Finnish nouns, part 110vammaistuki - disability allowancevammaistyö - working with the disabled, work in disability servicesvammaisurheilija - disabled sportsman, disabled sportswomanvammaisurheilu - disability sport, disabled sport, parasport (UK); disabled sports, parasports (US) (sports participated by people with a physical disability)vammaisurheilulaji - disability sport; (US) disabled sport, parasport (sport played by people with a physical disability)vammaisuus - disabledness (state of being disabled)vammaisuusaste - degree of disabilityvammaisväline - a piece of equipment for the disabledvammantuottamus - negligent bodily injury (crime of causing personal injury to someone through negligence)vammautuminen - verbal noun of vammautuavammautus - crippling, disabling, maiming, injuringvampirismi - vampirismvamppaus - vamping, seducingvamppi - A vamp (woman).vamppu - spongevampyyri - vampire (mythological creature)vampyyrilepakko - vampire bat (bat of the subfamily Desmodontinae, which consists of three species that feed on blood)vampyyritursas - vampire squid, Vampyroteuthis infernalisvana - wake, trail, track (path left behind an object that moves through a fluid)vanadiini - vanadiumvanamo - twinflower (Linnaea borealis)vanavesi - wake (of a ship)vandaali - vandalvandalismi - vandalismvandalisoiminen - verbal noun of vandalisoidavandalisointi - vandalizingvaneri - plywoodvanerikoivu - birch for plywoodvanerilevy - plywood board, plywood panelvaneripuu - veneer woodvaneriteollisuus - plywood industryvanga - vanga (bird of the family Vangidae)vanginlukko - baguenaudier, Chinese Ringsvanginpuku - prison uniform, prison garbvanginvaatteet - prison clothes or garmentsvanginvartija - prison guard, guard, corrections officer, prison officer, jailer, warden, warder (one who guards inmates in a prison)vangitseminen - verbal noun of vangita, imprisoning, incarceratingvangitsemismääräys - writ of attachmentvangitsija - jailervangituttaminen - verbal noun of vangituttaavanha Aatami - Adam (original sin)vanha kirjasuomi - Old Literary Finnish, Early Literary Finnish (phase of the development of the Finnish language, around 1540–1810/1820)vanha koulukunta - Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see vanha, koulukunta. "old school (of thought)"vanha markka - the Finnish mark before it was reformed in the 1960'svanha parta - old manvanha pieru - old fartvanha raha - old money (families that have been wealthy for generations or members of such families)vanha valta - ancien régimevanhaemäntä - a female householder who is retired or who lives in the house with her daughter or daughter-in-lawvanhaenglanninbulldoggi - Olde English Bulldoggevanhaenglanninlammaskoira - Old English Sheepdogvanhahtavuus - datedness, archaicnessvanhainkoti - nursing home, rest home, old people's home, old-age home, rest-home, old folks' homevanhaisäntä - a householder who is retired or who lives in the house with his son or son-in-lawvanhakaupunki - old town (old part of a city or town)vanhalestadiolaisuus - Synonym of vanhoillislestadiolaisuusvanhanaikainen - a very well-known trickvanhanaikaisuus - antiquatedness, old-fashionednessvanhanpiianvero - spinster tax (a surtax levied on unmarried, childless individuals until the 1970s)vanhanpojanvero - tax for bachelors past marrying agevanhapiika - A spinster (unmarried woman who is past normal marrying age).vanhapoika - A bachelor who is clearly past normal marrying age.vanharouva - old ladyvanhasuomalainen - a member or supporter of the Finnish Party (1906–1918)vanhasuomalaisuus - the ideology of the Finnish Party (1906–1918)vanhat hyvät ajat - good old daysvanhauskoinen - Old Believervanhemmat - parentsvanhemmuus - parenthoodvanhempainetuus - parental allowancevanhempainilta - parent-teacher conference (taking place in the evening)vanhempainkasvatus - parental educationvanhempainkokous - parents' meetingvanhempainkoulu - parental schoolvanhempainloma - parental leave, or a holiday taken during suchvanhempainneuvosto - parents' councilvanhempainpäiväraha - parental allowance (paid by social security)vanhempainraha - parental allowancevanhempainvapaa - parental leavevanhempainvartti - parents' evening (short meeting between a parent and their child's teacher(s) to discuss the child's academic progress)vanhempainyhdistys - parents' association, parents association (formal organization composed of parents that is intended to facilitate parental participation in a public or private school)vanhempi - parentvanhempi konstaapeli - senior constable, constable, police constable (second lowest rank in the Finnish police force, above nuorempi konstaapeli and below ylikonstaapeli)vanhempi-lapsisuhde - parent-child relationshipvanheneminen - verbal noun of vanheta, aging, senescencevanhennus - making oldervanhentuminen - verbal noun of vanhentuavanhentumisaika - prescription, limitation, negative prescription (time period within which a right must be exercised, unless the right will be extinguished)vanhentumissääntö - statute of limitations (any law or clause in a contract that sets a time limit, after which a person may not be tried for a crime, or after which some other legal action may not take