Finnish nouns, part 2adoptiokuraattori - adoption counselor, adoption curatoradoptiolapsi - adoptee (adopted child or a person who was adopted as a child)adoptioperhe - adoptive family (family into which an adoptee is adopted)adoptiosisarus - adoptive siblingadoptiovanhempi - adoptive parentadoptioäiti - adoptive motheradoptoiminen - verbal noun of adoptoidaadoptointi - adoptionadorantti - orant, orans (image of a person with hands up in prayer)adpositio - adpositionadrenalektomia - adrenalectomy (removal of one or both adrenal glands)adrenaliini - adrenalineadrenaliinikynä - adrenaline penadrenaliitti - adrenalitis (inflammation of one or both adrenal glands)adrenarke - adrenarche (maturation of the cortex of the human adrenal glands, typically occurring at age 6 to 10, causing some physical changes in both girls and boys)adrenogenitaalinen oireyhtymä - adrenogenital syndrome (group of symptoms caused by excessive secretion of androgenic hormones)adrenogenitaalisyndrooma - adrenogenital syndrome (group of symptoms caused by excessive secretion of androgenic hormones)adrenokortikotropiini - adrenocorticotropin (hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, regulates metabolism by regulating the cortex of the adrenal gland)adrenokromi - adrenochromeadrenoleukodystrofia - adrenoleukodystrophy (degenerative genetic disease)adrenomedulliini - adrenomedullin (peptide associated with a tumor of the adrenal medula)adrenoreseptori - adrenoreceptor, adrenergic receptor (site in the surface membranes of cells innervated by adrenergic neurons)adrenosteroni - adrenosterone (a hormone)adressaatti - addresseeadressi - petition, address (formal, written request made to an official person or organized body, usually with many signatures)adsorbentti - adsorbentadsorboiminen - verbal noun of adsorboidaadsorbointi - adsorptionadsorboituminen - verbal noun of adsorboituaadsorptio - adsorptionadsorptiokromatografia - adsorption chromatography (method of chromatography in which a solid adsorbing substance serves as the stationary phase)adsorptiokuivain - desiccant dehumidifieradstringentti - astringent (substance which draws tissue together, thus restricting the flow of blood)adsukipapu - azuki bean, adsuki bean, red beanadukipapu - Alternative form of azukipapuadulaari - adulariaadvektio - advectionadventismi - Adventismadventisti - An Adventist.adventti - Adventadventtiaika - advent (period)adventtikalenteri - Advent calendaradventtikirkko - divine service of the Adventadventtikynttilä - Advent candleadventtiseurakunta - Adventist congregationadventtisunnuntai - Advent Sunday (the first Sunday of Advent, i.e. the fourth Sunday before Christmas)adverbi - an adverbadverbiaali - adverbialadverbiaalilauseke - adverbial phraseadverbiaalisuus - adverbiality (condition of having characteristics of an adverb)adverbilauseke - adverbial phraseadverbisuus - Synonym of adverbiaalisuus.adversatiivisuus - adversativityadvokaatti - advocateadyge - Adyghe (minority language in Russian Federation)aedeagus - aedeagusaero-otiitti - aerotitis (otitis caused by a change in atmospheric pressure)aerobatia - Synonym of taitolento (“aerobatics”).aerobi - aerobeaerobic - aerobicsaerobikkaaja - One who does aerobics.aerobikkaus - aerobics (form of exercise)aerobikki - aerobicsaerobiologia - aerobiologyaerobiontti - aerobe (organism that needs oxygen to survive)aerobioosi - aerobiosisaerobisuus - aerobicityaerodontalgia - aerodontalgiaaerodynamiikka - aerodynamicsaeroelastisuus - aeroelasticityaeroembolia - air embolism, aeroembolism (condition caused by bubbles of gas in vascular system)aerofagia - aerophagyaerofobia - aerophobiaaerofoni - aerophoneaerofotografia - aerial photographyaerogeeli - aerogelaerogeofysiikka - aerogeophysics (branch of geophysics based on airborne measurements of the Earth's surface)aerologia - aerologyaeromekaniikka - aeromechanics (branch of mechanics dealing with gases)aerometri - aerometeraerometria - aerometryaeronomi - aeronomistaeronomia - aeronomyaerosinuiitti - aerosinusitis (sinusitis resulting from change in barometric pressure)aerosoli - aerosol (fine solid particles or liquid droplets suspended in a gaseous medium)aerosolifysiikka - aerosol physics (study of physical properties of aerosols)aerosolipakkaus - aerosol packageaerosolipommi - aerosol bombaerosolipullo - aerosol canaerosolipurkki - aerosol canaerosolitölkki - aerosol canaerostatiikka - aerostatics (study of gases in equilibrium)aerotropismi - aerotropismafaatikko - An aphasic person.afakia - aphakia (absence of the lens of the eye)afantaasikko - aphantasiac (person that suffers from aphantasia)afantasia - aphantasia (condition of not being able to produce mental images)afar - Afar (language).afari - Alternative form of afar (“Afar”)afarinetelänapina - Australopithecus afarensis (extinct hominid that lived between 3.9 and 2.9 million years ago)afasia - aphasiaafemia - aphemiaafereesi - apheresisaffekti - affectaffektihäiriö - affective disorder, mood disorderaffektiivisuus - affectivityaffektikohtaus - Synonym of affektikouristus.affektikouristus - affective spasm (spasm triggered by powerful emotion, especially fury; usually affects kids younger than 6 years)affektilabiilisuus - affective lability (tendency to get affective spasms)affektio - affectionaffektisuus - affectivityaffenpinseri - Affenpinscher (breed of dog)affiinikuvaus - affine transformationaffiinimuunnos - affine transformationaffiksi - affixaffiliaatio - affiliationaffiniteetti - affinityaffisio - lesionaffrikaatta - affricateafgaani - Afghan (person of Pashtun ethnicity or of Pashtun descent)afgaaninvinttikoira - Afghan hound, Afghanafganistaninpiiskujänis - Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens (species of small lagomorph)afganistaninpika - Afghan pika, Ochotona rufescens (species of small lagomorph)afibrinogenemia - afibrinogenemiaaflatoksiini - aflatoxin (any of a family of mycotoxins produced by molds