Finnish nouns, part 38kiukua - Alternative form of kiuaskiukunpurkaus - outburst of angerkiukunpuuska - tantrum (an often childish display or fit of bad temper)kiukuttaminen - verbal noun of kiukuttaakiukuttelija - agent noun of kiukutella: sourpuss, pouterkiukuttelu - cranking, acting upkiulu - A type of wooden bucket or pail made from slats with one longer slat as a handle, used as a container for liquids e.g. for water in a sauna; a similarly shaped vessel made from another material such as plastic or metal.kiulukka - rose pomekiuru - skylark, Alauda arvensiskiurunkannus - fumewort (plant in the genus Corydalis)kiuruveteläinen - Alternative form of kiuruvetinenkiuruvetinen - a person from or living in Kiuruvesikiusa - nuisance, bother (minor annoyance or inconvenience)kiusaaja - A bully, one who bullies.kiusaaminen - verbal noun of kiusata, bullyingkiusaantuneisuus - embarrassmentkiusallisuus - awkwardness, embarrassingnesskiusanhalu - mischievousnesskiusanhenki - menace, pest, blighter, teaserkiusankappale - nuisance, annoyance, pest (something difficult or unpleasant to handle or deal with)kiusanteko - harassment, teasingkiusaus - temptationkiusoittelija - teaser, banterer (one who teases, or pokes fun at someone)kiusoittelu - teasing, banteringkivahdus - snarling, barking, snappingkivahtaminen - verbal noun of kivahtaakivakurkku - horned melonkivapuhe - nice talk, speech emphasising a positive attitude; the opposite of hate speechkiveliö - A large wilderness.kivenhakkaaja - stonecutter, stonemasonkivenheitto - stone's throw (short distance)kivenhioja - stonegrinder, stonemasonkiveniskemä - stone impactkivenjalostus - stone processingkivenjärkäle - boulder (large stone)kivenkolo - the space under a rock (mostly figuratively)kivenlohkare - A boulder.kivenlouhinta - stone quarryingkivenmukura - chunk of rock or stonekivenmurikka - rock, (large) stonekivenmuru - pebblekivenmurunen - tiny pebblekivenmöhkäle - large rockkivennuoliainen - stone loach (Barbatula barbatula)kivennuolijainen - Alternative spelling of kivennuoliainen.kivennäinen - mineral (naturally occurring inorganic material that has a (more or less) definite chemical composition and characteristic physical properties)kivennäisaine - mineral; an inorganic material consumed by an organism including minerals essential to nutritionkivennäisesiintymä - mineral depositkivennäismaa - mineral soilkivennäismaalaji - mineral soil type, lithosolkivennäispitoisuus - mineral contentkivennäisravinne - mineral nutrientkivennäisrehu - mineral feedkivennäissuola - mineral saltkivennäistase - mineral balancekivennäistiede - mineralogykivennäisvesi - mineral waterkivensiru - spall, chip of stone or rockkiveryys - the quality or property of being tightly turning or windingkives - A stone inside birch bark, used as weight for a fishnet.kiveskohju - varicocele (varicose veins in scrotum)kivespussi - scrotumkivespussityrä - hernia scrotaliskivessyöpä - testicular cancerkivestulehdus - orchitiskivettymä - concretion, permineralizationkivettyneisyys - petrifiednesskivettäminen - verbal noun of kivettääkivetys - petrifyingkiveymä - concretion (solid, hard mass formed by a process of aggregation or coalescence)kiveys - rock pavementkiveytymä - Synonym of kiveymä.kiveäminen - verbal noun of kivetäkivi - stone, rock (material), a piece of stone which is larger than a grain of sandkiviaine - stone material, rock materialkiviaines - stone material, stone aggregate (stone as construction material, especially in earthworks)kiviaita - stone fencekiviarkku - stone chestkiviase - stone weaponkiviastia - stone dish, stone container, stone receptaclekivibetoni - stone concrete, rock concrete (concrete with high concentration of stone or rock)kivienkeräilijä - rockhound (one who collects rocks)kivierämaa - rocky wildernesskiviesine - stone object, stone itemkivihakku - stone pick, stone pickaxekivihedelmä - stone fruitkivihiilentuotanto - coal productionkivihiili - coal, black coal, bituminous coal (black rock)kivihiiliesiintymä - coal depositkivihiilikaivos - coal minekivihiilikausi - the Carboniferous periodkivihiilikenttä - coalfieldkivihiilikerros - coal bed, coal seamkivihiililouhos - coal quarry, coal minekivihiililämmitys - coal heatingkivihiiliterva - coal tarkivihiilivoimala - coal power plantkivihiomo - stone grinderykivijalka - plinth, stone foundation (foundation made of stone)kivijalkakauppa - street-level store; a store or retailer on the ground floor of a multi-storey buildingkivijalkaliike - brick-and-mortar establishment (business or establishment with a physical presence as opposed to only being available online)kivijalkapaita - a shirt with the top made of linen and the bottom of crashkivijalusta - stone pedestalkivijata - long pile of rocks, line of rockskivijärkäle - boulderkivijärveläinen - a person from or living in Kivijärvikivikala - stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa)kivikasa - pile of stoneskivikasarmi - a large gray buildingkivikasvo - a stony-faced personkivikatu - stone street, cobbled streetkivikausi - The Stone Age.kivikehä - stone circlekivikiila - plug and feathers (masonry tool consisting of a metal wedge (plug) and two shims (feathers); the set is placed in a borehole