Finnish nouns, part 66odotustila - waiting room, waiting space (part of a building)odysseia - odysseyoffensiivi - offensiveoffsetlitografia - offset lithographyoffsetmenetelmä - offset (printing method)offsetpainate - A printed matter produced with offset printing.offsetpaino - offset printingoffshore-yhtiö - offshore companyoffshorerakenne - offshore structureoffshoretekniikka - offshore technologyoffshoreteollisuus - offshore industryofikleidi - ophicleideoftalmia - Any eye inflammationoftalmiatriikka - ophthalmiatricsoftalmiitti - Any eye inflammationoftalmologi - ophthalmologistoftalmologia - ophthalmologyoftalmometria - ophthalmometryoftalmopatia - ophthalmopathyoftalmoplegia - ophthalmoplegiaoftalmoskooppi - ophthalmoscopeoftalmoskopia - ophthalmoscopyoftalmotonometria - ophthalmotonometryoganesson - oganessonogilbynsukeltaja-antilooppi - Ogilby's duiker, Cephalophus ogilbyi (West African species of antelope)oglala - Oglala Lakota (member of a subtribe of the Lakota people, who belong to the Great Sioux Nation)ogoni - Ogoni (member of SE Nigerian ethnic group)oguzi - Oghuz Turk (member of an ancient Turkic nation who ruled Central Asia from about 8th to 12th century A.D.)ohari - cheating, swindle, spoof, deception (act of not keeping one's promise)ohdake - thistleohdakekirppa - artichoke beetle, Sphaeroderma testaceumohdakeperhonen - painted lady (UK), thistle butterfly, cosmopolitan (dated, North America), Vanessa cardui, syn. Cynthia cardui (common butterfly)oheisaineisto - supplementary materialoheishuoltaja - a custodian that is not a parent of the childoheishuoltajuus - having custody over a child despite not being a parent (such as a stepparent), in cases where the custody is shared with one or both of that child's parentsoheisilmiö - supplementary phenomenonoheiskulu - incidental expense (minor expense incurred in the course of an activity)oheislaite - peripheral deviceoheislaitteisto - peripheral devicesoheislaji - supplementary sports activity (sport activity that is supplementary to one's main sport)oheislukemisto - supplementary reading material, supplementary readingoheismateriaali - supplementary materialoheismyynti - supplementary salesoheisohjelma - supplementary programoheispalvelu - supplementary service, ancillary serviceoheissakko - supplementary fine (fine as supplementary punishment, see oheisseuraamus)oheisseuraamus - supplementary punishment, ancillary sanction (punishment, such as a fine or community service, given in addition to a main punishment, typically a suspended imprisonment)oheistapahtuma - supplementary eventoheistarvike - accessory (something that belongs to part of another main thing; something additional and subordinate, an attachment)oheistilaisuus - supplementary eventoheistoiminta - supplementary activityoheistulostin - printer as something connected to a computer directly as a peripheral (as opposed to a network printer)oheistuote - supplementary productoheisviestintä - supplementary communicationohenema - Synonym of ohentumaohenne - thinner (liquid substance used to thin the consistency of another liquid)ohennin - thinner (liquid substance used to thin the consistency of another liquid)ohennus - thinning (act of making thinner)ohennusaine - thinner (substance, usually a liquid, used to thin the consistency of another liquid)ohentaminen - verbal noun of ohentaa, thinningohentuma - thin, thin point, thin area, thin spot etc. (part of an object that is, has become or has been made thinner than its environment)ohestalyönti - en passantohi - side, flankohiajo - driving pastohiampuminen - shooting and missingohiheitto - missed throwohikulkija - passer-byohikulku - passage, bypassohikulkumatka - journey in which one is passing through or byohikulkutie - bypass, bypass road (road that passes around something)ohilaukaus - missed shotohilento - flybyohilyönti - missed hit, miss (such as in baseball or pesäpallo)ohimarssi - march-pastohimeno - passing, passageohimo - temple (region of skull)ohimohius - temple hair (the hair one has on one's temple)ohimokihara - sidelock (lock of hair worn at the side of the head, such as that worn by some orthodox Jews)ohimolihas - temporal muscle, temporalisohimolohko - temporal lobeohimoluu - The temporal bone.ohipuhuminen - talking past (each other)ohittaminen - verbal noun of ohittaa, passing, overtakingohittelu - overtakingohitus - bypassohituskaista - overtaking lane, passing laneohituskielto - no overtaking (traffic sign)ohituskirurgia - bypass surgery (class of surgeries involving rerouting a tubular body part)ohituskolari - overtaking collision, overtaking accidentohitusleikkaus - bypass operation (surgical operation involving rerouting a tubular body part)ohitusnäkemä - overtaking sight distanceohitusonnettomuus - overtaking accidentohitustie - bypass, bypass road (road that passes around something)ohitustilanne - overtake situationohivalinta - direct dialohivalintanumero - direct number, direct dial numberohivirtaus - bypass flow (of air or other fluid)ohivirtausmoottori - A turbofan.ohivirtaussuhde - bypass ratio (ratio of a turbofan engine)ohivirtaussuihkumoottori - Synonym of ohivirtausmoottoriohivuoto - a flow that goes past or around (such as of leak-off in an engine or period blood)ohja - rein (strap or rope attached to the bridle or bit, used to control a horse or other animal)ohjaaja - one who controls or steers a vehicle; driver, pilotohjaajakoulutus - training to be a counselor, instructor, tutor, etc.ohjaajamestari - a prolific (film) directorohjaajantuoli - director's chairohjaajavierailu - visit by a director (to another theater)ohjaaminen - verbal noun of ohjata, steeringohjaamo - cockpit (space for those in control of an aircraft or spacecraft)ohjailu - steeringohjain - controller (a controlling mechanism)ohjainjärjestelmä - control systemohjainlaakeri - headset, headset bearing (in a bicycle)ohjainpinta - A control surface.ohjanta - Alternative form of ohjausohjas - rein (strap or rope attached to the bridle or bit, used to control a horse or other animal).ohjasdelfiini - pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuataohjaskelkka - luge (type of racing sled)ohjaskelkkailija - luger (one who rides a luge)ohjaskelkkailu - luge (the sport of racing with luges)ohjaskenguru - bridled nail-tail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata)ohjasnokitiira - bridled tern, Onychoprion anaethetus, formerly Sterna anaethetusohjasperät - ends of the reinsohjastaja - driver (in harness racing, the person who directs the horse)ohjastaminen - verbal noun of ohjastaaohjastus - drivingohjattavuus - steerabilityohjauksentehostin - Synonym of ohjaustehostinohjaus - control, guidance, steering, instructionohjausakseli - steering axleohjausautomatiikka - steering automationohjauselektroniikka - control electronicsohjausholkki - guide bushingohjausjärjestelmä - control systemohjauskeino - means of controlohjauskoodi - control codeohjauskorko - policy rate, key interest rate (interest rate determined by a central bank with which the bank intends to influence market interest rates; typically the annualized rents at which the central bank lends money overnight to or from the commercial banks)ohjauskyky - steerabilityohjauskäsky - steering commandohjauslaite - control deviceohjausliike - steering movementohjauslukko - steering lockohjausmekanismi - control mechanismohjausneste - steering fluidohjauspallo - trackballohjauspaneeli - Synonym of ohjaustauluohjauspotkuri - steering thruster (propeller installed at the bow, or more rarely at the stern, of a vessel to provide sideways thrust that improves the vessel's manoeuvrability in the harbor)ohjauspulpetti - steering consoleohjauspylväs - steering columnohjauspyörä - steering wheelohjauspöytä - A horizontally mounted control panel.ohjausrengas - guide ringohjausryhmä - steering group (a group charged with developing an agenda or policy for a legislative assembly or other organisation)ohjaussauva - stick, yoke (control column of an aircraft)ohjaussivu - redirect pageohjaussuunta - heading (guideline value for the direction into which a vessel should be heading according to the vessel's main navigation instrument. With a magnetic compass it is the desired course corrected with the effects of wind, sea currents and compass declination (apparent heading or the direction into which the bow points), with GPS navigation it is the desired course)ohjaussysteemi - Synonym of ohjausjärjestelmäohjaustanko - handlebar (bar for steering)ohjaustankoviikset - handlebar moustache (broad moustache worn long and curled up at the sides)ohjaustaulu - control panelohjaustehostin - power steeringohjaustehostinneste - power steering fluidohjaustermi - non-descriptor, non-preferred term (within an indexing language, an auxiliary term that is synonymous to an index term and is used to redirect a search to the proper index term)ohjaustyö - instruction, guidance, trainingohjausvaihde - steering gear (mechanism by which the rotation of the steering column is transferred to the horizontal movement that turns the wheels)ohjausvaunu - control car; cab car (US)ohjausvirhe - steering mistakeohjausvuo - control flowohjausvuoro - turn to instruct, guide, etc.ohjausväline - guidance toolohjausväylä - control busohjautuminen - verbal noun of ohjautuaohjautuvuus - steerability, manoeuvrabilityohje - help, instruction (instance of the information or knowledge furnished) (for = illative, to do = translative, about = elative, for the purpose of = partitive + varten, in case of = genitive + varalle; with verbs forms of the -minen noun)ohjearvo - guideline value, guide valueohjeellisuus - indicativityohjehinta - recommended retail price (consumer or retail price recommended by a manufacturer or wholesaler)ohjeistaminen - verbal noun of ohjeistaaohjeisto - guidelines (body of guidelines or instructions)ohjeistus - instructions, guidance, briefing, rubricohjekirja - manual (book)ohjekirjanen - instruction bookletohjelma - program, programmeohjelmaformaatti - format (form of presentation of a radio or TV program)ohjelmahankinta - supply of (radio, television) programsohjelmaidea - program ideaohjelmajohtaja - program directorohjelmajulistus - manifesto, program declarationohjelmakaavio - program scheduleohjelmakirja - program book (printed schedule of events, locations of function rooms and other pertinent information pertaining to a convention, conference or cultural event)ohjelmakirjasto - software library, program libraryohjelmakortti - program cardohjelmalaskuri - program counterohjelmalehtinen - program sheetohjelmallisuus - programmaticnessohjelmaluonnos - draft programohjelmamusiikki - program music (form of art music)ohjelmanjulistus - Synonym of ohjelmajulistusohjelmanmuutos - change in the programohjelmansiirto - transmission of a programohjelmansiirtoketju - the links collectively used to transmit a radio or television programohjelmanumero - number (performance, especially as part of a larger show)ohjelmanvalitsin - program selectorohjelmaopas - program guideohjelmapalvelu - program serviceohjelmapolitiikka - programming policyohjelmasarja - series (television or radio program which consists of several episodes that are broadcast in regular intervals)ohjelmasuunnittelu - program planningohjelmatarjonta - program supplyohjelmatekstitys - program subtitling, program captioningohjelmatoimisto - talent agency, booking agency (firm who finds jobs for artists and other people in various entertainment or broadcast businesses)ohjelmatulkki - interpreter (program that interprets and executes code)ohjelmatuotanto - program productionohjelmatuotantoyhtiö - program production companyohjelmatuote - software productohjelmatuottaja - program producerohjelmavihkonen - program bookletohjelmavälitys - Synonym of ohjelmansiirtoohjelmisto - softwareohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri - software architectureohjelmistoinsinööri - software engineerohjelmistokehittäjä - software developerohjelmistokehitys - software developmentohjelmistokehityspaketti - software development kitohjelmistokehys - software frameworkohjelmistoliiketoiminta - software business (the research field of software