Finnish nouns, part 113viemärikaasu - sewer gasviemärikaivo - gully, manholeviemärilaitos - sewerage systemviemärinavausjousi - plumber's snake (tool for opening clogged pipes)viemäripumppu - plunger, force cup, plumber's friend, plumber's helper (device consisting of a rubber suction cup and shaft, used to remove blockages from a toilet or sink by suction)viemäriputki - sewer pipeviemäriputkisto - sewer pipingviemärirassi - plumber's snake (tool for opening clogged pipes)viemärirotta - sewer ratviemäristö - sewer systemviemärisuoli - cloacaviemäriverkko - sewer systemviemäröinti - adding a sewer (to)vienalainen - a person from White Kareliavienankarjala - Synonym of pohjoiskarjalavienansara - wheat sedge (Carex atherodes)vienous - mildness, gentlenessvienti - exportvientiartikkeli - export productvientihinta - export pricevientikauppa - export sales, export tradevientikielto - export embargovientikiintiö - export quotavientikoulutus - export trainingvientikysyntä - export demandvientiliike - export agencyvientilisenssi - export licensevientiluotto - export creditvientilupa - export licensevientimaa - country of exportvientimaksu - export levyvientimalli - export modelvientimallisto - the range of models exported abroadvientimarkkinat - export marketvientimarkkinointi - export marketingvientimäärä - quantity exportedvientinäyttely - export fairvientipalkinto - export awardvientipalkkio - export refund, export premiumvientipolitiikka - export policyvientirajoitus - export restrictionvientisatama - port of exportvientisopimus - export contractvientisäännöstely - export regulationvientitakuu - export guaranteevientitavara - export, export good (something that is exported)vientiteollisuus - export industryvientituki - export subsidyvientituote - export (something that is exported)vientivoittoisuus - being export-dominatedviera - A roll of kenkäheinä.vieraantuminen - verbal noun of vieraantuavieraantuneisuus - estrangednessvieraanvara - hospitalityvieraanvaraisuus - hospitalityvieraanvoittoisuus - Synonym of vierasvoittoisuusvieraileminen - verbal noun of vieraillavierailija - visitorvierailu - visitation, callvierailuaika - visiting timevierailuasu - formal clothing, formal outfit (one that is suited for making visits)vierailukutsu - invitation to visitvierailukäynti - visit as a guestvierailunäytäntö - guest theater performancevieras - guest, visitorvierasaine - contaminant, foreign substancevierasainemetabolia - metabolism of foreign substancesvierasateljee - guest atelier, guest studiovierasesine - foreign body, foreign object (unwanted, intruding object or piece of matter)vierashuone - guest room, guestroomvierasjoukko - large number of array of guests or visitorsvierasjoukkue - visiting team, away team, visitor team, visitorsvieraskamari - guest bedroom, guestroomvieraskenttä - away field, away pitch, away court, away rinkvieraskielisyys - being in a foreign languagevieraskirja - guestbookvieraskoreus - excessive courteousnessvieraskutsut - invitation, social gathering where guests are invitedvieraskäynti - visit as a guestvieraslaji - introduced species, alien species (species that has spread to new habitats as a result of human activity)vieraslajisiirre - A xenotransplant (that which is transplanted in a xenotransplantation).vieraslajisiirto - A xenotransplantation (transplantation of an organ or part thereof from one species to another)..vieraslista - guest list, guestlistvierasmaalaisuus - foreignness, alienness (condition of being from another country)vierasmaali - away goalvierasmaja - guesthouse (separate small house to lodge guests, private or paying ones)vierasmies - witnessvierasottelu - away gamevieraspaikka - guest seatvieraspeli - away game, road gamevierasperäisyys - being foreign or of foreign originvieraspöytä - guest tablevierassana - borrowingvierassatama - Synonym of vierasvenesatamavierassänky - guest bedvierastaistelija - foreign fightervierastalo - guesthouse (separate house to lodge guests, private or paying ones)vierastaminen - verbal noun of vierastaavierastulva - flow or influx of guests or visitorsvierastunti - visiting hour(s), visiting timevierastupa - guesthouse, guest roomvierastyöläinen - guest worker, migrant workervierastyövoima - foreign workforce, foreign laborvierasvara - Synonym of vieraanvaravierasvenesatama - A marina that provides mooring and other services, usually for a fee, for visiting boats and yachts, as opposed to a private marina yksityinen venesatama, which may have comparable facilities but where visitors are not welcome.vierasvoitto - away winvierasvoittoisuus - the quality of being dominated by foreign aspects, foreignnessvierasvuode - guest bedvieraus - unfamiliarityviereisyys - adjacency (the quality of being adjacent)vierekkäin asettelu - juxtaposition, placing side by sidevierekkäisyys - adjacency, adjoiningnessvieremä - Synonym of vyörymävieremäläinen - a person from or living in Vieremävieri - side (region next to something)vierialue - adjacent area, area next to something elsevierihoito - rooming-in carevierimiskitka - rolling resistance (force that resists the rolling of a circular object )vierimisvastus - Synonym of vierintävastus.vierinkivi - bouldervierintälaakeri - roller bearingvierintävastus - rolling resistance (force that resists the rolling of a circular object)vieritin - slider, slideshow, scrollervierittely - rolling aroundvierittäminen - verbal noun of vierittää, rollingvieritys - rollingvierityspalkki - scroll barvieroittaminen - verbal noun of vieroittaa, weaningvieroitus - weaningvieroitusaika - weaning periodvieroitushoito - detoxification, cessation therapyvieroitusoire - withdrawal symptom, abstinence symptom (individual symptom of terminating the use of an addictive substance)vieroitusryhmä - withdrawal support groupvieroksunta - repulsion, dislikevierre - wort (liquid extract from the ground malt and grain soaked in hot water)vierto - rolling (the act of rolling something)viertokanki - a type of wooden rod used in slash-and-burn farming to move or roll timberviertotie - chaussee, chaussée (early, metalled, rural highway)vieru - slope, hillsidevierus - Synonym of vierustavieruskaveri - seatmate, person sitting next to someonevieruskulma - adjacent anglevieruskäsite - cohyponymvieruspari - adjacency pairvierusta - an area next to or by the side (of something else)vierustoveri - Synonym of vieruskaverivierustäyttö - backfilling (a foundation)vierähdys - elapsingvierähtäminen - verbal noun of vierähtää, elapsingviesti - messageviestihiihto - relay skiingviestijono - message queueviestijoukkue - relay teamviestijoukot - signal corpsviestijuoksu - Relay (race).viestijuoksujoukkue - running relay race teamviestijä - communicatorviestikalusto - communications equipmentviestikapula - baton (in relay races)viestiketju - A thread on a bulletin board or a newsgroup.viestikilpailu - A relay raceviestikomppania - signal companyviestikyyhky - Synonym of kirjekyyhkyviestilaji - relay sportviestilappu - note (short informal letter; piece of paper with a note written on it)viestilippu - signal flagviestimestaruus - relay championshipviestimestaruuskilpailu - relay championshipsviestimiehistö - signal corps, signalmenviestimies - signalman (private in the signal corps)viestin - medium (format for communicating or presenting information)viestinhiihto - Alternative form of viestihiihtoviestinjuoksu - Alternative form of viestijuoksuviestinjuoksujoukkue - Alternative form of viestijuoksujoukkueviestintuoja - messenger, message-bearerviestintä - communication (concept of exchanging information)viestintäala - communications industryviestintähallinto - communications managementviestintäjärjestelmä - communication systemviestintäkanava - communication channelviestintäkasvatus - media education, teaching media literacyviestintäkulttuuri - communication cultureviestintäministeri - minister for communicationsviestintäministeriö - ministry of communicationsviestintäneuvos - an honorary title of the second rank granted by the President of Finland to accomplished businesspeople in the communications industryviestintäoikeus - media law, communications lawviestintäpolitiikka - communications policyviestintäpsykologia - psychology of communicationviestintärikos - communications crime, communications offenseviestintäsalaisuus - secrecy of communicationsviestintäsatelliitti - communications satelliteviestintätaito - communication skillviestintätekniikka - communications technologyviestintäteknologia - communications technologyviestintätekokuu - Synonym of viestintäsatelliittiviestintäteollisuus - communications industryviestintätiede - communication sciences, communication studiesviestintätoimisto - communication agencyviestintätutkimus - communications researchviestintävaliokunta - standing committee (of the Finnish Parliament) on communicationsviestintävalmius - communication capacityviestintäverkko - communications networkviestintäväline - communication mediumviestintäyhteys - communication linkviestintäyhtiö - communications companyviestinuinti - Alternative form of viestiuintiviestinvaihto - exchange of messagesviestinviejä - messengerviestiosuus - leg (in a relay race)viestisovellus - messaging applicationviestisuunnistus - orienteering relayviestittely - exchanging messages, keeping in touch, communicatingviestittäjä - signaler, messengerviestittäminen - verbal noun of viestittääviestitys - communicatingviestiuinti - relay swimmingviestivoitto - relay winviestiväline - means of communicationviestiyhteys - communications (instance of information transfer; connection in order to communicate)viete - gradient, slopevieteri - spring (spring mechanism used as a power source)vieteriukko - jack-in-the-boxvietnam - Vietnamese (language)vietnamilainen - Vietnamese (person)vietteleminen - verbal noun of vietelläviettelevyys - seductiveness, temptingness, alluringnessviettelijä - seducerviettelijätär - temptress, femme fataleviettely - seduction (act of seducing)viettelys - temptationvietti - instinct (natural or inherent impulse or behaviour)viettienergia - energy associated with driveviettipohja - idvietto - celebrationviettymys - temptation, inclination, propensityviettäjä - celebrant, celebratorviettäminen - verbal noun of viettää, spending (of time, vacation)viettävyys - declivity, declinationvigilanssi - vigilancevigilantismi - vigilantismvigilia - vigilvigvami - wigwamviha - anger, fury, rage, wrath, ireviha-rakkaussuhde - love-hate relationshipvihaaja - hatervihaaminen - verbal noun of vihatavihaisuus - angrinessvihamielisyys - animosity, hostilityvihamies - enemy, foevihanlietsoja - hatemonger (one who encourages hatred)vihannes - vegetablevihanneskasvi - vegetable plantvihanneskauppias - greengrocervihanneskeitto - vegetable soupvihanneskrassi - garden cress, Lepidium sativum (plant and its leaves used in salads)vihanneslaji - variety of vegetablevihanneslajike - vegetable varietyvihannesleikkuri - vegetable slicer, vegetable choppervihannesmaa - vegetable patchvihannesmehu - vegetable juicevihannespalsta - vegetable