Finnish nouns, part 70paloluokitus - flammability classificationpaloluukku - fire shutterpalomestari - fire chief, fire marshalpalomiehistö - fire crewpalomies - A fireman, firefighter (person who is skilled in the work of fighting fire).palomuuri - firewall (fireproof barrier)palonalku - start of a firepalonehkäisy - fire preventionpalonestoaine - fire retardant, flame retardantpalonkestävyys - fire integrity, fire resistancepalonsammutus - firefighting, fire extinguishingpalonsuoja-aine - flame retardantpalontorjunta - fire protection, firefightingpalopaikka - scene of fire, burning placepalopesäke - fire pocketpalopommi - firebomb, incendiary bomb, incendiary (bomb specially designed to cause fires)palopommitus - firebombingpaloportaat - fire stairspaloposti - fire hydrantpalopuhe - rant, tirade, diatribe, harangue (oral exposition, where emotionality supersedes rationality)palopuhuja - firebrand (argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary)palopurje - fire blanketpalopäällikkö - fire chief, fire marshalpalopäällystö - fire officers (collectively)palorakko - A blister caused by burning.palorakkula - A blister caused by burning.paloruisku - fire hosepalorypälehappo - pyruvic acidpalosammutin - fire extinguisherpalosanko - firefighting bucketpaloseinä - firewall (fireproof barrier)palosireeni - fire sirenpalosirkka - rattle grasshopper (Psophus stridulus)palosola - Synonym of palokujapalosotilas - firemanpalosulku - fire barrierpalosuoja-aine - fire retardant, flame retardantpalosuojaus - fire protectionpalosuojelu - fire protectionpalotarkastaja - fire inspectorpalotarkastus - fire inspectionpalotikkaat - fire escape ladderpalotila - combustion chamberpalotoimi - fire servicepalotorni - fire lookout towerpaloturvallisuus - fire safetypalovaara - risk of firepalovahinko - fire damagepalovakuutus - fire insurancepalovamma - burn (a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals)palovanko - a staff with a hook at one end, used to turn over logs to make sure they burned completelypalovaroitin - A fire alarm (device).palovartija - firewatcherpalovaurio - fire damagepaloviina - spirit, liquor (distilled alcoholic beverage)paloviranomainen - fire authority, fire officialpaloöljy - petroleum oilpalpaatio - palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands)palpakko - bur-reed (plant of the genus Sparganium)palpitaatio - palpitationpalpoiminen - verbal noun of palpoidapalpointi - palpation (act of examining a patient's body by feeling with hands)palsa - palsapalsa - long overcoatpalsami - balsam, balm (any of various aromatic resins exuded from certain plants, especially trees of the genus Commiphora of Africa, Arabia and India and Myroxylon of South America).palsamikukka - Synonym of palsami (flower).palsamikuusi - balsam fir (North American species of fir tree Abies balsamea)palsamipuu - balsam (tree yielding balsam)palsamoija - embalmer (one who embalms)palsamoiminen - verbal noun of palsamoidapalsamointi - embalming (act, process)palsasuo - palsa (palsa bog)palsi - hardpan (especially one in the bottom of a body of water)palsta - lot, plot, parcel of landpalstalääkäri - advice column doctorpalstamillimetri - One millimeter of a printed column; a measure of space allocated for an article or advertisement on a newspaper. English-speaking world uses column inch and column centimeter for the same purpose.palstanpitäjä - columnistpalstantäyte - filler (in a newspaper)palstatila - space in a newspaper columnpalstavedos - galley proofpalstaviljely - plot cultivationpalstaväli - gutter, space between columnspalsternakka - parsnip, Pastinaca sativapalstoittaminen - verbal noun of palstoittaapalstoitus - columnizingpaltamo - A type of rowing boat used to carry freight, particularly barrels of tar, along the rivers in northern Finland.paltamolainen - a person from or living in Paltamopalte - Alternative form of pallepalterohapero - The flirt or bare-toothed russula, Russula vesca.palttaus - hemming (putting a hem on an article of clothing)palttina - linen weave, plain weavepalttinasidos - plain weavepalttoo - A long overcoat.palttu - Synonym of veripalttupalturi - Synonym of kessu (“homegrown tobacco”)palturitupakka - Synonym of kessu (“homegrown tobacco”)paluu - returnpaluuarvo - return valuepaluujohto - return line/pipe (for water, electricity, etc.)paluukiekko - reboundpaluukoodi - return code, exit statuspaluulento - return flightpaluuliikenne - inbound traffic (in connection with holidays, traffic back to the cities at the end of the holidays)paluulippu - return ticketpaluumatka - return trip; "journey back", "way back"paluumuuttaja - an ex-pat who is returning home to live in their birth countrypaluumuutto - return migrationpaluupallo - reboundpaluuposti - return mailpaluupäivä - return datepaluurahti - return cargo, return loadpaluureitti - return routepaluuvirtaus - return flow (any returning flow of a fluid)paluuvuoro - return slot, a single scheduled flight, bus drive, etc. for a return trippalvaus - curing (food preservation)palvelija - servantpalvelijanhuone - servants' roompalvelijatar - maidservant, maid (female servant)palvelin - serverpalvelinkeskus - data center, server farmpalvelinkone - server machine, server