Finnish verbs, part 3harmentua - To grey.harmeta - To gray.harmistua - To be annoyed, vexed, upset.harmitella - to bemoan, complain, regret, dismay aboutharmittaa - to make feel bad; to irritate, annoy, vex, irkharmonioida - To harmonize.harmonisoida - To harmonize.harmonisoitua - To be harmonized.harmonistaa - To harmonize.harmonistua - to harmonizeharoa - to grope, scrabbleharottaa - to protrude, jut outharpata - to stride, to leap (take one long step)harppailla - frequentative form of harpata (“to leap, stride”) (to take repeated long steps)harppia - Alternative form of harppoaharppoa - to stride (to walk with long steps)harppunoida - To harpoon.harrastaa - to be interested in, to be engaged in a hobby, to be one's hobbyharrastella - to dabble in, to be engaged in a hobby in a leisurely or superficial mannerharrastua - To become interested.harsia - to baste, tack (to sew with long or loose stitches)harsuuntua - To unravel.hartsaantua - to turn into resinhartsata - to resinate (treat with resin)hartsiintua - Alternative form of hartsaantuahartsittaa - Alternative form of hartsataharustaa - to equip with stays; guy (equip with guys or guylines)harvennettu - past passive participle of harventaaharventaa - to thin out (to make more sparse)harventua - to thin outharveta - To become more rare in number.harvinaistua - To become rare or rarer.hassahtaa - to get (slightly) crazyhassata - to waste (quander money or resources uselessly)hassutella - to goof off, to monkey around, to play the fool, to act sillyhassuttaa - to fool, to trickhatata - to catch, grabhattuilla - to tease (+ allative)hattuuntua - To be annoyed.hatuttaa - To be annoyed, vexed.haudata - to bury, inter, entombhaudattu - past passive participle of haudatahaudella - to dwell or linger on a thoughthaudottaa - to have brooded or incubatedhauduttaa - To poach (to cook in simmering water).haukahdella - frequentative of haukahtaa (“to bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay”) (to in a repeated and irregular manner)haukahtaa - To bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay once, utter a bark/yip/yap/yelp/bay.haukahtava - present active participle of haukahtaahaukata - to bitehaukkaista - to take a bite (of)haukkoa - To take large mouthfuls; almost exclusively used in the expression haukkoa henkeään (“to gasp for breath”).haukkua - to bark, yip, yelp, bayhaukkua maanrakoon - to tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind tohaukkua pataluhaksi - To tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind tohaukkua pystyyn - to tell off, haul over the coals, give hell to, give a piece of one's mind tohaukkuma - agent participle of haukkuahaukkuva - present active participle of haukkuahaukotella - To yawn.haukottaa - Synonym of haukotuttaahaukotuttaa - To feel like yawning.haukuskella - to bark intermittentlyhaukuttu - past passive participle of haukkuahaurastua - To become brittle.haurastuttaa - To make brittle.hauskutella - to have funhauskuttaa - Alternative form of hauskuuttaahauskuuttaa - to amuse (cause laughter, to be funny)hautaama - agent participle of haudatahautaantua - To be(come)/get buried.hautautua - To get buried.hautoa - to brood, incubate (eggs)hautoutua - to be incubatedhautua - To stew, simmer.havahduttaa - To awaken.havahtua - to start, be startled (to awaken suddenly)havainnoida - to observehavainnollistaa - to demonstrate, illustrate (to clarify something by giving, or serving as, an example or a comparison.)havainnollistua - To become illustrated.havainnut - past active participle of havaitahavaita - To observe, detect, perceive.havaittu - past passive participle of havaitahavista - to sough, swish, sighhavisuttaa - to make sough, swish, sighhavitella - to be after, aspire, hanker (to be in pursuit of, seeking; especially something good for oneself)havuttaa - to line, decorate or cover with sprigs of coniferous treeshedelmöidä - to fruithedelmöittyä - to become fertilizedhedelmöittää - to impregnate, fertilizehedelmöitynyt - past active participle of hedelmöityähedelmöityä - to become fertilizedhehkua - to glowhehkutella - frequentative of hehkuttaa (“to praise”)hehkuttaa - to cause to glowhehkuttua - to become annealedhehkuva - present active participle of hehkuaheijastaa - to reflect (light)heijastella - frequentative of heijastaa (“to reflect”)heijastua - to (be) reflect(ed)heijata - Synonym of keinuttaaheijua - Synonym of keinuaheikennellä - frequentative of heikentää (“to weaken”)heikentynyt - past active participle of heikentyäheikentyä - to weaken, grow/become weakerheikentää - to weaken, debilitate, enfeeble, enervate (to make weaker)heiketä - To weaken, become weaker.heikontaa - Alternative form of heikentääheikontua - To become weaker, weaken.heikota - To weaken (to become weaker)heikottaa - to feel unsteady, unwell, dizzyheilahdella - to fluctuate (to vary irregularly)heilahduttaa - to jerk (give a quick, often unpleasant tug or shake)heilahtaa - to swing onceheilastaa - Synonym of riiataheilastella - to hang out with, to dateheilata - to Sieg Heil; greet with a Sieg Heilheilautella - frequentative of heilauttaa (“to swing or jerk”)heilauttaa - To swing once.heilimöidä - to flower (of rye)heilua - to swing, to sway, to rock (to move backward and forward)heilutella - frequentative of heiluttaa (“to wave (around)”)heiluttaa - To wave, sway, wag.heinittyä - to be covered with grassheinittää - to plant with hayheinätä - to remove or kill grass around saplingsheitellä - frequentative of heittää (“to