garden, vegetable patchvihannespaprika - capsicum, peppervihannesportulakka - common purslane, verdolaga, red root, pursley, Portulaca oleraceavihannespunkki - red spider mite, two-spotted mite (Tetranychus urticae)vihannespuutarha - vegetable gardenvihannesruoka - vegetable dish, food made of vegetablesvihannessato - vegetable cropvihannessinappi - komatsuna (cultivar of Brassica rapa)vihannesspagetti - vegetable spaghettivihannessäilyke - vegetable preservevihannestarha - vegetable gardenvihannestori - vegetable marketvihannesvalmiste - vegetable preparation, vegetable productvihannesveitsi - vegetable knifevihannesviljelijä - vegetable farmervihannesviljelmä - vegetable garden, vegetable cultivationvihannesviljely - vegetable farming, vegetable cultivationvihannesviljelys - vegetable garden, vegetable cultivationvihanpito - feudvihanpurkaus - outburst of angervihantalannoitus - green manuringvihantalannoituskasvi - Synonym of viherlannoituskasvivihantarehu - green fodder, silagevihaposti - hate mailvihapuhe - hate speechviharikos - hate crimevihastuminen - verbal noun of vihastuavihastus - anger, wrath, ragevihdaskoivu - Synonym of vastaskoivuvihdonta - whipping with a vihtaviheliäisyys - wretchednessvihellys - whistlevihellyskonsertti - loud whistling or booing from a crowd as a form of protest or discontentvihellyspilli - whistle (device for whistling)vihelteleminen - verbal noun of vihellelläviheltäjä - whistlerviheltäjähiirihaukka - broad-winged hawk, Buteo platypterusviheltäjäsorsa - whistling duck (bird of the genus Dendrocygna)viheltäminen - verbal noun of viheltääviherala - landscaping sector, gardening sectorviheralue - greenspaceviherheikkous - deuteranomaly (form of color blindness in which the green cones have lower sensitivity than usual)viherhiukkanen - chloroplastviherhomejuusto - green mold cheeseviherhuone - greenhouse, conservatoryviheriö - A small lawn or garden.viheriöinti - being green or verdantviherjauho - grass mealviherjäsenruoho - annual knawel (Scleranthus annuus)viherkaava - greenspace planviherkaihi - Synonym of glaukooma (“glaucoma”)viherkaista - curb strip, planting strip, nature strip, tree lawn, sidewalk buffer; verge (UK) (grassy area between sidewalk and street)viherkasvi - green plant, greeneryviherkatto - grass roof, green roofviherkesanto - green fallowviherkobra - Cape cobra (Naja nivea)viherlakihapero - A brittlegill, Russula olivaceoviolascens.viherlannoitus - green manuringviherlannoituskasvi - green manure crop, green manure plantviherlevä - green algaviherluumu - A greengage.vihermarakatti - any primate of the genus Chlorocebusvihermehu - grass juiceviherminttu - spearmint, Mentha spicata.viherpeippo - European greenfinch (Chloris chloris, syn. Carduelis chloris)viherpesu - greenwashviherpeukalo - green thumbviherpiipertäjä - greenie, tree hugger (environmentalist, particularly a Green Party member or supporter)viherpipertäjä - Alternative form of viherpiipertäjäviherpippuri - green pepper (spice)viherrakentaminen - landscapingviherrys - greening (the act of becoming green)viherseinä - plant wallviherseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius venetus.vihersillihapero - A brittlegill, Russula elaeodes.vihersilmä - greeneye (any of the deep-sea fish of the family Chlorophthalmidae)vihersilta - green bridge (kind of wildlife crossing)vihersimppu - greenling (any fish of the family Hexagrammidae, of the northern Pacific)vihersimpukka - New Zealand green-lipped mussel, New Zealand mussel, greenshell mussel (Perna canalicula, Perna canaliculus; species of mussel native to and chiefly cultivated in New Zealand)vihersipuli - Synonym of kevätsipuli.vihersisustus - green decorvihersokeus - deuteranopia (form of color blindness in which the green cones do not work)vihersuunnittelu - landscape designvihertikka - A green woodpecker, yaffle, Picus viridis.vihertäminen - verbal noun of vihertäävihertävänkeltainen - greenish yellow (color)vihervasemmisto - green leftvihervassari - watermelon, a (left-wing) member or supporter of the Green League or Left Alliancevihervoirousku - A milk-cap, Lactarius olivinus.vihervyöhyke - green beltviherympäristö - green environmentvihi - In some traditional hunting traps, a fence that serves to guide the prey towards the trap.vihikoira - A bloodhound (breed of dog).vihivaunu - automated guided vehicle, AGVvihjailu - suggesting, implyingvihjaus - insinuation, implication, innuendo (hint or reference to a person or thing)vihje - hintvihjeistys - hintingvihjenuotti - cue notevihkialttari - wedding altarvihkijakkara - Synonym of vihkipallivihkijä - ordainer, officiant (person who can ordain or officiate a wedding)vihkikaava - wedding vowvihkikappeli - wedding chapelvihkikeskustelu - prenuptial discussion, prenuptial interviewvihkikirkko - wedding churchvihkikuva - wedding photovihkiminen - verbal noun of vihkiävihkimisjuhla - festival of dedicationvihkimiskaava - Synonym of vihkikaavavihkimistilaisuus - consecration ceremonyvihkimistodistus - marriage certificatevihkimistoimitus - wedding ceremony, marriage ceremonyvihkimys - ordination, consecrationvihkimäkaava - Alternative form of vihkikaavavihkimäristi - consecration cross; Synonym of vihkiristivihkimätodistus - marriage certificatevihkipalli - a stool used in a weddingvihkipappi - ordaining priest, celebrantvihkipari - bride and groom, couple who are just about to get or just got marriedvihkipiispa - auxiliary bishopvihkipuhe - wedding speech, wedding talkvihkipuku - wedding dressvihkiraamattu - a Bible given as