of the genus Aspergillus)afonia - aphonia (inability to speak)aforismi - aphorismaforismikokoelma - A collection of aphorisms.aforisti - aphorist (person who writes or recites aphorisms)aforistikko - Synonym of aforisti.afrasia - aphrasia (condition of being unable to speak)africanis - Africanis (breed of dog)afrikaaneri - An Afrikaner (member of an ethnic group of northwestern European ancestry and associated with southern Africa and the Afrikaans language).afrikaani - Alternative form of afrikaaneriafrikaans - Afrikaans (language)afrikandi - An Afrikaner.afrikanhanhi - Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca)afrikanhylje - South African fur seal, Arctocephalus pusillusafrikaniibishaikara - yellow-billed stork, Mycteria ibisafrikanistiikka - African studies, Africanisticsafrikanjuurimyllikäs - African mole rat (mole rat of the genus Tachyoryctes in the subfamily Rhizomyinae)afrikankalliopääsky - rock martin, Ptyonoprogne fuligulaafrikankapustahaikara - African spoonbill, Platalea albaafrikankastanjasirkku - cinnamon-breasted bunting, Emberiza tahapisiafrikankeisarikalastaja - giant kingfisher (Megaceryle maxima)afrikankielilepakko - Woermann's bat, Woermann's fruit bat, Megaloglossus woermanniafrikankiipijähiiri - Afrikan climbing mouse (climbing mouse of the genus Dendromus)afrikankukaali - Senegal coucal, Centropus senegalensis (bird in the cuckoo order)afrikankultakissa - African golden cat, Profelis aurataafrikankyttyrädelfiini - humpback dolphin, Sousa teusziiafrikankääpiöhaukka - African pygmy falcon, pygmy falcon, Polihierax semitorquatusafrikankääpiöorava - African pygmy squirrel, Myosciurus pumilioafrikankäärmekaula - African darter, Anhinga rufaafrikanlauluhaukka - dark chanting goshawk, Melierax metabatesafrikanlinsanki - African linsang, oyan, Poiana richardsonii (viverrine living in the jungles of central Africa)afrikanmanaatti - African manatee, Trichechus senegalensisafrikanmarabu - marabou, Leptoptilos crumeniferusafrikanmerikarhu - Synonym of afrikanhylje.afrikanmetsäpäästäinen - Olivier's shrew, Crocidura olivieriafrikanmetsärotta - Jackson's soft-furred mouse, Praomys jacksoniafrikanniittyrotta - Synonym of moninisärotta (“Natal multimammate mouse”).afrikannorsu - African elephant, Loxodonta africanaafrikanpalmukiitäjä - African palm swift (Cypsiurus parvus)afrikanpalmunäätä - Synonym of afrikanpalmusivetti (“African palm civet”).afrikanpalmusivetti - African palm civet, Nandinia binotataafrikanpelikaani - pink-backed pelican, Pelecanus rufescensafrikanpiikikäs - Cape porcupine, Hystrix africaeaustralisafrikanpiikkisika - Synonym of afrikanpiikikäs (“Cape porcupine”).afrikanpingviini - jackass penguin, Spheniscus demersusafrikanpurorotta - Issel's groove-toothed swamp rat, Pelomys isseliafrikanrakonokka - African openbill, Anastomus lamelligerusafrikanruohorotta - unstriped grass rat, grass rat (rodent of the genus Arvicanthis)afrikanrusakko - Cape hare, desert hare, Lepus capensisafrikansaksinokka - African skimmer, Rynchops flavirostrisafrikansatulahaikara - saddle-bill stork, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensisafrikansivetti - African civet, Civettictis civettaafrikansivettikissa - Synonym of afrikansivetti (“African civet”).afrikansormihirssi - finger millet, Eleusine coracana (grass widely grown as cereal in arid areas of Africa and Asia)afrikansuopöllö - marsh owl, Asio capensisafrikansuorotta - African shaggy rat, Dasymys incomtusafrikantupsuhäntäpiikkisika - Synonym of tupsupiikikäs (“African brush-tailed porcupine”).afrikantylli - Kittlitz’s sand plover, Charadrius pecuariusafrikantöpökerttunen - African warbler (bird of the family Macrosphenidae)afrikantöyhtöhyyppä - black-headed lapwing, Vanellus tectusafrikanunikeko - woodland dormouse, Graphiurus murinusafrikanvaris - pied crow, Corvus albusafrikanvilliaasi - African wild ass, Equus asinus africanusafrikanvästäräkki - longclaw (bird of the genus Macronyx)afrikkalainen - An African.afrikkalainen sikarutto - African swine fever (haemorrhagic fever with high mortality rates in pigs)afrikkalaisamerikkalainen - African-American (a person of African ancestry in the Americas, most often in the United States of America)afrikkalaisamerikkalainen englanti - African American Vernacular Englishafrikkalaisuus - state or quality of being Africanafro - afro (hairstyle)afroamerikkalainen - African-American, Afro-American (person)afrodiitti - A person with atrophic genitals - aphrodite (mineral)afrodisia - aphrodisia (state of sexual desire)afrodisiakki - aphrodisiacafrodisiakumi - aphrodisiacafrokampaus - afro (hairstyle)afrokommunismi - Afrocommunism (communism as applied in Africa)afromusiikki - African music (music or music style originating in Africa)afrosentrismi - Afrocentrismafrosuomalainen - Afro-Finn, African Finn (native or resident of Finland who is of sub-Saharan African heritage)afrotanssi - African dance, afro danceafta - aphthous ulcer, oral ulcer, aphthaafteri - Clipping of afterwork.afterski - après-skiafterwork - the act of visiting a pub, bar, restaurant or other venues of entertainment with coworkers immediately after workaftoosi - candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush, aphtha (fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth caused by any species of yeast from the genus Candida)afääri - commercial affairagaatti - Alternative form of akaatti (“agate”)agaave - agaveagakonna - cane toad, marine toad, Bufo marinus (now Rhinella marina)agalmatofilia - agalmatophiliaagalmatoliitti - agalmatoliteagama - agamaagape-terapia - agape therapy (form of therapy based on Christian love for others, promoted by the Pentecostalist movement)agar - Alternative form of agar-agar.agar-agar - agar (material)agarliuos - agar (solution of agar, used as a bacterial culture medium, in electrophoresis and as a food additive)agaroosi - agaroseagaropektiini - agaropectinagba - agba (Prioria balsamifera, syn. Gossweilerodendron