throw”)heitetty - past passive participle of heittääheittelehtiä - to swerve (to go out of a straight line)heittyä - Synonym of sinkoutuaheittänyt - past active participle of heittääheittävä - present active participle of heittääheittäyttää - Synonym of heilauttaa (“to swing (once)”).heittäytyä - to throw oneself, plunge oneselfheittää - to throw, cast, hurlheittää hatusta - to guess, guestimate, take off the top of one's headheittää huiviin - to gulp down, scarf (to eat or drink quickly)heittää kapuloita rattaisiin - to throw a spanner in the worksheittää lonkalta - to shoot from the hip (to speak based on first impressions, without carefully studying the background information and wider context)heittää löylyä kiukaalle - Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see heittää, löyly, kiuas.heittää menemään - to throw awayheittää pihalle - Synonym of heittää ulos.heittää pyyhe kehään - to throw in the towelheittää ulos - to kick out, eject, expel, throw out (to remove from a location)heitättää - To have thrown (to order to throw).heivata - to throw, especially something heavy and big, heavehekotella - to guffaw (around)hekottaa - to guffaw, chucklehekumoida - to indulge oneself in carnal pleasures, especially of sexual kindheleyttää - to make (more) bright, clear or vividhelistellä - frequentative of helistää (“to jingle (to cause to make a jingle)”)helistä - to jingle, tingle, clinkhelistää - to jingle (to cause to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself)helisyttää - to jingle (cause to make a noise)helkkyä - to tinkle, jinglehelkkää - to tinkle, jinglehelkytellä - frequentative of helkyttää (“to tinkle (cause to tinkle)”)helkyttää - to tinkle (cause to tinkle)helkähtää - to clanghelkätä - Alternative form of helkkäähellenisoida - to Hellenize (make someone or something Hellenistic)hellenisoitua - to Hellenize (to become Hellenistic)hellitellä - to pamper, to cherishhellittää - to loosen (to make less tight)hellitä - to make it (in time), arrive (in time), reach (in time) (to/at/in = illative/allative)helliä - to caresshellua - to shake, jiggle, wiggle (of jelly, fat, etc.)hellyttää - to soften, to make relenthellyyttää - Alternative form of hellyttää.hellätä - to loosen, unfastenhelmeillä - to effervescehelmestää - to hunt for pearlsheloittaa - To furnish with fittings or fixtures.helottaa - to shine (emit light)helpontaa - To make easier, simplify.helpontua - To ease.helpota - To become easier, less complicated.helpottaa - to easehelpottua - to ease, become easierhelppotajuistaa - to popularize (present in a widely understandable form)helsinkiläistyä - to Helsinkiize; to become like Helsinki in characterhelsinkiläistää - to Helsinkiize; to make someone or something like Helsinki in characterhelskytellä - frequentative of helskyttää (“to tinkle or jingle”)helskyttää - to tinkle, jingle (cause to make a sound)helskyä - To tinkle, jingle.helskähtää - to tinkle or jingle suddenly or oncehelskää - Alternative form of helskyäheltyä - to soften, relenthelähdellä - frequentative of helähtää (“to tinkle, jingle”)helähdyttää - Alternative form of heläyttäähelähtää - to ting, clang (once)heläjää - Alternative form of helistä.heläytellä - frequentative of heläyttääheläyttää - to clang (cause to clang)hemaiseva - present active participle of hemaistahemaista - To look sexy and desirable; used of a woman.hemmotella - to pamper, coddle (treat gently or with great care)hempeillä - to think or act in a sweet or gentle mannerhengailla - To hang around, hang out (to spend time without doing anything in particular).hengata - To hang about, hang out.hengellistää - to spiritualizehengitellä - to breathe calmlyhengittävä - present active participle of hengittäähengittää - to breathe, respirehengähtää - to take a breather (to take a break; to pause or relax briefly)hengästyttää - To cause to get/go out of breath.hengästyä - To get out of breath, become breathless.henkevöidä - to inspire, incite, stimulatehenkevöittää - to inspire, incite, stimulatehenkevöityä - To be inspired, incited, stimulatedhenkilöidä - to personifyhenkilöityä - To be personified.henkistyä - to become spiritual, to be spiritualizedhenkistää - to spiritualize; in non-religious sense, compare hengellistäähenkivakuuttaa - to get life insurance (on); to insure with life insurancehenkiä - to exude, radiate, bubble with, sparkle with, overflow with, breathehenkäillä - to breathe (in an indifferent or relaxed manner)henkäistä - To breathe (once).henkää - to breathe, to blow, to radiate, to exudehennata - to henna, to dye with hennahennoa - to dare (have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons)hennota - To dare (to have enough courage to do something because of emotional reasons).hentoilla - to think or act in a delicate mannerhepreantaa - to translate into Hebrewherahdella - frequentative of herahtaa (“to flow or escape (of liquids, especially small amounts)”)herahtaa - To flow or escape suddenly in small quantity, used especially of various bodily liquids; English equivalents vary depending on the context.herauttaa - to cause to secrete instantaneouslyheretä - Alternative form of herjetäheristellä - frequentative of heristää (“to shake; to brandish”)heristyä - to shakeheristää - to shake (especially in a menacing or threatening way, such as when shaking one's fist)herjata - to revile, rail against, abuse, blasphemeherjetä - to cease, stop, quit (doing = elative of the third infinitive)herkentyä - Alternative form of herkistyäherkentää - Alternative form of herkistääherketä - Alternative form of herkistyäherkistellä - to get or act sentimental or emotionalherkistyä - to become sensitizedherkistää - to sensitizeherkutella - to feast, relish (+ adessive)hermoilla - to be nervoushermostua - to get nervoushermostuttaa - To make someone or something nervous.hermottaa - to innervate (to supply part of the body with nerves)hermottua - to be innervated, become innervatedherpaannuttaa - to make numb, make lame, make exhaustedherpaantua - to become lameherpaista - to loosen or relax (of grip, etc.)herpauttaa - Synonym of herpaannuttaaherpautua - Alternative form of herpaantuaherrastella - to lord it over (to act in a way that shows one thinks one is better or more important than others)herroitella - to call someone herrahersyttää - to cause to gush, fountain or tricklehersyä - to gush, to fountain, to trickleherua - To trickle, ooze.heruttaa - of cattle, to cause to secrete milkhervahtaa - to flop, to loosenhervota - to loosenheräillä - frequentative of herätä (“to wake up or awaken”) (slowly, repeatedly, etc.)herännyt - past active participle of herätäherätellä - frequentative of herättää (“to wake up, awaken; arouse, evoke, provoke”)herätetty - past passive participle of herättääherättävä - present active participle of herättääherättää - to wake up, awake(n)herätä - to awake, to wake up, to awakenheräävä - present active participle of herätähetkahtaa - to sway, to droop (shake or move suddenly, often violently, sometimes downwards)hetkauttaa - to jerkhetkua - To shake.hetkutella - Frequentative aspect of the verb hetkuttaa (“to shake”).hetkuttaa - to shake; used of shaking flexible objectshevostella - to flaunt, to behave arrogantlyhibernoida - to hibernatehidastaa - to slow, slow down, slacken/reduce/cut speed, retard; delay, hold uphidastella - to drag one's feethidastua - to slow downhidastunut - past active participle of hidastuahidastuttaa - To hinder, delay, impede.hidastuva - present active participle of hidastuahiekkapestä - to sandwashhiekkapuhaltaa - to sandblasthiekoittaa - to (cover with) sandhiemailla - to rub oneself (against something)hienonnella - frequentative of hienontaa (“to crush or grind”)hienonnuttaa - to have crushed or groundhienontaa - To crush, grind (something into smaller pieces).hienontua - to be crushed, be ground (into smaller pieces)hienosahata - to saw with a precision sawhienostaa - to cultivate, nurturehienostella - to give oneself airs, to pose, to act fancyhienostua - To become classy, elegant, sophisticated.hienosäätää - to fine-tunehienota - To pulverize (intransitive: to be rendered into dust or powder).hieraista - to rub brieflyhierarkisoida - to hierarchizehieroa - to rubhieroskella - to rub (around)hierottaa - to have massagedhieroutua - to be rubbed or massaged tenderhiertyä - to be rubbed, be chafed, be abradedhiertää - to abrade, chafehiestyä - To get sweaty.hiestää - Alternative form of hiostaahievahdella - to stir (to begin to move, especially gently, from a still or unmoving position)hievahtaa - to budge, stir (to move (oneself) just a little bit and then stop again; mostly in negative polarity contexts, e.g. "not budge")hievauttaa - To budge.hiffaa - To understand, get it.hifistellä - to buy high-end, hi-fi productshihhuloida - to be enthusiastic about somethinghihitellä - frequentative of hihittää (“to snicker”)hihittää - To snicker, titter.hihkaista - to shout shrilly, to call out, to shriekhihkua - to yell, scream in a joyful mannerhihnoittaa - to equip with straps, bands or beltshiihdellä - frequentative of hiihtää (“to ski”)hiihtämä - agent participle of hiihtäähiihtää - to skihiilestyä - to get angry or upsethiilestää - Synonym of hiilettäähiilettyä - to carburize (to absorb an increased amount of carbon, such as steel as a result of certain treatment)hiilettää - to carburize (to increase the carbon content of; especially steel)hiilihapottaa - to carbonate (to charge with carbon dioxide, e.g. a drink)hiillostaa - to barbecue or grill with embershiillostua - To char.hiillytellä - to char slowlyhiillyttää - to char (to burn slightly or superficially so as to affect colour)hiiltyä - To become charred.hiiltää - to char (blacken by heat)hiipata - Synonym of hiippaillahiipiä - to sneak (creep or steal)hiippailla - To sneak.hiipua - to die downhiirestää - To mouse (to catch mice).hiisata - to smoke tobacco very quicklyhiisata - to pull something heavy or slowly along the groundhiiskahtaa - to make a (quiet) sound (usually only used for negative sentences)hiiskua - to breathe, whisper; mainly used in negative sentenceshiissata - to move, to haulhiitata - To run a horse at racing speed as part of its training programme.hiivata - to heavehiiviskellä - To sneak, mouse (to mouse around).hiivittää - Synonym of hivuttaahikata - to hiccuphikeentyä - To get sweaty.hikeytyä - To get sweaty.hikoava - present active participle of hiotahikoileva - present active participle of hikoillahikoilla - to sweat, perspirehikoiluttaa - to feel sweatyhikotella - to hiccuphikottaa - to have hiccupshikotuttaa - to hiccup (to have hickups)hilata - to haul, draghilautua - to be hauled, to be draggedhiljennyt - past active participle of hiljetähiljentynyt - past active participle of hiljentyähiljentyä - To quiet.hiljentää - To silence, mute, muffle.hiljetä - To become silent.hillastaa - to pick cloudberrieshillitsevä - present active participle of hillitähillitty - past passive participle of hillitähillitä - to restrain, curb, temper, moderate (to