place)vanhentuneisuus - datednessvanhin - elder (e.g. village elder)vanhoillinen - A conservative.vanhoillislestadiolainen - Conservative Laestadianvanhoillislestadiolaisuus - Conservative Laestadianismvanhoillisuus - conservativenessvanhojenpäivä - the day during which vanhojentanssit takes placevanhojentanssit - a traditional dance ball that takes place in lukio for the students that are about to become the new seniors (third-year students) as the existing ones end classes to prepare for the matriculation examsvanhurskaus - righteousnessvanhurskauttaminen - verbal noun of vanhurskauttaa, making righteousvanhurskauttamisoppi - doctrine of justificationvanhus - senior, old personvanhusneuvola - elderly care centervanhusneuvosto - council for the elderlyvanhuspolitiikka - policy for the elderlyvanhustenhoito - eldercare, elderly carevanhustenhoito-oppi - Synonym of geriatriavanhustenhuolto - eldercare, elderly carevanhustenhuoltolaitos - the elderly care institutionvanhustenkerho - senior citizens' clubvanhustenneuvola - Alternative form of vanhusneuvolavanhustentalo - senior residencevanhustentauti - geriatric diseasevanhustyö - work with the elderly, care of the elderlyvanhustyöntekijä - elderly care workervanhuudenheikkous - An infirmity caused by old age, senility.vanhuudenhöperyys - senilityvanhuudenhöperö - dotardvanhuudenpäivät - the days of old agevanhuudenturva - security in old agevanhuus - age (the stage of life)vanhuuseläke - old-age pensionvanhuusikä - old agevanikka - crisp breadvanilja - vanillavaniljajäätelö - vanilla ice creamvaniljakastike - vanilla custard, vanilla saucevaniljakeksi - vanilla cookie, vanilla biscuitvaniljakiisseli - vanilla kiselvaniljasokeri - vanilla sugar (sugar with vanilla beans or sugar mixed with vanilla extract)vaniljatanko - vanilla bean, vanilla podvaniljauute - vanilla extractvanilliini - vanillinvanilliinisokeri - vanillin sugar; a mix of sugar with vanillin as opposed to real vanilla beans or vanilla extract, often as a cheaper alternative to actual vanilla sugarvanja - A Russian.vankeinhoito - correctional system, prison systemvankeinhoitoviranomainen - prison authority, penitentiary authorityvankennus - strengtheningvankeus - imprisonmentvankeusaika - captivity (period of being captive)vankeusrangaistus - prison sentencevankeustuomio - prison sentencevanki - prisonervankikarkuri - fugitive, escapeevankikarkuruus - being a prison escapeevankikoppi - prison cell, jail cellvankila - prisonvankilakapina - prison uprising, prison riot, prison rebellionvankilakirjasto - prison libraryvankilakundi - jailbird, convictvankilanjohtaja - prison wardenvankilaoikeus - prison tribunalvankilapako - jailbreak, prison escapevankilapappi - prison chaplain, prison priestvankilapsykiatri - prison psychiatristvankilapsykiatria - prison psychiatryvankileiri - prison campvankimielisairaala - psychiatric detentionvankiselli - prison cellvankistaminen - verbal noun of vankistaavankistus - making robust or sturdyvankityrmä - dungeonvankityö - prison laborvankkarakenteisuus - the character of having a robust build or structurevankkasara - greater pond sedge (Carex riparia)vankkumattomuus - staunchness, unflinchingness, steadfastness, unwaveringnessvankkurit - wagon (heavier four-wheeled vehicle)vankkuriteltta - wagon tentvankkuus - robustness, sturdinessvanko - a staff with a hook at one endvanna - bathtubvannas - share (part of plough)vannasluu - The vomer bone.vannasputki - stern tubevanne - hoop, band (of a barrel, or a similar ring used to bind an object)vannehaka - a tool used to attach the rim to a stave vesselvannehame - hoop skirt (women's undergarment)vannesaha - band sawvanneteräs - strip steelvannike - vol-au-ventvannominen - verbal noun of vannoavannonta - swearing, taking an oath, vowingvannottaminen - verbal noun of vannottaavannotus - the action of making someone swear (like an oath)vantaalainen - a person from or living in Vantaavantinlevittäjä - A spreader.vantteruus - sturdiness, heftiness, stockiness, fleshinessvantti - shroud (rope or cable serving to support the mast sideways)vanttiruuvi - turnbuckle, bottlescrew, rigging screwvanttu - Alternative form of vantusvanttuut - One or more pairs of knitted mittens or mitts.vantus - knitted mitten, mittvanu - cotton wool, absorbent cotton, wadding (soft fibrous cotton or wool)vanuatulainen - Vanuatuanvanujalkaseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius claricolor.vanukas - pudding (jelly-like dessert)vanukirjonta - matelassé embroideryvanulappu - cotton pad, cotton discvanumattomuus - unfeltednessvanuminen - verbal noun of vanuavanupuikko - cotton swab, cotton stick, Q-tip (US); cotton wool bud, cotton bud, ear bud (UK)vanuttaminen - verbal noun of vanuttaavanutukko - cotton pad, cotton swabvanutuppo - swab, cotton swabvanutus - fulling (making cloth denser and firmer by soaking, beating and pressing)vanutäyte - cotton waddingvapa - pole (long and slender object)vapaa - leave (from work, military service, etc.)vapaa käsipallo - cue ball in hand anywhere on the tablevapaa maailma - free worldvapaa mies - freemanvapaa mitta - free verse (poetic form divided into lines of no particular length or meter, without