Finnish nouns, part 80pääsykoe - entrance examination (examination used by an educational institution to select which students it will grant admission to)pääsykoetehtävä - problem, question or exercise in an entrance exampääsylippu - ticket (pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc.)pääsylipputulot - profit gained from ticket salespääsylista - access control listpääsymaksu - entry fee, entrance fee (payment required to gain admittance to an event)pääsynvalvonta - access controlpääsynvalvontalista - access control listpääsytie - access roadpääsytutkinto - entrance examinationpääsyvaatimus - admission requirement, admission criteriapääsyy - primary reasonpääsääntö - main rule, general rule, fundamental rulepäätapahtuma - main event, flagship eventpäätarkoitus - main purpose, primary purposepäätaulu - main switchboardpäätavoite - main objective, distal goalpääte - end, endingpääte-elin - end organpääte-emulaattori - terminal emulatorpääteaivot - endbrain, telencephalonpääteasema - terminal (station at the end of a railway line)pääteema - main theme, principal themepäätehakkuu - final felling, final cutting (In periodic cover silviculture the last phase of the forest regeneration cycle consisting of some variant of clearcutting. After final cutting the cycle starts anew from planting new trees followed by one or more thinnings before the next final cutting when the trees have reached the target size.)päätehtävä - primary task, main taskpäätekeskustelu - text chat (between terminals)päätekijä - principal (primary participant in a crime)päätekodoni - Synonym of lopetuskodoni.päätekohta - end point, termination pointpäätelaite - terminal devicepäätelasit - screen glassespäätelmä - conclusion, deductionpäätemoreeni - frontal morainepääteos - magnum opus (maker's greatest work)pääteosa - end part, terminating partpäätepiste - endpoint (either of two points at the end of a line)päätepuskin - buffer stop, buffer (barrier to help prevent trains from running off the end of the track)päätepuskuri - Synonym of päätepuskinpäätepysäkki - final stop (either of the stops at the ends of a bus or tram line)päätesolmu - Synonym of umpisolmupäätetyö - terminal work, screen workpäätetyöskentely - working in front of a monitor or screenpäätevahvistin - audio power amplifierpäätevastus - terminator, terminating resistorpääteviiva - A serif (short horizontal line added to the tops and bottoms of traditional typefaces).päätie - main road, highway (main or major road)päätilaisuus - main session (of an event)päätoimi - main business, main activitypäätoimisuus - being full-timepäätoimittaja - editor in chief, editor-in-chiefpäätteleminen - verbal noun of päätellä, fastening off, tying offpäättely - deductionpäättely parhaaseen selitykseen - inference to the best explanation; abduction (form of argument)päättelyketju - chain of deductionpäättelykyky - ability of reasoning or deductionpäättyminen - verbal noun of päättyäpäättymisaika - expiration timepäättymisajankohta - ending date or time, expiry date or time, closing date or timepäättymishetki - the instant or moment at which something ends or expirespäättymispaikka - end place or locationpäättymispäivä - end datepäättymispäivämäärä - end date, expiry datepäättymisvuosi - end year (the year on which something ends or came to an end)päättymä - the present perfect tensepäättäjä - decision maker, policymakerpäättäjäiset - closing ceremonypäättäjäisillallinen - closing dinner (in the evening)päättäjäisillanvietto - closing evening/night partypäättäjäisistunto - closing sessionpäättäjäisjuhla - closing ceremonypäättäjäisjumalanpalvelus - a church service during the closing or conclusion of an eventpäättäjäispäivä - closing daypäättäjäispäivällinen - closing dinner (around midday)päättäjäistilaisuus - closing ceremonypäättäminen - verbal noun of päättää, decidingpäättämättömyys - indecisiveness, irresolutenesspäättäri - final stop (end of a bus, tram or railway line)päättävyys - decidingnesspäättäväisyys - decisiveness (quality of being decisive)päättöarviointi - final assessment (at the end of a course, etc.)päättökoe - final examinationpäättöluokka - the most senior grade at a school, etc. that is going to graduate nextpäättömyys - headlessnesspäättötodistus - leaving certificate, diplomapäättötutkinto - leaving examination, final examinationpäättötyö - diploma work, degree workpäätuki - Alternative form of pääntukipäätulo - main incomepäätuomari - main referee, referee as opposed to a linesmanpäätuote - main product, key productpääty - end (of an object, area or similar; side behaving as an end, often one of the shorter sides; especially when there is no clear "beginning" and "end" but two ends)päätyhuone - a room located at the end of a buildingpäätyhuoneisto - end of terracepäätyikkuna - end window, gable windowpäätykolmio - A gable.päätykoriste - finial (decorative fitting at the peak of a gable)päätylaita - The end board.päätyminen - verbal noun of päätyäpäätyraja - end line, goal line (acting as boundary of the field)päätyräystäs - gable-end eavespäätyseinä - end wall, gable wallpäätyyppi - main typepäätyö - main jobpäätähti - main star, lead