computerpalvelinpohjaisuus - multitenancypalvelinsovelma - servletpalvelu - service (act of serving; act of being of assistance to someone)palveluala - service industrypalveluammatti - service profession, service occupationpalveluasuminen - assisted housingpalveluasunto - serviced apartmentpalveluelinkeino - service sector, service industrypalveluhalu - desire to servepalvelukanava - service channelpalvelukatko - service downtimepalvelukatkos - service break, service interruption, service downtimepalvelukeskus - service center (centralized organisation that produces a service or services)palveluketju - service chainpalvelukoira - service dogpalvelukoti - care homepalvelukseenastumismääräys - order of induction into military servicepalveluliikenne - service traffic, service transportpalveluluokka - service category, service classpalvelumaksu - service charge, service fee (fee charged for a service, typically to cover administration or processing costs.)palvelumerkki - service markpalvelumuoto - mode of supplypalvelumyymälä - a store with customer servicepalvelunestohyökkäys - denial-of-service attack, DoS attackpalvelunkäyttäjä - service user, service consumerpalvelunohjaus - Alternative form of palveluohjauspalveluntarjoaja - service providerpalveluntuottaja - service providerpalvelunumero - helplinepalveluohjaaja - service director, service counsellorpalveluohjaus - case managementpalvelupaikka - service facility, service pointpalvelupalkkio - service fee, service bonuspalvelupiste - service pointpalveluportti - service portalpalveluprosessi - service processpalvelupuhelin - helplinepalvelupyyntö - service requestpalveluraha - service charge, service fee (amount added to a restaurant bill for service)palvelurakenne - service structurepalvelus - service (event of providing a service)palvelusaika - period of servicepalvelusektori - service industrypalveluseteli - service voucher (instrument of distributing social benefits in a targeted manner)palvelusetelijärjestelmä - service voucher schemepalvelusitoumus - service commitmentpalveluskelpoisuus - able-bodiedness (for service)palveluskelpoisuusluokka - category of fitness into military servicepalveluskoira - service dog, helper dogpalveluskunta - servants collectivelypalvelusopimus - service contract, service agreementpalveluspaikka - the place where one serves or has served (such as in military service)palvelusrikos - service offence (a breach of military duty, as defined in Finnish criminal law)palvelussuhde - service relation, service relationshippalvelustodistus - service record, service certificatepalvelustrategia - services strategypalvelustyttö - maid (female servant)palvelusvuosi - year of service, service yearpalvelusvuosilisä - annual long-term employee bonus (usually for 10 or more years of working in the same company)palvelusväki - servants, domestics, staffpalvelut - nominative plural of palvelupalvelutalo - sheltered home, sheltered accommodation, assisted living buildingpalvelutarjonta - servicescapepalvelutaso - service level (measure of the performance of a service provider)palvelutasosopimus - service level agreementpalvelutiski - service counterpalvelutoiminta - service activitypalvelutuotanto - production of servicespalvelutuote - service productpalvelutyyppi - type of servicepalvelutyönantaja - service sector employerpalveluvalmius - readiness for servicepalveluverkosto - service networkpalveluyhteiskunta - service society, services-based societypalveluyrittäjä - service provider entrepreneur, service entrepreneurpalveluyritys - service sector companypalvi - meat cured slowly in mild heat, often also smokedpalvi - Alternative form of patvipalvikinkku - smoked hampalvikylki - meat from the side of an animal cured slowly in mild heatpalviliha - smoked meatpalvimakkara - lightly smoked sausagepalvoja - A worshipper (one who worships)palvominen - verbal noun of palvoapalvonta - worship, praise, -latry, venerationpalvontamenot - A worship (religious ceremony, especially a non-Christian one).palvontapaikka - place of worshippalvoskivi - a rock or stone once used as a place of worshippalynologia - palynologypamahdus - Alternative form of pamauspamahtaminen - verbal noun of pamahtaa, banging, slamming, crashing, poppingpamaus - boom, bangpamauttaminen - verbal noun of pamauttaapamauttelu - banging or booming repeatedlypamautus - banging (causing to bang)pamfletti - pamphlet (especially one for purposes of promotion or an opinion piece)pampa - pampapampahirvi - pampas deer, Ozotoceros bezoarticuspampajänis - Patagonian mara, Dolichotis patagonumpampakettu - pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus)pampakissa - pampas cat, Leopardus pajerospampavyötiäinen - big hairy armadillo, large hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus villosus.pamppu - baton, nightstick (short stout club used primarily by policemen)pampula - bobblepamputtaminen - verbal noun of pamputtaapamputus - batoningpanama - Panama weavepanamahattu - Panama hatpanamanpuumuura - western slaty antshrikepanamasidos - basketweave, Panama weavepanamerikanismi - Pan-Americanismpanarabialaisuus - Pan-Arabismpanarabismi - Synonym of panarabialaisuus (“pan-Arabism”)panda - pandapandakarhu - panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)pandeismi - pandeismpandemia - A pandemic.pandžabi - Punjabi (language)paneeli - panel (rectangular section of a surface)paneelikeskustelu - panel discussion, forum (form of discussion involving a panel of presenters and often participation by members of the audience)paneelilaudoitus - panelingpaneelilauta - a wooden panelpaneeliseinä - paneled wall, panel wallpaneeraus - Synonym of leivityspaneli - Misspelling of paneeli.panelisti - panelistpanelointi - panellingpaneminen - verbal noun of panna, putting, setting, placingpanenteismi - panentheismpaneroiminen - verbal noun of paneroidapanerointi - Synonym of leivityspanettaminen - verbal noun of panettaa, being hornypanetteleminen - verbal noun of panetellapanettelija - agent noun of panetella: slandererpanettelu - backbiting, calumny, slander, aspersionpaneutuminen - verbal noun of paneutuapangasius - pangasius (pangasius fish as food)pangeneesi - pangenesispangrammi - pangrampanhuilu - pan pipes, panpipes, pan-pipespaniikki - panicpaniikkihäiriö - panic disorderpaniikkijarrutus - sudden braking, slamming on the brakespaniikkikohtaus - panic attackpaniikkimieliala - mood of panicpaniikkinappi - panic buttonpaniikkinappula - panic buttonpaniikkitunnelma - atmosphere of panicpaniini - Alternative form of paninipanija - Agent noun of the verb panna, in all senses.panikointi - panickingpanimo - brewerypanimomestari - master brewerpanimoravintola - brewpub, restaurant with a brewerypanimoteollisuus - brewing industrypanini - paninipankinjohtaja - bank managerpankkaluu - An epipubic bone.pankki - bank (institution, branch office and derived meanings)pankkiaika - bank opening hourspankkiala - banking sectorpankkiasia - any matter that requires a visit at a bankpankkiasiointi - banking (act of dealing with a bank)pankkiauto - bank truck (a bank inside a truck)pankkiautomaatti - automated teller machine, cash machine, ATM.pankkiautomaattikortti - ATM cardpankkiholvi - bank vaultpankkiiri - bankerpankkiiriliike - brokerage, brokerage firm, brokerage housepankkiirivalaisin - banker's lamppankkikirja - bankbook, passbookpankkikonttori - bank officepankkikortti - bankcard, bank card, debit cardpankkikriisi - banking crisispankkilaina - bank loan (loan made by a bank)pankkilokero - a safe deposit box in a bankpankkimaailma - banking world, banking sectorpankkineiti - a female bank tellerpankkipalvelu - banking service (service typically provided by a bank)pankkipäivä - bank business day, bank day, banking daypankkipääoma - bank capitalpankkipääte - bank terminalpankkirosvo - bank robberpankkiryöstäjä - bank robberpankkiryöstö - bank robberypankkisalaisuus - banking secrecypankkisali - bank hall (hall or large room of a bank)pankkisiirto - giro, bank transferpankkisiirtolomake - giro transfer form, bank transfer formpankkisuhde - bank relationship, banking relationshippankkisäästäminen - saving with a bankpankkitakaus - bank guarantee, banker's guarantee (guarantee issued by a bank)pankkitalletus - bank depositpankkitarkastus - bank supervisionpankkitili - bank accountpankkitoimihenkilö - bank officerpankkitoiminta - banking (the business of managing a bank)pankkituki - aiding an ailing bank financially (such as by the state)pankkivaltuusmies - member of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council of the Bank of Finlandpankkivaltuusto - general council of a bankpankkivaltuutettu - bank representative, bank delegatepankkivekseli - banker's draft, cashier's checkpankkivelka - bank debt (debt to a bank)pankkivirkailija - bank clerkpankkiyhteys - bank accesspankko - a small piece of wood attached to a reki or sleigh, used for transporting timberpankko - a bench located by the stovepanko - Alternative form of pankko (“stove bench”)pankojauho - pankopankration - pankrationpankreatiitti - Synonym of haimatulehduspankrotti - bankrupcypannaanjulistaminen - excommunication, banpannahinen - excommunicated personpannajulistus - anathema, banpannari - pancakepanni - an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for volume equal to half a tynnyri, or later around 33 litres for dry substances or around 73 litres for liquidspanninala - an obsolete Finnish unit of measurement for area equal to a one half of a tynnyrinala or around 2 464 square meterspannoittaja - collarer (one who collars an animal)pannu - pan (flat vessel used for cooking)pannuhuone - boiler roompannujauhatus - pot grind (grind size for coffee)pannukahvi - pot coffeepannukakku - a thick (~ 1–2 cm, ¹⁄₂–³⁄₄ in) pancake baked in oven, eaten as dessert and often served with whipped cream and/or jampannukarkeus - grind size for a pot (of coffee)pannulappu - potholder (piece of textile)pannullinen - potful (of coffee, etc.)pannumyssy - tea cosypannunalunen - pot coaster, trivet (object placed under a hot dish to protect the table)pannunalus - Alternative form of pannunalunenpannunalusta - trivet (stand to support hot dishes and protect the table)pannunmyssy - Alternative form of pannumyssypannuperuna - A piece of fried, diced potato. In plural, fried diced potatoes.pannupihvi - a type of steak similar to Salisbury steakpannupiirakka - Any pirog that is cooked in a frying pan, as opposed to uunipiirakka which is baked in an oven.pannupitsa - Alternative form of pannupizzapannupizza - deep-dish pizzapanokone - fucking machine, sex machine (machine used to produce sexual pleasure)panomies - pussymanpanoraama - panoramapanoraamaelokuva - panorama moviepanoraamakamera - panorama camerapanoraamakuva - panorama, panoramic photographpanoraamateatteri - panoramic theaterpanorointi - panning (a camera)panos - load, explosive charge (usually including a detonator)panos-tuotosanalyysi - input-output analysispanosnaulain - powder-actuated tool, powder-actuated nail gunpanostaja - primer (person who primes explosives)panostaminen - verbal noun of panostaa, investing in, putting effort inpanostus - investment (money, time or energy invested in something)panotakku - A tangle of hair a woman gets at the back of her head when having sex.panpsykismi - panpsychismpanseksuaalisuus - pansexualitypanslavismi - Pan-Slavismpanslavisti - Pan-Slavistpanssari - armor, armour, armouring (for body or vehicle protection).panssariajoneuvo - armored vehiclepanssariammus - armor-piercing shellpanssariase - antitank gunpanssariauto - armored car, armored truckpanssarieste - anti-tank obstaclepanssarijoukot - armoured forcespanssarijuna - armoured train, armored trainpanssarikauhu - Panzerschrek (German portable anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII)panssarikilpi - shield used by infantry, e.g. gun shieldpanssarikranaatti - armor-piercing explosive shell/projectilepanssarilaiva - armored shippanssarilasi - armored glass, reinforced glasspanssarilevä - dinoflagellatepanssariliivi - body armor vestpanssariluoti - armor-piercing bulletpanssarimaali - micaceous iron oxide paintpanssarimies - tanker, trooper, crewman, armoured soldier, armored soldier; zipperhead (Canadian) (member of tank crew)panssarimiina - antitank minepanssarintorjunta - antitank warfarepanssarintorjunta-ase - anti-tank weaponpanssarintorjuntajoukkue - antitank platoonpanssarintorjuntakanuuna - Synonym of panssarintorjuntatykkipanssarintorjuntakivääri - anti-tank riflepanssarintorjuntakomppania - anti-tank companypanssarintorjuntaohjus - An anti-tank missile.panssarintorjuntatykki - anti-tank gunpanssarintorjuntavaunu - tank destroyerpanssarinyrkki - Panzerfaust (German portable, single-shot anti-tank rocket launcher developed during the WWII)panssariovi - blast doorpanssaripaita - armored shirtpanssariputki - reinforced pipepanssarisiimalevä - Synonym of panssarileväpanssarivaunu - tank (armoured fighting vehicle)panssarivaunumies - Synonym of panssarimiespanssariverkko - wire mesh, chicken wire meshpanssariverkkoaita - wire mesh fence, chainlink fencepanssarointi - covering with armorpansytopenia - pancytopeniapanta - collar (device for restraining an animal)pantaheinä - bristlegrass (any plant of the genus Setaria)panteismi - pantheism.panteisti - A pantheist.pantheon - pantheon (the gods of a religion as a group)pantinantaja - guarantor of a pledge, pledgerpantinhaltija - pledgeepantinsaaja - pledgeepantografi - pantograph (drawing aid)pantomiimi - mime (form of theatre)pantomiimiesitys - pantomime showpantomiimikko - pantomimerpantomiiminäyttelijä - pantomime actor/actresspantomiimitaiteilija - pantomime artistpantoteenihappo - pantothenic acidpanttaus - pledging, pawningpanttaussopimus - pledge agreementpantteri - panther, leopard (Panthera pardus)pantterietana - leopard slug, great grey slug, Limax maximus (very large species of slug)pantterikärpässieni - panther cap, Amanita pantherinapantti - pledge (security to payment)panttikonttori - pawn shoppanttikuitti - pawn ticketpanttilaina - pawn loan, pawnshop loan (loan taken from a pawn shop)panttilainaamo - pawn shoppanttilainakonttori - pawn shoppanttilainasto - Synonym of panttilainaamo (pawn shop).panttilainaus - pawnbroking (business of advancing loans against pledges of personal possessions)panttilainauslaitos - Synonym of panttilainaamopanttilaitos - pawn shoppanttileikki - forfeits (game)panttioikeus - lienpanttitodistus - pledge certificatepanttivankeus - being a hostage, hostageship, hostagehoodpanttivanki - hostagepanttivankidraama - hostage dramapanttivelkakirja - promissory note with a mortgagepanu - firepapaha - papakha (type of fur or sometimes woollen hat originating from Caucasus; shape varies from hemisphere to cylindrical, which may be slightly tapering to either direction)papaija - papaya (Carica papaya)papakoe - Pap test, Pap smear, smear test, cervical smear (gynecological screening test)papana - A piece of excrement from a small animal such as a hare.papanäyte - Pap sample (sample taken in a Pap test)paparazzi - paparazzopapattaminen - verbal noun of papattaapapatti - ladyfinger (small firecracker)papatus - spouting, ramblingpapelo - Synonym of nypyläpaperi - paper (material)paperi-insinööri - paper engineerpaperiarkki - sheet of paperpaperiavioliitto - Synonym of näennäisavioliittopaperieriste - insulation paperpaperihaava - paper cut (wound caused by a piece of paper)paperihuopa - papermaking felt (felt used by paper machines)paperijaloste - processed paper productpaperijäsen - member on paperpaperikanta - fiat monetary systempaperikarkki - wrapped candypaperikassi - paper bagpaperikaukalo - paper tray (in a printer, etc.)paperikauppa - stationery shoppaperikieli - officialese, the language of official documentspaperikko - scrapbooking paper packpaperikoivu - paper birch, canoe birch Betula papyrifera (North American species of birch with white bark)paperikoko - paper sizepaperikone - paper machinepaperikopio - paper copypaperikori - wastepaper basketpaperikuitu - paper fiber, paper fibrepaperikukka - paper flowerpaperikuva - paper print (image)paperikäärö - paper scrollpaperilaatu - type or grade of paperpaperilaji - paper gradepaperilakana - paper sheet, paper bedsheetpaperilappu - piece of paperpaperilappunen - piece of paperpaperilehti - sheet of paperpaperileikkuri - paper cutter, paper guillotinepaperilennokki - paper plane, paper airplane (US), paper aeroplane (UK)paperiliima - paper glue, paper adhesivepaperiliitin - paper clippaperilippu - paper flagpaperiliuska - slip of paperpaperilyhty - paper lanternpaperimarkka - Papiermark (currency of Germany between 1914–1923)paperimassa - paper pulppaperimedia - print mediapaperinaru - paper twinepaperinenäliina - paper napkin, tissue, kleenexpaperiniitti - staple (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around)paperinippu - pile of paperpaperinjalostus - paper processing, paper convertingpaperinjalostusteollisuus - paper processing industrypaperinkeräys - paper collectionpaperinleikkuri - paper cutter (machine or tool)paperinpala - piece of paperpaperinpalanen - piece of paperpaperinpyörittäjä - a bureaucrat, a paper-pusherpaperinsilppuri - paper shredderpaperintaittelu - paper foldingpaperintuhooja - paper shredderpaperintuotanto - paper productionpaperinukke - paper dollpaperinvalmistus - papermaking (craft of making paper)paperiosasto - stationery sectionpaperipaino - paperweightpaperipala - piece of paperpaperipalanen - piece of paperpaperipiikki - spindle (upright spike for holding papers)paperipinkka - stack of paperpaperipino - paper stack, a stack of paperpaperipussi - paper bagpaperipuu - pulpwoodpaperipyyhe - paper towelpaperipäällys - paper coverpaperipäällyste - paper cover, paper liningpaperiraha - paper moneypaperiraina - paper web, drying paper webpapeririisi - a ream of paper (500 sheets)paperirulla - roll of paperpaperiruukki - a historical or prehistorical place where paper was made; paper millpaperisakset - paper-cutting scissorspaperisilppuri - paper shredderpaperisota - red tapepaperisäkki - paper sackpaperitaide - art made of paper, paper artpaperitavara - stationery (writing material)paperitehdas - paper millpaperiteippi - stationery tapepaperitekniikka - paper technologypaperiteollisuus - paper industrypaperitiikeri - paper tigerpaperitollo - paper ballpaperituote - paper productpaperityö - paperworkpaperityöntekijä - paper workerpaperitähti - paper starpaperitötterö - paper conepaperiveitsi - letter opener (knife-like tool)paperivene - paper boat (origami item)paperivuoka - paper cup for a cupcakepaperoiminen - verbal noun of paperoidapaperointi - papering (applying paper to)paperossi - papirosapapiksivihkiminen - ordination into priesthoodpapiljotti - hair rollerpapilla - Alternative form of papillipapilli - papillapapillisuus - The quality of behaving clerically, pastorally or ministerially.papillooma - papillomapapilloomavirus - papillomaviruspapinkaapu - priest's robepapinkaulus - clerical collarpapinkirja - birth records as maintained by the churchpapinpuku - priest's garbpapintappaja - A beetle, Callidium violaceum.papintodistus - certificate given by the parish or the churchpapinura - priesthood, career as a priestpapinvaali - election for priesthoodpapinvala - oath of priesthoodpapinvirka - priestly office, priesthood, ministrypapisti - papistpapisto - clergypapitar - A priestess.paplari - Synonym of papiljottipappa - dadpappamopo - an old moped (from the 1960s-70s) stereotypically used by older peoplepapparainen - grandpa, popspappeinkokous - convocation (assembly of the clergy)pappenheimilainen - Pappenheimer (from the regiment led by Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim)pappeus - Priesthood (role or office of a priest).pappi - priestpappila - rectory, vicarage; manse (Scots) (residence of a priest)pappishenkilö - person in the clergypappiskokelas - candidate for priesthoodpappiskoulutus - training into priesthoodpappismies - clergymanpappismunkki - hieromonkpappisseminaari - theological seminarypappissuku - priestly familypappissääty - clerical estate of the realmpappisura - career as a priestpappisvalta - theocracypappisvihkimys - ordination into priesthoodpappisvirka - priestly office, priesthood, ministrypaprika - paprika (spice made of dried, ground fruit of the milder varieties of Capsicum annuum)paprikajauhe - paprika powderpaprikasumute - pepper spraypaprikasumutin - pepper spray bottlepapru - Synonym of paperi (“paper (material)”).papu - bean (edible seed or pod of plants of several genera of Fabaceae)papuanjättirotta - eastern white-eared giant rat, Hyomys goliathpapuannauraja - rufous-bellied kookaburra (Dacelo gaudichaud)papuauusiguinealainen - Papua New Guineanpapukaija - parrot (kind of bird)papukaijalintu - parrot (Psittaciformes)papukaijamerkki - parrot badgepapukaijapeippo - Maui parrotbill, Pseudonestor xanthophryspapukeitto - bean souppapupata - very talkative person, bigmouthpapurikko - dapple (horse)papurokka - a traditional soup containing fava beanspapusoppa - bean souppapyrologi - papyrologistpapyrologia - papyrologypapyrus - papyrus (material and document)papyruskaisla - papyrus (plant in sedge family)papyruskäärö - papyrus scrollpara - A being created to bring milk or butter to its creator.paraabeli - parabolaparaabelikaari - parabolic arcparaati - paradeparaatiesimerkki - excellent example, textbook exampleparaatikatselmus - muster paradeparaatikunto - presentable condition or shapeparaatilaji - the sport or kind of sport one is best atparaatimarssi - parade marchparaatimatka - the distance one is best at (in a sport, like running, skiing, etc.)paraatiovi - front door, main entranceparaatipaikka - excellent spot or location (such as for viewing something)paraatipelastus - Synonym of paraatitorjuntaparaatipuku - full dress uniform, dress uniformparaatitorjunta - amazing saveparabeeni - parabenparabeli - Alternative form of paraabeli.paraboli - satellite dishparaboloidi - paraboloidparadigma - paradigm (model or example)paradoksaalisuus - paradoxicalnessparadoksi - paradoxparadoksisuus - paradoxicalityparafiini - paraffin (paraffin wax)parafiiniöljy - paraffin oilparafilia - paraphiliaparafinointi - treating with parafinparafoiminen - verbal noun of parafoidaparafointi - initialing (signing a document with one's initials)parafraasi - paraphraseparagneissi - paragneissparagrafi - Synonym of kohta (“paragraph”).paragrammi - paragramparaguaynvyötiäinen - Chacoan naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous chacoensis)parahdus - crying outparahtaminen - verbal noun of parahtaaparaislainen - a person from or living in Parainenparajoukkue - parasports teamparakieli - paralanguage (non-verbal elements of speech)parakki - barracksparakkikylä - encampment (temporary living quarters, often consisting of modular residences, such as containers)paraldehydi - paraldehydeparalingvistiikka - paralinguisticsparalipsis - paraleipsisparallaksi - parallaxparallaksivieritys - parallax scrollingparallaksivirhe - parallax errorparalleeli - parallel (something identical or similar in essential respects)paralleeliaksiooma - parallel postulateparalleelipipedi - Synonym of suuntaissärmiö.paralleelisuus - parallelityparalleelius - Synonym of paralleelisuusparallelepipedi - Synonym of suuntaissärmiö (“parallelepiped”)parallelismi - parallelismparallelogrammi - Synonym of suunnikasparalympialaiset - Paralympics, Paralympic Gamesparamagnetismi - paramagnetismparametri - parameterparametriavaruus - parameter spaceparametriesitys - parametric representationparametrisointi - parametrizationparamyksovirus - paramyxovirusparananpiikikkö - Paraguay hairy dwarf porcupine, Coendou spinosusparaneminen - verbal noun of parataparannuksentekijä - repenter, repentantparannus - improvement, enchantment, bettermentparannusehdotus - proposed improvementparannuskeino - cure, remedyparannusmenetelmä - cure, way to healparannussaarna - sermon about improvementparannustyö - improvement work, upgrading workparanoia - paranoia (delusion of persecution)paranoidisuus - paranoia (the state of being paranoid)paranooikko - A paranoid person.paranormaalisuus - paranormalityparantaja - healerparantaminen - verbal noun of parantaa, act of healing or curingparantelu - improving (leisurely or repeatedly doing work that improves something)parantola - sanatoriumparantumattomuus - incorrigibilityparantuminen - verbal noun of parantuaparanvoi - scrambled egg slime mold, flowers of tan, Fuligo septica (plasmodial slime mold of the Myxomycetes class)paraoranssi - Sunset Yellow FCF (food coloring, E110)parapetti - parapetparapsykologi - parapsychologistparapsykologia - parapsychologyparapähkinä - brazil nutpararosaniliini - pararosanilineparas käytäntö - best practiceparasetamoli - acetaminophen, paracetamolparasiitti - parasiteparasitismi - parasitismparasitoidi - parasitoidparasitologi - parasitologistparasitologia - parasitologyparasomnia - parasomniaparataksi - parataxisparateksti - paratextparatiisi - paradiseparatiisikaija - paradise parrot, Psephotus pulcherrimusparatiisilintu - bird of paradise (bird of the family Paradisaeiae)paratiisiomena - some of the selectively bred tree variants of Malus prunifoliaparatiisisaari - island paradiseparationi - parathionparatuberkuloosi - paratuberculosisparatyyppi - paratypeparaurheilija - paraplegic sportspersonparavety - parahydrogenparayleisurheilu - paralympic athletics, para athleticspareeraus - trimming (bones, sinews, fat etc. from meat)pareesi - Synonym of halvaus.paremiologi - paremiologistparemiologia - paremiology (study of proverbs)paremmuus - superiorityparemmuusjärjestys - ranking or order from best to worstparempi puolisko - better half (person's spouse or lover, most commonly a man's wife)parenkyymi - parenchymaparenteesi - parenthesisparfait - parfait (dessert)parfee - Alternative form of parfaitparfymeria - perfumeryparfymisti - perfumer (person who creates or makes perfumes)parfymointi - perfumingparfyymi - perfumepargasiitti - pargasitepargo - common seabream, red porgy, Pagrus pagrus (commercially important species of fish found in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Mediterranean)parhaimmisto - elite (group with higher status)parhaisto - Synonym of parhaimmistoparhaus - bestnesspari - couple, pairpariairokaksikko - double sculls (in rowing)pariajo - madisonpariarvo - par valueparietaalilohko - parietal lobeparihevoset - pair of horsesparihyppy - synchronized divingpariisinperunat - small fried potato ballspariisitar - Parisienne (woman from Paris, France)parijono - double file, double line (queue two items wide)parikaapeli - twisted pair cableparikkalainen - Alternative form of parikkalalainenparikkalalainen - a person from or living in Parikkalaparikki - one of a pair, pair, one of twins.parila - gridiron, griddleparillisuus - the quality or state of being even (not odd)pariluistelija - pair skaterpariluistelu - pair skatingparinappi - stud buttonparinmuodostus - pair formationparintuho - annihilation (process of a particle and its corresponding antiparticle combining to produce energy)parinvaihtaja - swinger (person who practices swinging i.e. sex with different partners)parinvaihto - swinging (sexual practice)parinvaihtotanssi - dance which involves changing partnersparinvalinta - mate selectionpariohjelmointi - pair programmingpariovi - one of the doors of a double door; (in the plural) double doorparipujottelu - parallel slalomparipuomi - one of a pair of half-length barriers or booms that end up blocking the entire road (such as on a level crossing)paripyörä - twin wheelparireki - double sleighparirivi - two rows (formation of two rows or lines located one in front of the other)pariskunta - couple (two partners in a romantic or sexual relationship)paristo - battery (non-rechargeable device storing electricity)paristonauhuri - battery-powered voice recorderparistoradio - portable radio with a batteryparisuhde - intimate relationshipparisuhdeaika - time to spend together in a relationshipparisuhdekumppani - partner in a relationshipparisuhdeväkivalta - violence in intimate relationships, domestic violenceparisänky - double bed (bed designed for two adults)paritalo - semi, semi-detached houseparitanssi - partner dancepariteetti - paritypariterapia - couples' counselingparittaja - pimp, pandererparittaminen - verbal noun of parittaa, pandering, pimpingparitteleminen - verbal noun of paritellaparittelu - copulation, matingparitteluaika - mating timeparitteluelin - mating organparittomuus - the quality or state of being odd (not even)paritupa - a type of wooden hut or cottage containing two separated living spacesparitus - pairing, matchingparitusrinki - prostitution ringparityöskentely - working in pairspariutuminen - verbal noun of pariutua, forming into a pair or pairspariutus - pairingparivaljakko - span (pair of horses or other animals driven together)parivartio - two-person patrolparivuode - double bed (bed designed for two adults)parivälistys - kerningpariääntiö - diphthongparjaaja - reviler (one who reviles)parjaaminen - verbal noun of parjataparjaus - rebuke, scolding (harsh criticism)parka - poor thing, someone pitifulparka - parkaparkaisu - A cry, scream.parkanolainen - a person from or living in Parkanoparketti - parquetparkettien partaveitsi - good dancerparkettilattia - parquet floorparkinsonismi - parkinsonismparkinta - tanningparkitseminen - verbal noun of parkita, tanning (leather)parkitsija - tannerparkitsimo - tanneryparkitus - tanning (leather)parkitusaine - tanning substanceparkkeeraaminen - verbal noun of parkkeerataparkkeeraus - parking (a car)parkkeerausalue - parking areaparkki - bark (exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree)parkki - bark (three-masted vessel, foremast and mainmast square-rigged, mizzenmast schooner-rigged)parkki - refers to parking or a vehicle being parked or a place where one can temporarily leave somethingparkkiaine - tanning substanceparkkialue - Synonym of pysäköintialueparkkihalli - Synonym of pysäköintihalli.parkkihappo - tannic acidparkkikiekko - Synonym of pysäköintikiekkoparkkilaiva - barque (ship)parkkiliemi - ooze, tanning liquor (aqueous extract of vegetable matter used to tan leather in a tanning vat)parkkiliuos - Synonym of parkkivesi (“ooze, tanning liquor”).parkkimaksu - Synonym of pysäköintimaksu (“parking fee”)parkkimittari - Synonym of pysäköintimittari (“parking meter”)parkkinahka - tanned leatherparkkipaikka - A parking lot.parkkipankki - asset management companyparkkipirkko - meter maid (female parking enforcement officer)parkkiruutu - Synonym of pysäköintiruutu (“marked parking space”)parkkisakko - Synonym of pysäköintivirhemaksu.parkkitalo - Synonym of pysäköintitalo.parkkitutka - Synonym of pysäköintitutkaparkkivalo - Synonym of seisontavaloparkkivesi - ooze, tanning liquor (aqueous extract of vegetable matter used to tan leather in a tanning vat)parkkiyhtiö - Synonym of omaisuudenhoitoyhtiöparkkumi - fustian (fabric)parkkuu - debarkingparkkuurauta - Synonym of kuorintarautaparkour - parkourparku - cry (especially of a child)parkuja - bawler, blubberer (one who cries loudly)parkuminen - verbal noun of parkuaparkuna - baby's cryparlamentaarikko - A parliamentarian (a member of parliament).parlamentaarisuus - parliamentarinessparlamentarismi - parliamentarismparlamenttarismi - Alternative form of parlamentarismiparlamentti - parliamentparlamenttikirjasto - parliamentary