a gift to a newlywed couplevihkiristi - consecration crossvihkiryijy - a heavy woven rug (ryijy) on which people traditionally got married in a weddingvihkiseremonia - wedding ceremonyvihkisormus - wedding ring, wedding bandvihkitilaisuus - wedding ceremonyvihkitodistus - marriage certificatevihkitoimitus - wedding ceremonyvihkivesi - holy watervihkivesiastia - holy water receptaclevihkiäiset - inauguration, dedicationvihkiäispuhe - dedication talk, dedication speechvihkiäistilaisuus - wedding ceremonyvihko - notebookvihkollinen - notebookfulvihkonen - bookletvihlaisu - stinging (hurting or figuratively)vihma - drizzlevihme - drizzle, (cold) rainvihmin - aspergillum (brush-like liturgical implement used to sprinkle holy water)vihmoitin - drizzler (device that turns a steady flow of liquid, such as water from a hose or tap, into a drizzle)vihmoittaminen - verbal noun of vihmoittaavihmominen - verbal noun of vihmoavihne - awnvihnemänty - Rocky Mountains bristlecone pine, Pinus aristatavihnesara - chaffy sedge (Carex paleacea)vihniö - a plant of the genus Aristidavihoittelu - being angry or madviholainen - Synonym of vihollinen (“enemy”).vihollinen - enemyvihollisalue - enemy territoryvihollisalus - enemy vessel, enemy craft, enemy shipvihollisarmeija - enemy armyvihollisasema - enemy station, enemy postvihollisjoukko - enemy force; (in the plural) enemy troopsviholliskansa - enemy nation, enemy peopleviholliskohde - enemy target, hostile targetviholliskone - An enemy aircraft, a bogey.viholliskuva - enemy imagevihollislaivasto - enemy fleetvihollisleiri - enemy campvihollislentokone - enemy airplane, enemy aircraftvihollislentäjä - enemy pilot, enemy flyervihollismaa - enemy countryvihollispartio - enemy patrolvihollispatteri - enemy battery (artillery)vihollispesäke - enemy pocket, pocket of enemy troopsvihollisrintama - enemy linevihollissotilas - enemy soldiervihollistaistelija - enemy combatantvihollisupseeri - enemy (military) officervihollisuus - enemyhood, enemyshipvihollisvaltio - enemy state, hostile statevihollisvoimat - enemy forcesvihreys - greennessvihreä - The color greenvihreä leski - grass widowvihreä papu - green bean (immature pod of common bean)vihreäkivi - greenschistvihreänharmaa - green gray (color)vihreänkeltainen - greenish yellow (color)vihreänsininen - greenish blue (color)vihreäsilmä - A green-eyed person.vihreäsilmäisyys - green-eyedness (quality of having green eyes)vihta - bath broom, a kind of whip made of birch twigs and used in the sauna to enhance the effect of heat by beating oneself with it.vihtahousu - Old Nickvihtiläinen - a person from or living in Vihtivihtori - A man supported by his wife.vihtrilli - vitriol (term traditionally used of some metal sulphates)vihtrilliöljy - sulphuric acid, H₂SO₄vihu - enemyvihulainen - Alternative form of vihollinenvihuri - strong gust of wind, gale, squallvihurirokko - The rubella or German measles.vihurirokkovirus - rubella virusvihvilä - rush (any plant of the genus Juncus)vihviläkasvi - any plant of the family Juncaceaeviidakko - thicketviidakkokana - red junglefowl (Gallus gallus)viidakkokissa - jungle cat, Felis chausviidakkokurkku - cucamelon (cucumber-like fruit native to Central America)viidakkopuhelin - Synonym of puskaradioviidakkorumpu - grapevine (informal means of circulating gossip)viidakkosota - jungle warfareviidakkoveitsi - macheteviidakon laki - law of the jungleviiden sormen alennus - theftviidennes - fifth (one of five equal parts of a whole)viides herätysliike - A revivalist movement born in 1920'sviidesluokkalainen - fifth grader, 5th grader, fifth-graderviidesosa - one fifth (fifth part)viihde - entertainmentviihde-elektroniikka - consumer electronicsviihdeala - showbusiness, showbiz (entertainment industry)viihdekirja - recreational book (book regarded as having chiefly recreational value)viihdekirjallisuus - entertainment literature (light literature primarily meant to entertain)viihdekonsertti - popular concert, entertainment concertviihdekulttuuri - popular culture, entertainment cultureviihdekuoro - recreational choirviihdekylpylä - entertainment spa, recreational spaviihdekäyttö - entertainment useviihdelehti - entertainment magazineviihdelukemisto - entertaining reading materialviihdemusiikki - easy listeningviihdeohjelma - entertainment programviihdeorkesteri - pops orchestraviihderavintola - entertainment restaurantviihdetaiteilija - entertainerviihdeteollisuus - entertainment industryviihdyke - pastimeviihdyte - Alternative form of viihdykeviihdyttäjä - entertainerviihdyttäminen - verbal noun of viihdyttääviihdytys - entertaining, entertainmentviihdytyskiertue - a tour (by an artist, actor, etc.) to entertain troops during a warviihteellistyminen - verbal noun of viihteellistyäviihteellisyys - entertainingnessviihteentekijä - entertainer (one who creates or produces entertainment)viihtyisyys - cozinessviihtyminen - verbal noun of viihtyä, getting on, getting along, enjoyingviihtymys - being entertainedviihtyvyys - comfort (quality of being found as comfortable, in the sense of providing agreeable conditions)viikari - scamp, crack, rascal, mischievous boyviikarointi - knavery (boyish mischief)viikate - scytheviikatekivi - scythe stone (whetstone designed for sharpening scythes)viikatemies - Grim Reaper (personification of death)viikatteenterä - scythe bladeviikatteenvarsi - snath, shaft of a scytheviikinki - Vikingviikinkiaika - The Viking Age.viikinkialus - Viking shipviikinkihauta - Viking graveviikinkikulttuuri - Viking cultureviikinkilaiva - longship (Viking sea vessel)viikinkipäällikkö - Viking chieftainviikinkiretki - Viking tripviikkaaminen - verbal noun of viikataviikkaus - folding (clothes)viikko - weekviikko-osake - weekly timeshareviikkoansio - weekly wage, weekly earningsviikkohoroskooppi - weekly horoscopeviikkojulkaisu - weekly publicationviikkokatsaus - weekly report, weekly reviewviikkokausi - week (especially for several weeks)viikkolehti - weekly (publication that is published once a week)viikkolepo - weekly restviikkoliite - weekly supplementviikkopalkka - weekly wageviikkopäivyri - weekly plannerviikkoraha - weekly allowance (especially from parents to children)viikkosiivous - weekly cleaningviikkotunti - weekly hourviikkotyö - weekly workviikkovilli - uncertainty of the present weekdayviikkovuokra - rent paid by the weekviikonloppu - weekendviikonloppuisä - weekend dad, weekend daddyviikonloppumaja - weekend house, weekend hutviikonloppumatka - weekend tripviikonloppuruuhka - weekend trafficviikonlopputyöskentely - working on a weekendviikonloppuäiti - a mother who meets her children (whose parents are divorced) on weekendsviikonpäivä - A day of the week.viikonvaihde - weekendviiksenalku - the beginnings of a moustacheviikset - moustache/mustacheviiksikalastaja - moustached kingfisher (Actenoides bougainvillei)viiksikarva - A single hair of a moustache.viiksilaatikkokuva - Synonym of laatikko-janakuvio.viiksilepakko - bat of the family Mormoopidae, known by common names mustached bats, ghost-faced bats, and naked-backed batsviiksimetsähiiri - eastern broad-toothed field mouse, Apodemus mystacinusviiksiniekka - moustached personviiksisiippa - whiskered bat (Myotis mystacinus, European species of bat)viiksisäie - barbelviiksitimali - bearded tit (Panurus biarmicus)viiksivaha - moustache waxviikuna - fig (fruit)viikunanlehti - fig leafviikunapuu - fig (tree or shrub)viila - file (cutting or smoothing tool)viilaaja - filer (one who files, or uses a file to remove sharp edges)viilaaminen - verbal noun of viilataviilaamo - filing room; a room in which filing, or smoothing with a file, happensviilaharja - file brushviilajauhe - filing (particles that have been removed by a file or similar implement)viilakala - filefishviilanpuru - metal filingsviilapenkki - Synonym of ruuvipenkkiviilari - filer (one who files)viilari - fender (cushion)viilaus - The act of filing (smoothing, grinding or cutting with a file), or the result of such act.viileke - carrying strap (particularly a shoulder strap)viilennys - cooling, chilling (causing to become cooler)viileskely - incising or slittingviilettäminen - verbal noun of viilettääviiletys - flying, speeding, careering (moving rapidly, especially without mechanical power on foot, bicycle, skis etc.)viileys - coolnessviileäkaappi - chiller, cooler (a refrigerator-like appliance that cools food, but is not as cold as a refrigerator; such a compartment in a refrigerator)viili - Nordic kind of sour milk, similar to yoghurt but less sour.viiliastia - dish or receptacle for viiliviilikulho - bowl of viiliviilipytty - A container in which viili is fermented.viille - Alternative form of viillosviillokki - fricassee (sliced, boiled meat - usually chicken or veal - in a white sauce, or its own gravy)viillos - slash, cutviilokki - Alternative form of viillokkiviiltely - incising, incision (the act)viilto - incision, slash, cut, slit, gash (longish, straight, sharp-edged opening resulting from incising, cutting etc.)viiltohaava - incision, incised woundviiltosara - acute sedge, Carex acuta.viilu - veneer (thin decorative covering of finewood applied to coarser wood or other material)viilupuu - laminated veneer lumberviilusaha - veneer sawviiluttaminen - verbal noun of viiluttaaviilutus - veneeringviima - strong, cold windviime hetki - last minuteviimeinen ehtoollinen - Last Supperviimeinen huuto - state of the artviimeinen niitti - the last strawviimeinen pisara - the last strawviimeinen rivi - Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see viimeinen, rivi.viimeinen saarna - last sermonviimeinen sana - final say, last word (final decision, or the right to make one)viimeinen silaus - finishing touchviimeinen tahto - testament, last will (legal document)viimeinen tuomio - Last Judgment, Final Judgmentviimeinen voitelu - extreme unction (sacrament of the Catholic Church)viimeiste - A finish or finishing substance applied to leather or textiles.viimeistelemättömyys - unfinishednessviimeistelijä - A polisher (one who refines or gives the finishing touch).viimeistely - finishingviimeistelyharjoitus - final training, final practice (before an event)viimeistelyleiri - finishing campviimeistelytyö - finishing work, completion workviimeistelyvaihe - finishing phaseviimeistys - finishing (textiles)viimeistäminen - verbal noun of viimeistääviimetorstailaisuus - Last Thursdayismviinabasso - low/deep voice caused by alcoholismviinahuuru - Alternative form of viinanhuuruviinahöyry - Synonym of viinanhuuruviinakauppa - liquor store (US); off-licence, bottle shop (UK)viinakeittiö - Synonym of viinapolttimoviinakortti - a card (once) used for personal identification in order to buy alcohol from Alko, the government-owned alcohol retail monopolyviinakota - Synonym of viinapolttimoviinakramppi - Rather the same as delirium tremens, but sometimes considered to possibly come during the drinking streak, and not during withdrawal. Symptoms are similar.viinakset - hard liquor and other hard alcoholic beverages collectivelyviinalesti - bottle of alcohol