Finnish nouns, part 89sellukattila - digester (in the chemical pulping process, a large vessel in which wood is exposed to heat and chemicals to break it down into cellulose and other components)sellukeitin - digester (a strong closed vessel used for manufacturing cellulose)sellulaasi - cellulaseselluliitti - celluliteselluloidi - celluloidselluloosa - celluloseselluloosa-asetaatti - cellulose acetateselluloosakalvo - cellulose filmselluloosakelmu - cellophaneselluloosakuitu - cellulose fibreselluloosalakka - cellulose lacquerselluloosamuovi - cellulose-based plasticselluloosamuuntokuitu - regenerated cellulose fibreselluloosatehdas - pulp millselluloosateollisuus - cellulose pulp industryselluloosavanu - cellulose waddingsellunkeitto - pulping (production of cellulose pulp)sellupaperi - chemical pulp papersellutehdas - pulp millselluteollisuus - pulp (cellulose fiber mass) industryselluvilla - a loose insulation material consisting of wood fiber battsselonteko - report, especially an official one given by the government to the parliamentselootti - zealot (member of the Zealot movement in Judea on the 1st century A.D. which rebelled against the Romans under the leadership of Judas of Galilee)selostaja - commentator, sportscasterselostaminen - verbal noun of selostaa, explicating, explainingselostamo - commentator boothseloste - caption, legendselostus - account, statement, explanation, descriptionselstoffi - Synonym of selluloosavanuselus - Synonym of selustaselusta - back, rear, backside, rearwardselustatuki - backup, supportselustayhteys - rear supply lineselustin - harness saddleselvennys - Synonym of selkeytys (“clarification”).selvennös - clarificationselvilleotto - determining, establishing, finding outselvillesaanti - determining, establishing, finding outselvitteleminen - verbal noun of selvitelläselvittely - sorting out (act of clarifying by reviewing mentally)selvittäjä - investigator, examinerselvittäminen - verbal noun of selvittääselvitys - report (a document covering the description and results of an investigation)selvityshenkilö - a person appointed to carry out an investigation, rapporteurselvitysmies - liquidator (person in charge of managing the affairs of a company, association, cooperative, foundation or similar entity during the liquidation and of converting into cash enough of the assets of the entity so that its debts can be paid)selvityspyyntö - request for clarificationselvitystila - liquidation, insolvencyselvitystyö - investigation, investigation (process of investigating)selvitysvaihe - study phase, investigation phase, exploratory phaseselviytyjä - survivorselviytyminen - verbal noun of selviytyäselviytymiskertomus - survival storyselviytymispakkaus - survival kit (collection of items that can be used in order to survive in an emergency)selviytymistarina - survival storyselviytymisveitsi - survival knife (knife intended for survival purposes in a wilderness environment)selviäminen - verbal noun of selvitä, surviving, copingselviämisasema - sobering facility (facility allowing intoxicated people to safely sober up)selviö - foregone conclusion, truismselvyys - clarity, clearnessselväkieli - plain languageselvännäkijä - Alternative form of selvänäkijä.selvänäkijä - clairvoyant (person able to see things in the past, present or future, which cannot be perceived by the normal senses)selvänäkö - clairvoyanceselvänäköisyys - clairvoyanceselväpiirteisyys - distinctness, being well definedselys - Synonym of selustaseläke - Synonym of filee (sometimes specifically of such that has been pounded thin)selänne - ridgeselänpesijä - back washer (person in a sauna or shower)selänrapsutin - backscratcherselättäminen - verbal noun of selättää, pinning down, pinningselätys - pinning down, pinning, fallingsemafori - semaphore (railway signal)semantiikka - semantics (science of the meaning of words)semantikko - semanticistsemanttinen kenttä - semantic fieldsembalo - Alternative form of cembalosembra - Certain pines of the genus Pinus.sembramänty - Swiss pine, Pinus cembrasemeemi - sememesementiitti - cementitesementointi - cementingsementti - cementsementtilaasti - cement mortarsementtilattia - cement floorsementtimaali - cement coatingsementtisäkki - cement bagsementtitehdas - cement plant, cement factorysementtiteollisuus - cement industrysementtivalimo - cement foundry, cement workssemi - partial tumescence, semi-erectionsemifinaali - A semifinal.semifinaaliottelu - semifinal matchsemifinalisti - semifinalistsemiitti - Semitesemikarbatsoni - semicarbazone (reaction product of an aldehyde or ketone with semicarbazide)semilunaariläppä - semilunar valve (either of the two crescent-shaped valves in the heart that prevent backflow from the arteries into the ventricles)seminaari - seminar (meeting)seminaariesitelmä - seminar presentationseminaariharjoitus - training seminarseminaarilainen - seminarianseminaarityö - seminar work, thesisseminologi - Synonym of keinosiementäjäseminormi - semi-normsemiootikko - semioticistsemiotiikka - semioticssemitismi - Semitism (word or idiom of Jewish vocabulary)senaatti - A senate.senaattori - senatorsenegalilainen - Senegalese (person)senegalingundi - felou gundi, Felovia vaeseniiliys - senilityseniliteetti - senilityseniori - old person, seniorsenioritalo - senior centersenkka - erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESRsenkka - ladle (container in which molten metal is kept)senkki - commode (low chest of drawers)sensaatio - sensation (widespread reaction of interest or excitement)sensaatioartikkeli - sensational articlesensaatioelokuva - sensational film, sensational moviesensaatiojuttu - sensational story (such as on a tabloid)sensaatiokirja - sensational booksensaatiolehdistö - sensational press, the yellow press, tabloid presssensaatiolehti - sensational newspaper, tabloidsensaationhalu - sensationalismsensaationnälkä - yearning for sensationsensaationtavoittelu - sensationalismsensaatiouutinen - sensational news piecesensitiivisyys - sensitivitysensori - sensorsenssipalsta - dating columnsenssipuhelin - matchmaking hotlinesenssit - date (pre-arranged meeting; romantic meeting or outing with a lover or potential lover)sensuaalisuus - sensualnesssensualismi - sensualismsensuellisuus - sensualitysensurointi - censoring (the act of censoring)sensuuri - censorshipsentiljoonasosa - one centillionth (centillionth part)sentimentaalisuus - sentimentalnesssentneri - an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for weight equal to 100 naula or around 42.5 kilograms; comparable to hundredweightsentraalisantra - switchboard operatorsentralisaatio - centralizationsentralismi - centralismsentralisointi - centralization, centralizingsentrifugi - centrifugesentrifugointi - centrifugingsentrioli - centriolesentrismi - Synonym of keskustalaisuus (“centrism”)sentristi - Synonym of keskustalainen (“centrist”)sentromeeri - centromeresentrosomi - centrosomesenttaali - unit of measure of weight, equal to 100 kilograms; quintal, centnersenttari - freelance journalistsenttaus - writing a piece as a freelancersentteri - centre forward (UK); center forward, center (US)sentti - cent (one hundredth of many monetary units, particularly of the euro and the dollar)senttigramma - centigramsenttilitra - centilitre/centilitersenttimetri - centimetre/centimetersenttimetriaallot - centimetre band, centimetre wavessenttinen - Together with a numeral, a coin of X cents, X-cent piece.senttiosake - penny stock (highly speculative stock selling for less than one euro per share)senturia - century (military unit)senturio - centurionseos - mixture, mixseosaine - alloying elementseoskivi - migmatiteseoslannoite - compound fertilizerseosmetalli - alloyseosrehu - compound fodder, compound feedseossuhde - mixture ratioseostaminen - verbal noun of seostaa, mixing (making a mixture)seoste - alloyseosteräs - alloy steelseostus - mixing (a mixture)seosvilja - meslin, mixed grainsepalus - fly (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)separaatio - separationseparaattori - separator, a device for separating cream from milkseparatiivi - separative case, separativeseparatismi - separatismseparatisti - separatistseparatistisuus - separatismsepari - a person suffering from cerebral palsyseparointi - separating (substancse)sepel - Obsolete form of seppel.sepeli - crushed stone, often sorted by size, used as filler and supporting material in foundations, roads etc.sepelialusta - crushed stone foundation or underlaymentsepelikerros - layer of crushed stonesepelikivi - crushed stonesepelikkö - ground covered with crushed stonesepelimurska - Synonym of sepelisepelimylly - stone crusher millsepelipäällyste - crushed stone paving, macadam pavingsepelitie - crushed stone roadsepelkarhu - Asian black bear, Ursus thibetanussepelkyyhky - A species of pigeon, the woodpigeon or culver, Columba palumbus.sepelpoukama - coronary sinussepelvaltimo - coronary arterysepelvaltimokovettuma - coronary artery sclerosissepelvaltimotauti - coronary heart diseasesepelvaltimotukos - coronary occlusionsepelöinti - ballasting (laying ballast on the bed of a railroad track)sepi - Synonym of sepä (“front of a sleigh that curves upwards”)sepikkä - any beetle in the family Eucnemidaesepioliitti - sepiolitesepite - piece of writingsepitelmä - fable, fabricationsepittely - fabling or making upsepittäjä - fabulistsepittäminen - verbal noun of sepittääsepitys - making up (a story)sepiväpeippi - common henbit (Lamium amplexicaule)seppel - Alternative form of seppele.seppele - wreathseppeleenlasku - laying of the wreathseppeleensitojaiset - a part of a graduation ceremony, in which wreaths are madeseppeleensitojatar - Virgo clarissima; a girl or woman in a university commencement ceremony whose task is to prepare laurel wreaths.seppelenauha - ribbon for wreathsseppeltenlasku - laying of the wreathsseppelöinti - wreathing (placing a wreath upon)seppä - smith, blacksmithseppäkuoriainen - click beetlesepsis - sepsisseptetti - A septet or septette (a musical group of seven performers).septetto - septet, septuor (musical composition for seven instruments or seven voices)septikemia - septicemia, septicaemiaseptimi - seventh (interval)septimikäännös - seventh chord inversionseptimisointu - seventh chordseptinen sokki - septic shockseptitankki - septic tank (small-scale septic tank such as used in boats, trailers etc.)septoli - septuplet, septoletseptuageesima - Alternative spelling of septuagesimaseptuagesima - Septuagesima (9th Sunday before Easter)sepustaminen - verbal noun of sepustaasepuste - story, fable, concoctionsepustus - story, yarnsepä - neckserafi - seraphseramsaarenpusseli - Ceram bandicoot, Rhynchomeles prattorumserbetti - sherbetserbi - A Serb.serbia - Serbian (the Serbian language)serbialaisuus - Serbianness (state or quality of being Serbian)serbokroaatti - The Serbo-Croatian language.serbokroatia - Alternative form of serbokroaattiseremonia - ceremonyseremoniallisuus - ceremonialnessseremoniamestari - master of ceremoniesseremoniavaate - ceremonial clothingserenadi - serenadeserendipisyys - serendipityserendipiteetti - Synonym of serendipisyys (“serendipity”).sergei - The anti-aircraft autocannon ZU-23-2.seriaalisuus - serialityserialismi - serialismseriffi - Alternative form of sheriffiserigrafia - serigraphy, screen printing, silk-screen printing (art)seriini - serineseripaino - Synonym of silkkipaino.serisiini - sericinserisiitti - sericiteserkku - cousin, first cousinserkkunen - cousinserkkupoika - male cousinserkkutyttö - female cousinserkkuus - cousinhood, cousinshipserkukset - cousins (collective term for people who are each other's cousins)serkusavioliitto - cousin marriagesermi - screen, partitionserologi - serologistserologia - serologyserotoniini - serotoninserotyyppi - serotypeserpentiini - streamer, paper streamer (strips of paper or other material used as confetti)serpentiiniankerias - longneck eel (eel of the family Derichthyidae)serpentiinikivi - Synonym of serpentiini (“serpentine (mineral)”)serpentiinitie - serpentine roadserpentiniitti - serpentinite (type of metamorphic rock)serpentti - serpentserpenttiinitie - Alternative form of serpentiinitieserri - Alternative form of sherrysertifikaatti - certificatesertifiointi - certificationsertinki - shirting (a plain-woven cotton fabric, often used as a lining)servaali - serval (Leptailurus serval)serveri - serverservetti - Alternative form of servietti (“serviette, napkin”)servietti - servietteserviisi - service (set of dishes or utensils)servituutti - servitude (qualified beneficial interest severed or fragmented from the ownership of an inferior property and attached to a superior property or to some person other than the owner)servo - servoservomoottori - servomotor, servoservotekniikka - servo technologyservu - serversesam - Alternative spelling of seesamsesamluu - Alternative spelling of seesamluuseslonki - couch, sofasesonki - season (especially in shopping)sesonkiluonteisuus - seasonality (being tied to the seasons)sesonkiluontoisuus - Synonym of sesonkiluonteisuussesonkimyynti - seasonal salessesonkitavara - seasonal good or itemsesonkivaihtelu - seasonal variationsessio - sessionsessiomuusikko - session musiciansesta - pole, pike pole, hook (used to drive or pole a boat)sestertius - sestertiussesuura - Alternative form of kesuuraseta - Synonym of lokilastu.setalainen - A member or supporter of "Seta", a Finnish LGBT rights organization.seteli - bill (US); banknote, note (UK) (piece of paper money)seteliautomaatti - Synonym of pankkiautomaatti (“automated teller machine, ATM”).setelikurssi - banknote exchange rate (rate at which a bank or other currency dealer buys or sells banknotes of foreign currency)setelinanto - issuing banknotessetelinanto-oikeus - the right to issue paper currencysetelinippu - wad of cash (substantial pile of paper money)setelinkate - backing of a banknotesetelinväärennys - banknote counterfeitingsetelinväärentäjä - banknote counterfeitersetelipaino - banknote printing workssetelipankki - bank of issuesetelipaperi - banknote paper (type of paper the banknotes are printed on, typically made of cotton fibre)seteliraha - Synonym of paperirahasetelirahoitus - quantitative easingsetelistö - banknotes collectivelysetiläisyys - Sethianismsetlementti - settlement housesetlementtiliike - settlement movementsetlementtityö - settlement work (work relating to the settlement movement)seto - Alternative form of setusetolkka - harness saddlesetri - cedarsetripuu - cedarwoodsetriseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius subtortus.setriöljy - cedar oilsetsuuri - a type of sweet-and-sour breadsetswana - Setswana (language)setteri - setter (dog)setti - A set as in "TV set"; a receiversetu - Seto (person)setukainen - Seto (person)setvertti - tchetvert (old Russian unit of measure for length or capacity)setviminen - verbal noun of setviäsetvintä - sorting outsetyylialkoholi - cetyl alcoholsetä - paternal uncle, unclesetämies - an older bachelor living with his brother's familysetämäisyys - avuncularitysetäpuoli - paternal step-uncleseula - sifter, sieveseulalokero - An ethmoid sinusseulaluu - ethmoid boneseulaluun ontelo - An ethmoid sinusseulasarja - sieve set, set of sievesseuloja - siever, sifter (one who sieves or sifts)seulonta - sieving, screening, filteringseulontajäte - screening (material removed by screening)seulontatutkimus - screening examinationseulos - sifted material, siftseuna - a log that was set alight and rolled around in slash-and-burn cultivation to burn areas with few treesseura - company (visitors, companionship)seuraaja - followerseuraajafunktio - successor functionseuraaminen - verbal noun of seurataseuraamus - sanction (penalty, punishment, or some coercive measure, intended to ensure compliance)seuraanto - successionseuraeläin - companion animalseuraelämä - social lifeseurahuone - hotelseuraihminen - a social personseurailija - followerseurailu - following aroundseuraintalo - Synonym of seuratalo.seurajoukkue - club teamseurakoira - companion dogseurakunnankokous - congregation meetingseurakunnanneuvosto - parish councilseurakunnanvaltuusto - parish councilseurakunnanvirasto - administrative office of a parish or congregationseurakuntaelämä - congregational life, parish lifeseurakuntahallinto - administration of