for, desire (e.g. power)isota - to grow biggerisotella - To talk big.istahtaa - To sit down for a short while.istua - to sitistua kahdella tuolilla - to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds (support both sides of an argument, conflict, etc.)istuksia - To sit around.istuma - agent participle of istuaistunut - past active participle of istuaistuskella - to sit aroundistutella - frequentative of istuttaa (“to plant (seeds, plants etc.)”)istutettu - past passive participle of istuttaaistuttaa - to plant (place a seed or plant in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow)istuttava - present active participle of istuttaaistuttu - past passive participle of istuaistuutua - to sit down, take a seat, sit (take a seat)isännöidä - to host; to play host to (to act as host in a party or other event)italialaistaa - To Italianize (to give something Italian characteristics).italialaistua - To Italianize (to adopt an Italian way of life, or Italian manners).italiantaa - To translate into Italian.iteroida - to iterateitkenyt - past active participle of itkeäitkeskellä - To cry (occasionally, an unspecified period of time); to be sad.itketty - past passive participle of itkeäitkettyä - to weep, cryitkettää - to make (someone) cryitkevä - present active participle of itkeäitkeä - to cry, weepitsenäistyttää - To force or encourage someone to reach independence, often against his or her own will.itsenäistyä - to become independent; (of a country) to gain independenceitsenäistää - to make independentitsetyydyttää - to masturbateitänyt - past active participle of itääitävä - present active participle of itääitää - to germinate, sproutivailla - to ridicule, make fun ofivata - to ridicule, mock, sneer, jeer at, scoff, satirise/satirize, derideiätä - to date (measure the age of)jaanata - Alternative form of jahnatajaaritella - To ramble, drone on; to talk at length without a pointjaarittaa - Alternative form of jaaritellajaella - To distribute.jaettava - present passive participle of jakaajaettu - past passive participle of jakaajahdata - to chase, hunt (down)jahkailla - to linger / stall / procrastinate / hem and haw in the making of a decision, etc.jahkaista - to state something bemoaninglyjahkata - to bemoan, complain, regret (to complain and blabber about something without actually doing anything to the problem itself)jahnata - to quarreljakaa - to share, to divide (give out in portions)jakaantua - to divide, split up (e.g. a cell, a group of people, or a group into subgroups)jakama - agent participle of jakaajakamaton - negative participle of jakaajakanut - past active participle of jakaajakautua - To divide, be divided, split up.jakava - present active participle of jakaajakotislata - to fractionate (apply fractional distillation)jaksaa - to manage, to get by, to have strength, energy, or staminajaksella - to fare, to be, to do (used of one's life or wellbeing)jakseltu - past passive participle of jaksellajaksettu - past passive participle of jaksaajaksotella - to divide into passages, such as a scripturejaksottaa - to divide into passages, such as a scripturejaksottua - to be divided into passagesjalkapalloilla - To play soccer or football.jalkauttaa - to command a cavalry force to fight as infantryjalkautua - To disembarkjallittaa - to con, cheatjaloitella - To stretch one's legs by walking around.jaloittaa - Synonym of jaloitellajalontaa - to graftjalostaa - to refinejalostua - To become refined.jalustaa - to sheet (to trim a sail using a sheet)jammailla - To jam.jammata - To jam.jankata - to insist, assert, argue (continuously)jankkuroida - to plow with a chisel ploughjankuttaa - to harp on, to harp (to repeatedly mention a subject)janoava - present active participle of janotajanota - to hunger (e.g. for power)janottaa - to make thirstyjaotella - to dividejaoteltu - past passive participle of jaotellajaottaa - Synonym of jaotellajapanintaa - To translate into Japanese.jarovisoida - Synonym of keväistää (“to vernalize”)jarrutella - frequentative of jarruttaa (“to brake”)jarruttaa - to brake (slow down by operating a brake)jarruuntua - to slow down, brake; especially as result of some type of braking actionjatkaa - to continue, keep on, go on, proceed, keep going; to resume (doing = partitive of the verbal noun)jatkanut - past active participle of jatkaajatkava - present active participle of jatkaajatkella - frequentative of jatkaa (“to continue”) (slowly, intermittently or indifferently, etc.)jatkojalostaa - to process (a material, substance, etc.) furtherjatkokouluttaa - to train further, retrainjatkolähettää - to forwardjatkua - To continue, go on, last.jatkunut - past active participle of jatkuajatsata - to jazzjauhaa - to grind, mince, chewjauhaantua - Alternative form of jauhautuajauhata - Alternative form of jauhaajauhattaa - To have something ground.jauhautua - To pulverize (to be rendered into dust or powder)jauhennella - frequentative of jauhentaa (“to pulverize”)jauhentaa - to pulverize (to render into dust or powder)jauhentua - To pulverize (to be rendered into dust or powder)jauhettu - past passive participle of jauhaajauhoontua - to turn powderyjauhottaa - to flour (apply flour on something)jeesata - To help.jeesiä - to helpjeesustella - Synonym of hurskastella (“to play pious”).jekkuilla - to prank, trick (to perform a practical joke)jekuttaa - to trick, to prankjelpata - to helpjelppiä - to helpjemmata - to hide, stash, stockpilejengiytyä - to gang (to become a gang)jermuilla - Synonym of niskoitella.jiirata - to sheerjippoilla - To trick.jobata - to work a jobjodioida - Synonym of jodittaa.jodittaa - to iodizejodlata - to yodeljohdatella - To steer (discussion).johdattaa - To lead (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection).johdettava - present passive participle of johtaajohdettu - past passive participle of johtaajohdonmukaistaa - to make more logical, coherent or consistentjohdottaa - To wire (to equip with wires for use with electricity).johtaa - to lead, take, show someone the way tojohtaa harhaan - to mislead, misinform, deceive, lead astray (to cause someone to believe an untruth)johtanut - past active participle of johtaajohtua - to originate, stem, be derived from (+ elative)joiata - To yoik (traditional Sami form of song).joikata - Alternative form of joiatajoikua - to yoikjojoilla - to bounce around like a yo-yo, fluctuatejokellella - to babblejokeltaa - to babble, gurgle (inarticulate speech)jolkotella - frequentative of jolkottaa (“to walk or run around (at a relatively but not very fast pace)”)jolkottaa - to walk or run (at a relatively but not very fast pace)jolkutella - To jog, trot.jolkuttaa - To jog, trot.jollottaa - to cryjomottaa - To ache in a persistent and pulsating way.jongleerata - to jugglejonglöörata - Alternative form of jongleeratajonottaa - to queuejonouttaa - To cause queues.joogata - To do yoga.jorata - to dancejorista - to chitchatjorottaa - to be sulkyjossitella - to speculate, hypothesize (to make an inference based on inconclusive evidence on what could have been done differently)jouduttaa - to expedite, hasten, precipitate, speed upjouhittaa - to hair (to string the bow for a violin)joukkoistaa - to crowdsourcejousittaa - To equip with springs.joustaa - to yield, bendjoustavoida - To make more flexible.joustavoittaa - To make more flexible.joutaa - to have/find time (to do = first infinitive)joutua - to get (+ illative) (into a negative position or situation)joutua kilometritehtaalle - to lose one's job, get fired, get sackedjoutunut - past active participle of joutuajoutuva - present active participle of joutuajudata - to wander, traveljuhlia - to celebratejuhlistaa - to commemorate, celebrate, solemnise/solemnizejuhlittu - past passive participle of juhliajuilia - to hurt, achejujuttaa - To dupe, cheat, trick.jukertaa - Synonym of jykertääjuksata - To pull someone's leg.juleta - Alternative form of juljetajulistaa - to proclaim, announce, declare, pronouncejulistanut - past active participle of julistaajulistautua - to declare oneself, proclaim oneselfjuljeta - to have the impudence/nerve to, dare to, canjulkaisematon - negative participle of julkaistajulkaista - To publish.julkaistu - past passive participle of julkaistajulkilausua - to state, give a statementjulkipanna - To announce (e.g. a public notice).julkistaa - to publish, announce, unveil (to make public)julkistanut - past active participle of julkistaajulkituoda - Synonym of lausua (“to state”).julmeta - to become more crueljulmistella - To show one's anger at somebody.julmistua - To become infuriated.jumaloida - to worship, idolize (to worship as an idol; to adore excessively)jumiintua - Alternative form of jumiutuajumittaa - Alternative form of jumiuttaajumittua - to get stuckjumiuttaa - To jam, block, to make something to stuck.jumiutua - To jam, to become stuck, to freeze up, to freeze.jumpata - To exercise.jumputtaa - To pound, bang (to strike repeatedly).junailla - to arrange, to fix up (to provide someone with something)junnata - to do something slowly and cumbersomely without progress, a back-and-forth sensejuntata - to ram (pound something hard, especially driving it into something)juntturoida - to resist, be resistant or insubordinatejuoda - to drinkjuohtua - to come up, arise.juoksema - agent participle of juostajuoksematon - negative participle of juostajuoksennella - to run about, run around (to run hither and tither)juoksettaa - To curdle (to cause to form curds).juoksettua - to curdle (to form curds)juoksutella - frequentative of juoksuttaajuoksuttaa - to run, make run (to cause to move quickly)juolahtaa - to occur (to come or be presented to the mind)juolahtaa mieleen - to come to mind, spring to mind, cross one's mind, occur (to come or be presented to the mind)juoma - agent participle of juodajuonia - to scheme, plotjuonitella - To conspire.juontaa - to host, to compere, present (British) (to act as a host or MC in a television sitcom or other type of show)juontua - to come from, derive fromjuonut - past active participle of juodajuopotella - to tipple (to drink too much alcohol)juopua - to get drunk, become intoxicatedjuopuva - present active participle of juopuajuoruilla - to gossip (about = elative)juoruta - to gossip (about)juossut - past active participle of juostajuosta - to run (move swiftly)juosta pakoon - to run awayjuosta pää kolmantena jalkana - to run head over heels; at top speed, franticallyjuostava - present passive participle of juostajuostu - past passive participle of juostajuottaa - to give as drink (to = allative)juotu - past passive participle of juodajuova - present active participle of juodajuovittaa - To stripe.juovuttaa - To intoxicate, especially with alcohol.jupista - To grouse, grumble.juppiutua - To become yuppie-like.jurista - to make a low-pitched repetitive soundjurnuttaa - Synonym of purnata (“to grumble”).juroa - Alternative form of jurottaajurottaa - to sulkjuroutua - to become sullenjurppia - To annoy.jurputtaa - Synonym of urputtaa.jurrata - to repeat a monotone sound while doing little or no movement or progress (often with paikallaan to emphasize)justeerata - to tweak, adjustjutata - Alternative form of judatajutella - to chat (about = elative)jutskata - Synonym of rupatella (“to chat, drivel”).jutustaa - Synonym of rupatella.jutustella - Synonym of rupatella (“to chat, drivel”).jututtaa - to have a chat withjuurehtia - To grow roots.juuria - to uproot, root up, root (to tear up by the roots)juurihoitaa - to treat the root canal of a toothjuurittaa - Synonym of juurruttaa.juurrettava - present passive participle of juurtaajuurruttaa - to root (cause to grow roots)juurtaa - to have its roots in (of phenomena, opinions etc.)juurtua - to take root, root (to grow roots)juurtunut - past active participle of juurtuajuustottua - To curdle.juustouttaa - To curdle.juustoutua - to curdle (of milk, to form curds so that it no longer flows smoothly)juuttua - to get stuck/caught/jammedjydätä - to rock, to be wildjykertää - to work inefficientlyjylhetä - To become more rugged, mountainous.jylhistyä - To become more rugged.jylistä - to rumble, thunderjyllätä - to romp, revel (play roughly or energetically)jymistä - to rumblejymistää - to rumble (make a rumbling sound like that of a waterfall)jymähdellä - frequentative of jymähtää (“to thud”)jymähtää - to thudjymäytellä - frequentative of jymäyttää (“to thud, to thump; to cause (something( to make a thud or thumping sound”)jymäyttää - to thud, thump (to make the sound of a dull impact)jynssätä - to scrub (to rub hard, especially for the purpose of cleaning and polishing)jyristellä - to rumblejyristä - to rumble, thunder, rolljyristää - to thunder, to rumble (make rumbling sound like that of thunder)jyrisyttää - to make thunder, make rumblejyrkentyä - to steepenjyrkentää - to steepenjyrketä - to steepenjyrkistyä - to steepen (to become more steep)jyrkistää - to steepenjyrrätä - to move with a thundering soundjyrsiä - to gnawjyrytä - to thunder, to rumble (make a rumbling sound)jyryyttää - to thunder, to rumble (make rumbling sound like that of thunder)jyrähdellä - To thunder.jyrähtää - to thunder, boom, rumble (briefly)jyrätä - to roll (to press or level with a roller)jyräyttää - to get rolled, to get flattenedjyskiä - to rumble, to thunder (make a rumbling sound like that of a steam hammer)jyskytellä - frequentative of jyskyttää (“to pound or throb”)jyskyttää - to poundjyskyä - to thumpjyskähtää - Synonym of jysähtää.jyskää - to thunderjysähdellä - frequentative of jysähtää (“to thump”)jysähtää - to thump, thudjysäyttää - To thump.jytistä - Synonym of jytistääjytistää - to rumble (produce a low-pitch, continuous rather strong sound or noise)jytkyttää - to pound, to throbjytkähtää - to fall; to crash heavilyjytyyttää - to whack (doors)jyvittää - to allocate, to distribute (to distribute according to a plan)jyystää - to gnawjähmettyä - to set, solidify, freeze (of a liquid, to become solid)jähmettää - To solidify (to make solid; to convert into a solid body)jähmetä - Alternative form of jähmettyäjähtyä - Alternative form of jäähtyäjäkittää - To be stiff, unnatural; to do (something) stiffly.jäkälöityä - To become covered with lichen.jäkättää - To yack (to talk incessantly).jäljentyä - To produce a copy; to reproduce.jäljentää - to copy (to produce an object identical to a given object)jäljestää - To track, trace (to follow tracks).jäljitellä - to imitate (to follow as a model or a pattern)jäljittää - to track, trace (follow tracks)jälki-ilmoittautua - to enroll, register or sign up late (after a deadline has passed)jälkikypsyttää - to ripen postharvestjälkikypsyä - to ripen postharvestjälkikäsitellä - to postprocessjälkituleentua - to ripen postharvest (of cereals, to continue to ripen after harvesting)jälkiviisastella - to act wise in hindsight, criticize by hindsight, second-guessjälkiäänittää - to dub (to add sound to film or change audio on film, especially to replace the original soundtrack of a film with a synchronized translation)jälleenrakentaa - to reconstruct, to rebuildjälleensyntyä - to reincarnate (to be reborn)jälleenvakuuttaa - to reinsure (to purchase or sell a reinsurance)jälttää - to scrape, especially to scrape the surface of a root vegetable for foodjämähtää - to become stuck (somewhere)jämäköityä - to become more assertivejänistellä - Synonym of jänistää.jänistää - To chicken out, lose courage.jännittyä - To tense.jännittää - to tense (to make tense)jännityttää - Synonym of jännittääjännätä - to feel excited forjäntevöidä - to increase the flexibility ofjäntevöittää - Alternative form of jäntevöidä.jäntevöityä - to become sinewy, flexiblejäpittää - Synonym of jäkittääjäreytyä - To become sturdy.järistä - to quake, tremblejärisyttävä - present active participle of järisyttääjärisyttää - to shake (cause to move rapidly in opposite directions alternatingly like an earthquake)järjestellä - to arrangejärjestelmällistyttää - to cause to systemizejärjestelmällistää - to systematize (to create a system)järjestyä - to be(come) organized or orderedjärjestäytyä - To get organized.järjestää - to arrangejärkeillä - to reason, cerebratejärkeistyä - To be rationalized.järkeistää - to rationalize (structure something along modern, efficient and systematic lines)järkevöittää - To make sensible, to make rational, to rationalize.järkevöityä - To become more sensible, rational.järkiinnyttää - to make one come to his senses (to cause to become reasonable, comprehending, or responsible)järkiintyä - to come to one's sensesjärkiperäistyä - to become (more) rationaljärkiperäistää - to rationalize (to make rational)järkkyä - to be destabilised; to shake, to tremblejärkyttyä - To become distraught, upset.järkyttää - to shock, to shake, to take abackjärkähtää - to fluster, be stunned or startled (from shock or surprise)järkätä - Synonym of järjestää.järsiä - to gnawjärähdellä - frequentative of järähtää (“(of ground) to tremble, quake”)järähtää - to crack, clap; quake, shakejäräyttää - to rumble or do something that makes a rumble (figuratively or not)jäsennellä - to structure, organize, formulate (text, material, etc.)jäsentyä - to formjäsentää - to parse, construejätetty - past passive participle of jättääjättämä - agent participle of jättääjättänyt - past active participle of jättääjättäytyä - To resign oneself, surrender.jättää - to leave, leave behind (a thing, place, person, group, traces, etc.)jättää pulaan - to leave someone in the lurch, to leave somebody holding the bag (to abandon somebody and leave him or her