or boozeviinamäki - Synonym of viinitarha (“wineyard”)viinanhimo - thirst or lust for booze or alcoholviinanhuuru - alcohol fumes (referring to an event being defined by consumption of alcohol)viinanhöyry - Synonym of viinanhuuruviinanjuonti - drinking or consuming alcohol or liquorviinankeitto - production of liquor, especially when illicit; moonshiningviinanmyynti - selling liquorviinanpoltto - distillation of spiritsviinanvalmistus - manufacturing of alcoholic drinksviinapannu - moonshine stillviinapikari - Synonym of pikariviinapolttimo - distillery (place where distillation of alcoholic spirits takes place)viinapränni - Synonym of viinapolttimoviinapullo - bottle of booze, bottle of liquorviinapuu - Synonym of viiniköynnös (“vine”)viinapää - head for alcohol, ability to hold one's liquor or drink (one's tolerance of alcohol)viinaryyppy - shot or drink of an alcoholic drinkviinatehdas - liquor factory, spirit factory, distilleryviinatrokari - bootlegger (person who sells alcohol illegally)viineri - Danish pastry, danishviineripulla - Synonym of viineri.viinialue - wine regionviinibaari - wine barviinietikka - wine vinegarviinihapero - A brittlegill, Russula vinosa.viinihappo - tartaric acidviinihiiva - wine yeastviinikaappi - wine cooler (cabinet for storing wine in correct temperature)viinikarahvi - decanterviinikassa - Synonym of alkoholikassa (“a point of sale for alcoholic beverages”)viinikellari - wine cellar (storage for wine)viinikivi - potassium bitartrate, cream of tartarviinikulttuuri - wine cultureviinikumi - wine gumviiniköynnös - vine, grapevine (grape-bearing plant of the genus Vitis)viiniköynnöskasvi - any vine in the order Vitaceaeviinilaji - type of wineviinilasi - wine glass, wineglassviinilasillinen - glass of wineviinilista - wine listviinimaa - wine country (such as a country producing wine)viinimalja - winecup (vessel for drinking wine that is not an ordinary wine glass, e.g. one made of thick glass or other material than glass)viinimarja - currant (species of genus Ribes)viinimarjamehu - currant juiceviinimarjapensaikko - currant shrubberyviinimarjapensas - currant shrubviinimäkikotilo - Roman snail (Helix pomatia)viinimö - winery (place where wine is made)viininjumala - god of wineviininjäähdytin - wine cooler (table-top vessel for cooling wine)viininkorjuu - vintage (harvesting of a grape and initial pressing for winemaking)viininlehti - vine leafviininlehtikääryle - vine leaf rollviininpunainen - claret, burgundyviinintuntija - wine connoisseur, wine expertviininvalmistamo - winery (place where wine is made, wine processing plant)viininvalmistus - winemakingviininviejä - wine exporterviininvienti - exporting wineviininviljelijä - winegrower, viticulturistviininviljely - viniculture, viticultureviininviljelyalue - wine-growing regionviininystävä - oenophileviinioikeudet - B-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 22% of alcoholic content by volume)viinipikari - winecup (vessel for drinking wine, usually one that is not an ordinary wine glass, e.g. one made of thick glass or other material than glass)viinipullo - wine bottleviinipulloteline - wine rackviinipussi - wine pouchviiniravintola - brasserie (small, informal restaurant that serves wine as well as simple food)viiniruukku - wine jarviinirypäle - grape (the fruit)viinirypälemehu - grape juiceviinirypäleterttu - bunch of grapesviinisato - vintage (yield of wine during one season)viinisuolaheinä - A commercial name for punahierakka (“bloody dock”), Rumex sanguineus.viinitalo - winery (company involved in production and trade of wine)viinitarha - vineyardviinitarhuri - vinedresserviiniteline - wine rackviinitila - winery (farm on which wine is produced)viinitilkka - a dash of wine, a drop of wineviinitynnyri - wine barrelviinivaahto - zabaglione, sabayonviinivaahtokastike - zabaglioneviiniviljelmä - vineyardviiniviljelys - Synonym of viiniviljelmäviinivuosi - wine yearviinuri - wine waiterviipale - piece, sliceviipalekoulu - prefab schoolviipaleparakki - a temporary building, often built of a shipping container, that is used as a residence for construction workersviipaloiminen - verbal noun of viipaloidaviipalointi - slicing (act)viipalointitaktiikka - salami tactics (piecemeal removal or scaling back of something)viipottaminen - verbal noun of viipottaaviipotus - waving or rocking quickly and back and forthviippa - courser (bird of the genus Rhinoptilus)viipsinpuu - niddy-noddyviipurinrinkeli - A sweet pretzel spiced with cardamom and nutmeg, said to originate from the Franciscan monastery of the city of Vyborg.viipurinrinkilä - Alternative form of viipurinrinkeliviipyminen - verbal noun of viipyä, delayviipymä - delayviira - screen (woven material)viiraosa - wire section (of a paper machine)viirarulla - dandy rollerviiri - pennon, pennant, streamerviirikkö - division (subdivision of a squadron)viirisalko - pennant pole, pennant flagpoleviiritanko - pennant poleviirivehka - peace lily (plant in the genus Spathiphyllum)viiriäinen - common quail (bird Coturnix coturnix)viiriäisenmuna - quail eggviiriäiskoira - German Spanielviiriäiskyyhky - quail-doveviiriäispilli - quail pipeviiru - streak, scratchviiruhuitti - striped crake (Aenigmatolimnas marginalis)viirukutoja - streaked weaver (Ploceus manyar)viirulakkimuura - streak-crowned antvireoviirunuppiseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius glaucopus.viiruorava - striped squirrel (any Asiatic squirrel of the genus Tamiops)viirupöllö - Ural owl, Strix uralensis (species of