control or keep in check)hillota - to jelly (to make jam or jelly out of fruit or other vegetable matter)hillottaa - Synonym of hillotahilloutua - To become jam.hillua - to hang around aimlesslyhilpaista - to go quickly over a short distance, often to run an errandhilsehtiä - To produce dandruff.hilseillä - to scale off, peel, peel offhilsettyä - To become covered with dandruff.himmailla - to procrastinate, dawdlehimmennyt - past active participle of himmetähimmentyä - To dim.himmentää - to dimhimmetä - to dimhimoita - To lust, crave, desire.himota - Alternative form of himoitahimottaa - To lust, crave, desirehinailla - to tow aroundhinata - to tow (pull something using a line)hinauttaa - to have towedhinautua - To be dragged.hindintää - to translate into Hindihinkata - to rubhinkkautua - to be rubbedhinkua - to wheezehinnoitella - To price (determine or put a price on something).hinnoittaa - to pricehioa - to grind, whet, hone (make smoother)hioma - agent participle of hioahiostaa - to make someone sweathiostua - To become sweaty/sweatier.hiostuttaa - Synonym of hiostaahiota - to sweathiottaa - to have ground, sanded, honed, sharpened etc. (more senses under hioa)hiottaa - to make sweat (to cause to sweat)hiottava - present passive participle of hiotahiottava - present passive participle of hioahioutua - To be ground, smoothed.hiova - present active participle of hioahipaista - to graze, to touch lightlyhipelöidä - to grope (to touch another person sexually)hiplailla - to grope (touch inappropriately)hipoa - to graze, (barely) touch, to verge onhipoilla - to reach for, barely reach, verge onhipsiä - To tiptoe.hipsutella - to tiptoe aroundhipsuttaa - To tiptoe.hipua - to wear (down)hirmustua - To get furious.hirnahdella - frequentative of hirnahtaa (“to neigh”)hirnahtaa - to neigh shortlyhirnua - to neigh, to whinny, to make the sound of a horsehirttyä - to be hanged (executed by hanging)hirttäytyä - To hang oneself (to commit suicide by hanging oneself).hirttää - to hang (kill by suspension from the neck)hirtättää - To have someone hanged (by somebody = allative), make somebody (= allative) hang someone.hirvestää - to hunt elk, moosehirvetä - to dare ((to) do), venture (to do), have the courage (to do), be brave enough (to do) (usually something very scary or frightening)hirvitellä - to bemoan, complain, regret, to dismay or worry about something; especially by using plentifully the adjective hirveä, hirvittävä and similarhirvittää - To horrify.hirvitä - Alternative form of hirvetähisahtaa - Alternative form of hiiskahtaahissata - To heave.hissutella - to pussyfoot, to tiptoe (move silently)hissuttaa - To tiptoe.historioida - To study history.hitsaantua - Alternative form of hitsautuahitsata - to weldhitsautua - to become weldedhiuduttaa - to make languishhiukaista - To feel hungry.hiukoa - To feel hungry.hiutaloida - to flake (break or chip off in a flake)hiutua - to languish, wilthivauttaa - to jab, to tap (hit lightly and quickly)hivellä - to stroke, to pet, to caress, to fingerhiveltää - to superfinish, perform superfinishinghivutella - frequentative form of hivuttaahivuttaa - to chafe, rub (to wear by rubbing)hivuttautua - To inch towards, slowly and perhaps imperceptiblyhoettava - present passive participle of hokeahoettu - past passive participle of hokeahohdella - to glimmer, gleamhohkaa - Alternative form of hohkata.hohkata - to radiate (heat)hohkua - Alternative form of hohkaahohottaa - to guffawhohtaa - to glow, shine, glimmer, gleamhoidattaa - to let nurse, care, cure, fix, handle etc., to have nursed, cared, cured, fixed, handled etc.hoidella - frequentative of hoitaa (“to see to, take care”)hoidettava - present passive participle of hoitaahoidettu - past passive participle of hoitaahoikentaa - To make slender.hoikentua - To become slender.hoiketa - To become slimmer.hoikistaa - to make slenderhoikistua - To become slender.hoilata - To sing badly, not being able to follow the melody or beat.hoilottaa - To holler, call out (to vocalize audibly; announce).hoiperrella - To walk unsteadily; to stagger.hoipertaa - To walk unsteadily; to stagger.hoippua - to teeterhoippuroida - To walk unsteadily; to stagger.hoitaa - to nurse, carehoitama - agent participle of hoitaahoitava - present active participle of hoitaahoitua - To be fixed, to happen in an effortless manner.hoivailla - frequentative of hoivata (“to nurse”)hoivata - to nurse, fosterhokata - Alternative form of hoksata.hokea - to repeat (utter over and over again)hokema - agent participle of hokeahokenut - past active participle of hokeahokeva - present active participle of hokeahoksata - to figure outholahtaa - to gush, to spurt (of relatively small amounts of liquid)holauttaa - Alternative form of hulauttaaholhota - to nurse, foster, patronize, take care of (often with the nuance of being overprotective)holhottava - present passive participle of holhotaholista - Synonym of solistaholistoonata - To holystone (to scrub ship's wooden deck with a piece of sandstone).hollannintaa - to translate into Dutchholottaa - to blabber, hollerholvata - to pour something, especially wastefullyholvata - to vault, make a vaultholvautua - to form or create a vault naturally or by itselfholvittaa - Alternative form of the sense "to vault" of the verb holvata.homehduttaa - To mildew (to taint with mildew).homehtua - To grow moldy, mildew.homettaa - to make moldyhomettua - Synonym of homehtuahommailla - to potter around withhommata - To acquire, arrange.hommautua - Synonym of