starpäätäi - head lousepäätäntä - decisionpäätäntäelin - decision bodypäätäntäoikeus - Synonym of päätösoikeuspäätäntäteoria - Synonym of päätösteoriapäätäntävalta - power to decide, decision-making powerpäätäntö - conclusion (final part of a text)päätäntövalta - Alternative form of päätäntävaltapäätöksentekijä - decisionmaker (one that makes a decision)päätöksenteko - decision making (act or process)päätöksentekovalta - decision-making powerpäätös - decision (that which has been decided)päätösasiakirja - final resolution, final act (part of a protocol, etc.)päätösehdotus - proposal for a decisionpäätöserä - final period, final round etc. (last of the divisions into which a game is divided)päätösesitys - draft decisionpäätösjuhla - closing ceremonypäätöskoe - final examinationpäätöslasku - a calculation involving the mathematical rule of threepäätöslauselma - Resolution (a formal statement adopted by an assembly).päätösluettelo - list of decisionspäätösneuvottelu - deliberations, final negotiationspäätösnumero - closing number, final number, wrapuppäätösoikeus - right to make decisionspäätösongelma - decision problempäätösosa - conclusion, final part, operative partpäätöspuu - decision treepäätöspäivä - The final day of an event such as conference, fair, sports tournament.päätöspöytäkirja - final protocol, closing protocolpäätössanat - closing or concluding words or remarkspäätösteoria - decision theorypäätöstilaisuus - closing event or ceremony, concluding event or ceremonypäätösvalta - decision making powerpäätösvaltaisuus - quoracypäätösviiva - end (in notation)pääuoma - main stream, principal stream (of a riverine system)pääurakoitsija - general contractor, prime contractor, main contractorpäävalmentaja - head coach (highest ranking coach of a coaching staff)päävamma - head injurypäävartio - main guardpäävastustaja - main opponent, principal opponent, chief adversarypäävastuu - main responsibilitypäävelallinen - principal debtorpääventtiili - stopcock (UK), main valve (US) (main shutoff for water to a building from a municipal supply)pääverbi - main verbpääverso - main shoot (of a plant)päävirta - main powerpäävoitto - jackpot (in a lottery)päävuokralainen - principal tenantpääväestö - main population, predominant populationpääväri - primary colourpääväylä - arterial roadpöheikkö - thicketpöhinä - puffering noise (such as from a chimney, an oil burner, or a gas stove)pöhkö - A fool.pöhlö - fool, idiotpöhnä - drunkennesspöhö - edemapöhötin - Synonym of kiertoilmakypsennin (“air fryer”).pöhöttymä - swelling, that which has bloatedpöhöttäminen - verbal noun of pöhöttääpöhötys - causing to bloat or swellpökertyminen - verbal noun of pökertyäpökkelö - rotting treepökkiminen - verbal noun of pökkiä, butting, shovingpökkö - log, stock, block of woodpökkövehka - amorphophallus (plant of the genus Amorphophallus)pöksyt - pants, especially women's underpants and children's trouserspökäle - log, stock (large piece of round wood)pökät - pantspölhö - bozo, fool, goofpölinä - dustingpölinä - twaddlepöljä - dumb personpölkky - log, stock, block of woodpölkkylattia - end-grain wood floorpölkkypää - blockhead, loggerhead (dumb person)pölkkyruoho - tower rockcress (Arabis glabra)pölkkytuoli - a block of wood used as a chair or stoolpölkynpätkä - a small block of woodpölli - log, stock, block of woodpölliminen - verbal noun of pölliäpölly - Alternative form of pölypöllyttäminen - verbal noun of pöllyttääpöllytys - smoking, puffingpöllyäminen - verbal noun of pöllytäpöllö - owlpöllökehrääjä - frogmouth (bird of the family Podargidae)pöllölintu - strigiformpöllönen - scops owl (any owl of the Old World genus Otus)pöllöpää - fool, dunce, simpleton, dumdumpölpöttäminen - verbal noun of pölpöttääpölpötys - babbling, blatheringpölvästi - dumb personpöly - dustpölyallergia - dust allergypölyharja - dusting brushpölyhiukkanen - dust mote, dust speck, dust particlepölyhuiska - feather dusterpölyhuisku - dusting brush, whisk, dusterpölyisyys - dustinesspölykansi - dust coverpölykapseli - hubcap, wheel coverpölykasetti - dust cartridgepölykerros - dust layer, dust depositpölykeuhko - pneumoconiosispölykoira - dust bunnypölyliina - dust clothpölymaa - dust soilpölymoppi - dust moppölynimuri - vacuum cleaner, hooverpölynkerääjä - dust collector, precipitatorpölynpesä - dust collectorpölynsitomisaine - dust binderpölypatsas - dust column, dust devilpölypilvi - dustcloudpölypoltto - pulverized consumptionpölypunkki - dust mite, house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)pölypussi - dust bagpölyriepu - dustcloth, dustragpölyräjähdys - a dust explosionpölyrätti - dustcloth, dusterpölysokeri - Synonym of tomusokeripölysuojaus - dustproofingpölyte - dust, powder, pollen, particles (any fine solid which gets a wide distribution in the air and falls finely to the ground)pölyttyminen - verbal noun of pölyttyäpölyttäjä - pollinator (insect etc. that pollinates)pölyttäjähyönteinen - pollinating insectpölyttäminen - verbal noun of pölyttääpölytys - dusting (removal of dust)pölyyntyminen - verbal noun of pölyyntyäpölähdys - billowingpölähtäminen - verbal noun of pölähtääpöläys - Synonym of pölähdyspölötys - babbling, blabberingpömpeli - structure, buildingpömppömaha - A protruding belly.pömppövatsa - potbellypönikkä - large container, can, etc.pönkitys - propping up, shoring uppönkkä - prop, strut, crossbarpönkkähame - pannier skirtpönttö - bin, can (any clumsy and/or ugly container, with or without a lid)pönttökamera - bird box camerapönttökiuas - cylindrical sauna stove made from sheet metalpönttötuoli - a type of (often) cylindrical chairpönttöuuni - stove or ovenpöntötys - mounting birdhousespönäkkyys - squatness, thicksetness, stoutnesspönötys - acting self-important and pompouspöpelikkö - thicket, copsepöperö - food, especially mixed foodpöpilä - nutfarm, funny farmpöpinä - twaddle, nonsense, rubbish (empty or silly idle talk or writing)pöpö - bug, contagious diseasepörinä - hum (indistinct sound, like that produced by bees).pörriäinen - bug, buzzing insect, usually a beepörrö - fur, fuzz, fluffpörröhäntä - bushy tail, such as that of a squirrelpörröpää - fuzzy head, curly headpörrötukka - fuzzy or fluffy hairpörssi - exchange (place for conducting trading), especially a stock exchangepörssiaika - period during which a stock exchange allows tradingpörssianalyytikko - stock market analystpörssiarvo - market capitalization, market valuepörssierä - round lotpörssihai - stockbrokerpörssihuijari - stock-market scammer, stock-market swindlerpörssikauppa - stock exchange, stock market tradingpörssikeinottelija - stock speculator, stag, bear, stockjobberpörssikeinottelu - stock market speculationpörssikurssi - share price (the price of a share as quoted in a stock exchange)pörssilista - stock exchange listingpörssimeklari - stockbrokerpörssinoteeraus - stock exchange quotationpörssipäivä - day of trading (in a stock market)pörssiromahdus - stock market crashpörssisähkö - spot-price electricitypörssitähti - the company with rising stock, being wanted by investors; the most wanted stock of a certain periodpörssivälittäjä - stockbrokerpörssiyhtiö - listed company, public company, publicly traded company, quoted company (company whose shares are traded in a stock exchange)pörttei - birthdaypösilö - A dumb person.pössyttelijä - someone who smokes cannabispössyttely - smoking cannabispösö - bigwig, big cheese, big enchilada, big kahuna, big wheel, grand poobah, head honcho, kingpin, muckety muck, top banana, top dog (wealthy man who is in a leading position)pösö - Peugeot (car)pötky - Alternative form of pötköpötkö - bar, stick (cylindrical mass of anything relatively firm)pötköttäminen - verbal noun of pötköttääpötsi - rumen, paunch (first stomach of a ruminant)pöty - nonsensepötypuhe - nonsense, hogwashpöydällepano - tabling, shelving, postponingpöydällinen - tablefulpöydänjalka - table legpöydänkattaus - table setting, setting the tablepöydänkulma - table cornerpöyheys - fluffinesspöyhin - tedder, hay tedderpöyhkeilijä - agent noun of pöyhkeillä: flaunterpöyhkeily - flaunting, acting haughtypöyhkeys - haughtiness, snootiness, uppitinesspöysti - hampöytiintarjoilu - table servicepöytye - Group of people around one table.pöytyri - a large wooden dishpöytyäläinen - a person from or living in Pöytyäpöytä - table, desk (standing piece of furniture with a flat top)pöytäastia - table dish, dining dishpöytäastiasto - set of tableware or dinnerwarepöytädaami - female tablematepöytäetikka - table vinegarpöytäfutis - foosball; table soccer (US); table football (UK)pöytähopeat - cutlery made out of silver, silverwarepöytäjalkapallo - foosball; table soccer (US); table football (UK)pöytäjoulukuusi - a tabletop spruce Christmas treepöytäjuhla - dinner party, dinner table partypöytäjuoma - beverage, drink (for dining)pöytäjärjestys - seating arrangementpöytäjääkiekko - table hockey (ITHF table hockey)pöytäkalenteri - desktop planner, desk calendarpöytäkartta - table seating chartpöytäkavaljeeri - male tablematepöytäkello - table clock, timepiecepöytäkeskustelu - table talk, dinner table talkpöytäkirja - minutes, proceedings, protocol (record of a meeting; document setting out an agreement reached in a negotiation)pöytäkirjamerkintä - minute entry, minutes entrypöytäkirjamerkintö - Synonym of pöytäkirjamerkintäpöytäkirjanote - extract or excerpt from minutespöytäkirjantarkastaja - minutes auditorpöytäkirjantarkastus - minutes auditingpöytäkirjuri - minutes secretarypöytäkone - desktop, desktop computerpöytäkumppani - table companionpöytäkunta - Synonym of pöytyepöytäkynttilä - table candle, dinner candlepöytälaatikko - drawer, desk drawerpöytälaatikkokirjailija - unpublished author, unpublished writer; an author who has no intention to publish the books they have writtenpöytälaatikkoyritys - shell companypöytälahja - party favor (small gift to a guest at a dinner party, distributed to the tables)pöytälamppu - table lamppöytälaskin - desktop calculatorpöytälaturi - desktop chargerpöytälevy - table toppöytäliina - tableclothpöytälippu - table flagpöytälätkä - table hockeypöytämalli - table modelpöytämikro - desktop computerpöytänaapuri - tablemate, tablefellowpöytäpaino - table presspöytäpuhe - table talkpöytäpuhelin - desk phonepöytäpäivyri - desk organizer, desktop organizerpöytäradio - tabletop