business)ohjelmistoprosessi - software processohjelmistopäivitys - software update, software upgradeohjelmistopäällikkö - software manager, development managerohjelmistostandardi - software standardohjelmistosuunnittelija - software designer, software developerohjelmistosuunnittelu - software designohjelmistotalo - software houseohjelmistotekniikka - software engineeringohjelmistoteollisuus - software industryohjelmistotuotanto - software productionohjelmistoversio - software versionohjelmistoyhtiö - a software companyohjelmistoympäristö - software environment, software platformohjelmistoyritys - software companyohjelmoija - A programmer (one who designs software).ohjelmoiminen - verbal noun of ohjelmoidaohjelmointi - programming (act of writing a computer program)ohjelmointikieli - programming languageohjelmointirajapinta - application programming interfaceohjelmointivirhe - programming error, bugohjelmointiympäristö - programming environmentohjemerkki - A type of traffic sign that deliver information and instructions on local circumstances, such as signs for parking, bus stop, reserved lane, change of type of road etc.ohjenopeus - advisory speed, recommended speedohjenuora - guidelineohjepaketti - instruction packageohjepalkka - recommended salaryohjesääntö - guideline, directiveohjeteksti - instructional textohjevähittäishinta - MSRP, manufacturer's suggested retail price, list priceohjevähittäismyyntihinta - Synonym of ohjevähittäishinta (“MSRP”).ohjus - missile, guided missile (self-propelled projectile)ohjusase - missiles (missiles collectively as weapon class)ohjushyökkäys - missile attackohjusjärjestelmä - missile systemohjuspuolustusjärjestelmä - missile defense systemohjusristeilijä - guided missile cruiserohjussiilo - missile siloohjussukellusvene - missile submarineohjustentorjuntaohjus - anti-missile missileohjustukikohta - missile baseohjustyyppi - missile typeohjusvene - missile boatohkolevy - relief foil (aluminum foil typically less than 0.1 mm thick but clearly thicker than ordinary household foil, used chiefly for art and handicrafts)ohkopaperi - lightweight paperohmi - ohmohmimakkara - the act of cooking a sausage by using mains electricityohmimäärä - ohmageohotanlokki - slaty-backed gull (Larus schistisagus)ohra - barleyohrahiutale - barley flakeohrahiutalepuuro - barley flake porridgeohrajauho - barley flourohrajauhovelli - barley gruelohrakirppa - barley flea beetle, Phyllotreta vittulaohraleipä - barley breadohramallas - barley maltohrana - police, especially the Russian secret police corps of 1866 to 1917ohranjyvä - barley grainohransiemen - barley seedohrantähkä - barley earohranverkkolaikku - barley net blotch (disease of barley caused by the fungus Pyrenophora teres a.k.a. Drechslera teres)ohranviljely - barley growingohrapelto - barley fieldohrapuuro - barley porridgeohrarieska - A "rieska" -bread made of barley.ohraruumen - barley huskohraryyni - barley groatohraryynipuuro - barley groat porridge, barley porridgeohrasuurimo - barley groatohratärkkelys - barley starchohrauunipuuro - barley porridge baked in an ovenohravelli - barley gruelohraviini - barley wine (type of strong ale)ohto - Alternative form of otso (bear).ohukainen - thin pancakeohukaisjauhe - pancake mixohukaispannu - pancake panohukaispino - stack of pancakesohukaistaikina - pancake doughohukas - Synonym of ohukainen (“thin pancake”)ohuke - thin spaceohutkalvo - thin filmohutkalvotekniikka - thin film technologyohutkalvotransistori - thin-film transistorohutkerroskromatografia - thin-layer chromatographyohutleipä - flatbreadohutlevy - sheet metal (metal worked into a thin, flat sheet, used widely as construction material and raw material for a multitude of industrial products)ohutneulabiopsia - fine-needle biopsy, fine-needle aspiration (procedure of taking a sample of cells from an internal organ with a fine and long needle)ohutneulanäyte - fine-needle aspiration sample, FNA sample, fine-needle sampleohutpiikkipiikkisika - Synonym of bahianpiikkirotta, Chaetomys subspinosus.ohutpäällyste - low coatohutsarvilammas - Dall sheep (species of sheep native to northwestern North America, Ovis dalli')ohutsuoli - small intestineohutsuolisairaus - disease of the small intestineohutsuolisyöpä - small intestine cancerohuus - thinnessoi'istus - Synonym of oikaisuoidipaalivaihe - oedipal phaseoidipuskompleksi - Oedipus complexoikaiseminen - verbal noun of oikaista, straightening, correcting, rectifying, amending, revisingoikaisu - shortcut (method to accomplish something that omits one or more steps)oikaisukeino - remedy, redress, means of amending or rightingoikaisulukija - Synonym of oikolukijaoikaisuluku - Synonym of oikolukuoikaisupyyntö - request to rectifyoikaisuvaatimus - rectification request (in Finnish administrative law, a form of out-of-court appeal that has to be lodged with the original decision-making authority before the matter can be settled in court)oikaisuvedos - Synonym of oikovedosoikaisuyritys - attempt to rectify or correctoikea-aikaisuus - timelinessoikeakielisyys - grammatical correctnessoikeakielisyysohje - grammar guideoikeakätisyys - right-handednessoikeamielisyys - righteousnessoikeaminen - verbal noun of oietaoikeamuotoisuus - correctness, validity, being in the correct formoikeaoppisuus - orthodoxyoikeapituinen - equal-distanceoikeasuhtaisuus - proportionateness, proportionalityoikeellisuus - correctness (conformity to the truth or to fact)oikein-merkki - A symbol consisting of a slash (/) and two dots, one on the upper left side of the slash and the other on the lower right side (⁒). Alternative way to describe the symbol is that it's like a %-sign in which the o's are replaced with dots. This symbol is used in Finland to indicate agreement, correctness or acknowledgement. When ticking a box, an X (rasti) is normally used as the sign of acceptance.oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistin - spell checkeroikeinkirjoitus - orthographyoikeinkirjoitusjärjestelmä - orthography, also orthographic system (method of representing a language or the sounds of language by