and then the plug is hammered in, causing the stone to split)kivikirjoitus - rock writing, stone writingkivikirkko - A church made of stone as opposed to wood etc.kivikirves - flint tool, stone axekivikko - rocky groundkivikkoistutus - rockery, rock garden (section of a garden made from decorative rocks and alpine plants)kivikkoisuus - rockinesskivikkokasvi - rock plantkivikkokäenminttu - lesser calamint, Calamintha nepetakivikkomaruna - rock wormwood, alpine yarrow (Artemisia rupestris)kivikkomäkiminttu - Synonym of kivikkokäenminttu (“lesser calamint, Calamintha nepeta”).kivikkopyy - rock partridge, Alectoris graecakivikkoranta - stony beach, shingle beachkivikkorastas - rufous-tailed rock-thrush, rock thrush, Monticola saxatiliskivikkoryhmä - rockerykivikkosatakieli - white-throated robin, Irania gutturaliskivikkosirkku - grey-necked bunting, Emberiza buchananikivikkotöyhtökiuru - Thekla lark, Galerida theklaekivikoralli - stony coral, scleractiniankivikori - gabionkivikukka - pebble plant (of the genus Lithops)kivikunta - the mineral kingdomkivikylä - city, townkivikynä - slate pencilkivilaakeri - jewel bearingkivilaatta - flagstonekivilaituri - stone pierkivilaji - rock, type of rock (type of stone with a distinctive composition of minerals)kivilatomus - pile or stack of stoneskivilattia - stone floorkivilohkare - A boulder.kivilouhimo - stone quarrykivilouhos - A quarry.kivimeteoriitti - chondrite (type of meteorite)kivimineraali - rock mineralkivimuodostuma - rock formationkivimurska - rubble, crushed stonekivimurskaamo - facility where stone is crushedkivimurske - crushed rocks, crushed stonekivimuuri - stone wallkivimöhkäle - rock, boulderkivinavetta - stone barn, stone cowshedkivinilkka - viviparous blenny (UK), viviparous eelpout (US), Zoarces viviparus.kivinäätä - beech marten, stone marten, Martes foinakiviolut - steinbier, stone beer (type of beer brewed in wooden tubs that are heated with hot stones)kivipaasi - any large upright stonekivipainanta - lithographic printingkivipainate - lithographkivipaino - lithography (process of printing a lithograph)kivipainokuva - lithographkivipalatsi - stone palacekivipari - pair of stoneskivipatsas - stone statuekivipelto - small torkiviperusta - stone foundationkiviperustus - stone foundationkivipesu - stonewashkivipiira - gizzardkivipiirros - lithographkivipilari - stone pillarkiviplaneetta - terrestrial planet (any Earth-like planet in any solar system)kivipora - rock drill, stone drillkivipuutarha - rockery, rock gardenkivipuuteri - compact powder, compactkivipylväs - stone column, stone pillarkivipyykki - milestone, landmark (stone acting as a milepost or landmark)kivipäällyste - stone facing, stone coatingkivipöly - stone dust, rock dustkivipölykeuhko - silicosiskivipöytä - stone tablekivirae - stone grain, pebble, aggregatekivirakenne - stone structurekivirakennus - stone buildingkivirakka - rocky torkivirapu - lithodid (any crab of the family Lithodidae)kiviraunio - stone ruinkivireki - burdenkiviriippa - ball and chain, burdenkivirikko - Synonym of rikkokivirotta - Laotian rock rat, Laonastes aenigmamuskiviruukku - stone jarkiviruuti - a type of gunpowder used to clear rockkiviröykkiö - heap of stones, cairnkivisade - hail of stoneskivisaha - stone sawkivisammal - any moss of the genus Grimmiakiviseinä - stone wallkiviseinänaula - stone wall nailkiviseita - a rock seitakiviseppä - Synonym of jalokiviseppäkivisilta - stone bridgekivisimppu - bullhead, European bullhead, Cottus gobio.kivisolu - stone cellkivisormus - Synonym of jalokivisormuskivistys - achingkivistäminen - verbal noun of kivistääkivisuola - Synonym of vuorisuolakivisydän - heart of stonekivisyys - stoniness, rockinesskivitaide - rock artkivitalo - stone housekivitaltta - stone chisel, drove chiselkivitamaani - Synonym of akasiatamaani.kivitarha - stone gardenkivitasku - northern wheatear, wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)kivitatti - king bolete (Boletus edulis)kivitavara - stonewarekiviteollisuus - stone industry, rock industrykiviteos - stonework (work of art)kivitiede - petrologykivitiili - stone brick, rock brickkivittäminen - verbal noun of kivittää, lapidation (practice of or an act of stoning as punishment)kivituote - stone product, rock productkivitys - stoning, pelting with stoneskivityö - masonry, stoneworkkivityökalu - stone toolkivityöläinen - stoneworkerkivivalli - stonewallkivivati - large stone dishkiviveistos - stone sculpturekiviveistämö - facility where stone is sculptedkivivilla - rock woolkivivyöry - rockslidekiviyrtti - any plant of the genus Woodsiakivulloisuus - painfulnesskivunhoito - treatment of pain, pain managementkivunlievitys - analgesia, reducing painkivuntunne - feeling of painkivuntunto - feeling of painkivuttomuus - painlessnesskivääri - riflekivääriammunta - rifle shootingkivääriampuja - rifle shooterkiväärijalkaväki - rifle infantrykiväärijoukkue - rifle platoonkiväärikomppania - rifle companykiväärikranaatti - rifle grenadekiväärilaji - rifle typekiväärimies - riflemankiväärinhylsy - rifle casing, rifle shellkiväärinlaukaus - rifle shotkiväärinlukko - rifle boltkiväärinluoti - rifle bulletkiväärinpatruuna - rifle cartridgekiväärinperä - rifle butt, riflebuttkiväärinpiippu - rifle barrelkiväärintukki - rifle stockkivääriote - rifle gripkivääriryhmä - rifle squadkiväärituli - rifle firekiwano - horned melonklaani - clanklaaraaminen - verbal noun of klaarataklaava - tails (in coins)klaavi - clefklabbi - leg, footkladi - cladekladistiikka - cladisticsklaffi - Alternative form of klahviklaffipiironki - Alternative form of klahvipiironkiklaffitaulu - clapperboardklaffituoli - Alternative form of klahvituoli.klahvi - A hinged flap or leaf in a piece of furniture, such as the foldable top of a gateleg table or the lid of a writing desk which hides a storage compartment for writing utensils.klahvipiironki - A chest of drawers equipped with a foldable door which doubles as table for writing, sewing etc.klahvipöytä - gateleg tableklahvituoli - A simple, light, foldable chair, such as may be used to provide temporary seating in a concert etc.klaikkari - van, especially a Volkswagen Kleinbusklamydia - chlamydia.klamydiabakteeri - chlamydia bacteriumklamydiatartunta - chlamydia contagionklamydiatulehdus - chlamydia infectionklamys - chlamys (short cloak worn in ancient Greece)klani - bald area, bald spotklanipää - Synonym of kaljupääklapi - piece of firewood, cut small enough to fit in a stoveklapikone - Synonym of pilkekoneklappi - play, backlash (extent to which a part of a mechanism can move freely)klarinetisti - clarinetistklarinetti - A clarinet.klarkia - clarkiaklassifikaatio - classificationklassifioiminen - verbal noun of klassifioidaklassifiointi - classificationklassikko - classicklassinen musiikki - classical musicklassinen tiibet - Classical Tibetan (language)klassisismi - Alternative form of klassismi.klassisisti - Alternative form of klassistiklassismi - classicismklassisti - classicistklassisuus - classicality (condition of being classical)klasti - clastklaustrofobia - claustrophobiaklausuuli - clauseklaveeri - clavierklavesiini - harpsichordklavikordi - clavichordklavinetti - clavinet (electronic clavichord with a staccato sound)kleinspitz - spitz klein (breed of dog based on German spitz)klematis - clematisklementiini - clementineklemmari - A paper clip.kleopatrankobra - Synonym of egyptinkobra.klepsydra - clepsydrakleptokraatti - A kleptocratkleptokratia - kleptocracykleptomaani - kleptomaniackleptomania - kleptomaniakleptoparasitismi - kleptoparasitismklerestorio - clerestory (upper part of a wall containing windows to let in natural light to a building, especially in the nave, transept and choir of a church or cathedral)klientti - cliens, client (in Ancient Rome)kliimaksi - climax, culmination (point of greatest intensity or force)kliimaksivaihe - stage of climaxkliinikko - clinician (medical professional who treats patients rather than practices research)kliininen kuolema - clinical deathkliitti - Synonym of liitepartikkeli (“clitic”)kliivia - cliviaklikkaaminen - verbal noun of klikataklikkaus - Mouse clicking.klikkausjournalismi - Synonym of klikkijournalismiklikki - cliqueklikki - click (the act of pressing a button on a computer mouse)klikkijournalismi - clickbait journalismklikkiotsikko - clickbaitklimakterium - climacteric, climacterium, menopause (period of life that leads up to and follows the end of menstruation in women)klimatologi - climatologistklimatologia - climatologyklimppi - A gob, clump, clot.klimppisoppa - A traditional dish prepared by brewing a broth of beef bones and other less valued parts of the carcass, then adding clots of wheat dough.klingon - Klingon, Klingonese (fictional language)klinikka - clinicklinikkaluokka - remedial class (class intended for students who find it it difficult to keep up with the pace of normal teaching)klinikkaopetus - clinical teaching (teaching of medical personnel that takes place with real patients in a clinic)klinkkeri - clinker (very hard ceramic material used e.g. in flooring tiles)klinkkerilaatta - clinker tile (tile made of clinker)klinkkerilattia - quarry tile floor (floor tiled with quarry tiles)klinometri - clinometerklinopyrokseeni - clinopyroxeneklinozoisiitti - clinozoisiteklintti - klintklipperi - clipperklippi - video clip, clipklipsi - clip (something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another)klipsu - Alternative form of klipsi.klisee - A cliché.klitoriksen huppu - clitoral hood (fold of skin covering the clitoris)klišee - Alternative spelling of kliseekloaakki - cloacaklodronaatti - clodronate (salt or ester of clodronic acid)klodronihappo - clodronic acidklonus - clonuskloonaaminen - verbal noun of kloonatakloonaus - cloningklooni - clonekloonikone - A homebuilt computer; a computer assembled from pieces that did not come together in a bundle, as opposed to a brand/pre-built computer.klooraaminen - verbal noun of kloorataklooraus - chlorinationkloori - chlorineklooribentseeni - chlorobenzeneklooridioksidi - chlorine dioxide (chemical compound with the formula ClO₂)kloorifenesiini - chlorphenesinkloorifenoli - chlorophenolkloorifluorihiilivety - chlorofluorocarbonkloorinitraatti - chlorine nitrateklooripropanoli - chloropropanol (any chemical obtained by chlorinating propanols; these generally harmful substances are often an unwanted byproduct of treating foodstuffs with chlorine compounds when processing them)kloorittaminen - verbal noun of kloorittaakloorivalkaisu - chlorine bleachingkloorivety - hydrogen chloride (inorganic compound with the formula HCl, which forms hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water)kloorivetyhappo - hydrochloric acidklooriyhdiste - chlorine compoundklootti - buckram (stiff cloth, made of cotton, and occasionally linen, which is used to cover and protect books)kloottikannet - cloth covers (hard book covers lined with cloth)kloppi - striplingkloraalihydraatti - chloral hydratekloraatti - chloratekloridi - chloridekloriitti - Chlorite.kloritoidi - chloritoidkloroformi - chloroformklorofylli - chlorophyllklorogeenihappo - chlorogenic acidklorokiini - chloroquine (4-aminoquinoline drug used to treat and prevent malaria)kloroosi - chlorosiskloroplasti - chloroplastklosetti - toilet, closetklotoidi - clothoidklovneria - clowneryklovni - clownklubi - club (association, often exclusive)klubilainen - club memberklubileipä - club sandwichklubitakki - blazer (reefer-style semiformal jacket, usually navy blue with metal buttons)klubitalo - clubhouse (building used by a club for meetings and other activities)klusiili - occlusive, plosive, stop consonantklusteri - clusterklusterianalyysi - cluster analysiskluutti - Alternative form of kloottikluuvi - A shallow body of fresh or slightly brackish water typical for some coastal regions of the Baltic Sea; a former sea bay which has been separated from the sea in the process of postglacial rebound. Typically it has no catchment basin of any significance, and it gets new water only through direct precipitation or occasionally from the sea when the sea water level is high.kluuviflada - Synonym of kluuviklystroni - klystronklyysi - hawsehole, hawsepipeklyyvari - jib (any of the foremost fore-and-aft sails of a sailing vessel rigged with a bowsprit)klyyvi - noseklöntti - gob, clump of materialknaapi - cleat (two-armed mounting onto which a rope can be tied)knaappi - Alternative form of knaapiknalli - bowler hat, bowler (British); derby (US)knesset - Knessetknoppi - trivia, triviality, detail (insignificant item of unimportant information, especially one assumed useful for passing an exam)knoppologia - trivia (items of unimportant information collectively)knorri - A certain card game.knöödeli - knödel (Central European boiled dumpling)knööli - mogul (knoll or mound in a downhill skiing slope)ko'on - genitive singular of kokokoagulaatio - coagulationkoagulointi - coagulationkoaksiaalijohto - coaxial cablekoaksiaalikaapeli - coaxial cablekoala - koalakoalitio - coalitionkoalitiohallitus - coalition governmentkoati - coatikobalamiini - cobalaminkobiantilooppi - kob, Kobus kob (species of antelope)koboltiitti - cobaltitekoboltti - cobaltkobolttihaikara - black-headed heron, Ardea melanocephalakobolttihohde - cobaltitekobolttikanuuna - cobalt gunkobolttimalmi - cobalt orekobolttipommi - cobalt bombkobolttisini - cobalt bluekobolttisininen - cobalt bluekobolttisulfaatti - cobalt sulfatekobolttiväri - cobalt colorkobra - cobra (venomous snake)kodanpohja - the bottom of a kotakodeiini - codeinekodiakinkarhu - Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi)kodifikaatio - codificationkodifiointi - codificationkodikkuus - cozinesskodikologia - codicologykodinelektroniikka - home electronicskodinhaltia - Alternative form of kodinhaltijakodinhaltija - household deitykodinhoitaja - home aid (a person)kodinhoito - housekeeping, homemakingkodinhoitoapu - housekeeping helpkodinhoitohuone - utility room (US), scullery (UK)kodinkone - household appliance, home appliance, domestic appliancekodinohjaus - home automation, home controlkodinohjausjärjestelmä - home control systemkodinonni - peace-in-the-home, soleirolia (Soleirolia soleirolii) (creeping herb of nettle family native to Mediterranean, common houseplant in more northerly latitudes)kodinsisustus - home decorationkodintavaratalo - Home Depot (shop for everything involved with home improvement, home decoration and associated tools and materials)kodintekniikka - household technologykodintekstiili - home textile, household textile, household linenkodinturvajoukot - Home Guardkodittomuus - homelessnesskodkod - kodkodkodoni - codonkoe - experiment (test under controlled conditions)koe-eläin - laboratory animal, experimental animal, lab animal, test animal, animal subject, animal test subject (animal used in animal testing)koe-erä - trial batch, test batch (of a product)koe-esiintyminen - audition (performance, by an aspiring performer, to demonstrate suitability or talent)koeaamiainen - test breakfast (a breakfast eaten before testing for some medical levels, etc.)koeaika - probation, probationary period (during which, in Finland, both the employer and employee can terminate the contract)koeajaja - test driverkoeajo - test drivekoeala - test plot, observation plotkoeasema - test sitekoeateria - test mealkoeavioliitto - trial marriagekoeffisientti - coefficientkoefilmaus - test filmingkoehenkilö - test subject, experimenteekoehyppy - test jumpkoehyppääjä - test jumper (for example in ski jumping)koekaivaus - test excavation, prospectingkoekakku - test cake (for testing dough)koekalastus - exploratory fishingkoekaniini - guinea pig, lab rat (living