a rhyme scheme)vapaa morfeemi - free morphemevapaa muunnelma - A work based on another, but original enough to be considered independent of the underlying work's copyright; an original work inspired by another work, a transformative work.vapaa pääsy - free entry, free entrance (there's no fee for entry)vapaa radikaali - free radicalvapaa tahto - free willvapaa-aika - leisure, spare time, free timevapaa-aikatila - leisure or rest space or area, recreational areavapaa-aikatoimi - board of recreation (of a municipal government, etc.)vapaa-ajan akku - leisure batteryvapaa-ajan asunto - vacation home (US), holiday home (UK) (building or piece of property used as a secondary residence during vacations)vapaa-ajanasukas - a temporary resident who resides in an area during spare time, especially during the summervapaa-ajanasunto - Alternative form of vapaa-ajan asuntovapaa-ajanohjaaja - leisure activities directorvapaa-ajantoiminta - recreational activities, leisure activities (collectively)vapaa-ajanvaate - an article of leisurewearvapaa-ajattelija - freethinkervapaa-ajattelu - freethinkingvapaa-alue - free zonevapaaehtoinen - A volunteer (one who enters military or other service out of his free will).vapaaehtoistoiminta - voluntary activities, voluntary work, volunteeringvapaaehtoistyö - volunteering, volunteer workvapaaehtoistyöntekijä - voluntary worker, volunteervapaaehtoisuus - voluntarinessvapaaheitto - free throwvapaaheittoviiva - foul line, free-throw linevapaaherra - baronvapaaherratar - baroness (wife of a vapaaherra)vapaahetki - spare time, free time (especially brief periods of such)vapaailta - night off, evening offvapaajakso - grace or grace period (relief period for a debtor)vapaakappale - a copy of a work for legal depositvapaakappalekirjasto - legal deposit libraryvapaakappalelaki - legal deposit lawvapaakauppa - free tradevapaakauppa-alue - free trade areavapaakauppasopimus - free-trade agreementvapaakaupunki - free cityvapaakenttä - FreeCellvapaakiipeily - free climbingvapaakirkko - free churchvapaakirkollisuus - belonging to a free churchvapaakivääri - Synonym of vapaakivääriammuntavapaakivääriammunta - free rifle (former Olympic shooting event)vapaakytkin - freewheel clutchvapaakyyti - free ridevapaalasku - freeriding (snowboarding or skiing performed on natural terrain without a set course)vapaalippu - free pass, free ticketvapaalippulainen - person with a free pass or ticketvapaaluistelu - freestyle skating, freestyle ice skatingvapaalyönti - free hit (equivalent of free kick in some sports, like floorball)vapaamatkustaja - free rider, freeloadervapaamatkustajuus - the quality of being a freeloader or freeridervapaamielisyys - liberalnessvapaamuotoisuus - being free-form or informalvapaamuurari - a Freemasonvapaamuurarijärjestö - Masonic organizationvapaamuurariloosi - Masonic lodgevapaamuurarius - Freemasonryvapaaohjelma - freestylevapaaopisto - Synonym of kansalaisopistovapaaoppilas - student or pupil who did not have to pay for educationvapaaosake - a share also available to foreign investorsvapaaottelija - mixed martial artistvapaaottelu - pankrationvapaapaini - freestylevapaapalokunta - voluntary fire brigade (UK), volunteer fire department (US)vapaapalokuntalainen - volunteer firefightervapaapistooli - short for vapaapistooliammunta (“free pistol”) (former term for shooting event now called '50 meter pistol')vapaapistooliammunta - free pistol (former term for "50 meter pistol")vapaapotku - free kickvapaapäivä - holiday, day off (day off from work)vapaarytmisyys - being in free versevapaasatama - free port, freeportvapaasotilas - passed pawnvapaasukellus - free-diving (aquatic discipline in which divers attempt to stay underwater without breathing apparatus)vapaasukeltaja - free-divervapaat kädet - free rein, free handvapaataival - A walk.vapaatanssi - freestyle ice dancingvapaatekstihaku - full text search, free text searchvapaatunti - Synonym of hyppytunti.vapaauinti - Freestyle (swimming event).vapaavaltio - free state (political entity whose political status is less than that of a fully sovereign nation-state)vapaavarasto - free warehouse, free portvapaavarsi - free arm (on a sewing machine)vapaavarsikone - free arm sewing machinevapaavuoro - off shift, free time outside a shiftvapaavuosi - grace year (year as a grace period)vapaaääni - dial tone, dialling tonevapahdus - redeemingvapahtaja - redeemer, saviorvapahtaminen - verbal noun of vapahtaavapakalastus - rod fishingvapari - free (free kick)vapaudenaate - Synonym of liberalismivapaudenkaipuu - desire for freedomvapaudenmitali - medal of freedomvapaudenriisto - false imprisonmentvapaudenristi - Cross of Liberty (Finland)vapaus - freedomvapausaste - degree of freedomvapausrangaistus - custodial sentencevapaussota - war of liberationvapaussoturi - freedom fighter, freedom warriorvapaustaistelija - freedom fightervapaustaistelu - fight for freedomvapauttaja - liberatorvapauttaminen - verbal noun of vapauttaa, liberationvapauttava tuomio - acquittalvapautuminen - verbal noun of vapautua, liberation (state of being liberated).vapautus - liberationvapautusarmeija - liberation armyvapautusjärjestö - liberation organizationvapautusliike - liberation movementvapautusrintama - liberation frontvapautustaistelija - An ill or injured conscript who has been temporarily relieved of military duties for medical reasons or has been temporarily assigned a light duty profile.vapettaja - vaper (user of electronic cigarettes)vapina - shiver, tremorvapiseminen - verbal noun of vapistavapiti - wapitivappu - May Day, Labor Day, Walpurgis night (1st of May)vappuaatto - May Day eve (April 30th)vappuhattu - vappu (“May Day, Labor Day”) party hatvappuheila - a significant other (boyfriend or girlfriend) that one discovered on vappu (“May Day, Labor Day”)vappuhuiska - A stick with a large pompom or tuft on one end, held in one's hand (often, but not always, by children) and swung or shaken to celebrate vappu (“May Day, Labor Day”).vappuhumu - the party atmosphere in vappu (“May Day”)vappuilmapallo - May Day balloonvappujuhla - vappu (“May Day, Labor Day”) celebration, vappu (“May Day, Labor Day”) partyvappukulkue - May Day procession, May Day marchvappumarssi - May Day rallyvappunaamari - May Day maskvappupallo - May Day balloonvappupäivä - Synonym of vapunpäivä.vappuruoka - vappu (“May Day, Labor Day”) foodvappusima - sima (“mead-like drink”) for vappu (“May Day, Labor Day”)vappuviuhka - Synonym of vappuhuiskavappuyö - the night before May Day, May Day nightvapunaatto - Alternative form of vappuaatto.vapunpäivä - May Day (first day of May, a spring festival, a celebration of the beginning of the spring)vapunvietto - spending vappu (“May Day”)vara - reserve, backupvara-amiraali - An officer rank in the Finnish navy. The official translation is vice admiral.vara-avain - spare key, backup keyvaraaja - accumulatorvaraaminen - verbal noun of varata, reserving, bookingvaraamo - reservation officevaraani - monitor lizardvaraedustaja - alternate representative, deputy representativevarahenkilö - alternate, deputy, reserve, replacement (person)varainhankinta - getting funds, fundingvarainhoitaja - treasurer, fiduciary, comptroller, asset or financial managervarainhoito - finance (management of money and other assets)varainhoitokausi - budgeting periodvarainhoitovuosi - financial yearvarainkeruu - fundraising event, fundraiservarainkeräys - fundraiser, fundraising eventvarainkerääjä - fundraiser (person raising funds)varainsiirtovero - transfer taxvarajohtaja - deputy or vice head/leader/director/president/chairman/etc.varajärjestelmä - backup system, reserve system, redundant system (system that serves as a backup in case the main system fails)varajäsen - deputy member, supplementary membervarakkuus - affluence (moderate level of wealth)varakone - backup machine, spare machinevarakonsuli - vice consulvarakreivi - viscountvarakreivitär - A viscountess.varaktori - varicap, varactorvarakuningas - viceroyvaralaita - bulwarkvaralaskupaikka - emergency landing stripvarallaolo - being on call, being on duty, being on standby or reservevarallaoloaika - availability time (time that one is available in reserve or as a backup)varallaolokorvaus - on call compensation, on duty compensationvarallaolopäivystys - standby dutyvarallisuudensiirto - redistribution of wealthvarallisuus - wealth (valuable material possessions)varallisuusasema - financial position, financial conditionvarallisuusoikeudet - property rights (rights pertaining to the ownership and possession of a given piece of property)varallisuusoikeus - property rightvarallisuusrangaistus - monetary punishment, monetary penaltyvarallisuusrikos - Synonym of omaisuusrikosvarallisuusvero - wealth tax (tax based on one's wealth, including in principle all wealth, both fixed, movable and financial)varamiehistö - backup crew, reserve crewvaramiehitys - backup, reserve (group of people)varamies - substitute, reserve (reserve player)varanotaari - Synonym of oikeusnotaarivaranto - reserve (funds kept on hand to meet liabilities)varantovaluutta - reserve currencyvaranäyttelijä - understudy, standbyvaraosa - spare partvaraosamyyjä - spare parts salesman, spare parts salespersonvaraosamyymälä - parts shop, parts storevaraovi - emergency doorvarapalvelin - spare server, backup servervarapoistumistie - emergency exit, backup exitvarapresidentti - vice presidentvarapresidenttiehdokas - vice presidential candidatevarapuheenjohtaja - vice-chairman, vice-chairpersonvarapuhemies - vice chairman, deputy speaker; a title used of the deputy to the chair of certain bodies, such as a parliament, instead of the more common varapuheenjohtaja.varapyörä - spare wheelvarapääministeri - vice premiervararahasto - provision, reserve (money set aside for a future event)vararavinto - food reserves, bodily reservesvararehtori - vice principal, assistant headmastervarareitti - emergency route, contingency route, backup routevararengas - spare tire (US), spare tyre (British); spare wheelvarareservi - conscripts not in active service or the reservevararikko - bankruptcyvararikkoinen - bankruptvaras - thiefvarashälytin - burglar alarm (device)varasija - reserve spot (spot on a reverse or waiting list)varasjoukkio - band of thieves, gang of thievesvarasjoukko - band of thievesvaraskopla - gang of thievesvarasliiga - Synonym of varaskoplavaraslähtö - false