written symbols)oikeinkirjoitussääntö - orthographic ruleoikeisto - the (political) right, the right wingoikeistodiktatuuri - right-wing dictatorshipoikeistoenemmistö - right-wing conservative majorityoikeistohallitus - right-wing governmentoikeistolainen - rightwingeroikeistolaisuus - rightism, right-wing political philosophyoikeistolehdistö - conservative press, right-wing pressoikeistolehti - conservative newspaperoikeistoliike - conservative movementoikeistopiiri - conservative circleoikeistopoliitikko - conservative politicianoikeistopolitiikka - conservative politicsoikeistopuolue - right-wing partyoikeistoradikaali - right-wing radicaloikeistoradikalismi - right-wing radicalismoikeistosiipi - right wingoikeistosuuntaus - conservative trendoikeistovoima - right-wing poweroikeneminen - verbal noun of oietaoikeudellisuus - judicialityoikeuden halventaminen - contempt of court (open disrespect of a court of law)oikeudenala - field of lawoikeudenhoito - administration of justiceoikeudenistunto - session of the courtoikeudenkäymiskaari - The Code of Judicial Procedure.oikeudenkäynti - A trial, (legal) process, judicial proceedings pl.oikeudenkäyntiasiakirja - procedural document (document pertaining to a legal procedure)oikeudenkäyntiasiamies - attorney, legal representative (one who represents others in legal matters as a profession)oikeudenkäyntiavustaja - attorney, legal counsel (one who advises others in legal matters as a profession)oikeudenkäyntikulu - legal cost (all costs caused by a judicial process)oikeudenkäyntikulut - legal expenses, costs of proceedingsoikeudenkäyntilaitos - judiciary, judicial systemoikeudenkäyntimenettely - A (judicial) procedure.oikeudenkäyntivaltakirja - power of attorney for a court caseoikeudenkäyttö - judicature (administration of justice by judges and courts)oikeudenloukkaus - infringement, tort (violation or breach of legal rights of another)oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti - fair trialoikeudenmukaisuus - fairness, justness, justice (property or state of being fair or equitable)oikeudenomistaja - successor in title (one to whom rights of another person have been transferred, typically through trade, gift or inheritance)oikeudentunto - sense of justiceoikeudenvastaisuus - unlawfulness, illegalityoikeudettomuus - rightlessnessoikeus - right (to something = illative; to do something = infinitive); entitlementoikeusajattelu - approach to lawoikeusala - judicatureoikeusalue - judicial area, area of justice, judicature (territory)oikeusantropologia - forensic anthropologyoikeusapu - legal aid (free or low-cost service in the field of law, for the indigent)oikeusapulaki - law on legal aidoikeusaputoimisto - legal aid officeoikeusasema - status (legal condition of a person or thing)oikeusasia - legal caseoikeusasiamies - ombudsmanoikeusaste - instance, legal authorityoikeusavustaja - public defender (US), duty solicitor (Commonwealth), duty counsel (Canada) (lawyer appointed to represent people who cannot afford to hire an attorney, usually paid from public funds)oikeusdogmatiikka - legal dogmaticsoikeusfilosofia - philosophy of lawoikeushallinto - judicial administrationoikeushammaslääketiede - Forensic dentistry.oikeushammaslääkäri - Forensic dentist.oikeusharkinta - consideration in legal mattersoikeushenkilö - juridical person, legal personoikeushistoria - legal historyoikeushyvä - A very general term in Finnish law, denoting any legally protected interest, any interest or "good" in the legal protection of which the state has a legitimate interest.oikeusinformatiikka - legal informatics (application of informatics within the context of the legal environment)oikeusistuin - court of law, judicial courtoikeusjuttu - lawsuit, suit, caseoikeusjärjestelmä - justice systemoikeusjärjestys - legal orderoikeuskansleri - the Attorney General, Chancellor of Justiceoikeuskanslerinvirasto - the Office of the Chancellor of Justiceoikeuskasvatus - legal educationoikeuskelpoisuus - the quality or property of having legal statusoikeuskemia - law chemistryoikeuskieli - legal languageoikeuskulttuuri - judicial culture, legal cultureoikeuskäsittely - judicial process (series of actions required in order to deliver justice in a court)oikeuskäsitys - Concept of justice.oikeuskäytäntö - case lawoikeuslaitos - judiciary, judicial systemoikeuslingvistiikka - forensic linguisticsoikeuslähde - source of lawoikeuslääketiede - forensic medicineoikeuslääketieteellinen kuolemansyyn selvittäminen - inquest (a formal investigation into the cause of death)oikeuslääkäri - medical examineroikeusministeri - Justice Minister, Minister of Justice; (in the USA) attorney general (in the Cabinet).oikeusministeriö - the Ministry of Justice; (referring to the USA) the Department of Justice.oikeusmurha - wrongful convictionoikeusneuvos - the title for a member of the Supreme Court of Finland (except the President) or the Supreme Administrative Court of Finlandoikeusneuvosmies - The official title of a judge.oikeusnormi - legal rule or normoikeusnotaari - Bachelor of Lawsoikeusnäkemys - view or opinion related to legal mattersoikeusohje - ratio decidendioikeusoppinut - law scholaroikeuspaikka - forum, jurisdictionoikeusperiaate - legal principle, judicial principleoikeuspolitiikka - legal policyoikeuspormestari - judge or justice of a raastuvanoikeusoikeuspositivismi - legal positivismoikeusprosessi - judicial processoikeuspsykiatria - forensic psychiatryoikeuspsykologia - forensic psychologyoikeuspäätös - legal decision or rulingoikeussali - courtroomoikeusseuraamus - legal consequenceoikeusseuraus - legal consequenceoikeussosiologi - sociologist of lawoikeussosiologia - sociology of law, legal sociologyoikeussubjekti - person, legal subject (natural person or legal person, an entity capable of interacting legally, i.e. of holding rights, duties and capacities)oikeussuhde - legal relationship, legal relation (relations provided by law between two persons as a consequence of a certain state of affairs)oikeussuoja - legal protectionoikeussäännös - legal provisionoikeustaistelu - legal