a parish or congregationseurakuntahistoria - parish historyseurakuntakeskus - congregation meetinghouseseurakuntakoti - congregational homeseurakuntakoulu - parochial schoolseurakuntakuraattori - parish curatorseurakuntalainen - A parishioner.seurakuntalehtori - parish lectorseurakuntamestari - a sexton with many additional administrative tasks in a parishseurakuntaneuvos - an honorary title of the eighth rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished people involved in the churchseurakuntaneuvosto - ward council, parish councilseurakuntanuori - a young person (teen, young adult, etc.) involved in the youth work carried out by a parishseurakuntapapisto - parish clergyseurakuntapappi - parish priestseurakuntapastori - parish pastorseurakuntapiiri - social circle in a parishseurakuntasali - parish hallseurakuntasisar - parish deaconessseurakuntatalo - congregation hall, parish hall, church hallseurakuntatyö - parish work, parochial workseurakuntavaalit - church electionsseurakuntavirasto - parish officeseurakuntaväki - parish people, church peopleseurakuntayhteys - parish communionseurakuntayhtymä - A combine of two or more parishes for running the administration and managing the property of member parishes; there are at least two ways to translate the term into English: "parish union" and using the plural form "parishes of X".seuralainen - companion (someone with whom one spends time or keeps company)seuraleikki - party gameseurallisuus - outgoingness, sociabilityseuramatka - package tour, package holiday, particularly one with other peopleseuramatkalainen - travel companionseuramies - socializer, a man who is good companyseuranainen - female companion, female attendant, lady of a suiteseuraneiti - companionseuranhakupalvelu - dating serviceseurankipeys - the quality of being someone who looks or yearns for companyseurannainen - consequenceseurannaisilmiö - epiphenomenonseurannaisvaikutus - ramificationseuranpettäjä - someone who leaves their friends, companions, company, etc. behindseuranpito - association, socializingseuranpitäjä - companion, someone who is companyseuranta - tracking, monitoringseurantajärjestelmä - monitoring system, tracking systemseurantakokous - follow-up meetingseurantakäynti - follow-up (revisiting a patient)seurantalaite - tracking deviceseurantalo - meeting house, meeting hallseurantatutkimus - tracking study, followup studyseuranto - comitative caseseuranäytelmä - a short folk play, often one that is designed to be performed by amateursseuranäyttämö - amateur theatre stageseuraottelu - a match between two sports clubsseurapeli - party game (board game or similar played at a party)seurapiiri - high societyseurapiirijuoru - high society gossipseurapiirikaunotar - socialiteseurapiiripalsta - high society column (in a newspaper)seurapiirirakko - a bladder that doesn't need emptying often (of a person who doesn't need to go to the bathroom that often)seurapiiriskandaali - high society scandalseurapiiritoimittaja - social columnistseurapiiriuutinen - piece of social column newsseuratalo - meeting house, clubhouse (specifically: meeting house of the local nuorisoseura, commonly used as a venue for parties and entertainments)seuratanssi - social dance, ballroom danceseuratapa - manner of a social lifeseuratoiminta - club activity, social activityseuratoveri - someone who is part of the same society, club or circleseuraus - consequence, result (that which follows)seurausetiikka - consequentialismseurausilmiö - a phenomenon that is a consequence of something else; side effect, consequence, repercussionseurauslause - corollaryseurauspedagogiikka - pedagogy of consequenceseurausvaikutus - repercussion, consequence, consequent impactseuravalmentaja - club coachseurojentalo - Synonym of seuratalo.seurue - group, party (group of people gathered in one place for common cause)seuruelippu - Synonym of ryhmälippuseuruematka - Synonym of seuramatkaseuruepassi - collective passport, group passportseurustelu - dating (romantic courtship)seurusteluaika - dating periodseurusteluhuone - parlor, salon (large room)seurustelujuoma - social beverageseurustelukumppani - dating partner, dateseurustelusormus - Synonym of lupaussormus (“promise ring”).seurustelusuhde - relationship (romantic or sexual involvement)seurusteluviini - date night wineseuruu - follow-upseutu - region, tract, areaseutuhallinto - regional administrationseutukaava - regional planseutukaavaliitto - regional plan associationseutukaavoitus - regional planningseutukaupunki - regional city, regional townseutukunta - sub-region (local administrative unit consisting of municipalities within a region, which is usually defined on economic basis)seutuliikenne - suburban regional transportseutulippu - regional ticketseutusuunnitelma - regional plan, area plan, plan for developing a region or an areaseutusuunnittelu - regional planning, area planningseututie - regional road (road belonging to a road class in Finland with roads numbered 100–999)seutuverkko - regional networkseutuyhteistyö - interregional cooperationsevillalainen - Sevillian (someone from Sevilla, Spain)seviotti - cheviotsfaleriitti - sphaleritesfenoidaaliluu - Synonym of kitaluu (“sphenoid bone”)sfingolipidi - sphingolipidsfinksi - sphinxsfinksipaviaani - guinea baboon, Papio papiosfragistiikka - sigillographysfääri - spheresgabello - sgabellosgraffito - sgraffitoshaahi - Alternative spelling of šaahishaahitar - Alternative spelling of šaahitarshaali - shawlshaivismi - Shaivismshakaali - Alternative spelling of sakaalishaker - cocktail shakershaketti - Alternative spelling of sakettishakinpelaaja - Alternative form of šakinpelaajashakki - chessshakkikello - Alternative spelling of šakkikelloshakkilauta - Alternative spelling of šakkilautashakkimatti - Alternative spelling of šakkimattishakkinappula - Alternative spelling of šakkinappulashakkitermi - chess termshakkitietokone - chess computershakshuka - shakshukashakuhachi - shakuhachi (instrument)shamaani - Alternative spelling of šamaanishamanismi - Alternative form of šamanismi.shamanisti - Alternative form of šamanisti.shamisen - shamisenshamoutiappelsiini - Synonym of jaffa-appelsiini.shampanja - Alternative spelling of samppanja.shampoo - shampoo (commercial liquid soap)shamppanja - Alternative spelling of samppanjashan - Shan (language spoken in eastern Burma in an area bordering China, Laos and Thailand)sharon - persimmonshawnee - Shawnee (Native American people from Ohio)sheikki - sheikh (Arab leader)shekki - Alternative spelling of sekkishekkitili - Alternative spelling of šekkitilishekkivihko - Alternative form of sekkivihkosheriffi - sheriffsherry - sherryshetlanninlammaskoira - A breed of herding dog that originates from the Shetland Islands.shetlanninponi - Shetland ponyshetlanninvilla - Shetland woolshigelloosi - dysenteryshih tzu - shih tzu, Shih Tzu (breed of dog)shiia - Alternative form of šiia.shiialainen - Alternative form of šiialainen.shiialaisuus - Alternative form of šiialaisuus.shiiamuslimi - Alternative form of šiiamuslimi.shikaani - Alternative form of šikaanishikoku - shikokushillinki - Alternative spelling of šillinkishinto - Alternative form of šintoshintolainen - Alternative form of šintolainenshintolaisuus - Alternative spelling of šintolaisuusshish kebab - shish kebab (roasted meat dish)shokki - Alternative spelling of šokkishokkiaalto - Alternative spelling of sokkiaaltoshokkilamelli - shock lamellashokkimetamorfoosi - shock metamorphismshona - Shona (language)shop - Alternative form of shoppi (establishment that sells goods or services to the public).shoppaileminen - verbal noun of shoppaillashoppailu - shoppingshoppi - shop, store (establishment that sells goods or services to the public)shortsihame - culottes, skortshortsit - shorts (short trousers or pants)shorttaaminen - verbal noun of shortatashorttaus - short selling, shortingshotti - shot of alcohol (measure of alcohol, usually spirits)shottilasi - shot glass, particularly one that widens at the topshow - show (entertainment)showpaini - wrestling, professional wrestlingshuari - Shuar (language)shuttle-bussi - Synonym of sukkulabussisial - sialsialma - simasiam - Thai (language)siamanki - siamang, Symphalangus syndactylus or Hylobates syndactylus (a species of gibbon)siamilainen - Thai (person)siamilaiset kaksoset - conjoined twins, Siamese twinssiaminkissa - Siamese (breed of cat)siaminpiikkisilmä - Myer's loach, Myer's kuhli, giant kuhli, Pangio myersi (small worm-like fish native to Mekong river, sometimes kept as aquarium fish)sianharjas - boar bristlesianhoito - pig rearing, pig farmingsianjalostus - selective pig breedingsiankasvattaja - pig farmersiankasvatus - pig farmingsiankuonoleikko - Mexican long-tongued bat, Choeronycteris mexicanasiankuonolepakko - Kitti's hog-nosed bat, Craseonycteris thonglongyai (small bat found in western Thailand and southeast Burma)siankyljys - Synonym of porsaankyljyssiankylki - side of porksiankärsämö - yarrow, common yarrow, soldier's woundwort (Achillea millefolium)sianliha - pork (the meat of a pig)sianlihakastike - a stew or sauce made of pork chops grilled or browned in butter with onions and floursianmarja - bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursisianmustikka - Synonym of variksenmarja.sianpieremä - sparrow-fart (UK, Australia) (time very early in the day; dawn)sianpuola - Synonym of sianpuolukkasianpuolukka - any bearberry, especially the species common bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva-ursisianruoka - swill, slop (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps fed to pigs)siansaksa - gibberish, double Dutch (speech or writing that is unintelligible, incoherent or meaningless)siansaparo - pigtail (tail of a pig)siansaparoapina - pigtail macaquesiansivu - pork flanksiansorkka - hoof of a pigsiansuoli - pig's intestinesibeliusryppy - vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows.sibilantti - sibilantsibylla - sibylside - bandage (medical binding or strip of cloth used as a blindfold)sideaine - binder, adhesivesideaines - bonding agentsideerinen vuosi - sidereal yearsideharso - gauze (bleached cotton fabric used as surgical dressing)sideharsorulla - roll of (surgical) gauzesideharsovaippa - gauze diapersidekaari - slur (symbol indicating a legato passage)sidekalvo - conjunctivasidekalvontulehdus - conjunctivitis, pinkeyesidekalvotulehdus - conjunctivitissidekisko - fishplatesidekudos - connective tissuesidekudoskasvain - fibroid tumor, connective tissue tumorsidelanka - ligature (cord or similar thing used to tie something)sidepisto - Roumanian stitchsidepultti - tie bolt, anchor boltsideriitti - sideritesidesalaatti - Synonym of romainesalaatti.sidesana - conjunctionsidetaitos - gauze compresssidetarvike - article or material for binding or dressingsidetiili - header (brick that is laid sideways)sidevokaali - a paragogic vowel added to facilitate inflection of (foreign) wordssidoksisuus - Synonym of sidosteisuussidonnainen morfeemi - bound morphemesidonnaisuus - interest, linkage, encumbrancesidonta - tying (act of tying)sidontapaikka - dressing station (place where wounds are dressed)sidontatarpeet - bandage (materials used as bandage collectively)sidos - bond, chemical bond (link or force between neighbouring atoms in a molecule)sidosaine - adhesive, binding agentsidosasu - binding form (of a book)sidoselektronipari - bonding electron pairsidosenergia - binding energysidoskulma - bond anglesidosryhmä - stakeholdersidostaja - cohesive devicesidosteisuus - cohesivenesssidottaminen - verbal noun of sidottaasidotus - making or letting tie or bindsiedettävyys - tolerability, bearability, endurabilitysiedätys - immunotherapysiedätyshoito - immunotherapysiekailemattomuus - unscrupulousness, ruthlessnesssiekale - a small part of cloth; rag, shredsielikkö - creeping azalea, Loiseleuria procumbenssielu - soulsielu-usko - animismsielukellot - Alternative form of sielunkellotsielukkuus - soulfulnesssielumessu - requiem masssielunahdistus - anguish of the soulsielunasia - matter of the soulsielunelämä - emotional lifesielunhoitaja - spiritual counsellorsielunhoito - pastoral caresielunhoitotyö - pastoral duty, pastoral coachingsielunhätä - spiritual agonysielunkamppailu - struggle of the soulsielunkellot - Synonym of sanomakellotsielunkumppani - soulmatesielunkyky - faculty philosophysielunlääkäri - spiritual healersielunmaisema - landscape of the soul, mindsetsielunmessu - A requiem.sielunpaimen - priestsielunpalo - enthusiasm ("fire of the soul")sielunrakenne - structure of the soul, charactersielunrauha - peace of mindsieluntaistelu - battle or struggle of the soulsielunterveys - health of the soulsieluntila - state of the soulsieluntoiminto - function of the soulsieluntoveri - soulmatesieluntuska - spiritual agony or painsielunvaellus - transmigration, metempsychosissielunvamma - a negatively perceived mental behavior, property or diseasesielunveli - soulmatesielunvihollinen - Satan, devil (literally “the enemy of the soul”)sieluoppi - doctrine of or about a soulsielutiede - psychologysielutieteilijä - psychologistsieluttaminen - verbal noun of sieluttaasielutus - spiritualizingsiemailu - sippingsiemaisu - Synonym of siemaussiemaus - sip, gulp, swallowsiemen - seed (fertilized and ripened ovule, containing an embryonic plant)siemenaihe - ovule (structure in a plant that develops into a seed after fertilization)siemenaiheen kalvo - integumentsiemenaiheen sydän - nucellus (tissue which surrounds and protects the embryo and lies inside of the integuments)siemenettömyys - seedlessnesssiemenheitto - Synonym of siemensyöksysiemenholvi - seed vaultsiemenjohdin - vas deferenssiemenjyvä - grain used as a seedsiemenkakku - seed cakesiemenkasvi - phanerogam, spermatophyte (plant that produces seeds rather than spores)siemenkauppa - seed tradesiemenkaura - seed oatsiemenkota - seed pod, seed capsulesiemenkuitu - seed fibersiemenkuori - seed coat, tegumentsiemenleipä - seed breadsiemennys - seeding, inseminationsiemenohra - seed barleysiemenpankki - seed banksiemenperuna - seed potato, potato setsiemenpuu - seed tree (superior tree left standing at the time of cutting to produce seed for reforestation)siemenpuuhakkuu - seed tree cuttingsiemenpuusto - seed trees (trees used as seeds for natural regeneration)siemenruis - rye grain used as seedssiemens - siemens (unit of electrical conductance)siemensato - seed yield, seed harvestsiemensolu - sperm cellsiemensyöjä - granivoresiemensyöksy - ejaculation (forcible ejection of semen from the mammalian urethra, a reflex in response to sexual stimulation)siementarkastus - seed testingsiementiede - carpologysiementuotanto - seed productionsiementäjä - inseminatorsiementäminen - verbal noun of siementääsiemenvaippa - arilsiemenvalkuainen - endospermsiemenvesi - water used to prime a water pumpsiemenvilja - seed corn, seed grain (seed saved from one year's harvest for the subsequent year's planting).siemenviljelmä - plantation of seed-growing cropssiemenviljely - seed growingsiemenviljelys - seed orchardsiemenvuosi - year of seeds (usually used when speaking of a good or bad year in terms of production of seeds)siena - sienna (pigment, color)sienestys - mushroom hunting, picking, mushroomingsienestäjä - One who picks mushrooms.sienestäminen - verbal noun of sienestääsieni - mushroomsieni-infektio - fungal infectionsieni-itiö - fungal sporesieniaika - The time of year when mushrooms can be collected.sieniasema - mushroom processing plantsienieläin - sponge (invertebrate of the phylum Porifera)sienijuuri - mycorrhizasienikartta - a diagram of mushrooms intended for mushroom collectors to help in identifying edible mushroomssienikastike - mushroom saucesienikehä - fairy ring (circular growth of mushrooms on a lawn etc.)sienikeitto - mushroom soupsienikirja - mushroom book (illustrated book about mushrooms)sienikukko - a food baked in a loaf of bread with a mushroom fillingsienikunta - Fungi, the kingdom of fungisienikylpy - sponge bathsienilääke - antifungal (drug that inhibits the growth of fungi)sienimetsä - a woods or forest good for finding and collecting mushroomssienimuhennos - mushroom stewsienimyrkky - mycotoxinsienimyrkytys - mushroom poisoningsienimö - mushroom farm, a place where mushroom cultivation takes placesienineuvoja - mushroom advisor, mushroom guide (person)sienipesin - sponge mopsienipiirakka - mushroom piesienipilvi - mushroom cloudsieniretki - a trip to collect mushroomssienirihma - hyphasienirihmasto - myceliumsieniruoka - Food prepared from mushrooms.sienisalaatti - mushroom saladsienisato - mushroom yield, mushroom cropsienisokeri - trehalosesienistö - fungi, range of fungi (fungi considered as a group, especially those of a region)sienisääski - mycetophilidsienitauti - fungal diseasesienitiede - mycologysienituho - fungi damagesienivalmiste - processed mushroom productsieniveitsi - mushroom knifesieniviljelmä - culture of fungisienivärjäys - dyeing with mushroom dyessienna - Alternative form of siena.siepakka - Synonym of nutukassieppaaja - kidnapper, abductorsieppaaminen - verbal noun of siepata, snatching, catching, nabbingsieppari - catchersieppaus - A snatch, catch (act of capturing something with a swift motion).sieppi - halter (horse's headgear)sieppi - fit (sudden outburst of emotion)sieppo - flycatcher, especially an Old World flycatcher (bird of the family Muscicapidae)sieppomuura - cinereous antshrikesieppuri - a cape or cloak made of bear fursiera - A grindstone made from sandstone.sierain - nostrilsierainaukko - blowhole, spiraclesierraleonelainen - Sierra Leoneansiesta - siestasiestin - the forwardmost or aftmost rib on a boatsieto - tolerance, resistance (ability to tolerate unfavorable circumstances without breakdown, chiefly used in compound terms)sietoalue - tolerance rangesietokyky - tolerance, endurancesietoraja - Limit of tolerance.sietäminen - verbal noun of sietääsietämättömyys - unbearability, intolerabilitysievennys - prettifyingsievert - sievert (unit of radiation dose)sievikki - nemophila (plant in the genus Nemophila)sieviläinen - a person from or living in Sievisievistelijä - prudesievistely - sugarcoating, pussyfooting, embellishingsievyys - cuteness, prettinesssifaka - sifaka (lemur of the genus Propithecus)sifoni - soda siphonsifonki - chiffonsifonkihuivi - chiffon scarfsifonkikakku - chiffon cake (very light cake made with vegetable oil)sightseeingbussi - sightseeing bussigillografia - sigillographysigma - sigma (Greek letter)sigmasidos - sigma bondsigmasuoli - sigmoid colonsigmoidi - sigmoidsignaali - signalsignaali-kohinasuhde - signal-to-noise ratiosignaaliarvo - signal valuesignaaligeneraattori - signal generatorsignaalilippu - signal flagsignaalinkäsittely - signal processingsignaaliprosessori - signal processorsignaaliteho - signal power (measured in watts for instance)signaalitorvi - signal hornsignalointi - signalingsigneeraus - signing (a painting or similar work)signifikantti - significand (part of floating-point number that contains the significant digits)signumi - call number (of a book)sihahdus - sizzle, hiss (brief sound)sihahtaminen - verbal noun of sihahtaasihaus - Synonym of sihahdussihinä - sizzle, hisssihtailu - aimingsihtaus - aiming, targetingsihteeri - a secretary (a person keeping records and handling clerical work)sihteerikkö - female secretarysihteerilintu - A secretary (species of bird; Sagittarius serpentarius).sihteerinvirka - secretary's postsihteeristö - secretariatsihteeriys - secretaryshipsihti - siftersihti - aim, accuracysihveli - dustpansii - Synonym of siihirsisiianmäti - common whitefish roesiida - sida (plant of the genus Sida)siide - fine snowsiideri - cider (alcoholic beverage)siihirsi - a timber supporting a traditional birch-bark roof, located on the lower sidesiika - common whitefish, lavaret (Coregonus lavaretus), or any of its subspecies.siikaislainen - a person from or living in Siikainensiikajokelainen - Alternative form of siikajokinensiikajokinen - a person from or living in Siikajoki (Finnish municipality)siikalatvalainen - a person from or living in Siikalatvasiikanen - awnsiili - hedgehog (small mammal of the subfamily Erinaceinae)siili - sievesiiliasema - a post used in hedgehog defencesiilikala - porcupine fish (any of several tropical fish species in the family Diodontidae that are covered with sharp spines and inflate themselves when threatened)siilikäs - arctiidsiilinjärveläinen - a person from or living in Siilinjärvi (Finnish municipality)siilipuolustus - hedgehogsiilitukka - buzzcutsiilo - silosiima - fishing line, fishlinesiimaeliö - flagellate (type of protozoa)siimaeläin - dinoflagellatesiimahäntä - mouse, rat or another animal with a thin tailsiimahäntäinen - jumping bristletail (Archaeognatha)siimajalkainen - barnacle (marine crustacean of the subclass Cirripedia)siimaleikkuri - fishing line cuttersiimes - shade (shaded place in outdoors)siinto - looming, gleamsiintäminen - verbal noun of siintääsiipakka - Synonym of siimes (“twilight”).siipeilijä - sponge (person who takes advantage of the generosity of others)siipi - wing (animal appendage for flying)siipialttari - triptych that is used as altar paintingsiipikarja - poultry (domesticated fowl collectively)siipikarjanhoitaja - poultry keepersiipikarjanhoito - poultry keepingsiipikarjanliha - poultry meatsiipikarjatalous - poultry farming, poultry industrysiipikarjatarha - poultry housesiipikarjatila - poultry farmsiipikone - a plane on one wing of a jet squadronsiipikotilo - conch; any of the mollusks in the family Strombidaesiipilihas - pterygoid musclesiipilyöntilentokone - ornithopter (aircraft)siipimies - wingman (pilot partner of another, fighter pilot whose role is the protect another plane)siipimutteri - wing nut, butterfly nut (nut with wing-like projections)siipiopastin - semaphoresiipipalle - wing (on a seed, stalk, rib, etc.)siipipapu - winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)siipipari - set of wings, pair of wingssiipipeili - speculumsiipiprofiili - airfoilsiipipumppu - vane pumpsiipipyörä - impellersiipirakennus - wing, annex (of a building)siipiratas - paddlewheelsiipiratasalus - paddle steamersiipiratashöyry - paddle steamersiipirataslaiva - paddlewheel shipsiipirikko - wounded bird, crippled birdsiipiruuvi - winged screwsiipisaurus - pterosaursiipisimppu - red lionfish, Pterois volitanssiipisulka - wing feather (any asymmetrical feather of the wing of a bird)siipisuoni - A vein (nervure of an insect's wing).siipiveikko - sponge (person who takes advantage of the generosity of others)siipiväli - wingspansiippa - spouse, partnersiira - isopodsiirappi - treaclesiirappivohveli - stroopwafelsiirre - graft (piece of tissue)siirrettävyys - portability, transferabilitysiirrin - transportersiirronsaaja - transferee, assigneesiirros - faultsiirroslaakso - fault valleysiirroslinja - fault line (line formed on the surface of the Earth as visible edge of a fault plane)siirrospinta - fault plane (plane, or surface formed between two rock blocks that move in relation to each other during an earthquake)siirrostaminen - verbal noun of siirrostaa, dry transfer (of letters or symbols)siirrostus - dry transfersiirryntä - transfersiirrännäinen - transplant (transplanted organ or tissue)siirräntä - transfersiirtely - moving (something) aroundsiirto - move, transport (act or instance of moving or transporting, or changing the location or position of)siirtoelin - transplanted organsiirtofunktio - transfer functionsiirtogeeni - transgenesiirtoheitin - computer screen projectorsiirtohinta - transfer pricesiirtohäviö - transmission losssiirtoilma - air moved from one place to another; transferred airsiirtoistutus - transplantation (uprooting of a tree and planting it in a new location)siirtojohto - transmission line, transmission cablesiirtojännite - transmission voltagesiirtokarjalainen - a Karelian who was evacuated to Finlandsiirtokirjain - dry transfer lettersiirtokirjoitus - transliterationsiirtokokoelma - a rotating collection, a collection of works temporarily transferred from one library to anothersiirtokorkeus - transition altitudesiirtokorvaus - transfer feesiirtokunta - colony (a settlement of emigrants)siirtokuormaus - transhipmentsiirtokuva - transfer (design conveyed by contact from one surface to another)siirtokuvakoristelu - transfer decorationsiirtola - settlementsiirtolainen - migrant; immigrant or emigrantsiirtolaisasutus - migrant resettlementsiirtolaiskirjallisuus - migrant literaturesiirtolaispolitiikka - migration policysiirtolaisuus - migration, immigrationsiirtolaisvirta - migratory flowsiirtolaite - transfer device, transmission devicesiirtolapuutarha - An allotment garden, often found in towns, on which the plotholder is allowed to build or use a small hut for summer use.siirtolava - Synonym of vaihtolavasiirtoleikkaus - transplant operation, transplant surgerysiirtolinja - transmission linesiirtolista - transfer listsiirtolohkare - erratic, glacial erratic, erratic block (a substantial piece of rock carried away from its original location by a glacier)siirtomaa - colony (land ruled by another country)siirtomaa-aika - colonial period, colonial era, colonial timessiirtomaajoukot - colonial troops, colonial army (military force recruited from the colonies)siirtomaapolitiikka - colonial policysiirtomaasota - colonial warsiirtomaatavara - colonial goods, colonial producesiirtomaatavarakauppa - colonial goods store (grocery store which trades goods regarded as colonial, or originating from the colonies)siirtomaatyyli - colonial style (building design style associated with the colonial period)siirtomaavalta - a colonial powersiirtomenot - transfer (subsidy)siirtomerkintä - transfer endorsementsiirtomääräraha - an appropriation that can be transferred from one budgetary period to another; transfer appropriationsiirtomääräys - transfer ordersiirtonopeus - transfer rate (rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second)siirtonurmi - sod (turf grown and cut specifically for the establishment of lawns)siirtonurmikko - rolled sod, rolled turfsiirtopakko - zugzwangsiirtopinta - transition levelsiirtorata - transfer orbitsiirtorekisteri - shift registersiirtosaaminen - a prepayment (an asset recognized in respect an expense incurred in a period for which the benefit will be received in a future period; credit expected to be paid in a latter accounting period)siirtoseinä - movable wallsiirtosumma - outstanding amountsiirtosuomalainen - Synonym of suomalaissiirtolainensiirtotie - link (communications link used for transmission)siirtotuoli - transfer chair (light wheelchair for short distance transport of disabled persons on airports, railway stations etc.)siirtotyöläinen - migrant workersiirtotyömaa - workplace or such located outside the rural community the unemployed people of which it is intended forsiirtotyöntekijä - migrant workersiirtotyövoima - migrant laborsiirtotyöväki - migrant workers or laborers collectivelysiirtovaikutus - transfer effect, displacement effectsiirtovelka - an accrual (from the debtor's viewpoint, a charge incurred in one accounting period that has not been paid by the end of it)<-- -->