balsamiferum)agenda - An agendaageneesi - agenesisagentiivi - agentiveagentiivisuus - agentivityagentti - agent (person or firm authorized to perform certain action on behalf of another)agenttifilmi - spy movie, spy filmagenttikirjallisuus - spy literatureagenttipartisiippi - An agent participle; a verb form that allows the property of something being a target of an action to be formatted as an adjective-like attribute.agenttiromaani - spy novelagenttitoiminta - espionageagenttius - agenthoodagentuuri - agency (office or place of business of an agent)agentuuriliike - agency (office or place of business of an agent)agglomeraatio - agglomerationagglomeraatti - agglomerateagglutinaatio - agglutinationaggregaatio - aggregationaggregaatti - a generator with an internal combustion engine that can generate electricity from fuel; engine-generatoraggregointi - aggregationaggressiivi - aggressive mood, a verb construction in the Finnish language where the negative verb ei is omitted and often replaced with a swearwordaggressiivisuus - aggressivenessaggressio - aggressionagility - agility, dog agilityagio - agioagitaatio - agitationagitaattori - agitator (one who agitates; one who stirs up or excites others)agitoija - agitatoragitoiminen - verbal noun of agitoidaagitointi - agitationagitprop - agitpropaglykoni - aglyconeagnosia - agnosiaagnostikko - An agnostic.agnostisismi - agnosticismagnostismi - agnosticism (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable)agnostisuus - state or quality of being agnosticagogiikka - agogicsagogo - agogo (instrument)agonia - agony, death struggleagonisti - agonistagora - agora (marketplace in Classical Greece)agorafobia - agoraphobiaagraari - agrarian (person who advocates the interests of farmers)agraaripolitiikka - agrarian policyagraaripuolue - agrarian partyagraarisuus - state or quality of being agrarianagraarivaltio - agrarian stateagraariyhteiskunta - agrarian societyagrafia - agraphiaagrobiologia - agrobiology (branch of biology)agrologi - agrologistagrologia - agrologyagronomi - agronomistagronomia - agronomyaguti - agouti (long-legged rodent of the family Dasyproctidae)ahaa-elämys - eureka moment, light-bulb moment, aha moment, eureka effectahaggarinkivitamaani - Synonym of algeriantamaani.ahava - dry and cold wind, especially in the springahavoittaminen - verbal noun of ahavoittaaahavoituma - Synonym of ahava (weather-beaten skin)ahavoituminen - verbal noun of ahavoituaahdashenkisyys - narrow-mindednessahdasmielisyys - narrow-mindednessahdasnäköisyys - narrow-mindednessahdasrajaisuus - The property or state of being ahdasrajainen, in all senses.ahde - hillside, bank, embankmentahdekaunokki - brown knapweed, brownray knapweed, Centaurea jacea (herbaceous perennial plant native to dry meadows and open woodland throughout Europe)ahdelauha - wavy hair grass, Deschampsia flexuosaahdin - supercharger (inlet air compressor for an internal combustion engine)ahdinko - plight, distressahdinkotila - plight, distress (state of being plighted or distressed)ahdinmoottori - supercharged engine (engine equipped with a supercharger)ahdinparta - A seaweed, Cladophora glomerata.ahdistaja - tormentorahdistaminen - verbal noun of ahdistaa, distressing, botheringahdisteleminen - verbal noun of ahdistella, harassingahdistelija - stalkerahdistelu - harassmentahdistuminen - verbal noun of ahdistuaahdistuneisuus - anxietyahdistuneisuushäiriö - anxiety disorderahdistus - anxiety (unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event)ahdistushäiriö - anxiety disorderahdistuslääke - anxiolytic (drug prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of anxiety)ahdistusneuroosi - generalized anxiety disorder, GAD (anxiety disorder characterized by excessive, uncontrollable and often irrational worry which may interfere with daily functioning)ahdistustila - anxiety, angst (state of being anxious)ahdos - sheaves of grain arranged on beams (parsi) for dryingaherrus - toil, grind, labourahertaja - one who works hard, labours much, toilsahertaminen - verbal noun of ahertaaahjo - forge, furnaceahjohiili - forge coalahkeraliisa - busy Lizzy, balsam, impatiens (Impatiens walleriana, syn. Impatiens sultanii)ahkeroiminen - verbal noun of ahkeroidaahkerointi - toil (labour, work)ahkeroitseminen - verbal noun of ahkeroidaahkeruus - industriousness, diligence, industry; work ethic (tendency to work persistently)ahkio - type of toboggan or sledge without runners, suitable for carrying goods or people in deep snow, usually drawn by a man or a reindeerahma - wolverine, glutton (Gulo gulo)ahmaiseminen - verbal noun of ahmaistaahmaisu - gulpahmatti - glutton (voracious eater)ahmattiankerias - gulper eel (fish of the order Saccopharyngiformes)ahmattimaisuus - gluttonousness, gluttony (quality of being gluttonous)ahmija - gobbler (one who eats food very quickly, without decorum)ahmiminen - verbal noun of ahmia, devouring, gobbling, wolfing (action of eating large amounts fast)ahmimishäiriö - bulimiaahminta - gorgingahmintahäiriö - binge eating disorderahmo - Synonym of ahmattiahnastelu - gluttonyahnaus - gluttonousnessahnehdinta - hoardingahnehtija - Agent noun of the verb ahnehtia.ahnehtiminen - verbal noun of ahnehtia, hogging, hoardingahneus - greed, greedinessaho - glade (grassy open or cleared space in a forest, especially one that is a result of slash-and-burn cultivation)aholeinikki - many-flowered buttercup, Ranunculus polyanthemos (a flowering plant in the genus Ranunculus).ahomansikka - wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca)ahoniitty - A glade which is large and rich enough to serve as source of hay for cattle.ahonoidanlukko - A plant, Botrychium multifidum.ahopaju - A willow (Salix starkeana)ahosuolaheinä - sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella)ahovahakas - butter waxcap, Hygrocybe ceraceaahrain - Alternative form of atrainahtaaja - longshoreman, stevedore (worker who loads and unloads ships