battleoikeustaju - sense of justiceoikeustalo - courthouse (public building housing courts of law)oikeustaloustiede - law and economics, economic analysis of lawoikeustapahtuma - a decision with legal consequencesoikeustapaus - legal case, court caseoikeusteko - an action with legal consequencesoikeusteologi - juridical theologistoikeusteologia - juridical theology (study of the principles of law from the theological point of view)oikeusteoria - theory of justiceoikeustie - judicial route (court system as a means of defending one's interests, as contrasted with administrative route and contractual route)oikeustiede - jurisprudence (philosophy, science, and study of law)oikeustieteen kandidaatti - Master of Laws (literal meaning is closer to Bachelor of Laws, but see usage notes)oikeustieteen tohtori - Doctor of Jurisprudence, Doctor of Law, Juris Doctoroikeustieteilijä - legal expertoikeustoimenpide - legal action, legal measureoikeustoimi - juristic act (any conduct by a person designed to originate, alter, transfer, preserve, or terminate a right)oikeustoimikelpoisuus - legal capacity (capacity of a person to make binding amendments to their rights, duties and obligations, such as getting married or merging, entering into contracts, making gifts, or writing a valid will)oikeustuomio - judgment given by a courtoikeusturva - due process, protection under the lawoikeusturvaongelma - problem caused by legal protectionoikeusturvavakuutus - legal expenses insuranceoikeustutkinto - legal degreeoikeusupseeri - legal officeroikeusvaikutus - legal effectoikeusvaltio - constitutional state, nation of laws (state which has rule of laws)oikeusvarmuus - legal certaintyoikeusvertailu - comparative lawoikeusviranomainen - judicial authorityoikeusvoima - res judicata attached to a caseoikeutus - justificationoikis - faculty of lawoikislainen - A law student or any scholar in a faculty of lawoikku - quirk, whim, fancy, freak, caprice, vagaryoikkuilija - Alternative form of oikuttelijaoikkuilu - whimsicality (whimsical activity)oikohöylä - jointer (mechanical plane)oikokirves - axe with a parallel bladeoikokulma - straight angleoikolasku - schuss (straight run downhill)oikolukija - proofreaderoikoluku - proofreading (act or art)oikolukuohjelma - spell checkeroikominen - verbal noun of oikoa, straighteningoikomishoito - orthodonticsoikonoja - front support position (on bars or rings)oikopolku - shortcutoikorata - a railway line designed as a more direct alternative to a pre-existing lineoikosarvinen - orthoconeoikosiirto - direct memory access, DMAoikosulku - short circuit (a connection of low resistance or impedance in a circuit).oikosulkumoottori - induction motoroikosulkupala - jumperoikosulkuvirta - short-circuit currentoikotasohöylä - surface and thickness planeroikotie - shortcutoikovedos - proof sheet (preliminary print of a book, magazine etc. for proofreading)oikukkuus - moodinessoikullisuus - whimsicality (the quality of being whimsical)oikutteleminen - verbal noun of oikutellaoikuttelija - whimsy (character)oikuttelu - whimsicality (whimsical activity)oinas - ram (male sheep)oionta - straighteningoire - symptomoirearvo - symptomatic valueoireettomuus - asymptomaticityoireilu - being a symptom (of)oireisto - syndromeoirekirjo - spectrum of symptomsoirepäiväkirja - symptom diaryoireyhtymä - syndromeoivallisuus - excellency (quality of being excellent)oivallus - idea, inspiration, realizationoivalluskyky - insightfulnessoivaltaminen - verbal noun of oivaltaaoja - ditch, trench (especially one used for drainage)oja-aura - ditch plow, ditch plough (tractor-drawn tool for digging or maintenance of ditches)ojaanajo - Synonym of ulosajo (“accidental driving off the road or the resulting crash”).ojajyrsin - trencher (type of machine used to dig trenches)ojakellukka - water avens; purple avens (North America), Geum rivale (flowering plant of the family Rosaceae, with nodding red flowers)ojakärsämö - sneezewort (Achillea ptarmica)ojalapio - ditch spadeojaleinikki - lesser spearwort, Ranunculus flammula (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus)ojankaivaja - ditcher, ditchdigger, ditch digger (one who digs ditches)ojankaivu - ditch digging (activity of digging a ditch)ojankaivuu - ditch digging (activity of digging a ditch)ojanpenkka - Synonym of ojanpiennar (“ditch bank”).ojanperkaus - ditch maintenanceojanpiennar - ditch bank (strip of land at the top of the slope of a ditch)ojansyrjä - Synonym of ojanpiennar (“ditch bank”).ojanvarsi - Synonym of ojanpiennar (“ditch bank”).ojas - draft pole of a ploughojasto - ditch system, ditch networkojavalo - ditch light (additional front light mounted so that it lights the side of the road)ojenne - handout (paper)ojennus - stretching, extension (act of stretching something out, as hand)ojennusliike - stretch moveojentaja - one who reaches out by one's arm (e.g. to offer)ojentajalihas - extensor (extensor muscle)ojentaminen - verbal noun of ojentaa, reaching outojentelu - stretching, stretching out, reaching, handing, handing out (act of extending something repeatedly or continuously)ojikko - A recently drained swamp.ojittaminen - verbal noun of ojittaaojitus - ditching, trenching, drainingojitusalue - ditching area (area over which man-made ditches extend in a particular site)ojuke - wild blackcurrantojukepistiäinen - blackcurrant sawfly, Pachynematus pumilio (pest of blackcurrant native to northeast Europe, i.e. Sweden, Finland and northern Russia)ojuri - Synonym of ojankaivaja (“ditcher, ditch digger”)oka - thorn, prickleoka - ocaokahaarake - spinous processokahaarakelihas - spinalis (muscle)okahiiri - spiny mouse (mouse of the genus Acomys)okakala - cobia, crabeater, Rachycentron canadum (carangiform Marine fish found in warm-temperate to tropical waters)okakuusi - Colorado blue spruce, blue spruce (Picea pungens)okakärsämato - Synonym of väkäkärsämatookamonni - thorny catfish, talking catfish (fish of the family Doradidae)okapi - okapiokapäämato - A mud dragon, an animal of the phylum Kinorhyncha.okarausku - thornback ray, thornback skate, Raja clavataokariina - ocarinaokariinansoittaja - ocarinistokasolu - squamous cellokasolukerros - stratum spinosumokasolusyöpä - squamous cell carcinomaokkluusio - occlusionokkultaatio - occultationokkultismi - occultismokkultisti - occultistoklokratia - ochlocracyokluusio - occlusionokluusiorintama - occlusion frontokra - ochre (pigment)okra - okra, Abelmoschus esculentusokrakarvajalka - little yellow-shouldered bat, Sturnira liliumokranväri - ochre (colour)okraseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius ochrophyllus.okratulkku - orange bullfinch, Pyrrhula aurantiacaokraväri - Alternative form of okranväri.oksa - branch (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk)oksaalihappo - oxalic acidoksahanka - Alternative form of oksanhanka.oksaisuus - branchinessoksakiehkura - whorl of branches (group of branches growing on the same height in a trunk of a tree)oksalaatti - oxalateoksalakka - knotting varnishoksanhaara - Synonym of oksanhankaoksanhanka - fork of branch (point where a branch separate from a tree's trunk or from its parent branch)oksankanta - branch collar (swelling in a woody plant that forms at the base of a branch where it is attached to its parent branch or to the tree's trunk)oksanreikä - knotholeoksapahvi - cheap, brittle paperboard quality, made of branches and similar pieces of wood not ideally suited for paper making.oksapaperi - cheap, brittle paper quality, made of branches and similar pieces of wood not ideally suited for paper making.oksapistokas - branch cutting (branch removed from a tree for growing a new tree out of it)oksas - scionoksasaha - pruning sawoksasakset - pruning shearsoksasilppuri - branch shredderoksaspolymeeri - graft polymeroksasto - Alternative form of oksistooksavarsta - grain flailoksennos - Alternative form of oksennusoksennus - vomitoksennuslääke - emetic drugoksennuspallo - pellet (compressed byproduct of digestion regurgitated by owls)oksennuspussi - sick bag, sick bag, vomit bagoksennustauti - vomitingoksentaminen - verbal noun of oksentaaoksentelu - vomitingokseri - oxeroksete - emetic, vomitive, vomitoryoksettaminen - verbal noun of oksettaaoksetus - nausea (feeling of illness or discomfort in the digestive system characterized by an urge to vomit)oksetusaine - emetic, vomitive, vomitory (substance that causes vomiting)oksetuslääke - emetic, vomitive, vomitory (substance that causes vomiting)oksi - bear (Ursus arctos)oksidaasi - oxidaseoksidaatio - oxidationoksidantti - oxidantoksidentalismi - occidentalismoksidi - oxideoksidoreduktaasi - oxidoreductaseoksiduuli - protoxide, oxiduleoksikodoni - oxycodoneoksimetoloni - oxymetholone (an anabolic steroid)oksiminen - verbal noun of oksiaoksinta - trimming (of trees)oksipitaalilohko - occipital lobeoksisto - branches of a treeoksitaani - The Occitan language.oksitosiini - oxytocin (hormone)oksoniumioni - oxonium ionoksymoron - oxymoronoktaalijärjestelmä - octal numeral systemoktaaliluku - octal numberoktaani - octaneoktaanihappo - caprylic acidoktaaniluku - octane numberoktaavi - octaveoktaaviala - octave (range of notes C-D-E-F-G-A-B)oktaedri - octahedronoktagoni - octagonoktanitrokubaani - octanitrocubaneoktanoli - octanoloktantti - octantokteeni - octeneoktetti - octetoktetto - octetoktiili - octileoktoli - octupletoktyyligallaatti - octyl gallateokulaari - eyepiece, ocularolake - A shoulder structure.olankohautus - shrug (lifting of the shoulders to signal indifference)olantsapiini - olanzapineolas - The long groove on the bottom of a ski.oleaatti - oleateoleanteri - oleander (Nerium oleander)oleanteripuu - oleander (Nerium oleander) (poisonous shrub in the family Apocynaceae, widely grown as an ornamental)oleellisuus - essentialness, substantialness, integralness, importanceoleiinihappo - oleic acidoleilu - stayoleilupaikka - hangout (place)olemassaolo - existenceolemassaolokvanttori - Synonym of eksistenssikvanttoriolemassaolon taistelu - Synonym of taistelu olemassaolosta (“struggle for existence”)olemattomuus - nothingnessoleminen - verbal noun of ollaolemistapa - dasein, Daseinolemus - essence (inherent nature)olennaisuus - essentialnessolennoituma - personificationolento - being, creatureoleskelija - one who stays or resides (temporarily), temporary residentoleskelu - sojournoleskelukunta - municipality in which one residesoleskelulupa - residence permit (right to legally reside in a country)oleskelulupakortti - residence permit (card that proves the cardholder's right to legally reside in a country)oleskelunurkkaus - a corner area that is made into a living room type spaceoleskelupaikka - place of residenceoleskeluryhmä - sofa set, couch setoleskelutila - lounge, living room, sitting room (any space that acts similar to a living room)olettama - presumptionolettaminen - verbal noun of olettaaolettamus - assumption, suppositionoletus - assumption, suppositionoletusarvo - default valueoletusmuodostin - default constructoroletustehtävä - default taskoletustieto - default informationoletusyhdyskäytävä - default gatewayolevainen - existence (empirical reality; the substance of the physical universe)olevaisuus - existenceolifantti - olifantoligarkia - oligarchyoligarkki - oligarcholigodaktylia - oligodactylyoligofagi - oligophageoligofagia - oligophagyoligoklaasi - oligoclaseoligomeeri - oligomeroligonukleotidi - oligonucleotideoligopoli - oligopolyoligosakkaridi - oligosaccharideoligoseeni - the Oligoceneoligoseenikausi - The Oligocene epoch.oligospermia - oligospermiaoliivi - oliveoliivihapero - A brittlegill, Russula postiana.oliivikultarinta - olive-tree warbler, Hippolais olivetorumoliivilehto - olive groveoliivinvihreä - olive (colour)oliivipaviaani - olive baboon, Papio anubisoliivipuu - olive treeoliiviruostegueretsa - olive colobus, Procolobus verusoliiviseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius olivaceofuscus.oliiviöljy - olive oiloliiviöljysaippua - Castile soap (type of soap made with olive oil)olija - Agent noun of the verb olla (“to be”); one who is, be-er.olingo - olingoolinpaikka - whereabouts, location (place where somebody or something is located)olio - creature, being, thingolio sinänsä - thing-in-itself, noumenonolio-ohjelmointi - object-oriented programmingoliokeskeisyys - object-orientationoliomalli - object modelolioperustaisuus - object-orientationoliviini - olivineoliviinidiabaasi - olivine diabaseoljenkorsi - strawoljenvaalea - straw (color)olka - shoulder (part of the human torso forming a relatively horizontal surface running away from the neck)olka-akseli - swivel pin (short axle into which the front wheel of a car is attached)olka-värttinäluulihas - brachioradialis (muscle)olkahermopunos - Synonym of hartiapunosolkahermopunosvaurio - Erb's palsyolkahihna - shoulder strapolkaimet - nominative plural of olkainolkain - brace, suspenderolkainhame - dress with epauletsolkakirves - palstave (early type of axe)olkakivi - corbel, consoleolkalaukku - shoulder bag (any bag with a single strap designed to be carried on the shoulder)olkalihas - brachialis (muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint)olkalinja - shoulder line (imaginary line that connects the tops of the shoulders)olkalisäke - acromionolkaluu - humerusolkanauha - shoulder ribbonolkanivel - A shoulder joint, glenohumeral joint or humeral jointolkapää - shoulder (joint between the arm and the torso)olkapäälihas - Synonym of hartialihasolkapääohjus - shoulder-fired missileolkatappi - A kingpin.olkatoppaus - shoulder padolkavarsi - upper armolkavärttinäluulihas - Alternative form of olka-värttinäluulihasolki - straw (dried stalk or stalks)olkihattu - straw hatolkihimmeli - Synonym of himmeli, specifically one made with straw.olkijauho - straw flour (flour made of straw, historically used during famines together with ordinary grain flour for baking bread and making gruel, now various agricultural and industrial uses)olkikate - straw mulcholkikatto - thatched roofolkikorsiainen - European wheat-stem sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus)olkikukka - strawflower, everlasting (flowering plant of the genus Helichrysum)olkileipä - straw bread (bread made with straw flour, see olkijauho)olkimaja - straw hutolkimatto - straw matolkinukke - straw man, straw doll (doll or scarecrow stuffed with or made of straw)olkipaali - straw baleolkipatja - palliasse, straw mattressolkipelletti - straw pelletolkipistiäinen - European wheat-stem sawfly (Cephus pygmaeus)olkipuriste - straw briquetolkisilppuri - straw shredderolkituppo - tuft of strawolkityö - straw workolkiukko - straw man (type of argument based on deliberate misunderstanding of the opponent)olkivelli - straw gruel (gruel made with straw flour, see olkijauho)olkkari - living roomolmeekki - An Olmec.olmi - waterdog, mudpuppy (aquatic salamander of the family Proteidae)olo - being (the act of being or existing)oloaika - stayoloarvo - actual valueoloasu - leisurewearolohuone - living roomolomuoto - state of matterolomuotoalue - Synonym of faasioloneuvos - pensionerolonurkka - Synonym of oleskelunurkkausolonurkkaus - Synonym of oleskelunurkkausolosija - any of the three following cases in Finnish: inessive, adessive or essiveolosuhdeselvitys - analysis of conditions or circumstancesolosuhteet - circumstances, conditionsolot - nominative plural of oloolotila - state, conditionoltavat - conditions, circumstances (always with an attribute; various other ways of translating into English exist)oltermanni - master of guildoltermanninsauva - the staff or sceptre of an oltermannioluenjuonti - beer drinkingoluenmyynti - beer sales, beer sellingoluenpanija - breweroluenpano - beer brewingoluenvalmistus - beer productionolutastia - beer vessel (any vessel or container containing beer)olutbaari - beer barolutfestivaali - beer festivaloluthana - beer tapoluthiiva - beer yeastoluthumala - beer hop (variety of hop used in beer brewing)oluthuone - beer parlorolutjuhla - beer partyolutjuoppo - beer drunkard, beer drunkolutkapakka - beer tavernolutkauppias - beer traderolutkolpakko - beer jugolutkori - beer boxolutkulttuuri - beer cultureolutlasi - beer glassolutlippu - beer ticket (slip of paper that entitles the bearer to get a serving of beer)olutmaa - beer drinking nationolutmakkara - A strongly flavoured German sausage often served with beer.olutmerkki - beer brandolutpaikka - beer spot (pub or bar of low standard in which beer is the main attraction)olutpanimo - breweryolutpanimosuku - beer brewing familyolutpubi - beer pubolutpullo - beer bottleolutpöytä - A table from which beer is served, such as in a garden party.olutravintola - beer restaurant (restaurant that specializes in offering a good selection of beers)olutsarvi - beer horn (beer drinking vessel made out of a horn, or into the shape of a horn)oluttankki - beer tankoluttarvike - beer accessoryoluttaverna - beer tavernoluttehdas - beer factoryolutteltta - beer tent.olutteollisuus - beer industryoluttuoppi - A beer stein, both as a container and as a drink.oluttupa - A beer parlour.oluttynnyri - kegoluttölkki - beer canolympia-aate - Olympic ideologyolympiadi - olympiad (period of four years between the Olympic games)olympiaedustaja - Olympic representative, Olympic participant (one who participates in the Olympic Games as competitor)olympiaedustus - Olympic representation (the manner in which a nation is represented in the Olympic Games)olympiaennätys - Olympic recordolympiafanfaari - Olympic fanfareolympiahistoria - Olympic historyolympiahopea - Olympic silver medalolympiahuuma - Olympic feverolympiahymni - Olympic Hymnolympiajoukkue - Olympic teamolympiakarsinta - Olympic qualification (process, tournament or competition through which the participants in the Olympic Games are selected; the process is usually national but in the case of team sports it's international)olympiakatsastus - Synonym of olympiakarsintaolympiakelpoisuus - of a sports event, state of being included in the Olympic programolympiakesä - The summer of 1952, when the Olympic Games were held in Helsinki.olympiakilpailija - Olympic participant, Olympic contestantolympiakilpailu - Olympic contest (individual contest within the Olympic Games)olympiakisat - The Olympic Games.olympiakomitea - Olympic