experimental subject)koekappale - prototype, samplekoekeittiö - test kitchenkoekierros - test run, trial runkoekilpi - trade platekoekuopitus - trial trenchingkoekuormitus - test load, load testingkoekuvaus - audition, screen testkoekytkentälevy - breadboardkoekäyttäjä - test userkoekäyttö - trial run, test runkoelento - test flightkoelentäjä - test pilotkoendu - Synonym of brasilianpiikikkö.koentsyymi - coenzymekoenumero - test grade, test scorekoenumerokilpi - temporary license plate, temporary registration plate (for a car)koepaikka - test sitekoepala - tissue sample, cell sample (small piece of living tissue taken in order to perform a biopsy)koepallo - trial balloon (idea, suggestion, etc. for testing reactions)koepalsta - trial plotkoepaperi - exam paperkoeporaus - exploratory drilling, trial drillingkoeputki - test tubekoeputkihedelmöitys - in vitro fertilizationkoeputkilapsi - test tube babykoeputkiteline - test tube rack, test tube standkoerakentaminen - prototypingkoeryhmä - test groupkoesarja - test serieskoestaminen - verbal noun of koestaakoestus - testingkoetase - trial balancekoete - Synonym of koetuskoetehdas - pilot plant, test plantkoetehtävä - a question or problem in an examinationkoetila - experimental farmkoetin - sound, probekoetinkivi - touchstonekoetoiminta - experimentationkoettaminen - verbal noun of koettaa, feeling, touchingkoettelemus - ordealkoettelu - trying, being a tribulationkoetulos - test resultkoetus - test (challenge, trial)koevapaus - probationary freedom, parolekoevedos - proof, proof sheetkoeviljelmä - test culture (of plants, etc.)koeviljely - field trial, test culturekoeäänestys - trial vote, test votekofeiini - caffeinekofeiiniriippuvuus - caffeine addictionkofeiinitabletti - caffeine pillkofeinismi - caffeinism (addiction to caffeine)kofunktio - cofunction (trigonometric function)koggi - cogkognitio - cognitionkognitiotiede - cognitive sciencekognitivismi - cognitivismkohahdus - short murmurkohahtaminen - verbal noun of kohahtaakohaus - Synonym of kohahduskohauttaminen - verbal noun of kohauttaa, causing a murmurkohautus - quick liftkohdanto - accusative casekohde - targetkohdealue - target area, target zone, target domainkohdeapuraha - targeted grantkohdekieli - target languagekohdemaa - destination country, target countrykohdentaminen - verbal noun of kohdentaakohdentuminen - verbal noun of kohdentuakohdepiste - point of interestkohdepoisto - local exhaust ventilationkohderyhmä - target groupkohdeteksti - target textkohdevalaisin - spotlightkohdevalo - spotlightkohdeviestintä - targeted communicationkohdeyleisö - target audiencekohdistin - a caret, a cursorkohdistus - focusingkohdistuspiste - hotspot, focal point, point of applicationkohdun kaavinta - dilation and curettagekohdun limakalvo - endometriumkohdunkaula - cervix (of the womb)kohdunkaulansyöpä - cervical cancerkohdunkaulasyöpä - cervical cancerkohdunlaskeuma - uterine prolapsekohdunnapukka - os (external end of the cervix)kohdunpoisto - hysterectomykohdunrunko - endometriumkohdunsuu - os (either end of the cervix)kohdunulkoinen raskaus - ectopic pregnancykohdunvuokraus - surrogate motherhoodkoheesio - cohesionkoheesiomaa - cohesive soilkoheesiomaalaji - cohesive soil typekoheli - Synonym of tohelokohellus - bustle, bustlingkohelo - a clumsy personkohennus - enhancementkohentaminen - verbal noun of kohentaakohentelu - poking repeatedly (stirring a fire)kohentuminen - verbal noun of kohentuakoherenssi - coherencekoherenssipituus - coherence lengthkohina - wash (the sound of the breaking seas)kohinageneraattori - noise generatorkohinasalpa - squelchkohju - rupture, bulge, herniakohma - Synonym of kohmekohme - numbness; especially one due to coldkohmelo - hangover (sickness caused by excessive drinking)kohmettaminen - verbal noun of kohmettaakohmetus - freezing, solidifyingkoho - float (a buoyant device)kohoama - Alternative form of kohoumakohoaminen - verbal noun of kohotakohokammio - float chamberkohokartta - tactile mapkohokas - soufflékohokasvuoka - soufflé dish, ramekin dishkohokirjain - embossed letterkohokirjoitin - embossing devicekohokirjoitus - embossed writing, raised printingkohokki - any plant of the genus Silenekohokkikasvi - any plant of the family Caryophyllaceaekohokohta - elevation (elevated place or station)kohokoukku - uppercutkohokuva - embossment, embossed reliefkohokuvio - embossing (pattern or figure that raises in relief from a surface such as paper, leather or metal)koholeima - embossed stampkoholyönti - lobkohomologia - cohomologykohopainanta - embossing, relief printingkohopaino - relief printing (printing method)kohopainokone - relief printing machinekohopallo - a high fly ball; a ball flying high up in the airkohopenkki - raised bedkohortti - cohortkohosiirros - upthrustkohosuo - emerged bogkohotahti - upbeat (unaccented beat at the start of a musical phrase)kohottaja - raiserkohottajalihas - lifting muscle, levatorkohottaminen - verbal noun of kohottaa, raising up, elevating, uplifting, holding upkohotus - elevation, raisingkohotusaine - Synonym of nostatusainekohotuskori - proofing basketkohouma - bulge, bump, protuberance (something sticking out from a surface; a swelling, protuberant part)kohoutuma - bump, elevationkohovalikko - Synonym of ponnahdusvalikkokohoventtiili - float valvekohta - location, spotkohtaaminen - verbal noun of kohdatakohtaamispaikka - meeting placekohtaanto - match, particularly skills match, or the degree to which the skills of the labor force match with the requirements of the employerskohtaanto-ongelma - skills mismatch, workforce-workplace mismatch (discrepancy between the skills that are sought by employers and the skills that are possessed by individuals)kohtalo - destiny, fatekohtalokkuus - fatefulnesskohtalon oikku - twist of fatekohtalonhetki - date with destinykohtalonkukka - nemesiakohtalonkysymys - momentous or fateful issue or questionkohtalonpensas - any plant of the genus Clerodendrumkohtalontie - the path or way of fatekohtalonyhteys - common destiny, common fate; fateful connectionkohtalotar - Fate, Moira (any of the supernatural beings named Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis who controlled the destiny of men and of the gods)kohtalotoveri - partner or companion with a common fate (such as rejection)kohtalousko - fatalismkohtaus - fit; attack; seizurekohtauskulma - angle of attackkohtauspaikka - meeting place, meeting pointkohteleminen - verbal noun of kohdellakohteliaisuus - politenesskohteliaisuuskäynti - courtesy visitkohteliaisuussääntö - rule of courtesy, rule of etiquettekohtelu - treatment (the manner of treating someone or something)kohtio - magnetic pole of a magnetkohtisuora - normalkohtu - wombkohtukuolema - stillbirth, fetal deathkohtusyöpä - uterine cancerkohtutulehdus - metritiskohtuu - reasonableness, moderatenesskohtuuhinta - reasonable pricekohtuukäyttäjä - moderate userkohtuukäyttö - moderate use, moderate consumptionkohtuullistaminen - verbal noun of kohtuullistaakohtuullisuus - moderateness, proportionatenesskohtuus - moderationkohtuuttomuus - unconscionabilitykohu - sensation, controversy, hullabaloo, brouhaha, scandalkohu-uutinen - a news item or story resulting in uproar or a sensationkohuoikeudenkäynti - cause célèbre (legal case arousing widespread controversy or public debate)kohva - porous ice formed from frozen slush; slush ice, snow icekohvajää - Synonym of kohvakoi - moth: common clothes moth, Tineola bisselliellakoi - dawnkoi - koi carpkoijari - swindler, conman, tricksterkoikarppi - Synonym of koristekarppikoillinen - northeastkoilliskolkka - northeastern corner, northeastern regionkoillismyrsky - northeasterly stormkoillisnaapuri - northeastern neighborkoillisosa - northeastern partkoillispasaati - northeast trade windkoillispuoli - northeastern sidekoillisraja - northeastern borderkoillistuuli - north-east windkoillisväylä - northeast passagekoinee - Koine (form of Greek language)koinreikä - moth holekointähti - the morning star, Venuskoipallo - A mothball.koipeliini - long-legged personkoiperhonen - Synonym of vaatekoikoipi - leg (of a bird)koipussi - anti-moth garment bag, anti-moth suit bagkoira - dogkoira-allergia - dog allergykoiraeläin - canine (member of the subfamily Caninae, which includes all living canids such as wolves, foxes, coyotes, jackals and dogs, and their most recent fossil relatives)koiraemo - dam (mother dog)koirahyökkäys - dog attack, an attack by a dog mostly against some other dog or a humankoiraihminen - dog person (someone who likes or has an affinity for dogs)koirakarhu - bear dog, beardog, bear-dog, amphicyonid (member of extinct family Amphicyonidae of carnivorans, which had features of both current dogs and bears)koirakilpailu - dog racekoirakko - dog and its owner (in dog shows, etc.)koirakoulu - dog schoolkoiralauma - pack of dogs, kennelkoiralohi - chum salmon, Oncorhynchus ketakoiran kylkiluu - dog's rib (bone)koiran kylkiluun kieli - Dogrib (language of the Dogrib people native to the Northwest Territories of Canada)koiranelämä - dog's life (miserable life)koiranhammas - trout lily, fawn lily, dog's tooth violet, adder's tongue (plant of the genus Erythronium)koiranhaukunta - barking of a dogkoiranheinä - cat grass (Dactylis glomerata)koiranheisi - guelder rose, Viburnum opulus (shrub)koiranheisipuu - guelder rose, Viburnum opuluskoiranilma - bad weather, awful weatherkoirankakka - doggy doo, doggie do, dog shitkoirankakkapussi - poop bag (bag into which pet faeces, especially those of a dog, are collected for disposal)koirankarva - dog hairkoirankasvattaja - dog breederkoirankeksi - dog biscuitkoirankieli - hound's tongue, dog's tongue, gypsy flower, Cynoglossum officinale (herbaceous plant found in most parts of Europe and also in North America where it was accidentally introduced)koirankirppu - dog fleakoirankoppi - doghouse (shelter for a dog)koirankorva - folded or worn-out corner of a page of a book, such as caused by frequent flipping of the pageskoirankuje - trick, prank, monkey businesskoirankuono - short-nosed fruit bat (bat of the genus Cynopterus)koirankuonolainen - doghead (mythical creature with a human body and a dog's head)koirankuonolepakko - Synonym of ronkko.koirankuri - Synonym of koirankujekoiranköynnös - any plant of the genus Bryoniakoiranleuka - joker (person who makes jokes, especially mischievous ones)koiranmuona - dog foodkoirannauris - bryonykoiranomi - A title or "degree" for a person educated in various aspects