in a harbor)ahtaaminen - verbal noun of ahdataahtaanpaikankammo - claustrophobiaahtaminen - verbal noun of ahtaa, cramming, stuffingahtauma - constrictionahtaus - stevedoring, stowage (action of stowing, especially of cargo)ahtaus - tightness (condition of not having sufficient space)ahtausliike - stevedoring companyahtaustyö - stevedoring workahtauttaminen - verbal noun of ahtauttaaahtautuma - Alternative form of ahtauma.ahtautuminen - verbal noun of ahtautuaahteri - sternahterikantti - aft side (the part of the deck or a structure that is in the aft of a vessel or is facing towards the aft)ahti - An act in the passion play.ahtisaarna - A sermon given during the Holy Week, the topic of which is taken of the Passions of Jesus.ahto - crammingahtoilma - The compressed intake air of a turbocharged engine.ahtojää - pack iceahtokulku - stretto (presence of two close or overlapping statements of the subject of a fugue)ahtopaine - manifold pressure, intake pressure, boost pressure (in a turbocharged engine, the air pressure in the intake manifold, increased above atmospheric pressure by the turbo)ahtoutuminen - verbal noun of ahtoutuaahven - European perch, Perca fluviatilis.ahvenanmaanlammas - Aland sheep (breed of sheep native to Aland Islands)ahvenheinä - water weed, aquatic weed (unspecified weedy aquatic plant, used e.g. of ahvenvita, järvisätkin)ahvenkala - perciform (a fish of the order Perciformes)ahvenkalat - the order Perciformesahvenmuhennos - perch stewahvenruoho - pond water-crowfoot (Ranunculus peltatus)ahvenvita - clasping-leaf pondweed, perfoliate pondweed, Potamogeton perfoliatus (globally widely distributed perennial aquatic plant)ai-ai - aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis)aiai - Alternative spelling of ai-aiaidake - fencelet (small fence or hedge, such as used e.g in gardens)aidanne - freely growing hedgerowaidanpano - fence building, fence constructionaidanrako - slit in a fenceaidanseiväs - fencepost, especially a long and slender one, such as used in the traditional riukuaitaaidanteko - fence making or buildingaidanvieri - The side of a fence.aidas - An individual piece of wood from which a traditional pole fence is made.aidaskääpä - A polypore, Gloeophyllum sepiarium.aidoittaminen - verbal noun of aidoittaaaie - An intention, intent.aiejulistus - declaration of intentaiennus - The act of bringing forward (in time).aientaminen - verbal noun of aientaaaiepöytäkirja - memorandum of understandingaiesopimus - letter of intentaihe - topic, subject, themeaiheellistaminen - verbal noun of aiheellistaaaiheellistuminen - verbal noun of aiheellistuaaiheellisuus - justifiednessaiheenvalinta - selection of topicaiheettomuus - unjustifiabilityaihehakemisto - topical indexaiheisto - Synonym of aihepiiri.aihekokonaisuus - an issue or a larger topicaihelma - motive (of an artwork)aihepiiri - subject matter (that which is made the object of thought or study)aihetodiste - A piece of circumstantial evidence; normally used in the plural (aihetodisteet) circumstantial evidence.aihetunniste - hashtagaiheuttaja - causeaiheuttaminen - verbal noun of aiheuttaa, causing, bringing aboutaiheutuminen - verbal noun of aiheutuaaiheutus - causingaihio - work in progress, unfinished work (any work that is not finished)aihki - A very old and slowly grown pine tree.aika - time (inevitable progression into the future with the passing of present and past events)aika-ajo - qualification, qualifying, time trialaika-alue - time domainaika-arvo - time valueaika-asteikko - time scaleaika-avaruus - spacetimeaikaansaamattomuus - unproductivenessaikaansaaminen - verbal noun of aikaansaadaaikaansaannos - accomplishmentaikaansaanti - accomplishment (act of accomplishing)aikaansaavuus - effectiveness, productivityaikadilaatio - time dilationaikadilataatio - time dilatationaikaero - time differenceaikaerorasitus - jet lagaikaeroväsymys - jet lagaikaihminen - Synonym of aikuinen.aikaikkuna - time frame, time windowaikaileminen - verbal noun of aikaillaaikailu - loiteringaikaisheteisyys - protandryaikaistaminen - verbal noun of aikaistaaaikaistuminen - verbal noun of aikaistuaaikaistus - The act of bringing forward (in time).aikaisuus - earlinessaikajakso - period of time, timespanaikajana - timelineaikajänne - Synonym of aikaväli (“timespan”)aikajärjestelmä - time standardaikajärjestys - chronological orderaikakatkaisu - timeoutaikakauppa - Synonym of termiinikauppa.aikakausi - age, era, epochaikakausjulkaisu - periodical (regularly issued thematic publication)aikakauskirja - periodical (voluminous periodical publication)aikakauslehdistö - magazines (the magazines, in the sense "periodical publication", collectively)aikakauslehti - periodical, magazine (publication that appears at fixed intervals)aikakauslehtiartikkeli - magazine article (artticle that is published in a magazine)aikakauslehtipaperi - magazine paper, newsprint paperaikakirja - chronicle (written account of events and when they happened, ordered by time)aikakone - time machineaikakoodi - time codeaikakysymys - Synonym of ajan kysymys.aikakytkin - time switch (switch that turns power on and off at specified times)aikakäsitys - sense of time, perception of timeaikalainen - contemporary (person)aikalaiskuvaus - contemporary description, contemporary accountaikalaskelma - time computation, time estimateaikalaukaisin - time triggeraikaleima - timestampaikalisä - time-outaikalukko - time lockaikaluokka - tenseaikamatka - trip through time, time travel (instance of traveling through time)aikamatkaaja - time-travelleraikamatkailu - time travelaikamatkustaja - time-travelleraikamatkustus - time travelaikamerkki - time signalaikamies - adult manaikamiespoika - An unmarried man who lives with his parentsaikamiina - Synonym of aikapommi.aikamitta - measure of timeaikamuoto - tenseaikamääre - unit of timeaikamäärä - amount of timeaikaohjaus - time control, timer controlaikaosuus - time-shareaikaosuusjärjestelmä - time-sharingaikapalkka - time-based pay (salary or wage that is paid in relation to the time worked rather than the result of work)aikapalkkainen - One who earns a time-based pay.aikapalkkaus - time-based pay systemaikapallo - time ballaikapalvelin - time serveraikapeli - A game in which at least one of the teams plays for time.aikapommi - time bombaikapula - lack of time, shortage of timeaikarahtaus - time charter (hiring of a vessel for a specific period of time)aikaraja - time limitaikarajoitus - time limit (duration beyond which something may not exceed)aikarauta - timepiece, watchaikasakko - time penaltyaikasarja - time seriesaikasarja-analyysi - time series analysisaikaskaala - time scaleaikasytytin - time detonator (detonator that activates after a pre-set period of time)aikasytytys - time detonationaikasyöppö - time sinkaikataso - time domainaikataulu - timetableaikatauluttaminen - verbal noun of aikatauluttaaaikataulutus - schedulingaikatiedotus - time announcement (recorded announcement of time)aikatutkimus - time studyaikatyö - Synonym of ansiotyöaikaurakka - A fixed-price contract to perform an assignment within an agreed period of time.aikautus - timingaikavakio - A time constant.aikavalotus - time exposure (exposure made by leaving a camera's shutter open for a period greater than a fraction of a second)aikavaras - time sinkaikavaraus - Synonym of ajanvaraus.aikaveloitus - charging by time, time charging, time-based charging (practice of billing the customer by the time spent on the assignment)aikavyöhyke - time zoneaikaväli - timespan, interval (period of time between two events)aikayksikkö - unit of timeaikido - aikidoaikmofobia - aichmophobiaaikominen - verbal noun of aikoaaikomus - intentaikuinen - adult (person)aikuisdiabetes - adult-onset diabetes; diabetes mellitus type 2aikuisdidaktiikka - andragogyaikuisikä - adulthood (time of life)aikuiskaste - adult baptismaikuiskasvatus - Synonym of aikuiskoulutus.aikuiskouluttaja - adult educatoraikuiskoulutus - adult educationaikuiskoulutuskeskus - A learning institution principally serving vocational training needs of adult population; variety of terms are used of similar institutions in the English-speaking world, e.g. center for adult learning in the US.aikuislapsi - manchild (adult human considered childish or immature)aikuislukio - high school for adultsaikuisneuvola - adult health clinicaikuisopettaja - adult education teacheraikuisopetus - adult educationaikuisopiskelija - adult learner (US), mature learner (UK)aikuisopiskelu - adult learningaikuisopisto - adult education institute, adult collegeaikuistuminen - verbal noun of aikuistuaaikuistuttava - an adult acquaintance (acquaintance who is an adult)aikuistuttu - Synonym of aikuistuttavaaikuistyyppi - adult type (of diabetes, etc.)aikuisuus - adulthood (time of life)aikuisviihde - adult entertainmentaikuisviihde-elokuva - adult movieaikuisviihdenäyttelijä - adult film actoraikuisviihdenäyttelijätär - adult film actressaikuisväestö - adult populationailahdus - A sudden change.ailahtaminen - verbal noun of ailahtaaailahteleminen - verbal noun of ailahdellaailahtelu - shift of moodsailakki - campion (a flower of the genus Silene)ailurofobia - ailurophobia (irrational fear or hatred for cats)aimara - An Aymara.aina - the string in the upper or lower edge of a fishing net or seine; line in a gillnetainaisjäsen - lifetime member (organization member who has earned the right for membership for the rest of their life, often by paying a high one-off fee)ainaisuus - eternality, perpetuityainaisvakuutus - lifetime insurance (insurance that is valid for the life of the insuree or the insured object)ainaoikeinneule - garment knit with the garter stitchaine - matter, material, substanceainedidaktiikka - subject didactics (didactics applied to one topic or subject)aineellinen hyödyke - tangible assetaineellistaminen - verbal noun of aineellistaaaineellistuma - abstract (something that concentrates in itself the qualities of something else)aineellistuminen - verbal noun of aineellistuaaineellisuus - materialityaineen häviämättömyys - conservation of massaineenkirjoittaja - essay writeraineenkoetus - material testing, materials testingaineenopettaja - subject teacher (teacher that specializes in teaching one or only a few subjects, in contrast to a luokanopettaja, a "class teacher", who teaches all or a majority of subjects to a class)aineenvaihdunta - metabolismaineenvaihduntahäiriö - metabolic disturbanceaineenvaihduntatauti - metabolic diseaseaineeton hyödyke - intangible assetaineettomuus - immaterialityainehiukkanen - immaterial particle, particleaineisto - material (text written for a specific purpose; a sample or specimens for study; related data of various kinds)aineistokoe - open-book examaineistonvalinta - choice of materialaineistotietokanta - material database, text databaseaineistuma - Alternative form of aineellistuma.aineistuminen - verbal noun of aineistuaainejärjestö - In a university, an association of students who study the same major.ainekirjoitus - essay writing, compositionainekoostumus - material compositionaineksenkeruu - material collectionaineluokka - A classroom specifically equipped for teaching a given topic.aineluokkajärjestelmä - A way of organizing a school such that there is a dedicated classroom for teaching each topic.ainemäärä - amount of substanceaineopinnot - intermediate studiesaineoppi - materials scienceaineosa - Synonym of ainesosa.ainereaali - a part of the Finnish matriculation exam testing knowledge in only one reaaliaineaineryhmä - group of substancesaines - materialainesana - material noun, mass noun, uncountable nounaineseos - mixture of substancesaineskokoelma - collection of materials (collection of materials for facilitating research, writing of encyclopedia etc.)ainesosa - ingredientainespuu - rough lumber, timber (wood suitable as raw material for industries)ainevalinta - course selection, selection