committeeolympiakulta - Olympic gold medalolympiakuume - Olympic feverolympiakylä - Olympic villageolympiakävijä - Synonym of olympiaedustaja, especially one who already took part in the games but didn't win a medalolympialaiset - Olympic Gamesolympialaji - Olympic eventolympialiike - Olympic movementolympialippu - Olympic flagolympialuokka - Olympic class (class of standardized rowing boats, sailing boats, canoes etc. in which an Olympic event is held)olympiamitali - Olympic medalolympiamitalisti - Olympic medalistolympianiemenmurmeli - Olympic marmot, Marmota olympusolympiaohjelma - Olympic programolympiapaikka - Olympic site, Olympic venue (sports facility for Olympic games)olympiapistooli - 25 metre rapid fire pistol (Olympic shooting event)olympiapistooliammunta - 25 metre rapid fire pistol (Olympic shooting event)olympiapronssi - Olympic bronze medalolympiarenkaat - Olympic Rings (graphic symbol of the Olympic games)olympiasankari - Olympic heroolympiasoihtu - Olympic torcholympiastadion - Olympic stadiumolympiatuli - Olympic flameolympiaurheilija - Olympic athlete (athlete who participates in the Olympic Games)olympiaurheilu - Olympic sports (sports contested in the Olympic Games)olympiavala - Olympic oatholympiavalmennus - Olympic training program (training program into which the potential Olympic athletes are invited in order to maximize their chance for success)olympiavene - Olympic boat (sailing boat or rowing boat built according to the standards of an Olympic class of boats)olympiavoittaja - Olympic winnerolympiavoitto - Olympic victoryolympiavuosi - Olympic year (year in which Olympic games are held)olympismi - Olympismoma - friendly (someone/s on the same side)oma harkinta - discretion, one's own decision makingoma maali - own goaloma pääoma - equity (ownership interest in a company as determined by subtracting liabilities from assets)oma tuli - friendly fireoma vekseli - promissory noteoma-aloitteisuus - initiative (the ability to act first or on one's own)oma-apuryhmä - self-help group, support group (group in which members provide each other with various types of help for a particular shared characteristic)omaaminen - verbal noun of omataomaehtoisuus - spontaneousnessomaelämäkerrallisuus - autobiographicalityomaelämäkerta - autobiographyomahoitaja - primary nurseomahoitajajärjestelmä - primary nursingomahoito - self-management, self-careomahyväisyys - smugness, self-righteousnessomaijadi - Alternative spelling of umaijadiomainen - close relative/relation (member of the same family)omaishoitaja - carer, caregiver (someone who regularly looks after another person through family responsibilities)omaishoito - informal care, family careomaisjärjestö - a group founded by close relatives of people affected by somethingomaisryhmä - relatives' group, relative support groupomaistenpäivä - a day when relatives are allowed to visit (someone carrying out military service, in a nursing home, etc.)omaisuudenhoitaja - asset manager, depositary, trusteeomaisuudenhoito - asset management, portfolio managementomaisuudenhoitoyhtiö - asset management companyomaisuudenjako - distribution of property, dissolution, settlementomaisuudensiirto - transfer of assets or propertyomaisuudensuoja - protection of property (the protection given to owned property by the legal system)omaisuus - one's properties (combined), possessions, assets; estateomaisuusarvo - asset valueomaisuuserä - assetomaisuusluettelo - inventory (detailed list of assets)omaisuusrikos - crime against propertyomaisuustili - stock account, assets accountomaisuustulo - property incomeomaisuusvahinko - property damageomaisuusvero - wealth tax (tax on one's total wealth, including fixed and liquid assets)omaisuusveroaste - wealth tax rate (the rate at which fixed and/or movable property is taxed)omakehu - self-congratulation, self-praiseomakohtaisuus - personalityomakotialue - A residential area dominated by detached houses.omakotiasuja - Synonym of omakotitaloasujaomakotiasukas - a person who lives in a detached houseomakotiasutus - Synonym of omakotitaloasutusomakotirakentaja - Synonym of omakotitalorakentajaomakotirakentaminen - Synonym of omakotitalorakentaminenomakotitalo - detached houseomakotitaloalue - A residential area where detached houses are the primary housing form.omakotitaloasuja - someone who lives in a detached houseomakotitaloasutus - detached house settlementomakotitalorakentaja - builder of a detached houseomakotitalorakentaminen - building a detached houseomakotitontti - small house lot (lot for a small detached house intended for one family)omakotiyhdistys - an association of people who live in a detached house or semi-detached houseomaksuja - adopter (of ideas, etc.)omaksuminen - verbal noun of omaksuaomaksumiskyky - absorptive capacityomakustanne - a self-published workomakustannukset - prime costsomakustannus - self-publishingomakustannushinta - cost priceomakustannusosuus - the share of one's own (monetary) contributions for a projectomakustannustoiminta - self-publishing (of books)omakuva - self-portraitomalaatuisuus - speciality, peculiarity, strangenessomalakisuus - autonomousness, autonomy (acting on one's own)omaleimaisuus - originality, uniquenessomalitsumabi - omalizumab (monoclonal antibody used in allergy-related asthma therapy)omalääkitys - self-medicationomalääkäri - primary physician, primary doctoromalääkärijärjestelmä - a health care system in which people have primary doctors or physiciansoman menestyksensä uhri - victim of one's own successoman onnensa seppä - self-made person, one's own manoman tiensä kulkija - free spiritomanarvontunne - self-esteem, self-worthomanarvontunto - self-esteem, self-worth, self-respectomaneduntavoittelija - self-seekeromankädenoikeus - Act of taking the law into one's own hands; vigilantismomanto - genitiveomantunnon tuska - compunctionomantunnonarkuus - conscientiousness, scrupulousnessomantunnonasia - matter of conscienceomantunnonkysymys - matter of conscience, issue of conscienceomantunnonsyy - reason of conscienceomantunnontuska - compunction, pang of conscience<-- -->