radiopöytärasia - table boxpöytäroolipeli - tabletop roleplaying gamepöytärukous - grace (short prayer of thanks before or after a meal)pöytäsaha - table sawpöytäseurue - Synonym of pöytyepöytäsirkkeli - table sawpöytäsuola - table saltpöytätapa - table mannerspöytätaso - desktop (top surface of a desk)pöytäteatteri - table theater, table puppetrypöytätekstiili - table linenpöytätennis - table tennis, ping-pong, ping pong.pöytätennismaila - table tennis paddlepöytätennisottelu - table tennis matchpöytätennispallo - ping pong ballpöytätietokone - desktop computer, desktoppöytätilaus - Synonym of pöytävarauspöytätoveri - tablemate, tablefellowpöytävalaisin - table lamppöytävaraus - table reservationpöytäveitsi - table knife (knife designed to be used together with a fork as an item of cutlery)pöytävesi - table water (drinking water served at the dining table)pöytävieras - commensalpöytäviini - table winepöytävitriini - a food display casepöytävoi - table butterpöytävuori - table mountainqatarilainen - Qatari personqof - qoph (nineteenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)quadriga - quadriga (Roman racing chariot)quebeciläinen - Quebecois, Quebecer (person)queenslandinpuukenguru - Lumholtz's tree kangaroo, Dendrolagus lumholtziqueer-teoria - queer theoryquisling - quislingraa'alla - adessive singular of raakaraa'alle - allative singular of raakaraa'alta - ablative singular of raakaraa'an - genitive singular of raakaraa'annokka - yardarm (outer end of a yard)raa'assa - inessive singular of raakaraa'asta - elative singular of raakaraa'at - nominative plural of raakaraa'atta - abessive singular of raakaraadanta - toilraadollisuus - wretchedness, miserableness (of someone)raadon - Alternative form of radonraadonsyöjä - scavenger, necrophageraadonsyönti - necrophagyraahaaminen - verbal noun of raahataraahailu - dragging aroundraahaus - dragging, haulingraahelainen - a person from or living in Raaheraaja - limbraajaliike - limb movementraajapari - pair of limbsraajarikko - lame (of animal)raaka - yardraaka voima - brute force (method of solving problems)raaka-aine - raw materialraaka-ainelähde - source of raw materialsraaka-ainepula - shortage of raw materialsraaka-ainevarat - raw material reservesraakadata - raw dataraakakaakao - cocoa (dried and partially fermented seeds of cacao tree)raakakahvi - green coffee, unroasted coffeeraakakakku - no-bake cakeraakakivi - unworked stoneraakakopio - raw copyraakakuitu - raw fibre, crude fibreraakakumi - raw rubber, unprocessed rubberraakakupari - raw copperraakakypsytys - maturing, maturation, hanging (of meat or other foods)raakakäännös - raw translationraakalainen - A brute, a brutal or uncivilized person.raakalaisteko - act of barbarism or savageryraakalaisuus - barbarianism, savageryraakalauta - raw boardraakaleivonta - cold baking (baking without an oven, in temperatures not exceeding 45°C or around 115°F)raakamaa - undeveloped land, raw landraakamaito - raw milk (non-pasteurized milk)raakamakkara - raw sausageraakamalmi - raw oreraakamateriaali - raw footage, raw materialraakametalli - raw metal (intermediate product in metallurgy, having high metallic content but not being good for end use in metalworking industry or elsewhere without further processing)raakanahka - raw leather, rawhideraakapakaste - raw frozen foodraakapihvi - Synonym of tartarpihviraakapurje - square sailraakapuu - raw woodraakapuu - yardraakapuuro - raw porridgeraakapuuvilla - raw cotton; cotton wool (US)raakaraaste - fresh grated food (vegetables, etc.)raakarauta - pig iron, crude ironraakaravinto - raw foodraakaruoka - no-cook foodraakaruokinta - raw feeding (feeding raw/natural food to pet animals, such as dogs)raakaruokosokeri - raw cane sugarraakasilkki - raw silkraakasokeri - raw sugar, jaggeryraakasose - raw puree, uncooked pureeraakasuklaa - raw chocolate (chocolate not heated beyond 42 degrees Celsius during processing)raakatalja - rawhideraakateksti - copy (text that is to be typeset)raakateräs - crude steelraakatislaus - crude distillationraakavedos - uncorrected proof, galley proofraakaversio - raw versionraakavesi - raw waterraakaöljy - crude oilraakeli - squeegee, doctor blade (tool used to remove excess ink, toner, moisture, etc. from a print)raakile - A raw or unripe fruit or berry.raakilemaisuus - being unfinished or half-doneraakimus - bruteraakkeli - Alternative form of raakeli.raakki - crock (person)raakku - freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)raakku - Synonym of sivukiviraakku - Alternative form of kraakkuraakkuminen - verbal noun of raakkuaraakkuäyriäinen - ostracod, seed shrimp, mussel shrimp (any of many small crustaceans, of the class Ostracoda, that resemble a shrimp enclosed in a bivalve shell)raakuus - rawnessraamattu - Bible, (a) bible (an individual copy of Raamattu, or the Bible)raamattukäsitys - understanding of the Bibleraamattuluento - Bible lectureraamattulähetys - delivering Bibles as missionary workraamattupaperi - Bible paperraamattupiiri - Bible study groupraamattuseura - Bible societyraamattutieto - information or knowledge about the Bibleraamattutunti - Bible class, Bible studyraamattuvyöhyke - Bible Belt (area in which Evangelical Protestantism is a pervasive or dominant part of the culture)raamatunhistoria - Biblical historyraamatunkertomus - Bible story, story from the Bibleraamatunkohta - a part of or passage from the Bible, scriptureraamatunkritiikki - higher criticism (especially through the Bible)raamatunkäännös - Bible translationraamatunlause - Bible Verse, Bible citation, Bible passage (citation of an individual verse of the Bible)raamatunpaikka - Synonym of raamatunkohtaraamatunselitys - Bible interpretation, Bible commentaryraamatunselitysoppi - exegesis, exegetics (explanation and interpretation of the texts of the Bible)raamatunsuomennos - a translation of the Bible into Finnishraamatunteksti - scripture, text from the Bibleraamatuntulkinta - interpretation of Biblical scriptureraamatuntutkija - Bible studentraamatuntutkimus - Biblical studiesraami - frameraamisaha - frame sawraamisopimus - Synonym of puitesopimusraamittaminen - verbal noun of raamittaaraamitus - framing (putting in or furnishing with a frame)raamiäes - a harrow with a frame having multiple rows of spikesraana - Alternative form of kraanaraani - shoreweed (Littorella uniflora)raanu - A traditional heavy woven rug, used as bed cover and wall textile.raapaisu - A graze; light scratch.raapaisujälki - scratch mark, scrape markraapaisupinta - striking surface (such as that on a matchbox)raape - The material loosened by scratching.raapekumi - ink rubber, ink eraserraapevesi - ink removerraappa - scraperraappakuljetin - drag conveyorraaputin - scraper (tool)raaputtaminen - verbal noun of raaputtaaraaputus - scratchingraaputusarpa - scratch ticketraaseporilainen - a person from or living in Raseborgraaste - grated foodraastemylly - Synonym of raastinmyllyraastesalaatti - grated saladraastin - graterraastinmylly - rotary grater, crank graterraastinrauta - grater (kitchen tool)raastinterä - grating disc (for a food processor)raasto - grating (shredding with a grater)raastupa - Synonym of raastuvanoikeusraastuvanoikeus - Until Dec. 1993 the court of first instance in the cities of Finland, since then replaced by käräjäoikeus. English-language equivalents vary by jurisdiction, at least following are used: magistrates court (UK), municipal court (US).raasu - wretchraataja - agent noun of raataa: one who drudges, toilsraataminen - verbal noun of raataaraate - bogbean, buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliataraateleminen - verbal noun of raadellaraatelu - savaging, maulingraateluhammas - eyetooth, canine tooth; especially a well-developed one which is particularly suited for tearing meatraatelujalka - a foot with curved claws used for mauling or tearingraatelunokka - raptorial beakraati - jury (body of judges in a competition)raatihuone - city hall, town hallraatilainen - judge of a jury (in a competition)raato - An animal carcass, corpse.raatokukka - rafflesiaraatokuoriainen - staphylinoid (member of the beetle superfamily Staphylinoidea)raatokärpänen - blowflyraavaanliha - beef (meat from an adult cow or bull)raavas - adult cattle; adult cow or bullraavin - scraper (an instrument with which anything is scraped)raavinta - scratchingrabbi - rabbirabbiini - rabbirabdomyolyysi - rhabdomyolysisrabulismi - rabulismrabulisti - rabulistraclette - raclette (dish)radanpito - track maintenance, rail maintenanceradanrakennus - rail construction, track constructionradanvarsi - tracksideradeeraus - erasing (when writing)radiaani - radian (unit of angle)radiaatio - radiationradiaattori - radiatorradianssi - radiance (the flux of radiation emitted per unit solid angle in a given direction by a unit area of a source)radiantti - radiantradikaali - A radical person or one who acts radicallyradikaalileikkaus - radical surgeryradikaalisuus - radicalnessradikaalius - radicalnessradikalismi - radicalismradikuliitti - radiculitisradio - radio (technology)radio-levysoitin - radiogram (device combining radio and record player)radio-ohjaus - radio controlradio-ohjauslaite - radio control apparatusradio-ohjelma - radio programradioaakkonen - in plural only, radio alphabet, spelling alphabet (set of standard words used in radiotelephony to represent the letters of alphabet when spelling in conditions where misunderstanding may easily happen)radioaalto - radio waveradioaktiivinen jäte - radioactive wasteradioaktiivisuus - radioactivityradioamatööri - A ham (ham radio operator).radioamatööriasema - ham radio station, amateur radio stationradioamatööritoiminta - amateur radio activitiesradioantenni - radio antennaradioasema - radio stationradioastronomi - radio astronomerradioastronomia - radio astronomyradiobiologi - radiobiologistradiobiologia - radiobiologyradiodokumentti - radio documentaryradiodraama - radio dramaradioesiintyminen - radio appearanceradioesitelmä - radio presentation, radio discourse, radio lectureradioesitys - radio performanceradiografia - radiography (science of analyzing radiographs)radiogramofoni - radiogram (device combining radio and gramophone)radiohaastattelu - radio interviewradiohartaus - radio devotionalradiohiili - radiocarbonradiohiiliajoitus - radiocarbon datingradiohiljaisuus - radio silenceradiohäirintä - radio jammingradiohäiriö - radio interferenceradioiminen - verbal noun of radioidaradiointi - radioingradioisotooppi - radioisotoperadiojodi - iodine-131, radioiodineradiojournalismi - radio journalismradiokanava - radio channelradiokasettisoitin - radio cassette playerradiokemia - nuclear chemistryradiokeskus - radio control centerradiokeskustelu - a radio conversationradiokommunikaatio - radiocommunicationradiokorkeusmittari - radar altimeter, radio altimeterradiokuuluttaja - radio announcerradiokuunnelma - radioplay, radio dramaradiokuuntelija - radio listenerradiokuva - Synonym of röntgenkuva.radiolaite - radio deviceradiolaki - radio lawradioliike - radio storeradioliikenne - radio communicationradiolinkki - radio linkradiologi - radiologistradiologia - radiologyradioluotain - radiosonderadioluotaus - radio soundingradiolupa - radio license, radio permitradiolyysi - radiolysisradiolähetin - radio (transmitter)radiolähetys - radio transmissionradiomainonta - radio advertisingradiomainos - radio commercialradiomajakka - A radio beacon.radiomasto - radio mastradiometri - radiometerradiometria - radiometryradionauhuri - radio-tape recorderradionavigointi - radio navigationradionkuuntelija - radio listenerradionkuuntelu - listening to the radioradionuklidi - radionuclide (radioactive nuclide)radiopaikannus - radiolocationradiopatologia - radiopathologyradiopeilaus - Synonym of radiosuuntiminenradiopuhe - radio speech, radio addressradiopuhelin - radiotelephoneradiopuhelu - radio callradioputki - radio tuberadioreportaasi - radio report, radio reportageradiosanoma - radiogram (message, like telegram, sent over radio)radioselostaja - radio commentator, radio announcerradioselostus - radio commentaryradiosignaali - radio signalradiositeetti - radiosityradiosondi - radiosonderadiosovitus - radio arrangement, radio adaptation, radio mixradiosuunnin - radio direction finderradiosuuntima - radio bearing, radio directionradiosuuntimalaite - radio direction finderradiosuuntiminen - radio direction findingradiosuuntimislaite - Synonym of radiosuuntimalaiteradiosähköttäjä - radio operator (one who operates a radio telegraph system)radiosähkötys - radiotelegraphyradiosäteily - radio emissionsradiotaajuus - radio frequencyradioteatteri - radio theaterradiotekniikka - radio technologyradioteknikko - radio technicianradioteleskooppi - radio telescoperadiotiedotus - public radio announcementradiotiedustelu - radio intelligence, radio surveillanceradiotoiminta - radio activity, radio broadcastingradiotoimittaja - radio journalistradiotähti - radio starradiotähtitiede - radio astronomyradiouutiset - radio newsradiovastaanotin - radio (receiver)radiovastuu - duty to broadcast radioradioverkko - radio networkradioviestintä - radiocommunicationradioyhteys - radio link, radio connectionradioyhtiö - radio broadcaster, radio broadcasting companyradioääni - radio personalityradisti - radio operator (person)radium - radiumradiumkloridi - radium chlorideradon - radonradonfluoridi - radon fluorideradonmittari - radon detector, radon meterradonmittaus - radon measurementradonpitoisuus - radon contentradža - A rajah.rae - hailstone, hailraejuusto - a Finnish fresh cheese similar to cottage cheeseraekoko - grain sizeraekuuro - hail showerraesade - hail, hailstormraesokeri - nib sugar, pearl sugar (coarse opaque sugar)raffinoiminen - verbal noun of raffinoidaraffinointi - refiningraffinoosi - raffinoserafflesia - rafflesiarafla - restaurantraflaavuus - showiness, boldness, flamboyanceraggari - raggareraglanhiha - raglan sleeveragnarök - Ragnarokragoût - ragoutraguu - ragoutraha - money (means of exchange and measure of value)raha-aateli - rich people collectivelyraha-ansio - monetary income, monetary earningsraha-arkku - coffer; treasury chest, treasury casket, treasury coffinraha-arpa - ticket for a prize draw with monetary prizesraha-arpajaiset - a prize draw with monetary prizesraha-arvo - value in money, monetary valueraha-asia - finance, financial matterraha-asia-aloite - budget amendment billraha-automaatti - slot machine that gives monetary prizesraha-avustus - financial aid, monetary grantrahahuoli - worries about moneyrahajärjestelmä - monetary systemrahakammio - treasury, especially a historical onerahakanta - monetary baserahakasvi - cash croprahake - token (substitute for money)rahakirstu - coffer (supply or store of money)rahakokoelma - money collection, coin collectionrahakortti - stored value cardrahaksimuutto - realization, liquidation (turning into money)rahakukkaro - coin purserahalahja - monetary gift, financial giftrahalahjoitus - monetary donationrahalaina - monetary loan, loan of moneyrahalaitos - financial institutionrahaliike - Synonym of rahaliikennerahaliikenne - money transfers and transactions collectivelyrahaliitto - monetary unionrahalipas - money box, cashboxrahaluotto - monetary creditrahalähde - income, source of moneyrahalähetys - remittancerahalöytö - discovery or find of moneyrahamaailma - financial worldrahamalmi - coin-sized piece or pieces of limoniterahamarkkinat - money marketrahametalli - metal or alloy used as or for making money, bullionrahamies - moneybagsrahaministeri - Synonym of valtiovarainministerirahamuuli - money mulerahamylly - great source of profitrahamäärä - amount or sum of moneyrahanahneus - greed for moneyrahanarvo - value of money, purchasing powerrahanarvokerroin - Alternative form of rahanarvonkerroinrahanarvonkerroin - adjustment factor for inflation and changes in purchasing power over timerahanhimo - avarice, greed for money or wealthrahanhukka - waste of moneyrahankeräys - fundraising, collection of moneyrahankierto - circulation of moneyrahankäyttö - spending, use of moneyrahanlainaaja - moneylenderrahanlainaus - money lendingrahanlajittelukone - money sorting machinerahanlaskukone - money counting machinerahanlähde - income, source of moneyrahanmeno - expenserahanpesu - money launderingrahanpuute - lack of moneyrahanreikä - Synonym of rahareikärahansäästö - saving moneyrahantarve - need for moneyrahantulo - income of moneyrahanuudistus - Synonym of rahauudistusrahanvaihtaja - money changerrahanvaihto - money exchangerahanväärennys - counterfeiting or forgery of moneyrahanväärentäjä - counterfeiter or forger of moneyrahapaja - mint (where money is produced)rahapalkinto - financial or monetary prize or rewardrahapalkka - wage or salary paid as money or cashrahapalkkio - financial or monetary rewardrahapanos - actual money used as currency in a game, such as a card game (as opposed to playing for fun or such)rahapeli - gamble (game with money involved)rahapeliautomaatti - slot machine (gambling)rahapeliongelma - gambling problemrahapelitoiminta - gambling activitiesrahapolitiikka - monetary policyrahapuhelin - payphone (public telephone that requires prepayment)rahapula - shortage of moneyrahapussi - purse, money bagrahapussukka - Synonym of rahakukkarorahapuu - jade plant (Crassula ovata)rahareformi - Synonym of rahauudistusrahareikä - money pit, reason for loss of one's moneyraharuhtinas - very rich person, filthy rich personrahasampo - cash cow, moneymakerrahastaja - conductor (person whose job is to collect fares in a bus or tram)rahastaminen - verbal noun of rahastaa, collecting moneyrahastin - payment collection machinerahasto - fundrahasto-osuus - fund contribution, fund compartmentrahastoanti - capitalization issuerahastointi - funding (transferring assets to an entity)rahastojen rahasto - fund of funds (investment fund that invests primarily in other funds)rahastonhoitaja - A treasurer in a club or other similar organization.rahastoyhtiö - fund management companyrahastus - fare collectionrahastuslaukku - conductor's bagrahasumma - sum of moneyrahasuoritus - monetary contributionrahasäkki - money bagrahatalletus - deposit of moneyrahatalous - monetary economics, financerahateoria - theory of moneyrahatiede - numismaticsrahatilanne - financial position or situationrahatoimi - financial affairrahattomuus - pennilessness, impecuniousness, moneylessness, povertyrahatuki - monetary support, financial supportrahatulo - monetary incomerahauudistus - monetary reformrahavaikeus - difficulties or troubles with moneyrahavalta - plutocracyrahavaltaisuus - plutocracyrahavaranto - money supplyrahavarat - finance, monetary resourcesrahavirta - money flow, cash flowrahayksikkö - unit of currency, monetary unitrahdinantaja - shipper (person or organization that ships or sends something)rahdinkuljettaja - carrier, freight carrierrahdinkuljetus - freight transportationrahdinottaja - Synonym of rahdinkuljettajarahdittaminen - verbal noun of rahdittaarahditus - freighting, transportingrahi - low benchrahina - rasping sound, rattlerahje - A leather strap used to join the shafts of a carriage, sled etc. to the horse collar.rahjus - frail personrahka - quark, tvorog (soft creamy curd cheese)rahkahapero - A brittlegill, Russula sphagnophila.rahkahopeatäplä - Frigga fritillary, Boloria frigga (syn. Clossiana frigga)rahkajuoma - quark drinkrahkamatto - a thick, fuzzy carpet made of ragsrahkamunkki - quark donut, quark ball, Quarkbällchen (small, round, airy donut with quark)rahkaneva - a dry, poor fenrahkapatukka - glazed curdrahkapiirakka - quark pierahkapulla - a sweet pastry with quark in the middle; very similar to a vatrushkarahkarousku - A milk-cap, Lactarius sphagneti.rahkaräme - a barren boreal swamp with a thick layer of peatrahkasammal - sphagnum, peat mossrahkasara - few-flowered sedge (Carex pauciflora)rahkaseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius huronensis.rahkasuo - sphagnum bograhkaturve - sphagnum peatrahna - moneyrahoittaja - financier, funderrahoittaminen - verbal noun of rahoittaarahoitus - funding, financing (means to pay for something)rahoituserä - financial item (item on the financial statement of a bookkeeping entity which deals with financing, as opposed to the real process of producing goods and services)rahoitushakemus - funding application, financing applicationrahoitusjohtaja - chief financial officer, CFO, treasurer, financial director (head of finance in a company)rahoitusjohtaminen - financial managementrahoitusjärjestelmä - financial system, financing systemrahoituskriisi - financial crisisrahoituslaitos - financial institutionrahoituslaskelma - financial