of coursesainevirsi - Synonym of graduaalivirsi.ainevirta - material flowaineyhdiste - Synonym of yhdiste.aineyhdistelmä - Synonym of ainekoostumus.aino - Alternative form of ainu (“Ainu”)ainoalaatuisuus - Synonym of ainutlaatuisuus.ainoiskappale - unique piece (only one of its kind)ainokainen - singleton (single object)ainu - Ainu (person)ainutkertaisuus - uniqueness (state or quality of occurring only once)ainutlaatuisuus - uniqueness (state or quality of being unique or one of a kind)aioli - aioliaion - Alternative form of aioniaioni - eonairedalenterrieri - Airedale Terrierairfryer - Synonym of kiertoilmakypsennin (“air fryer”).airi - air fryer (kitchen gadget)airo - oarairokala - giant oarfish, king of herrings (Regalecus glesne), in Finnish the name species of the family Regalecidaeaironhanka - Synonym of hankain.aironlapa - oar bladeaironveto - stroke of oarairopari - A pair of oars.airue - heraldairut - harbinger, messenger, heraldairutkuvio - An ordinary (standard geometric design in heraldics).ais - A-sharpais-molli - A-sharp minoraisa - shaft (one of the poles between which an animal is harnessed to a vehicle)aisaaminen - verbal noun of aisataaisahevonen - poler (horse harnessed alongside the shaft or pole of a vehicle)aisakeinu - Synonym of kyläkeinuaisakello - shaft bell (bell attached to the shaft of a horse-drawn vehicle)aisankannatin - part of a harness that supports the shaftaisankannattaja - cuckoldaisapari - bedfellowaisaus - barking (stripping the bark from a tree)aisti - sense (any of the manners by which living beings perceive the physical world)aisti-ilmavalvonta - anti-air defense by senses or sensory perception, often both vision and hearingaistielämys - sensory experience (usually a positive one)aistihairahdus - Synonym of havaintoharha.aistiharha - hallucinationaistihavainto - sensory perceptionaistikkuus - eleganceaistikyky - sensory abilityaistillisuus - sensualityaistimaailma - physical world, existence (the part of the world that is observable by the senses; empirical reality; the substance of the physical universe)aistiminen - verbal noun of aistiaaistimuisti - sensory memory (brief storage of information (in memory) brought in through the senses; typically only lasts up to a few seconds)aistimus - perceptionaistin - sensor, sense organ (organ)aistinelin - sense organaistinsisältö - sense datumaistinsolu - receptor (type of cell)aistinta - sensing, perceptionaistittomuus - lack of sensesaistivaikutelma - sensory perceptionaistivamma - sensory impairmentaistivammainen - person with a sensory impairmentaistivammaisuus - condition of having a sensory impairmentaistiviallisuus - Synonym of aistivammaisuus.aistiylikuormitus - sensory overloadaistiärsyke - sensory stimulusaisuri - cuckaita - fenceaitaaminen - verbal noun of aidataaitajuoksija - hurdler (athlete)aitajuoksu - hurdling (act of running and jumping over an obstacle at speed)aitalanka - fence wire, fencing wireaitalikusteri - wild privet, common privet, European privet (Ligustrum vulgare)aitaorapihlaja - fanleaf hawthorn, Crataegus flabellata var. grayana, syn. Crataegus grayana (species of hawthorn commonly used in hedgerows, at least in Finland)aitapensas - hedge bush (type of bush planted to make hedges)aitaporras - stile (set of steps surmounting a fence or wall)aitariuku - pole for building a riukuaita (“roundpole fence”)aitaus - An area surrounded by fences; a yard, corral.aitaverkko - gauze, net used as a fenceaitio - box in a theatre or an auditorium etc.aitiopaikka - box seat (seat among a group of seats in an enclosure, as at a theater or stadium)aito murtoluku - proper fractionaito osajoukko - proper subsetaitoamaryllis - Synonym of amaryllis (Amaryllis belladonna).aitodelfiini - Synonym of delfiini (Delphinus delphis).aitohopea - Synonym of hopea (silver, sometimes used of silver-rich alloys to emphasize the difference to uushopea, nickel silver).aitohunajakukka - lacy phacelia, purple tansy, Phacelia tanacetifolia (annual herb used as cover crop, to attract bees or as ornamental plant)aitoja - hurdleraitojalohaukka - falcon (any of the birds of prey in the genus Falco)aitokana - Any bird of the family Phasianidae, including e.g. turkeys, grouse, pheasants, partridges and Old World quails.aitokissanminttu - catnip, Nepeta catariaaitokoi - tineid moth, fungus moth (moth of the family Tineidae)aitolehti - true leafaitolepakko - Vespertilionidae (family of bats)aitolialainen - Aetolian (person)aitomaksasammal - any liverwort of the order Jungermannialesaitominen - verbal noun of aitoaaitopihta - noble fir, Abies proceraaitopyöriäinen - Synonym of pyöriäinen (Phocoena phocoena).aitosammal - Any member of the moss subclass Bryidae.aitososiaalisuus - eusocialityaitosuomalainen - A supporter of aitosuomalaisuus.aitosuomalaisuus - A post-WWI nationalistic movement and ideology in Finland, which strived for further improvement of the status of Finnish language in national institutions, such as universities.aitosypressi - A graveyard cypress, Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, pencil pine, Spanish cypress or Tuscan cypress; Cupressus sempervirens.aitosyöpä - crown gall (disease of plants characterised by a tumour-like growth or gall on the infected plant, often at the junction between the root and the shootplants)aitotumainen - eukaryote (any of the species belonging to Eukaryota)aitotumallinen - eukaryoteaitotäpläpleko - suckermouthed catfish, Hypostomus punctatusaitoukonhattu - wolfsbane, monk's hood, Aconitum napelllusaitous - authenticityaitoustunniste - certificate of authenticityaitovieri - Alternative form of aidanvieriaitovirna - bush vetch (Vicia sepium)aitovyötiäinen - long-nosed armadillo (armadillo of the genus Dasypus).aitta - granary or other unheated farm storehouse of relatively firm build, used as a storage of various goods which are relatively valuable and not too voluminousaituri - A hurdler.aivastaminen - verbal noun