owl)viirusilmä - cat, fox or other animal with eyes with linesviisari - pointer, hand (of a timepiece)viisasteleminen - verbal noun of viisastellaviisastelija - smartass, wiseguyviisastelu - wising off, being a smart-aleck/smart-assviisasten kivi - philosopher's stoneviisastenkivi - Alternative form of viisasten kiviviisastuminen - verbal noun of viisastuaviisaudenhammas - wisdom tooth (rearmost molar in humans)viisaus - wisdomviisikanta - pentagramviisikko - group of five; fivesome, pentad, quintuplet, pentupletviisikulmio - pentagonviisikulmioluku - pentagonal numberviisikymmenluku - fifties (1950s)viisikymmenmarkkanen - fifty-mark billviisikymmentäluku - The fifties, 1950s.viisikymmenvuotispäivä - fiftieth anniversaryviisikymppinen - fiftysomethingviisimarkkanen - five-mark coin or billviisiottelija - A pentathlete.viisiottelu - pentathlon (ancient athletics discipline).viisisatanen - five hundred euro, dollar, etc. billviisisointu - five-note chord, ninth chordviisitahokas - pentahedronviisivuotias - five-year-oldviisivuotiskausi - five-year periodviisivuotissuunnitelma - five-year planviisiö - five-room apartment (not counting the kitchen or bathroom)viismauste - five-spice powder (Asian spice mix)viiste - bevel, chamferviistehionta - bevel cutting, bevelingviisto - Synonym of viistäminenviistohammasnokkavalas - Andrews' beaked whale (Mesoplodon bowdoini)viistokaiku - Synonym of viistokaikuluotainviistokaikuluotain - side-scan sonarviistolasku - going down diagonallyviistoperä - hatchback (automobile body style with a rear door that swings upward to provide access to a cargo area)viistopinta - bezel surfaceviistopurje - A fore-and-aft sail.viistorivi - diagonal, diagonal lineviistosauma - scarf jointviistous - obliqueness, slantednessviistäjä - beveller (one who bevels)viistäminen - verbal noun of viistääviisu - songviisumi - visa (permit to enter a country)viisumipakko - visa requirementviisumivapaus - visa waiverviita - A thicket of young deciduous trees.viitahapero - A brittlegill, Russula gracillima.viitakerttunen - Blyth's reed warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum)viitapalsamirousku - A milk-cap, Lactarius glyciosmus.viitasammakko - moor frog (Rana arvalis)viitasara - Carex tenuifloraviitaseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius uliginosus.viitasirkkalintu - river warbler (Locustella fluviatilis)viitatiainen - marsh tit (Poecile palustris)viite - reference (academic writing: short written identification of a previously published work which is used as a source for a text; the work itself)viite-eheys - referential integrityviitealue - reference zone, reference area, reference bandviiteanalyysi - citation analysisviiteapparaatti - reference apparatusviitearvo - reference valueviiteavain - foreign keyviitehinta - reference priceviitehintajärjestelmä - reference price systemviitekehys - frame of referenceviitekirjasto - reference libraryviitekorko - reference interest rateviitemalli - reference modelviitenumero - reference numberviitepankkisiirto - bank transfer with a referenceviiteraja - reference limitviiteryhmä - reference groupviitetausta - Synonym of viitekehysviitetietokanta - reference databaseviiteväli - reference intervalviiteääni - reference tone (pure tone corresponding to a known frequency, and produced at a stable sound pressure level, usually by specialized equipment)viitoittaminen - verbal noun of viitoittaaviitoitus - signposting, marking with signs or signpostsviitonen - The digit fiveviitoslaisuus - A nickname for viides herätysliike.viitseliäisyys - bothering (to do something that is a minor inconvenience)viitta - sign (clearly visible object, generally flat, bearing a short message in words or pictures; especially one that points somewhere)viitta - cape, cloakviittaaminen - verbal noun of viitataviittaskunkki - hooded skunk (Mephitis macroura)viittatie - a road that has signsviittaus - raise of hand (hand movement to catch someone's attention, such as one made at school by a student when he/she wants to speak up)viittausapparaatti - Synonym of viiteapparaattiviittausjärjestelmä - reference system (system of adding references)viittaussuhde - point of reference, relevanceviittaustermi - Synonym of ohjaustermi.viitteellisyys - referentialityviittilöinti - waving, hailingviittoilija - waver, gesturer (someone who waves or gestures)viittoilijarapu - any crab in the family Ocypodidaeviittoilu - waving or signing (at)viittoilulippu - semaphore flagviittoja - signer (one who uses sign language)viittoma - sign (inguistic unit in sign language)viittomakielentulkki - sign language interpreterviittomakieli - sign languageviittomakielisyys - being in sign languageviittominen - verbal noun of viittoa, waving, hailingviiva - line (path through two or more points)viiva-numerokoodi - barcode with numbersviivahaku - line searchviivain - A ruler (measuring or drawing tool)viivaintegraali - line integralviivakaava - skeletal formulaviivakaavio - line chart, line diagramviivakoodaus - barcodingviivakoodi - barcodeviivakoodinlukija - barcode readerviivakuva - line art imageviivapaperi - lined paperviivapeli - line game, line drawing game; especially Join Fiveviivaperspektiivi - linear perspectiveviivapiirros - line drawingviivapiirustus - line drawingviivasalama - cloud-to-ground lightningviivaspektri - line spectrumviivasto - set of linesviivasyövytys - etchingviivattu sekki - crossed cheque, cross cheque (cheque with two transverse lines drawn across it, making it payable only through a banker to