of dog-keeping, such as dog training, dog sports, anatomy, physiology, psychology, feeding and general well-being of dogs.koiranomistaja - dog ownerkoiranpenikka - puppykoiranpensas - A box or boxwood (evergreen shrub or tree of the genus Buxus).koiranpentu - pup (dog)koiranpommi - throwdown (type of firework)koiranputki - cow parsley, Anthriscus sylvestriskoiranruoka - dog foodkoiranruusu - dog rose, dogrose (Rosa canina)koiranuinti - dog paddle (swimming stroke)koiranuni - light or feigned sleepkoiranvahti - Alternative form of koiravahti.koiranvirka - an unpleasant post or positionkoiranäyttely - dog showkoirapilli - dog whistlekoirapoliisi - police dog handlerkoirapuisto - dog parkkoirareki - dog sled, dogsledkoirarotu - dog breedkoiras - male (of fish, birds, insects, spiders, and amphibians)koiraseläin - male animalkoirashios - ground inner joint, ground male jointkoiraspontti - Synonym of urospontti (“tongue, the protruding part in a tongue and groove joint”).koirasusi - wolf dog (a hybrid of dog and wolf)koiratappelu - dogfightkoiratarha - kennel, dog poundkoiraterapeutti - dog therapist, canine therapistkoiratutkija - cynologistkoirauinti - Misspelling of koiranuinti.koiraurheilu - dog sportskoiravahti - middle watch (aboard a ship, a watch from midnight to 4 a.m.)koiravaljakko - A team of dogs harnessed in front of a dogsled; the dogs and the sled as a unit.koiravero - dog taxkoiro - dog-like bat (bat of the genus Peropteryx)koiru - doggo, dogkoiruoho - wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)koiruohoöljy - absinthe oilkoiruus - mischiefkoisa - snout moth, pyralid, pyralid moth, grass moth (moth of the family Pyralidae)koisaperhonen - Synonym of keittiökoisakoisi - Mexican orange, mock orange (Choisya ternata)koiska - cancerkoiso - any plant of the genus Solanum, including nightshades, tomato, potato, eggplant etc.koisokasvi - nightshade (any plant in the family Solanaceae)koisokirva - foxglove aphid, glasshouse-potato aphid, green potato aphid, Aulacorthum solani (major insect pest on potato, tomato, peppers, tobacco, celery, carrots, tulip bulbs, cucurbits and legumes)koite - dawnkoitos - tribulation, fight, trialkoittaminen - verbal noun of koittaa, breaking, dawning (of a morning)koittana - a type of decorative strip or band in traditional clothingkoitto - dawning (break of the day)koituminen - verbal noun of koitua, being someone's undoing or ruinkoitus - coituskoivikko - A birch forest.koivikkoseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius betuletorum.koivisto - Synonym of koivikko.koivistolainen - A type of fur hat, with a broad fur rim and leather cap.koivu - birch (deciduous tree)koivuallergia - allergy to birch tree pollenkoivufiikus - Synonym of limoviikuna.koivuhalko - birch logkoivuhapero - grass-green russula (Russula aeruginea)koivuhiiri - northern birch mouse, Sicista betulinakoivukasvi - any plant in the family Betulaceaekoivukuitu - birch fiberkoivukuitupuu - birch pulpwoodkoivukuja - alley lined with birch treeskoivulauta - birch boardkoivumetsikkö - small birch forestkoivumetsä - birch forestkoivunkantosieni - sheathed woodtuft (Kuehneromyces mutabilis)koivunlehti - birch leafkoivunlehtohapero - A brittlegill, Russula lundellii.koivunlehvä - birch sprigkoivunmahla - birch sapkoivunoksa - birch branchkoivunpuistohapero - A brittlegill, Russula font-queri.koivunritva - a slender birch branchkoivunrunko - birch trunkkoivunurpu - birch catkinkoivunvarpu - birch twigkoivupuu - birch treekoivurousku - A milk-cap, Lactarius resimus.koivuseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius anomalus.koivusokeri - xylitolkoivuterva - birch tarkoivuvaneri - birch plywoodkoivuvinokas - A mushroom, Pleurotus pulmonarius.koivuvitsa - Synonym of vitsa (birch).koivuvyöhyke - birch zonekoja - barkkojamo - an adult male salmon (Salmo salar), when traveling to the spawning grounds and having developed a characteristic hook on its lower jawkoje - apparatus, device, machine, contraption, instrumentkojeisto - instrumentation, apparatuskojeistus - instrumentation, equipmentkojelauta - dashboardkojelautakamera - dashcam (digital video recorder mounted on the dashboard or the front windshield of a car)kojepistoke - socket outletkojepistokytkin - appliance couplerkojetaulu - control panel, dashboardkojevastake - Synonym of kojepistokekojootti - coyote (Canis latrans)koju - booth, stall, shedkokaiini - cocainekokaiiniriippuvuus - cocaine addiction, cocainismkokainismi - Synonym of kokaiiniriippuvuus (“cocaine addiction”).kokainisti - cocaine addictkokapensas - coca (plant in the genus Erythroxylaceae)kokardi - cockadekokeileminen - verbal noun of kokeillakokeilu - test, experiment; attempt, trykokeiluaste - experimental stagekokeiluhalu - Synonym of kokeilunhalukokeilujakso - trial periodkokeilukoulu - pilot school, charter schoolkokeilukäyttö - trial usekokeilunhalu - willingness to experimentkokelas - candidatekokelasaika - trial period (the time spent as kokelas, i.e. prospective holder of a title, position, membership etc.)kokemattomuus - inexperiencekokeminen - verbal noun of kokeakokemus - experiencekokemusasiantuntija - expert by experiencekokemusmaailma - experiences of a person collectivelykokemusoppiminen - learning by experience, experiential learning, experience-based learning (process of learning through experience and through reflection on doing)kokemuspiiri - sphere of experiencekokemustieto - knowledge derived from practical experiencekokemäkeläinen - a person from or living in Kokemäkikokeneisuus - experiencednesskoketeeraaminen - verbal noun of koketeeratakoketteria - coquetrykoketti - coquetkokija - experiencer, one who experiences, subject of experiencekokilli - chill mouldkokillivalu - gravity die castingkokinhattu - toquekokis - Coca-Colakokka - bow (of a boat)kokkaaja - one who cooks foodkokkaaminen - verbal noun of kokatakokkapuhe - quip, wit, jestkokkapuomi - bowspritkokkapuu - In large sailing vessels, a bowsprit.kokkare - A lump, as an irregularly shaped piece of coagulated material.kokkarit - cocktail partykokkatuhto - bow thwartkokkaus - cookingkokkeli - curdkokkelipiimä - a type of traditional Eastern Finnish buttermilk with added curdkokki - cookkokki - coccuskokkiniili - cochineal (dye)kokkiveitsi - kitchen knife (knife used for preparation of food)kokko - bonfire (large, controlled outdoor fire, as a signal or to celebrate something)kokko - eaglekokkojuhla - a celebration with a bonfirekokkolalainen - a person from or living in Kokkolakokkonen - Alternative form of kukkonenkokkotuli - fire of a bonfirekokkovalkea - bonfirekoko - size, dimensionskoko nimi - full namekokoaikatyö - full-time jobkokoaja - Alternative form of kokoojakokoaminen - verbal noun of kootakokoamiskone - assembly machinekokoamispaikka - place of loading, gathering or assemblingkokoaskel - Synonym of kokosävelaskel (“whole tone”)kokoelma - collection (set of items; multiple related objects)kokoelma-albumi - compilation albumkokoelmaluettelo - collection catalogkokoelmatunnus - collection ID, collection numberkokoelmatyö - collection workkokoero - size differencekokoerottelu - size sorting, size fractionationkokoilta - feature-lengthkokoilu - assembling, putting togetherkokojyväleipä - Synonym of täysjyväleipäkokokuva - full shotkokolainausmerkki - double quotation mark (”)kokolattiamatto - wall-to-wall carpet, fitted carpetkokoliha - unground meat (any variety of meat that has not been ground or minced)kokolihapihvi - steak from unground meatkokolihavalmiste - whole-meat productkokoluokka - scale, scope, vicinity, approximate sizekokomaito - Synonym of täysmaitokokonaisalue - total areakokonaisansio - total earning(s)kokonaisarvo - total value, overall valuekokonaisbudjetti - total budget, overall budgetkokonaisenergia - total energykokonaisennuste - overall forecastkokonaisesitys - overall presentation, overall proposalkokonaisetu - full benefitkokonaishaihdunta - evapotranspiration (transfer of water from the surface of the earth to the atmosphere by evaporation, sublimation and transpiration)kokonaisharkinta - overall assessmentkokonaisheijastuminen - verbal noun of kokonaisheijastuakokonaisheijastus - total internal reflectionkokonaishinta - total pricekokonaisilmaisu - complete expressionkokonaiskapasiteetti - total capacitykokonaiskasvu - total growth, overall growthkokonaiskilpailu - overall competitionkokonaiskorkeus - total height, overall heightkokonaiskustannukset - total costs, overall costkokonaiskustannus - total costkokonaiskuva - overall picturekokonaiskysyntä - total demand, aggregate demandkokonaiskäsitys - general impression, overall impressionkokonaisleveys - total width, overall widthkokonaisluku - integerkokonaismassa - total mass, overall masskokonaismenot - total or overall expenditurekokonaismäärä - total amountkokonaisnäkemys - overall view, overall visionkokonaisobjekti - total object (object that indicates completed action)kokonaisopetus - education without subjects, instead focusing on themes, projects etc.kokonaisopiskelijamäärä - total student countkokonaispaino - The gross weight (total weight of a vehicle including cargo, fuel etc.).kokonaispisteet - overall or total points or scorekokonaispituus - total length, overall lengthkokonaisratkaisu - Any comprehensive solution, which takes into account a large number of often contradictory interests.kokonaisreaktio - overall reaction, total reactionkokonaissubjekti - total subjectkokonaissumma - total sum, aggregatekokonaissuunnitelma - overall plankokonaissuunnittelu - overall designkokonaistaideteos - Gesamtkunstwerk (artistic creation such as an operatic performance that encompasses music, theatre and the visual arts)kokonaistappio - overall loss, total losskokonaistarve - total requirementskokonaisteho - total power, overall powerkokonaistilavuus - total volume, overall volumekokonaistulos - overall resultkokonaistuotanto - total productionkokonaistuotto - gross profit, total profitkokonaisuus - A combination of parts or factors considered to be a whole., combination, amalgamation, ensemble, aggregatekokonaisuuskäsite - holonymkokonaisvaikutelma - overall impression, general impressionkokonaisvaikutus - overall impactkokonaisvaltaisuus - comprehensiveness, being all-encompassingkokonaisyksikkökustannukset - total unit costs, full unit costskokonelson - full nelsonkokongi - cocoonkokonki - Alternative form of kokongikokonumero - size numberkokonumerointi - size numbering<-- -->