startvarastaminen - verbal noun of varastaavarastelija - thief, one who steals repeatedlyvarastelu - Habitual or continuous thieving.varasto - stock, supply, storage, inventory (items available for use assembled in one physical or conceptual location)varastoalue - store area, storage areavarastoelin - storage organ (botany: part of a plant specifically modified for storage of energy)varastohotelli - storage hotel, rental warehousevarastohuone - storeroom (room used for storage)varastohylly - A rack in a warehouse, a pallet rack.varastoiminen - verbal noun of varastoidavarastoinninkestävyys - storage durabilityvarastointi - storage (act of storing goods; the state of being stored)varastointiaika - storage time, shelf timevarastointikustannukset - storage costsvarastoituminen - verbal noun of varastoituavarastokirjanpito - inventory accountingvarastokirjasto - repository libraryvarastokokoelma - stock collectionvarastokuoppa - storage pitvarastoluettelo - inventory, inventory list, stock listvarastomies - warehouseman, storemanvarastomyymälä - warehouse storevarastomyynti - sales from stockvarastonhallinta - inventory management, stock control (management of the timing and quantities of goods to be ordered and stocked by an organization)varastonhoitaja - stockkeeper, storekeepervarastonhoito - warehouse management, stock managementvarastonvalvonta - warehouse inventory controlvarastopaikka - storage placevarastopäällikkö - warehouse managervarastorakennus - storage buildingvarastorauta - Synonym of ferritiinivarastoravinto - Synonym of vararavintovarastosiilo - storage silovarastosolukko - storage tissuevarastotappio - stock loss, inventory lossvarastotauti - warehouse disease (disease affecting plants stored in warehouses)varastotavara - stored goods, goods in storagevarastotila - storage space, stowagevarastotuholainen - storage pestvarastotyöntekijä - warehouse worker; warehouseman, warehousewoman (person who works in a warehouse)varasuunnitelma - plan B, contingency plan, backup plan, fallback (alternative plan for the main plan or plan A)varasvalta - kleptocracyvarasänky - extra bed (lightweight, often foldable bed or cot used to accommodate occasional visitors)varatie - emergency passage, backup exit, back exitvaratoimenpide - Misconstruction of varotoimenpidevaratoimitusjohtaja - deputy managing director (UK), deputy president (US) (in a business, second in rank under the top executive)varattomuus - poverty, indigence, destitution, impecuniousnessvarattomuustodistus - certificate of inability to pay one's debts (which can be used as an argument against attachment or repossession)varattu sana - reserved wordvarattu-ääni - busy tone, busy signalvaratuomari - A formal title granted to a lawyer who has been trained on the bench and thus gained sufficient experience to act as a judge in a court.varauksellisuus - qualifiednessvarauloskäynti - emergency exit, alternative exitvarauloskäytävä - emergency exit, evacuation routevarauma - provision, reservationvaraus - reservation, booking (arrangement by which something is secured in advance)varauskate - Synonym of pintavarausvarauskyky - CV product, CV rating (capacitance multiplied by rated voltage)varausmetsä - a plot of forest set aside for a particular purposevarausnumero - booking number, reservation numbervaraustiheys - charge densityvaraustila - state of (electrical, etc.) chargevaraustunnus - booking or reservation code or numbervaraustupa - rental hut, reservable hutvarausyksikkö - allocation unit, block, clustervarautuminen - verbal noun of varautua, preparing oneselfvarautumiskyky - capacitance, capacityvarautuvuus - the condition of being precautionaryvaravarjo - reserve chute, reserve parachutevaraventtiili - Alternative form of varoventtiilivaravirta - backup power (power in case main power fails)varavirtalähde - powerbankvaravoima - backup power, emergency powervaravoimakone - emergency power generator (generator used to produce backup power)varavoimala - backup power plant, backup power stationvaravoimalaitos - peaker plant, peaking power plantvaravuode - extra bed (lightweight, often foldable bed or cot used to accommodate occasional visitors)varenikki - varenik, varenykvarenikliini - vareniclinevarfariini - warfarinvarhaisaamiainen - early breakfastvarhaisaamu - early morningvarhaisaste - early grade, early degreevarhaisegypti - Old Egyptianvarhaiseläke - early retirement pensionvarhaiseläkeläinen - early retirement pensionervarhaishistoria - early history, protohistoryvarhaisikä - early childhoodvarhaisjakelu - early distribution, early deliveryvarhaiskaali - early cabbagevarhaiskantasuomi - The early Proto-Finnic language.varhaiskasvattaja - early childhood educator, early childhood teachervarhaiskasvatus - early childhood development, early childhood educationvarhaiskausi - early period, early eravarhaiskeskiaika - Early Middle Agesvarhaiskevät - early springvarhaiskivihiilikausi - Mississippian (geologic period)varhaiskristillisyys - Early Christianity (period of Christianity preceding the First Council of Nicaea in 325)varhaiskuntoutus - early intervention. early rehabilitationvarhaiskypsyys - precociousness, precocityvarhaislapsuus - infancy (earliest