the person whose name is indicated on the cheque)viivaus - ruling, drawing linesviivavarjostus - line shadingviive - lag, delayviivelinja - delay lineviivoitin - ruler (measuring or drawing tool)viivoittaminen - verbal noun of viivoittaaviivoitus - hatching (method of shading)viivyttely - procrastinationviivyttäminen - verbal noun of viivyttää, delaying, postponing, procrastinating, putting offviivytys - delayviivytystaistelu - delaying action, delaying battleviivästely - repeatedly delayingviivästymisaika - delay timeviivästymä - delay, lagviivästys - delayviivästyskorko - penalty interest, default interest, statutory interest for/on late payment, interest on arrears, penal interest (punitive interest charged by a creditor, if installments are not paid according to the credit terms)vika - flaw, malfunction, failure, problemvikahälytys - false alarmvikailmoitus - fault report, bug reportvikakierre - a loop or spiral of failures or faultsvikapaikka - place of failurevikapisto - dropped stitch, mistakevikapää - guilty, guilty personvikasieto - fault tolerance, redundancyvikasietoisuus - fault tolerancevikasietotila - safe modevikasoitto - mistake call, call to a wrong numbervikatiheys - failure rate (frequency with which an engineered system or component fails)vikatikki - dropped stitch, mistakevikatilanne - failure conditionvikatilasto - fault statistics, failure statisticsvikautuvuus - failure rate (frequency with which an engineered system or component fails)vikavirtasuojakytkin - residual-current device, residual current circuit breaker, ground fault circuit interrupter, ground fault interrupter (device that disconnects an electric circuit whenever it detects an imbalance between the energized conductor and the return conductor)vikellys - vaulting, equestrian vaultingvikinä - whining, squeakingvikittely - luring, tempting, enticing, seducingvikkelyys - quickness, fastness, nimbleness, rapidnessvikla - Synonym of tundravikla (“buff-breasted sandpiper, Tryngites subruficollis”)viklo - Any small wading bird of the genus Tringa; the individual species within the genus are commonly called sandpipers, redshanks, greenshanks, yellowlegs, tattlers and willets in English.viktimologia - victimologyviktoriaani - Victorian (a person from the Victorian times)viktoriaanisuus - Victoriannessvikunja - vicuna, vicuñavikuripää - stubborn personvikurointi - bucking (kicking or resisting)vilahdus - flash, gleamvilahtaminen - verbal noun of vilahtaa, flashing, gleaming, appearing brieflyvilahtelu - glimpsing, glancing, flitting (repeatedly appearing briefly)vilaus - flash, tick (very short period of time)vilauttaminen - verbal noun of vilauttaavilautus - flashing (making visible briefly)vilinä - bustlevilistäjä - one who scurries or scuttlesvilja - grain, cerealvilja-aitta - granary (building)viljahirssi - proso millet, common millet, Panicum miliaceumviljakaskas - Delphax crassicornisviljakasvi - cereal grass, cereal plantviljakauppa - cereals trade, grain tradeviljakirva - English grain aphid, Sitobion avenaeviljakukko - cereal leaf beetle, barley leaf beetle, oat leaf beetle, Oulema melanopusviljakärsäkäs - A weevil of the genus Sitophilus, many of which are pests feeding with grain.viljalaari - grain binviljalaina - grain loanviljalaiva - grain shipviljalaji - cereal (type of grass cultivated for its edible grains)viljalajike - grain variety, crop varietyviljalyhde - sheaf of grainviljamakasiini - garner, granaryviljankorjuu - grain harvestingviljankuivaamo - grain drying buildingviljankuivatus - grain dryingviljankuivuri - grain dryerviljankylvö - sowing grainviljankylvökone - sowing machineviljanleikkuu - grain harvest, reapingviljanpuinti - threshing grainviljantuonti - grain or cereal imports, importing grain or cerealsviljanvienti - grain exports, cereal exportsviljanviljely - cultivation of grain or cerealsviljapehkiäinen - cadelle beetle, Tenebroides mauritanicusviljapelto - grain fieldviljapörssi - cereals exchange, grain exchangeviljaripsiäinen - rye thrips, Limothrips denticornisviljaruoka - cereal food (food made of cereal grains)viljasato - cereal yield or harvest, crop yield or harvestviljaseppä - An insect of the genus Agriotes within the family Elateridae (click beetles).viljasiilo - grain siloviljasäiliö - granary, grain binviljasäkki - grain sackviljasääski - saddle gall midge, Haplodiplosis marginataviljatatar - buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum (plant)viljateollisuus - grain industryviljatila - grain farm, cereal farmviljatuote - cereal productviljavainio - large grain fieldviljavalmiste - cereal preparationviljavarasto - granary, grain storageviljaviina - grain spirit (spirit distilled from grain)viljavuori - surplus of grainviljavuosi - grain year, crop year (usually used when speaking of a good or bad year in terms of production of grain or crops)viljavuus - fertility, soil fertilityviljavuustutkimus - soil fertility studyviljaympyrä - crop circleviljelijä - farmerviljelijäperhe - farming familyviljelijäväestö - farming populationviljelmä - plantation (estate or area of land designated for agricultural growth)viljely - culture, cultivation (of plants, especially edible plants of crops, or other organisms)viljelyaine - Synonym of kasvatusalusta.viljelyala - crop area, cultivated areaviljelyalue - area of cultivationviljelykala - farmed fishviljelykarkulainen - escapee (plant that has escaped from cultivation)viljelykasvi - crop, cultivated plantviljelykate - mulch, crop coverviljelykausi - growing season<-- -->