calculationrahoitusmahdollisuus - financing option, financing possibilityrahoitusmarkkinat - financial marketrahoitusmatematiikka - mathematical financerahoitusmuoto - form of fundingrahoitusneuvos - an honorary title of the third rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished businesspeople in the finance industryrahoitusomaisuus - financial assetrahoitusosuus - financial contributionrahoituspalvelu - financial servicerahoituspäätös - financing decisionrahoitusriski - financial riskrahoitussuunnitelma - financing planrahoitustarkastus - financial supervisionrahoitustilinpito - financial accountingrahoitusvastike - housing cooperative dues (yhtiövastike) for paying back loans and other debts of the housing cooperativerahoitusyhtiö - finance companyrahtaaja - charterer, shipperrahtari - cargo pilot, freighter, truckerrahtaus - haulingrahtaussopimus - charter, chartering contractrahti - freight, cargorahtialus - cargo vesselrahtiasema - freight stationrahtiennakko - freight prepaymentrahtijuna - Synonym of tavarajunarahtikirja - waybill, bill of ladingrahtikone - Synonym of rahtilentokone (“cargo aircraft”)rahtikontti - freight containerrahtikulut - freight costsrahtilaiva - cargo shiprahtilaivaliikenne - cargo ship trafficrahtilentokone - cargo planerahtilentoliikenne - cargo air trafficrahtiliikenne - freight trafficrahtimaksu - freight (payment)rahtisatama - cargo port, freight portrahtitariffi - freight tariffrahtitavara - cargorahtitavaratoimisto - freight officerahtitila - cargo compartment, cargo arearahtitonni - ton/tonne of freightrahtityö - outsourced workrahtu - A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota.rahtunen - A very small amount of something, a jot, an iota. Normally used only attributively.rahvaanomaisuus - vulgarityrahvaanrunoilija - folksy poetryrahvas - the common people, the lower orders (historically, the common people as opposed to the rich and the nobility; now derogatory); rabble, riffraff, vulgus, hoi polloiraidanrousku - A milk-cap, Lactarius aspideus.raide - track, railroad trackraideleveys - track, track width, gauge, track gauge (distance between two opposite wheels on a same axletree)raideliikenne - rail trafficraideliikennejuopumus - Synonym of junaliikennejuopumusraidepari - pair of railsraidetaksi - personal rapid transitraideväli - track of an axleraidoittaminen - verbal noun of raidoittaaraidoitus - striping (marking or decorating with stripes)raiheinä - any plant of the genus Loliumraihnaisuus - Synonym of raihnausraihnaus - dilapidationraikas tuulahdus - breath of fresh airraikaste - freshener (substance that freshens)raikastin - freshener (device that freshens something, especially air)raikkaus - freshnessraikulipoika - wild boyraikulityttö - wild girlrailakkuus - liveliness, sociabilityrailo - crack, crevasse (on ice)railolossi - a cable ferry over an ice crevasserailosilta - temporary bridge over a creviceraina - strip, band (long, flat piece of material)rainata - × Festulolium loliaceumrainaus - making paper webraine - Synonym of kokkapuurainelippu - jack (small flag at bow of ship)rainta - milk pailraion - rayonraipanisku - crop lash, lash or stroke of a cropraippa - crop (short whip)raipparangaistus - caning, flogging, whipping (as a punishment)raippavero - unfair tax paid by workers or retireesrairuoho - ryegrass, especially when used as an Easter decorationraisiolainen - a person from or living in Raisioraiska - wretch, poor thingraiskaus - rape (act of forcing sexual activity)raiskausyritys - attempted raperaiskio - a forest that has been felled to the point of desolationraisuus - boisterousness, rambunctiousnessraita - stripe, band (long strip of a colour or material)raita - goat willow, Salix caprearaita - raita (condiment)raitahiiri - striped grass mouse (rodent of the genus Lemniscomys native to Africa)raitajuuri - Chioggia beet, striped beetraitajuurikas - A cultivar of beet, Beta vulgaris var. cruenta the cross-section of which features alternate red and white concentric rings.raitalehvähevonen - leafy seadragon, Glauert's seadragon, Phycodurus eques (marine fish with long leaf-like protrusions serving as camouflage, found along the southern and western coasts of Australia)raitapuku - striped suitraitapuumuura - barred antshrikeraitasardelli - broad-striped anchovy, Anchoa hepsetusraiteenvaihtopaikka - crossoverraiteisto - rails or tracks collectivelyraitio - tram railraitio - Alternative form of raitoraitiokisko - tram railraitioliikenne - tram trafficraitiolinja - tram lineraitiotie - tramway (tracks for a tram)raitiotiekisko - tram trackraitiotieliikenne - tram trafficraitiotievaunu - tramway coachraitiovaunu - tram, tram car, streetcarraitiovaunukaista - tram laneraitiovaunuliikenne - tram trafficraitiovaunulinja - tram lineraitiovaununkuljettaja - tram driverraitiovaunupysäkki - tram stopraitis - teetotaller/teetotalerraitisilma - fresh airraitisilmasuodatin - cabin air filterraitisilmaventtiili - fresh air valveraitistuminen - verbal noun of raitistuaraito - A line of reindeer which pull an ahkio.raitsikka - Synonym of raitiovaunu (“tram”).raitti - a lone village road splitting the village in half<-- -->