period of childhood)varhaismetallikausi - early Metal Agevarhaisnuori - adolescentvarhaisnuoriso - adolescents collectivelyvarhaisnuoruus - adolescence, early youthvarhaisnykysuomi - Early Modern Finnish (phase of the development of the Finnish language, around 1810/1820–1870/1880)varhaisoire - early symptomvarhaispermikausi - Cisuralian, Lower Permian, Early Permian (earliest epoch of the Permian)varhaisperuna - early potato (potato harvested early in the season, small in size, with thin skin and delicate taste)varhaispunasolu - erythroblastvarhaisrenessanssi - early Renaissancevarhaisromantiikka - early Romanticismvarhaissipuli - spring onionvarhaissolu - immature cell (cell that is in an early stage of its development)varhaissuomi - Early Finnish (phase of the development of the Finnish language that lasted until 1540)varhaissyksy - early autumn, early fallvarhaistoteaminen - early detectionvarhaistuotanto - early work (such as of an artist)varhaisuus - earlinessvarhaisuutiset - early news (news broadcast held early, such as early in the morning)varhaisvaihe - early phasevarhennus - making earlier, pushing forwardvarho - groove (in wood)varhohöylä - Synonym of uurrehöylävarhopatsasrakenne - a type of structure for timber buildings where support columns for horizontal timbers stand on the groundvarhopatsastekniikka - the technique of using varhopatsasrakennevari - hot weathervari - var (unit of electrical power)variaabeli - variablevariaatio - variationvariaatiokerroin - coefficient of variationvariaatiolaskenta - calculus of variationsvariaattori - variatorvarianssi - variancevarianssianalyysi - analysis of variancevariantti - variantvaricella-zostervirus - Synonym of vesirokkovirus.varietee - variety theatervarietee-esitys - variety showvarieteetaiteilija - variety performervarieteeteatteri - variety theater, music hallvarikko - depot (storage facility, especially for motor vehicles or military supplies)varikkokäynti - A pit stop.varikkopysähdys - pit stopvarikoinen - A traditional sweet and sour rye bread.variksenmarja - black crowberry, Empetrum nigrumvariksenmarja-mustikkatyyppi - Empetrum-Myrtillus type (boreal forest type)variksenmarja-puolukkatyyppi - Empetrum-Vaccinium type (boreal forest type)variksenpelätin - A scarecrow.variksenpelätti - scarecrowvariksenpesä - crow's nestvariksenpoika - Synonym of variksenpoikanenvariksenpoikanen - crow chickvariksensaapas - foot that is chapped and darkened from extensive barefoot walkingvarilimppu - rye bread (limppu) sweetened in watervariointi - variationvariometri - variometer, rate-of-climb indicator, vertical speed indicatorvaris - hooded crow, grey crow, Corvus cornixvarislintu - A corvid (specific), a crow (common).varistaminen - verbal noun of varistaavariste - leaf spot (disease of currants and gooseberry caused by the fungus Drepanopeziza ribis)varistelu - sheddingvaristo - varietyvaristori - varistorvaristus - shedding, losing, dropping (e.g. leaves)varjagi - Varangianvarjeleminen - verbal noun of varjellavarjelija - guardian, keepervarjelu - protectingvarjelus - protection, defensevarjo - shadow (dark image projected onto a surface)varjoaine - contrast medium, contrast agent (any substance used in radiography to increase the visibility of internal structures)varjoainekuvaus - contrast radiographyvarjoaineröntgenkuvaus - contrast radiographyvarjoainetutkimus - contrast medium analysisvarjobudjetti - shadow budgetvarjoelämä - boring, empty lifevarjohaikara - hammerkop, Scopus umbrettavarjohallitus - shadow governmentvarjoisuus - shadinessvarjojuhla - shadow partyvarjokasvi - shade-loving or sciaphilous plantvarjokokous - shadow meetingvarjokuva - silhouettevarjoköynnös - Synonym of kissusvarjoliidin - paraglider (equipment; wing)varjoliito - paraglidingvarjoliitäjä - paraglidervarjolilja - martagon lily (Lilium martagon)varjolista - shadow molding/mouldingvarjonpuoli - Alternative form of varjopuolivarjonyrkkeilijä - shadowboxervarjonyrkkeily - shadowboxingvarjopaikka - place with shadevarjopankki - shadow bankvarjopuoli - dark side (that side of something that is away from the source of light)varjostaja - tail (surreptitious follower)varjostaminen - verbal noun of varjostaa, shadingvarjostin - lampshadevarjostuma - dark part (in a scan)varjostus - shadowingvarjotalous - shadow economyvarjoteatteri - shadow playvarkaudenestolaite - antitheft devicevarkaus - theft, larceny (the crime of unlawfully taking the property of another)varkausjuttu - theft casevarkausvakuutus - insurance against theftvarkautelainen - a person from or living in Varkausvarmat päivät - Vatican roulette, rhythm method (method of birth control)varmenne - certificate (public key certificate)varmenneviranomainen - Synonym of varmentaja (“certificate authority”)varmennus - confirming, verifyingvarmennuskoodi - verification code (on credit cards and such)varmentaja - confirmer, one who confirmsvarmistaminen - verbal noun of varmistaa, verifying, making sure, recheckingvarmiste - check bitvarmistelu - making sure, verifying, assuringvarmistin - safety (mechanism to prevent accidental operation of a firearm or other dangerous item)varmistuminen - verbal noun of varmistuavarmistus - check; the act of checkingvarmuus - certaintyvarmuusetäisyys - safety distance, safe distancevarmuusketju - security chainvarmuuskopio - backup (copy of a file or record stored separately from the original)varmuuskopiointi - backing up, taking backupsvarmuuslaite - security devicevarmuuslanka - security thread (a safety feature in banknotes)varmuuslasi - safety glassvarmuuslukko - security latchvarmuusparranajokone - safety razorvarmuuspartaveitsi - safety razorvarmuusvarasto - safety stockvarmuusvarastointi - stockpilingvarmuusväline - condomvaroaika - withholding periodvaroalue - thresholdvaroasento - defensive position, en gardevaroilmoitus - advisory, warningvaroitin - Any device that is designed to give a warning, a beacon or an alarm.varoittaja - warner (one who warns)varoittaminen - verbal noun of varoittaavaroittelija - one who warns (habitually or somewhat casually)varoittelu - warningvaroitus - warningvaroitusaika - the time of notice, advance notification or prior notification; the period of time given for someone or something to preparevaroitushuuto - warning cryvaroituskello - warning bellvaroituskolmio - warning trianglevaroituslaite - warning devicevaroituslaukaus - warning shotvaroitusmerkintä - warning label, warning markingvaroitusmerkki - warning symbolvaroitustaulu - warning plate, warning signvaroitusteippi - caution tapevaroitusvalo - warning lightvaroitusvilkku - warning beaconvaroitusväri - an aposematic colorvaroitusääni - warning sound, alarmvaroke - A fuse (in an electronic circuit).varokeino - precautionvaroketaulu - Synonym of sulaketauluvarolaite - safety devicevaromattomuus - incautiousness, recklessnessvarominen - verbal noun of varoa, being careful (of)varomääräys - precautionary ordervarotoimenpide - precautionvarotoimi - precautionvarovaisuus - caution, concern, care (state of being cautious)varovaisuusperiaate - precautionary principlevarovaisuustoimenpide - precautionary measurevaroventtiili - safety valve, relief valvevarovuus - Synonym of varovaisuusvarpa - thin wooden stick or rod; twigvarpaankynsi - toenailvarpaankärki - tip of a toevarpaanluu - A phalange or phalanx of the foot (bone).varpaanpää - tip of a toevarpaanväli - Synonym of varvasvälivarpaillaseisonta - standing on one's toesvarpaillenousu - getting on one's toesvarpaiset - Alternative form of varpajaisetvarpajaiset - A party arranged by the father of a newborn child to his male friends soon after the birth.varpapurje - spritsailvarpatanko - spritvarpe - bulwarkvarpio - A plant of the genus Cassiope.varppaaja - warping vessel (vessel designed for warping, or moving vessels around by hauling on a line or cable)varppaaminen - verbal noun of varpatavarppaus - warping (moving a vessel by hauling on a line or cable that is fastened to an anchor or pier)varppi - warp (line used in warping)varppiankkuri - kedge, kedge anchor (small anchor)varpu - twig, bare twigvarpukasvi - scrub plant, shrub plantvarpukasvillisuus - scrub vegetation, shrub vegetationvarpuluuta - besomvarpunen - sparrowvarpushaukka - a European sparrowhawk, sparrow hawk, sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisusvarpuslintu - a perching bird, passerine.varpusparvi - flock of sparrowsvarpuspöllö - Eurasian pygmy owl (Glaucidium passerinum)varrantti - Alternative form of warranttivarras - rotisserie, skewer (pin used to secure food during cooking)varrasgrilli - rotisserie (device, roasting rotating broiler)varrennos - grafted plantvarrennus - grafting (inserting a graft in a branch or stem of another tree)varsa - foal (young horse or equine)varsankello - nettle-leaved bellflower (Campanula trachelium)varsi - stalk (of a plant)varsieväinen - Any of the fish in the subclass Crossopterygii, which characteristically have fins at the end of short arms.varsieväkala - coelacanth (any fish of the order Coelacanthiformes)varsijousi - crossbowvarsijyrsin - end millvarsikenkä - boot (any shoe with a shaft)varsikirppa - A flea beetle of the genus Chaetocnema.varsikäsikranaatti - stick-shaped hand grenade, like the German Stielhandgranatevarsiluuta - besomvarsilyönti - a swing where the ball hits (close to) the handle of the batvarsimukula - pseudobulb, cormvarsinainen hylje - true seal, earless seal (seal of the family Phocidae)varsinainen koiperhonen - Synonym of aitokoi.varsinaiset hylkeet - nominative plural of varsinainen hyljevarsinaiskarjala - Karelian proper (dialect group of Karelian language)varsinaissuomalainen - a person from Southwest Finland (Varsinais-Suomi)varsipisto - stern stitchvarsisaapas - Synonym of varsikenkävarsiselleri - stalk celery, celery, Apium graveolens var. dulce (variety of celery grown for its crunchy stalks)varsisto - haulm, stems collectivelyvarsiterä - a disposable razorvarsiyökkönen - potato stem borer, rosy rustic moth, Hydraecia micacea (pest insect the larvae of which feed with a number of plants, includin potato)varsominen - verbal noun of varsoavarsottaminen - verbal noun of varsottaavarsotus - foalingvarsovalainen - Varsovian (person from Warsaw)varsta - flail (agricultural tool)varstasara - cyperus sedge (Carex pseudocyperus)vartalo - body, torso (main structure of a human or animal frame excluding