in a difficult situation)jättää pöydälle - to shelve, to table (to remove from the agenda, to postpone dealing with)jättää tyhjän päälle - to leave pennilessjättää väliin - to skip, give something a miss (not to attend)jättää välistä - Alternative form of jättää väliinjätättää - to lose time, lose, run slow (of a clock: to go slow and not keep accurate time)jäykentyä - To stiffen.jäykentää - to stiffenjäyketä - To stiffen.jäykistellä - to stand on ceremony (to behave formally)jäykistyä - to stiffenjäykistää - to stiffenjäystää - to grind, to gnawjäytää - to gnaw, eat away, wear (to destroy gradually as by taking tiny little bites)jäädyttää - to freezejäädä - to stay (behind), remain (+ illative/allative, (verbs) third infinitive in illative)jäädä eläkkeelle - to retirejäädä jälkeen - to lag, fall behind (to not keep up the pace)jäädä kiinni - to get/be caught (for = elative, -ing = elative of the action noun or the third infinitive)jäädä pois - to be left out (of = elative), be droppedjäähdytellä - frequentative of jäähdyttää (“to cool, cool down”)jäähdytetty - past passive participle of jäähdyttääjäähdyttää - to cooljäähtynyt - past active participle of jäähtyäjäähtyä - to cool, cool downjäähyillä - to get many penalties, rack up penalties (in games like ice hockey)jääkiekkoilla - to play ice hockeyjäänyt - past active participle of jäädäjäätiköityä - To glaciate (to become covered with glacier).jääty - past passive participle of jäädäjäätynyt - past active participle of jäätyäjäätyä - to freeze (of a liquid, especially water, to become solid due to low temperature)jäätää - To be freezing.jääviytyä - to become disqualifiedjäävätä - to recuse (to declare that a judge is disqualified from acting in a particular case)jököttää - To stay stubbornly in one place, to stay put.jöpöttää - Of penis, to be erect.jöröttää - To sulk.kaadattaa - to get knocked over, felled; to let knock over, fellkaadella - frequentative of kaataa (“to pour; to knock over”)kaadettu - past passive participle of kaataakaahailla - to drive around recklesslykaahata - To drive recklessly.kaakattaa - to cacklekaakeloida - To tile (to place ceramic tiles on, using grout).kaakertaa - to totterkaalata - Synonym of kahlata (“to wade”).kaapaista - momentane of kaapia (“to scrape”)kaapata - to capture, abduct, kidnap (a person)kaapeloida - To cable (to install cables).kaapia - To scrape (to remove, dislodge, clean, empty with a scraping movement or action)kaapiva - present active participle of kaapiakaappailla - frequentative of kaapata (“to capture, hijack”)kaaputtaa - to scrape (without much friction, such as of scraping food on a plate)kaareutua - To arch.kaaristaa - to secure the load of a sleigh or ahkiokaarittaa - to ribkaarnoittua - To become covered by bark.kaarrella - to go in a somewhat curvy patternkaarrettu - past passive participle of kaartaakaartaa - to curve, bend, turnkaartava - present active participle of kaartaakaartua - to curvekaasutella - to drive fastkaasuttaa - to gas (to kill a person with gas)kaasuttua - Alternative form of kaasuuntuakaasuuntua - To become gas, be(come) gasified.kaasuvalottaa - Synonym of manipuloida (“to manipulate”).kaataa - to knock/tip/turn over, overturn, upset, knock downkaataa öljyä liekkeihin - Synonym of kaataa bensaa liekkeihinkaatava - present active participle of kaataakaatua - to fall from an upright position; to fall down, to fall overkaatuilla - frequentative of kaatua (“to fall; (computing, of a computer program or system) crash”)kaatunut - past active participle of kaatuakaatuva - present active participle of kaatuakaavailla - to envisage, envision (conceive or see something within one's mind)kaavailtu - past passive participle of kaavaillakaavamaistaa - to schematize (to organize according to a scheme)kaavata - to invest (to make an investment mold of silica sand and plaster for lost wax casting)kaaviloida - to roll using a rolling pinkaavioida - to schematizekaavoittaa - to zone (to define the property use classification of an area)kaavoittua - to become formal, schematizedkadehtia - to envykadota - to disappear, vanish, fadekadota kuin pieru Saharaan - to vanish into thin airkadota kuin tuhka tuuleen - to vanish into thin airkadotettu - past passive participle of kadottaakadottaa - To lose (to cause to cease to be in one's possession or capability due to unfortunate or unknown