of aivastaaaivasteleminen - verbal noun of aivastellaaivastelija - one who sneezes repeatedlyaivastelu - sneezing (repeated)aivastus - sneezeaivastuttaminen - verbal noun of aivastuttaaaivina - Line, the longer fibers of flax, heckled flax.aivipisto - overcast stitchaivo-selkäydinneste - cerebrospinal fluidaivoaine - brain matteraivofilmi - Synonym of aivosähkökäyrä.aivohalvaus - stroke (loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted)aivohermo - cranial nerveaivoinfarkti - strokeaivoinvalidi - Synonym of aivovammainen.aivoitus - A thought, idea.aivojenpesu - Synonym of aivopesu.aivojumppa - Synonym of aivovoimistelu.aivojuovio - corpus striatum (brain part)aivokaari - fornix (brain part)aivokalvo - meninx, cerebral meninxaivokalvontulehdus - meningitis (inflammation of the meninges, usually caused by a virus or bacteria)aivokalvotulehdus - Alternative form of aivokalvontulehdusaivokammio - ventricle (one of the four cavities of the brain)aivokapasiteetti - brain capacityaivokasvain - a brain tumouraivokierto - brain circulationaivokirurgi - brain surgeonaivokoppa - braincase, neurocraniumaivokoralli - brain coralaivokudos - brain tissueaivokuolema - brain deathaivokuollut - brain-deadaivokuori - cerebral cortexaivokuorialue - cerebral cortex area (any of the several areas of the cerebral cortex for which a specific function has been identified)aivokuorukka - putamenaivokurkiainen - corpus callosumaivokuume - encephalitisaivokuva - brain image (image of brain that shows its structure and activity)aivokuvaus - brain imaging, neuroimaging (generation of images that show brain structure and activity)aivokäyrä - electroencephalogramaivokääpiö - idiot, cretinaivoleikkaus - brain surgeryaivolisäke - pituitary glandaivolisäkkeen etulohko - anterior pituitary gland, anterior pituitary, adenohypophysisaivolohko - A lobe (division of the brain).aivolymfooma - cerebral lymphomaaivomato - cerebellar vermisaivomuuri - claustrumaivoneste - cerebrospinal fluid, brain fluidaivonesteviemäri - cerebral aqueductaivopaine - intracranial pressure, ICPaivopaise - cerebral abscessaivopesu - brainwashaivopieru - brain fart (something ill-considered)aivopoimu - gyrus (ridge or fold on the cerebral cortex)aivopuolisko - cerebral hemisphere, hemisphereaivopähkinä - brain-teaseraivopöhö - Synonym of aivoödeema.aivorakkula - brain vesicle, cerebral vesicle, encephalic vesicle (in the embryo of vertebrate organisms, any of the three transient, bulge-like features from which the brain and central nervous system develop)aivoriihi - brainstorming session, brainstormaivoruhje - cerebral contusion, brain contusionaivorunko - brain stemaivosaari - insula, insular cortex (structure in the brain)aivosairaus - encephalopathy (any of various conditions affecting the brain)aivoselkäydinneste - cerebrospinal fluidaivosilta - pons (part of the brain)aivosirppi - falx celebriaivosolu - brain cellaivosolukko - cerebral tissueaivosto - brains (collectively)aivosyylä - brain wartaivosyöpä - brain canceraivosähkö - brain electricity (any electrical phenomena that take place in the brain)aivosähköhäiriö - electrical disturbance in the brainaivosähkökäyrä - electroencephalogramaivosähkötoiminta - electrical activity of the brainaivot - brain (organ)aivotauti - brain disease (any disease of brain)aivoteltta - cerebellar tentorium, tentorium cerebelliaivotiede - Synonym of neurotiede (“neuroscience”).aivotieteilijä - Synonym of neurotieteilijä (“neuroscientist”)aivotoiminta - brain activityaivotrusti - brain trustaivottomuus - anencephalyaivotulehdus - encephalitisaivotuonti - brain gainaivoturso - hippocampusaivoturvotus - Synonym of aivoödeema.aivotutkija - brain researcher (anyone studying the brain)aivotutkimus - brain researchaivotyrä - encephaloceleaivotyö - brainwork, mental workaivotärähdys - concussionaivouurre - sulcus (groove on the surface of the brain)aivovaltimo - cerebral artery (any of the six arteries that distribute blood to the brain)aivovaltimotauti - cerebral arteritisaivovamma - traumatic brain injuryaivovammainen - brain-disabled personaivovaurio - brain damageaivovauriolapsi - brain-damaged childaivoverenkierto - cerebral circulationaivoverenkiertohäiriö - A stroke, cerebrovascular accident.aivoverenvuoto - intracerebral hemorrhage, hemorrhagic stroke, cerebral hemorrhage (sudden bleeding into the tissues of the brain, into its ventricles, or into both)aivoveritulppa - cerebral thrombosisaivoverkosto - reticular formationaivovienti - brain drain (migration of educated or talented people from less economically advanced areas to more economically advanced areas)aivovoimistelu - brain exerciseaivovuoto - brain drainaivovyö - cingulumaivoödeema - cerebral edemaajaantuminen - verbal noun of ajaantuaajaja - a driverajajainen - Synonym of painajainen (“mare; sense evil spirit”).ajallisuus - temporality (condition of being bounded in time)ajaminen - verbal noun of ajaaajan hammas - the passing of time as it has affected the validity or longevity of something; the test of timeajan henki - zeitgeistajan kysymys - matter of time, question of timeajan merkki - sign of the times (symbol of an era); often used in plural in Finnishajan nuoli - arrow of time, time's arrow (concept positing the "one-way direction" or "asymmetry" of time)ajanhaaskaus - waste of timeajanhaaskuu - wasting timeajanhallinta - time managementajanhenki - Alternative form of ajan henkiajanhetki - point in time, moment of timeajanhukka - A waste of time.ajaninkuusi - Jezo spruce (Picea jezoensis)ajanjako - allocation of timeajanjakso - period of time, eraajankohta - A point in time; date; also other time-related terms may apply.ajankohtaiset - short for ajankohtaisohjelma (current affairs program)ajankohtaislähetys - Synonym of ajankohtaisohjelma.ajankohtaisohjelma - current affairs program (type of program that typically covers news and events from around the world, providing analysis and insight into the