libraryparlamenttirakennus - parliament buildingparlamenttitalo - Parliament House (building in which a parliament other than the Finnish one convenes)parlamenttivaali - parliamentary electionsparlografi - parlographparma - Alternative form of paarmaparmanjuusto - parmesanparmankinkku - Parma hamparmas - A unit of volume for logs, hay or straw.parmesaani - parmesanparmesaanijuusto - parmesanparodia - parody (expression making fun of something else)parodiahorisontti - a limit after which it is not possible to distinguish an opinion or act made for parodic purposes from a non-parodic oneparodioiminen - verbal noun of parodioidaparodiointi - parodying, making parody ofparodisuus - parodicityparodontiitti - periodontitisparoni - baronparonitar - baronessparonomasia - paronomasiaparonyymi - a paronymparotiitti - parotitis (inflammation of one or both parotid glands)parrakkuus - beardednessparranajo - shaving of the beard (instance of shaving the beard)parranajokone - A safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving).parranajosaippua - Synonym of partasaippuaparranajoveitsi - Synonym of partaveitsiparrankasvu - beard growthparransänki - beard stubbleparrantynkä - short beard, stubbleparras - brink, verge, edgeparrasvalo - limelight, footlight (the light)parru - beam, spar, joist (long, thick piece of timber or iron)parrunpätkä - A stump of a wooden beam.parsa - Synonym of ruokaparsa (“asparagus plant, Asparagus officinalis”).parsaherne - asparagus pea (Lotus tetragonolobus)parsakaali - broccoliparsakaalikeitto - broccoli soupparsakattila - asparagus pot, asparagus casseroleparsakeitto - asparagus soupparsakukkakaali - Romanesco, Romanesco broccoli, Roman cauliflower, Romanesque cauliflower, Brassica oleracea var. broccoloparsasalaatti - celtuce, asparagus lettuce, celery lettuce, Chinese lettuce, stem lettuce (cultivar of lettuce harvested primarily for its 15- to 20-centimeter stem)parsek - parsecparseli - parcelparseri - Synonym of jäsennin (“parser”)parsi - beam (long, usually round piece of timber for hanging goods for storage)parsiminen - verbal noun of parsiaparsimus - a piece of clothing to be darned or repairedparsinavetta - tied stable, tied stallparsinlanka - darning yarnparsinneula - darning needleparsinsieni - darning mushroomparsinta - mendingparta - beardpartageeli - aftershave (gel used after finishing shaving)partahaiven - beard hairpartahylje - bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus (Arctic species of seal)partahöylä - safety razor (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving).partahöyläkotelo - safety razor casepartajeesus - A man with a long beard and long hair, resembling the common image of Jesus.partakala - beardfishpartakarva - A whisker (hair of the beard).partakone - A safety razor, short of parranajokone (instrument into which a razorblade can be inserted for shaving).partakoneenterä - razor bladepartalapsi - a paperless refugee who falsely claims to be underage to better their chances of being granted asylumpartamonni - A fish of the genus Ancistrus in the catfish family Siluriformes.partaniekka - bearded manpartaradikaali - representative of a radical youth movement, especially one with a beardpartarousku - A milk-cap, Lactarius citriolens.partasaippua - shaving soappartasieni - sycosispartasuti - shaving brushpartasuu - bearded manpartaterä - razor bladepartavaahdoke - shaving creampartavaahto - shaving creampartavaha - beard waxpartaveitsi - straight razorpartaveitsikotelo - straight razor casepartavesi - aftershave (lotion or liquid used after finishing shaving)partaöljy - beard oilpartenogeneesi - parthenogenesispartia - parcelpartikkeli - particlepartikkeliefekti - particle effectpartikkeliverbi - phrasal verbpartikulaari - particularpartio - patrolpartioauto - A patrol car; refers most often but not necessarily to a police car.partiohuivi - scout neckerchief, neckerchiefpartiointi - scoutingpartiojohtaja - scoutmasterpartiojärjestö - scout organizationpartiolainen - A scout (member of Scouts movement).partiolaisliike - scout movementpartiolaisuus - being a scoutpartioleiri - scout camppartioliike - The Scouts.partiolilja - fleur-de-lis as a symbol of scoutspartiolippukunta - scout group (local chapter of Scouts movement)partiolupaus - scout's oathpartionjohtaja - scoutmaster, scout leaderpartiopoika - Boy Scoutpartiopuku - scout outfit, scout suitpartiopusero - scout blousepartioretki - patrol (going of the rounds; trip by a small body of troops beyond the line of outposts)partiotervehdys - scout salutepartiotyttö - Girl Scoutpartiovene - patrol boatpartisaani - partisan (member of an irregular resistance forces)partisiipin futuuri - future participlepartisiipin perfekti - past participlepartisiipin preesens - present participlepartisiippi - participle (verb form)partisiippirakenne - participle structurepartitiivi - partitive, partitive casepartitio - partitionpartituuri - score (printing of each instrument's part on a separate stave)partneri - partnerpartsi - balconyparttio - A small herd of reindeer.parturi - barberparturi-kampaaja - barber-hairdresserparturi-kampaamo - a barbershop and hair salon in one establishmentparturiliike - barbershop (place of business of a barber)<-- -->