circumstances/events/reasons)kadottava - present active participle of kadottaakadottava - present passive participle of kadotakaduttaa - To cause remorse, to come back to hauntkahahtaa - to rustle or swish brieflykahakoida - to scufflekahdeksankertaistaa - to octuple, to multiply eightfoldkahdeksankertaistua - to octuple, to be multiplied eightfoldkahdentaa - to doublekahdentua - to be duplicatedkahinoida - To riot.kahiseva - present active participle of kahistakahista - to rustle (to move something, such as leaves, with a soft crackling sound)kahistaa - to rustle (cause something, like leaves, to rustle)kahistella - frequentative of kahistaa (“to rustle (cause something, like leaves, to rustle)”)kahisuttaa - to make or cause to rustle or swishkahlailla - To paddle (to walk playfully through shallow water).kahlata - to wade, ford (walk through water, snow or something else that impedes progress)kahlauttaa - to make wade, have (someone or something) wadekahlehtia - Alternative form of kahlitakahlita - to chain, shacklekahmaista - To grab, to seizekahmia - to hoard, mass, amasskahnata - to rub oneself against somethingkahvata - to impede a player with the stickkahvitella - To drink coffee.kahvittaa - To serve coffee as hospitality, to make people feel welcome with a cup of coffee.kahvituttaa - To feel like wanting coffee.kaihdella - frequentative of kaihtaa (“to avoid, to steer clear of”)kaihertaa - to gnaw (produce excessive anxiety or worry)kaihota - To long, yearn.kaihtaa - to avoidkaihtava - present active participle of kaihtaakaikaa - To echo.kaikertaa - to moankaikonnut - past active participle of kaikotakaikota - to leavekaikua - to echo, reverberatekaikua kuuroille korville - to fall on deaf ears (of a request, complaint, statement, etc, to be ignored)kailottaa - to talk loudly (about = elative/partitive) (especially about sensitive or private issues that should be kept out of general knowledge')kainostella - To be shy/bashful/timid.kainostuttaa - To feel shy.kaipailla - frequentative of kaivata (“to long for, yearn for or miss or; to pine for”)kairailla - frequentative of kairata (“to drill, bore (make holes)”)kairata - to drill, bore (especially by using manual labour, or to collect samples)kairattu - past passive participle of kairatakaita - Alternative form of kaitseakaitafilmata - to cinefilmkaitsea - to watch over, shepherd, guardkaiutella - frequentative of kaiuttaa (“to make something reverberate or echo”)kaiuttaa - to make something reverberate/echokaivaa - to dig, dig up, dig out, excavatekaivama - agent participle of kaivaakaivannut - past active participle of kaivatakaivanut - past active participle of kaivaakaivata - to long for, yearn for, pine for, misskaivattaa - to have something dug (by = adessive)kaivattu - past passive participle of kaivatakaivauttaa - To have something dug.kaivautua - to dig (oneself) (also militarily)kaivava - present active participle of kaivaakaivella - frequentative of kaivaa (“to dig; pick (one's nose)”)kaiverruttaa - To have something engraved.kaivertaa - to engrave, carvekaivettu - past passive participle of kaivaakajahdella - frequentative of kajahtaa (“to echo, ring out or sound (produce a vibrant sound)”)kajahduttaa - Synonym of kajauttaakajahtaa - to echo, ring out, sound (to produce a vibrant sound)kajakoida - to kayak (to use a kayak, to travel or race in a kayak; to traverse a body of water by kayak)kajastaa - to dawn (to begin to brighten with daylight)kajastella - frequentative of kajastaa (“to loom or be barely visible”)kajastua - to be reflectedkajata - Synonym of kajahdellakajautella - frequentative of kajauttaa (“to sound (cause to produce a vibrant sound)”)kajauttaa - to sound (to cause to produce a vibrant sound)kajentaa - to cause to resonatekajota - to touch (+ illative) (to physically disturb; to interfere with, molest, or attempt to harm through contact)kajottaa - to hollerkakaista - to utterkakata - to pookakattaa - To have the urge to defecate.kakistaa - to cough up, hawkkakistella - To clear one's throat (to expel air from one's lungs, such as in order to clear mucus, or to attract attention).kakkia - To poop.kakoa - to gackkaksikielistyä - To become bilingual.kaksinkertaistaa - to doublekaksinkertaistua - to doublekaksintaa - to doublekaksintaistella - to duel (partake in a duel)kaksoisnapauttaa - to double-tapkaksoisnapsauttaa - to double-clickkaksoispysäköidä - to double-parkkaksostua - to twinkakuttaa - To pie.kalahdella - frequentative of kalahtaa (“to clank (give an individual clanking sound)”)kalahtaa - to clank (to give an individual clanking sound)kalanteroida - To calender.kalastaa - To fish.kalastama - agent participle of kalastaakalastava - present active participle of kalastaakalastella - To fish.kalautella - frequentative of kalauttaa (“to knock; hit something hard with something hard, producing a sharp knocking sound”)kalauttaa - to knock (to hit something hard with something hard, producing a sharp knocking sound at the same time)kalibroida - to calibratekalista - to clatter, rattlekalistaa - Alternative form of kalisuttaakalistella - To rattle.kalisuttaa - to make or cause to clank or rattlekaljoitella - to drink beerkaljuuntua - To lose hair.kalkahdella - to ring (as a bell) infrequently or slowlykalkattaa - to clang, to clatterkalkeerata - to trace (to copy onto a sheet of paper superimposed over the original, by drawing over its lines)kalkita - to calcify (to make something hard and stony by impregnating with calcium salts)kalkittaa - to treat with limekalkkaa - Alternative form of kalkattaakalkkeutua - Alternative form of kalkkiutuakalkkiutua - To calcify (to become hard and stony by impregnation with calcium salts).kalkutella - frequentative of kalkuttaa (“to clatter (make repeated metallic sounds that die quickly - like that of hitting a solid object with a hammer)”)kalkuttaa - to clatter (make repeated metallic sounds that die quickly (and do not ring like clang) - like that of hitting a solid object with a hammer)kalkyloida - To calculate.kallistaa - to make more expensive; to raise the price ofkallistaa - to slope, lean, incline, tiltkallistama - agent participle of kallistaakallistella - frequentative of kallistaa (“to slope, incline, tilt”)kallistua - to slope, lean, incline, tiltkallistuva - present active participle of kallistuakallita - to peen; sharpen by forgingkalmetoida - to administrate BCGkalppia - to leave, go away, buzz off, especially when having to, or in a cowardly mannerkalskahtaa - to clang, clash (to give a loud, metallic sound)kaltaistaa - to matchkaltata - to blanch (to dip briefly into boiling water, then directly into cold water)kaltevoida - to slant, to make slantedkalustaa - to furnish (provide a place with furniture)kaluta - to gnawkalvaa - to gnawkalvava - present active participle of kalvaakalventaa - to make (more) palekalventua - Synonym of kalvetakalveta - to palekalvettua - Synonym of kalvetakalvia - to ream (use a reamer)kammannut - past active participle of kammatakammata - To comb.kammattu - past passive participle of kammatakammennut - past active participle of kammetakammeta - To crank.kammitsoida - to hobblekammoa - Alternative form of kammotakammoksua - to dread, abhorkammoksuttaa - to feel or be dreaded or abhorredkammonnut - past active participle of kammotakammota - To dread, abominate.kammottaa - to horrifykammottava - present passive participle of kammoakammottava - present active participle of kammottaakampanjoida - to campaignkampata - to trip (cause to fall or stumble by putting an object into front of one's feet)kampauttaa - To have something combed.kampeutua - to crank, to turnkampittaa - to trip (cause to fall or stumble)kamppailla - to combatkanalisoida - To canalize.kanalisoitua - To be canalized.kanavoida - To channel.kanavoitua - To channel.kandeerata - to candy (to coat or crust with sugar)kangastaa - to loom (appear indistinctly)kangastella - frequentative of kangastaa (“to loom”)kangastua - To be reflected or seen as a mirage.kangerrella - to stutter or progress awkwardlykangertaa - to progress awkwardly or arduouslykangeta - To pry, prise.kangistaa - to stiffen (to make stiff)kangistua - to stiffenkangistuttaa - to cause to stiffenkanittaa - To pawnkankeuttaa - to make stiffkannatella - To support (physically).kannatettava - present passive participle of kannattaakannattaa - to support, bear up, hold up, prop up, carry (support physically)kanneksia - To carry (around, in a continuous/indifferent manner).kannella - to file a complaint (about = elative)kanneltaa - to play kantelekanneltu - past passive participle of kannellakannibalisoida - to cannibalise, cannibalize (to eat one's own species)kanniskella - frequentative of kantaa (“to carry (along)”)kannustaa - to encourage, support<-- -->