hankkiutuahomogeenistaa - to homogenizehomogenisoida - Alternative form of homogenoida.homogenoida - to homogenizehomoilla - to have gay sex; to do gay stuffhomostella - to engage in homosexual actshomotella - To call someone homosexual (in a negative sense).hompsottaa - to fusshonata - To understand, to get it.honottaa - to produce nasally phonemes that normatively are non-nasal; to talk or sing through the nosehoonata - To hone (to produce a precision bore with a hone).hoopoilla - to behave in a dumb and/or crazy mannerhoosata - Alternative form of höösätähopeoida - to silver-plate, to plate with silverhopeoitua - To be silver-plated, to be plated with silver.hoppuilla - to hurry, to hustle, to flusterhoputtaa - to hurry, rush, busyhorista - To chatter, blather.horjahdella - frequentative of horjahtaa (“to sway or reel; to trip or stumble”)horjahtaa - to lose one's balancehorjua - to stagger, totter, lurch, teeter, sway (also figuratively)horjuttaa - to destabilize, swayhorrostaa - to hibernatehorsmittua - to become overgrown with willowherbshortoilla - to wander, to drifthostata - to hosthosua - to rush (to perform a task with great haste, with a suggestion of carelessness)hotaista - to gulp downhotkaista - to wolf downhotkia - To wolf down, eat quickly, gulp, gobble, hog, gorge oneself on, stuff oneself with (without regard for table manners).hotsittaa - to wanthoukutella - to tempt, entice, lure, allurehoukuttaa - to tempt; to draw, attract or allurehoukuttua - to become temptedhourailla - to rave, to be delirioushouria - to rave (speak or write incoherently)huhkia - to work hard, sweathuhtoa - to bustle, to flusterhuhuilla - to cry (of or like an owl)huhuta - to rumourhuidella - frequentative of huitoa (“to flail (about)”)huijata - to con, swindle, cheat, trick, deceive, hoaxhuikaista - To dazzle.huikaistua - to become dazzledhuikata - Synonym of huikkiahuikata - to call out (to vocalize audibly; announce)huikennella - to fritter, to frivol, to wanton (live frivolously)huikkaista - Synonym of huikatahuikkia - to barterhuikoa - Alternative form of hiukoahuilata - to zoom, dash, move quicklyhuilata - to rest, to have a breakhuilia - to rest for a while to relaxhuiluttaa - to howl (as wind does)huimata - to make someone (feel) dizzy (also figuratively)huimeta - to become recklesshuimia - To slap repeatedly, to lash.huipata - Synonym of huimata.huipentaa - to finalize, form the climaxhuipentua - + illative To culminate (in something).huipeta - A variant of huipentua.huipistaa - Alternative form of huipentaahuipistua - Alternative form of huipentuahuiputtaa - Synonym of huijata (“to trick, scam”).huiskaa - Alternative form of huiskiahuiskahtaa - to wave suddenly, to swing suddenlyhuiskaista - To sweep once.huiskauttaa - to make wave, to make sweep (once)huiskia - to wave, to flailhuiskua - to wave, flailhuiskutella - frequentative of huiskuttaa (“to wave one's arm”)huiskuttaa - to wave (one's arm)huitaista - to slog, to slash, to strike, to swinghuitoa - to wave one's arms (about), flail (about), gesticulatehujahtaa - to zoom (by), to zip (by), to swoosh (by)hujauttaa - to slash, to slaphujeltaa - to dash, to zoomhukannut - past active participle of hukatahukata - to lose, misplace (sth in a manner that it is then missing)hukka perii - to be doomedhukkaantua - to be wasted, losthukkailla - frequentative of hukata (“to lose or misplace”)hukkautua - Alternative form of hukkaantuahukkua - to drownhukkuva - present active participle of hukkuahukuttaa - To drown (concretely and metaphorically)hukuttautua - To drown oneself.hulahtaa - to gush, pour out (to flow out suddenly in one swoop, in large or larger than intended volume)hulauttaa - to gush, to spillhulinoida - to make a hullabaloo, ruckus, ado, fuss, to-do, or uproarhuljahtaa - to spill, to pour outhuljauttaa - to spill, to splashhuljua - To slosh.huljutella - frequentative of huljuttaa (“to wash in running water”)huljuttaa - To wash in running water.hullaannuttaa - to cause someone to become infatuated with something.hullaantua - to infatuatehulluilla - to act crazy or stupidhullutella - to fool around, to goof offhulmahdella - frequentative of hulmahtaa (“to waft”)hulmahtaa - to wafthulmauttaa - to make swing, to make wafthulmuava - present active participle of hulmutahulmuta - to fly, flow in a current of air, as e.g. a flag or long hairhulmuttaa - to make fly or flow in a current of airhulvahtaa - to waft, to drift (of intangible things through the air)humaanistaa - To humanize.humaanistua - To humanize.humahdella - frequentative of humahtaa (“to swoosh (make a swooshing sound or do something that causes a swooshing sound)”)humahtaa - to swoosh (make a swooshing sound or do something that causes a swooshing sound)humahuttaa - Alternative form of humauttaahumajaa - Alternative form of humista; used in third person only.humalluttaa - To intoxicate.humaloida - to hop (add hops to)humaltua - to get drunk, become intoxicatedhumaltuva - present active participle of humaltuahumanisoida - To humanize.humanisoitua - To humanize.humauttaa - to whack, thumphuminoida - A variant of humistahumiseva - present active participle of humistahumista - to drone (produce a low-pitched hum or buzz), wutherhummailla - Synonym of hummata.hummata - to party wastefullyhumpata - To dance humppa.humpsahtaa - to fall suddenly and unintentionally, dropping into something softhumputella - to be (out) spendinghumputtaa - Synonym of humputellahunnuttaa - to veilhuoahdella - frequentative of huoahtaa (“to sigh”)huoahtaa - to sigh brieflyhuoata - to sighhuohottaa - to panthuoistaa - Alternative form of huojistaahuoistua - to cheapen (to become cheaper, go down in price)huojahdella - frequentative of huojahtaa (“to swing suddenly”) (i.e. to swing repeatedly, when emphasizing individual swings, e.g. when they are not regular)huojahtaa - to swing once and suddenlyhuojennella - to relieve, slowly or in a leisurely mannerhuojentaa - to relieve (to reduce the burden, lighten the load)huojentua - to be relievedhuojeta - Alternative form of huojentuahuojistaa - to cheapenhuojistua - To become cheaper.huojua - to swayhuojuilla - frequentative of huojua (“to sway”)huojutella - frequentative of huojuttaa (“to sway, cause to sway”)huojuttaa - to sway, rockhuojuva - present active participle of huojuahuokailla - frequentative of huoata (“to sigh”)huokaista - to sigh (briefly)huokoistaa - to make poroushuokoistua - To become porous.huokua - to exhale, emanate (to pass off in the form of vapour, to emit an odor etc.)huolehtia - to care, tend to, tend, look after, take care ofhuolestua - to get worried (about = elative)huolestuttaa - to worryhuolestuttu - past passive participle of huolestuahuolettaa - to worryhuolia - to accept (a present, proposal, etc.)huolita - to forward (send freight onwards)huolitella - to titivate, to neaten, to finishhuolittu - past passive participle of huoliahuollattaa - to have servicedhuollettu - past passive participle of huoltaahuoltaa - to maintain, support, upkeephuomaama - agent participle of huomatahuomaamaton - negative participle of huomatahuomannut - past active participle of huomatahuomata - to notice, take notice, take note, note, seehuomattu - past passive participle of huomatahuomautella - frequentative of huomauttaa (“to remark or remind”)huomauttaa - to remark, point out (about = elative)huomioida - to notice, take notice ofhuonontaa - to deteriorate, worsenhuonontua - to deteriorate, worsenhuonontunut - past active participle of huonontuahuonota - To worsen.huopauttaa - Synonym of huovuttaahuopua - To felt, mat.huorahtaa - to be sluttyhuoria - Alternative form of huoratahuoritella - to call someone a whorehuosia - to scrubhuostaanottaa - Alternative form of ottaa huostaanhuovata - To back water, back the oars.huovuttaa - to full, felt, waulk (make cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing)hupailla - Synonym of huvitellahupeneva - present active participle of huvetahupsahtaa - to fall suddenly and intentionally into something soft; to tumble, to stumble into something softhupsia - To be funny, playful or silly; used especially of talk.hupsutella - to act sillyhuputtaa - to cover with a hoodhurahdella - to speed or rush aroundhurahtaa - to become an overly enthusiastic believer in somethinghurauttaa - to drive somewhere with a motor vehiclehurista - to hum, whirr, buzz, drone (to produce a low-pitched sound like that of a smoothly running motor)huristaa - to speed, to hurry, to rushhuristella - to speed, hurry or rush aroundhurjastella - to take a joyride, speed (to drive in a carefree or reckless manner)hurjeta - to become more fierce, ferocioushurjistaa - Alternative form of hurjistuttaa.hurjistua - To become furious.hurjistuttaa - to make furious, to cause to become furioushurmaantua - To be enraptured, to be fascinated.hurmannut - past active participle of hurmatahurmata - to charmhurmattu - past passive participle of hurmatahurmautua - Alternative form of hurmaantuahurmioitua - To become ecstatic.hurrata - To cheer.hurskastella - to play pious (to purport oneself to be more pious than in reality)hurvitella - to have funhuseerata - to bustle about, to busyhutaista - to dashhutiloida - to bungle, to be sloppy (at)hutiloitu - past passive participle of hutiloidahutkia - to hit, beathuudahdella - frequentative of huudahtaa (“to exclaim, cry out”)huudahtaa - to exclaim, cry outhuudattaa - To make someone shout.huudella - frequentative of huutaa (“to shout, yell; call out (by yelling)”)huuhdella - to flush (to cleanse by flooding with large amount of fluid)huuhtaista - To rinse (wash quickly).huuhtoa - to rinse, wash (to move by the force of water in motion)huuhtoutua - to be washed (away), be rinsed (away), be eroded (away), be swept (away)huuleilla - to tell jokes, to crack jokeshuultaa - to rabbethuumaannuttaa - Synonym of huumatahuumaantua - To be(come) stunned/enchanted/charmed/bewitched.huumautua - To be intoxicated.huurruttaa - To frost (to cover with frost).huurtaa - To frost, fog up.huurtua - To frost (to get covered with frost).huuruta - to emit vapor, to exhale vaporhuuruuntua - Alternative form of huurtuahuushollata - to manage a householdhuutaa - to shout, yell, hollerhuutokaupata - to auctionhuventaa - to reducehuventua - Synonym of huvetahuveta - To dwindle, decrease, shrink, vanish, diminish.huvitella - To have fun.huvittaa - to amusehuvittua - to be(come) amusedhybridisoida - To hybridise/hybridize.hybridisoitua - To become hybridised/hybridized.hydrata - to hydrogenatehydratoida - to hydratehydratoitua - to be hydratedhydrolysoida - to hydrolyzehydrolysoitua - to hydrolyze, to be subjected to hydrolysishyhmettyä - To become slushy.hykerrellä - to chucklehykerryttää - to titillate, to entertainhykertää - to chucklehyljeksiä - to spurn, scorn, reject, ostracizehyljätä - Alternative form of hylätähylkivä - present active participle of hylkiähylkiä - to repel (to force away)hylkäävä - present active participle of hylätähyllyttää - to shelve, mothballhyllyä - to shake, jiggle, wiggle (to move softly from side to side)hylätä - to reject, turn down, discard (e.g. a plan)hymistellä - to hum, to praise (flatter by approving)hymistä - To hum.hymyilevä - present active participle of hymyillähymyillä - to smilehymyillä kuin Hangon keksi - to grin like a Cheshire cat, to smile from ear to ear (to smile broadly or overly gladly)hymyilyttää - to make someone smile, to amuse (often in particular to arouse derisive or contemptuous amusement)hymytä - Synonym of hymyillä.hymähdellä - frequentative of hymähtää (“to smile briefly, especially with a short "hm" sound; to scorn in a mocking manner”)hymähtää - to smile shortly, especially with a short "hm" soundhypellä - To jump about.hyperventiloida - To hyperventilate.hypettää - to hypehypistellä - to finger, to fiddle, to fidgethypittää - to cause someone/something to jumphypnotisoida - To hypnotise/hypnotize.hypnotisoitua - to go under, become hypnotized (to enter the state of hypnosis)hypotetisoida - to hypothesisehyppelehtiä - To jump (erratically).hyppivä - present active participle of hyppiähyppiä - continuative of hypätä (“to jump, hop”); to jump (around), hop (around), skiphyppyyttää - to make someone or something to jump; to bouncehyppäyttää - to make jump, to cause to jumphypähdellä - frequentative of hypähtää (“to jump (quickly, suddenly)”)hypähtää - To jump (suddenly).hypätä - to jump, leap (usually once)hypätä kattoon - to hit the roof, lose one's temperhypätä veneestä - to jump ship (to leave something, especially suddenly or rapidly)hyristä - to hum, to drone, to whirr, to purrhyrrätä - to drone, buzz, whirr, humhyrskiä - Alternative form of hyrskytähyrskytä - to wave, swell, surge (indicates powerful, violent seas)hyrskähtää - to gush, to bursthyrähtää - to start doing something suddenly, burst intohyräillä - to hum, to croon (to sing softly, like singing a lullaby to a child, without words).hyssytellä - to shush, lull, soothe (try to get someone to be quiet or to calm down, often in a polite manner)hyssyttää - Synonym of hyssytellähytistä - to tremble, quiverhytisyttää - to make somebody or something to tremble, quiverhytkytellä - frequentative of hytkyttää (“to jiggle”)hytkyttää - to jigglehytkyä - to shake, jigglehytkähdellä - frequentative of hytkähtää (“to twitch or jolt”)hytkähdyttää - to thrill, to stirhytkähtää - to twitch, to jolthytkäyttää - to thrill, to stirhyvitellä - to palliate, to appease, to soothehyvittää - To compensate, recompense, reimburse.hyväillä - to caress, fondlehyväksikäyttämä - agent participle of käyttää hyväksihyväksikäyttää - to abuse, to exploit, to molesthyväksynyt - past active participle of hyväksyähyväksytty - past passive participle of hyväksyähyväksyttää - to get an approval, to have somebody else approvehyväksyä - to accept, approve ofhyvästellä - to say goodbye to, take one's leave, take leavehyydyttää - to coagulate (cause to congeal)hyysätä - to pamper, to coddle (to treat gently or with great care)hyytelöidä - to jellify (make into jelly or gel)hyytelöityä - to gel, jellify (to become jelly or gel)hyytyä - to congeal, coagulate, clothyytävä - present active participle of hyytäähyytää - To freeze.hyödyntää - to exploit, benefit from, utilize, capitalize onhyödyttää - To benefit, be of use to, profit.hyökkäillä - frequentative of hyökätä (“to attack”)hyökyä - To billow.hyökännyt - past active participle of hyökätähyökätä - To attack, assault, charge, come at (someone = genitive + kimppuun (+ possessive suffix if the thing in genitive is a personal pronoun)).hyöritty - past passive participle of hyöriähyöriä - to whew, to bustle abouthyötyvä - present active participle of hyötyähyötyä - to profit, gain, benefithyötää - to force (to cause plants to grow or blossom outside of the normal season)hyövätä - To benefit, be of use tohähättää - to laugh in a cruel or jeering mannerhäikäillä - to hesitate, shy away from, have scruples doing somethinghäikäistyä - To become blinded, dazzled.häikäistä - to blind, dazzlehäilyä - To hover, waver.häilähdellä - frequentative of häilähtää (“to flit, to momentarily reflect or project”)häilähtää - to momentarily reflect or projecthäippäistä - To leave, sneak off.häipyä - To disappear, vanish (visibly); to fade out/away (audibly).häipätä - To leave.häiriintyä - To be(come) disturbed.häiriköidä - to heckle, to cause troublehäiritä - to disturb, bother, bughäiriytyä - To become disturbed.häivyttää - to fade out, fadehäivähdellä - frequentative of häivähtää (“to appear momentarily”): to flicker, glimmerhäivähtää - to appear or project momentarilyhäkellyttää - To stupefy.häkeltyä - To be stupefied.häkilöidä - to hacklehäkittää - to cagehälinöidä - Synonym of hälistähälistä - to clamor, make noise, be noisyhälventyä - to clear, to dispersehälventää - To dispel.hälvetä - to clear, disperse, dissipate, disappear (of clouds, smoke, etc.)hälyttyä - To become alarmed.hälyttää - To alarm (to call to arms; to give notice of approaching danger; to rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert).hälytä - Alternative form of hälistähämmennellä - frequentative of hämmentää (“to stir, agitate; to confuse, perplex”)hämmennyttävä - present passive participle of hämmentyähämmennyttävä - present active participle of hämmennyttäähämmennyttää - to be confused (by)hämmentyä - To be confused.hämmentää - to stir, agitate (to disturb the relative position of the particles of, as of a liquid, by passing something through it)hämmästellä - to be amazed or astonished (at)hämmästyttää - To amaze, astonish.hämmästyä - To be surprised, be amazed, be astonished.hämärryttää - Alternative form of hämärtää (sense: to blur, make more indistinct)hämärtyä - to get/grow dim/dusky/dark(er), darkenhämärtää - to darken, get/grow dim/dusky/dark(er)hämätä - to confuse, to obfuscate, to jivehämäännyttää - Synonym of hämätä.hämääntyä - To get confused.hämäävä - present active participle of hämätähännystellä - to toady, truckle tohäpeillä - to be ashamed, to feel ashamedhäpeävä - present active participle of hävetähäpäistä - Alternative form of häväistähäristä - to snarl, to growlhärkkiä - to poke repeatedlyhärmettyä - to frost (get covered with frost)härmistyä - to undergo deposition; change from gas into solidhärmistää - to deposit (to cause a gas to turn directly to a solid substance; the technique is used in producing thin films of material on the surface of another material)härmääntyä - to frost (get covered with frost)härnäillä - frequentative of härnätä (“to tease”): to play aroundhärnätä - to teasehärnäävä - present active participle of härnätähärskiintyä - to become rancid, to rancidifyhärskiytyä - To become rancid.härvätä - to muck abouthäröillä - to act in a weird or inappropriate mannerhäseltää - Synonym of säheltäähäslätä - Synonym of sählätähätiköidä - to hurryhätistellä - to shoo, to rushhätistää - to drive offhätkähdellä - frequentative of hätkähtää (“to startle or twitch”)hätkähdyttää - Alternative form of hätkäyttää, to startle.hätkähtää - to startle, to twitchhätkäyttää - to startle (excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension)hätyytellä - to hassle, to drive offhätyyttää - to drive off, to shoo, to try to force someone or something to leavehätäillä - to act prematurely, be too quick or hasty; jump the gunhätäjarruttaa - to emergency-brakehätäteurastaa - to subject to emergency slaughterhätäännyttää - to alarm (to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear)hätääntynyt - past active participle of hätääntyähätääntyä - to become distressed, to panic, to be alarmedhävettää - to be ashamedhävetä - to be ashamed (of) (doing = first infinitive), feel ashamedhävitellä - to get rid of, disposehävitetty - past passive participle of hävittäähävitty - past passive participle of hävitähävittämä - agent participle of hävittäähävittävä - present passive participle of hävitähävittää - to lose, misplacehävitä - to disappear, vanishhäviävä - present active participle of hävitähäväistä - to disgrace, dishonour/dishonorhäädellä - to drive awayhäälyvä - present active participle of häälyähäälyä - Alternative form of häilyähäämöttää - to be barely visible, seem to be, be in sight (at a distance)hääriä - to bustle, busyhääräillä - to bustle, scamper, scurry, hustle, run abouthäärätä - to bustle, hustle, run abouthäätyä - must, have tohäätää - to evicthöhöttää - to guffaw with a coarse voice, in a funny or silly wayhökäistä - to utter, blurt outhölistä - to blabber, talk nonsensehölkkäillä - to jog, go jogginghölkytellä - to jog or run somewhat slowlyhölkyttää - Synonym of lönkyttää.hölkätä - to joghölkötellä - Alternative form of hölkytellä.hölköttää - Alternative form of hölkyttää.höllentyä - To loosen, relax.höllentää - To loosen, relax.hölletä - To relax, unfasten.höllätä - to loosenhölmistellä - to be stupefied or amazed, to wonder in stupefactionhölmistyttää - To stupefy.hölmistyä - To be stupefied.hölmöillä - To act stupidly.hölpöttää - Alternative form of höpöttäähölskyttää - To slosh.hölskyä - To slosh.höltyä - to loosenhöläyttää - to blurt (out) (to utter suddenly and unadvisedly; to divulge inconsiderately)hölöttää - to blabber (to run one's mouth in such a way as to spoil a surprise)hömpsöttää - to make a fusshömpöttää - To make a fuss over something.hönkiä - to breathe, blowhönkäistä - to huff (once)höntsäillä - Synonym of höntsätähöntsätä - to play (a sport, etc.) for fun, rather than seriouslyhöntyillä - to act rashly or impatientlyhönöttää - Alternative form of honottaahöpertyä - to become senile or crazyhöpistä - to drool, babblehöppänöityä - to become senilehöpsiä - To drivel, to talk nonsense.höpöttää - to drivel (to talk nonsense)hörhöillä - to behave like a crackpothörhöttää - to drivel, complainhöristellä - to prick up (one's ears)höristä - to make a low buzzing soundhöristää - to prick up one's ears (also figuratively, as in to listen attentively)hörppiä - To slurp, drink noisily.hörpätä - to siphörähdellä - frequentative of hörähtää (“to chortle”)hörähtää - to chortle once or brieflyhöröttää - to chortlehössöttää - To fuss.hötistä - Synonym of hytistähötkyillä - to rush, to fluster, to hurryhöyhentää - To pluck.höykyttää - to be rough on, to castigate, to upbraidhöylätä - To plane.höyläyttää - to have planed (wood smoothed with a plane)höyläytyä - To be planed.höylääntyä - To be planed.höynähtää - to do something inconsiderately or even gulliblyhöynäyttää - to trick, prank, deceive, play a confidence gamehöyrykuivata - to dry with steamhöyrykypsentää - to steam (cook with steam)höyrystyä - to evaporate (to be transformed to vapor)höyrystää - To vaporize (to turn sth into steam).höyrytellä - to steam (to treat with steam)höyryttyä - To steam (to be covered with condensed water vapor).höyryttää - to steam (to cook or treat with steam)höyrytä - to steam (to produce or vent steam)höyryyntyä - To evaporate (to be transformed to vapor).höyrähtää - To evaporate instantaneously.höystyä - to become seasoned or flavoredhöystää - to season, flavor/flavourhöösätä - To bustle.ideaalistaa - To idealize.<-- -->