stories of the day)ajankohtaistaminen - verbal noun of ajankohtaistaaajankohtaistuminen - verbal noun of ajankohtaistuaajankohtaisuus - currentnessajankulu - pastimeajankuluke - pastimeajankuva - portrayal of the periodajankuvaus - Synonym of ajankuva.ajankäyttö - time-use, use of time (utilization of time)ajankäytön suunnittelu - The process of allocating time for various tasks.ajanlasku - chronology (science)ajanluku - Synonym of ajanlasku.ajanmittaus - time measurement, measuring of timeajanmukaistaminen - verbal noun of ajanmukaistaaajanmukaistuminen - verbal noun of ajanmukaistuaajanmukaisuus - up-to-datenessajanmääritys - determination of timeajanottaja - timer (someone who times)ajanotto - timing (instance of recording the time of something)ajanottolaite - chronograph (device which marks or records time or time intervals)ajanpeluu - waiting gameajanpuute - lack of timeajansäästö - saving of timeajantaju - sense of time, perception of timeajantappo - killing time, wasting timeajantasaistaminen - verbal noun of ajantasaistaaajantasaistus - updateajantasaisuus - up-to-datenessajantasajärjestelmä - realtime systemajantasakäsittely - real-time processingajantilaus - time reservationajantuhlaus - waste of timeajanvaraus - appointment (arrangement for a meeting)ajanvarausjärjestelmä - appointment systemajanviete - pastimeajanvieteautomaatti - arcade gameajanvietekirja - Synonym of viihdekirja.ajanvietekirjallisuus - Synonym of viihdekirjallisuus.ajanvietelehti - Synonym of viihdelehti.ajanvietematematiikka - recreational mathematicsajanvieteohjelma - Synonym of viihdeohjelma.ajanvietepeli - entertainment gameajanvietto - spending timeajastaika - yearajastaminen - verbal noun of ajastaaajastin - timerajastus - timing (setting a timer)ajatar - An evil spirit in Finnish folklore.ajatelma - aphorismajatollah - ayatollahajattaja - One who makes someone to drive.ajattaminen - verbal noun of ajattaaajattelemattomuus - thoughtlessnessajatteleminen - verbal noun of ajatellaajattelija - thinkerajattelu - thinking, thoughtajatteluaika - Synonym of ajatusaika.ajattelukyky - ability to thinkajattelutapa - way of thinking, line of thoughtajatteluttaminen - verbal noun of ajatteluttaaajattelutyö - Synonym of ajatustyö.ajattomuus - timelessnessajatuksenjuoksu - thinking, train of thoughtajatuksenkulku - Synonym of ajatuskulku.ajatuksenriento - Synonym of ajatuksenjuoksu.ajatuksensiirto - telepathyajatuksenvapaus - freedom of thoughtajatuksettomuus - unthinkingnessajatus - thought (form created in the mind)ajatusaika - time to thinkajatusharha - delusionajatushautomo - think tankajatuskanta - opinion, point of viewajatuskartta - mind mapajatuskatko - A short blackout of memory.ajatusketju - chain of thoughtajatuskoe - thought experimentajatuskulku - train of thought (flow of thoughts)ajatuskupla - thought bubbleajatuskuvio - thought patternajatuskyky - Synonym of ajattelukyky.ajatusleikki - Synonym of ajatuskoe (“thought experiment”); also forms of "to play with the thought"ajatuslukko - brain fadeajatusmaailma - sphere of thought (person's thoughts, beliefs and ideas as a whole)ajatusmylly - Synonym of ajatuspaja.ajatuspaja - think tank, brain trustajatuspoliisi - thought policeajatusponnistelu - mental effortajatusrakennelma - thought construct (concept or model created by thought)ajatusrikos - thoughtcrimeajatussisällys - Synonym of ajatussisältö.ajatussisältö - meaning (concept or intentionthat a word, phrase or longer text denotes)ajatussuunta - school of thoughtajatustapa - way of thinkingajatusten Tonava - a person who has and expresses many ideas that are or turn out to be either nonsensical, pointless or even dangerousajatusten tonava - Alternative form of ajatusten Tonavaajatustenjuoksu - Synonym of ajatuksenjuoksuajatustenlukija - thought-readerajatustenluku - thought readingajatustensiirto - telepathyajatustenvaihto - exchange of ideasajatustoiminta - mind (non-material set of processes in which consciousness, perception, affectivity, judgement, thinking, and will are based)ajatustyö - mental workajatusviiva - dash (typographic symbol)ajatusvirhe - aberration, misconception (reasoning error)ajatusvoima - power of thoughtajatusvoimistelu - Synonym of aivovoimistelu.ajatusyhteys - Synonym of asiayhteys.ajatusyhtymä - association (connection in the mind or imagination)ajautuma - drift (instance of being drifted)ajautuminen - verbal noun of ajautuaajelehtiminen - verbal noun of ajelehtiaajelehtiva hylkytavara - flotsam, jetsamajeleminen - verbal noun of ajellaajelija - one who drives aroundajelu - ride (instance of riding a vehicle or in a vehicle, especially for pleasure)ajelureki - a sleigh designed for travel, often seatedajeluttaminen - verbal noun of ajeluttaaajettavuus - drivabilityajettuma - swellingajettuminen - verbal noun of ajettuaajetus - swelling (state of being swollen)ajin - ayin (sixteenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)ajo - drivingajo-ohje - driving directionajo-oikeus - right to drive, license to driveajo-olosuhde - driving conditionajo-ominaisuus - road handling performanceajo-opettaja - driving instructorajo-opetus - driving instruction (act of teaching a person to drive)ajoaika - drive timeajoaine - propellantajoakku - traction batteryajoankkuri - sea anchor, drag sail, drift anchor, drogue anchorajoeste - driving barrier, safety barrier, crash guardajoharjoittelu - driving practiceajoharjoittelurata - driving practice courseajohiekka - drifting sand, drift sandajoittaisuus - intermittencyajoittaminen - verbal noun of ajoittaa, timing, schedulingajoittuminen - verbal noun of ajoittuaajoitus - timing (regulation of the pace, especially that of the occurrence of a series of events)ajojahti - battue (form of hunting)ajojuhta - A horse, reindeer or other draft animal used to drag a carriage, sled or other vehicle for travel.ajojärjestelijä - transport coordinatorajojärjestely - transport coordinationajojää - drift ice<-- -->