the extremities)vartaloihanne - body idealvartalokontakti - body contact, body-to-body contactvartaloskanneri - full body scannervartalotaide - body art (art made on, with, or consisting of, the human body)vartalotyyppi - body typevartalovoi - body buttervartalovoide - body cream, body lotionvarte - graft (small shoot or scion of a tree inserted in another tree)varteenotto - considerationvartevuus - tallness, longness, stoutnessvartija - guard, security guard (a person employed to provide security for specific people or specific property)vartio - guard, watch (group of guardians)vartioalus - guard vessel, patrol vesselvartioasema - guard post, outpostvartioiminen - verbal noun of vartioidavartioimisliike - guarding services suppliervartiointi - guardingvartiointiliike - security guard companyvartiokierros - patrol roundvartiokoira - guard dog, watchdogvartiokoju - sentry box, pillboxvartiokoppi - sentry box, sentry-boxvartiolaiva - guard boat, patrol boatvartiolinnake - defense fort, guard fort, guard postvartiomies - guard, sentry, sentinelvartiomoottorivene - guard power boatvartionjohtaja - scout mastervartionvaihto - changing of the guardvartiopaikka - guardpostvartiopalvelus - guard service (service carried out by guarding)vartioparaati - guard paradevartiopäällikkö - captain of the guardsvartiorikos - criminal offense of neglecting one's military guard or sentry dutyvartiosotilas - guarding soldier, sentinelvartiosto - guard (squad, group or force responsible for protecting something)vartiotehtävä - guard duty, sentry dutyvartiotorni - watchtowervartiotupa - guardhousevartiovene - patrol boat, guard boatvartiovuoro - watch, vigil, guard dutyvarttaminen - verbal noun of varttaavartti - quartervarttikilo - a quarter kilogram, one fourth of a kilogramvarttitunti - quarter of an hourvarttuminen - verbal noun of varttuavaruillaanolo - alertnessvarus - equipment, armament, accessoryvarusaliupseeri - non-commissioned officer of clothing, clothing officervarusesine - a piece of military equipment given to soldiersvarushenkilö - conscript, drafteevaruskunta - garrisonvaruskunta-alue - military camp areavaruskuntakaupunki - garrison townvaruskuntapalvelu - Synonym of varuskuntapalvelusvaruskuntapalvelus - military service at a garrisonvaruskuntasairaala - garrison hospitalvarusmies - conscript, (male) draftee.varusmiesaika - conscription periodvarusmiesaliupseeri - a conscript that is a non-commissioned officervarusmieskortti - conscript cardvarusmiespalvelus - military servicevarusmiestoimikunta - conscript committee (a committee representing the interests of military conscripts)varusnainen - female conscriptvarusohjelma - any piece of software bundled with hardware to make it operational, such as BIOS or the operating systemvarusohjelmisto - systems softwarevarustaja - shipownervarustaminen - verbal noun of varustaa, equipping, supplying, fitting, outfittingvarustamo - shipping companyvarustautuminen - verbal noun of varustautua, equipping or preparing oneselfvaruste - A piece of equipment; accessory.varusteliivi - equipment vestvarustelu - armament (process of building up one's military capacity)varustelukierre - Synonym of varustelukilpailuvarustelukilpa - arms racevarustelukilpailu - arms racevarusteluteollisuus - armaments industryvarustetaso - level of equipmentvarustus - equipment, armamentvarusvarasto - armory, army supplyvarusväki - garrison, military crewvarvas - toe (digit, or something resembling it)varvasaskel - toe step (a step taken on one's toes)varvasastuja - A digitigrade.varvaskenkä - toe shoevarvaslauta - riser (vertical board on stairs)varvasluu - phalanx of a toevarvasmylly - post millvarvasnivel - toe jointvarvassandaali - flip-flop (sandal, secured to the foot by straps mounted between the big toe and its neighbour)varvassara - Carex glacialis (in Carex subg. Carex)varvasseisonta - standing on one's toesvarvassukka - toe sockvarvastanssi - toe dancevarvastossu - flip-flop, thong (Australia), jandal (NZ) (sandal, usually of rubber, secured to the foot by straps mounted between the big toe and its neighbour)varvasväli - the space between two adjacent toesvarvi - revolutionvarvikko - brush (vegetation)varvisto - Synonym of varvikkovarvukko - Alternative form of varvikkovarvusto - Synonym of varvikkovasa - fawn, calf (of e.g. a deer, elk or antelope)vasa - joistvasalli - vassalvasallikunta - vassal (administrative entity with lesser than state status that is vassal of another country or other superior power)vasallimaa - vassal state; more commonly vasallivaltiovasallisuhde - suzerainty (relation between states in which one is subservient to the other)vasallius - vassaldom, vassalage (state of being vassal)vasallivaltio - vassal state (state subordinated to another)vasama - bolt (short, stout, blunt-headed arrow)vasanmerkintä - marking of reindeer calvesvasara - hammer (tool)vasarahai - hammerhead (shark)vasarahinta - hammer pricevasarajuotin - hammer-shaped soldering ironvasarakirves - boat-shaped axe (created by a Neolithic culture in Finland)vasarakirveskulttuuri - Battle-axe culture, Corded Ware culturevasaraklaveeri - Synonym of fortepianovasarakoneisto - the hammer mechanism of a pianovasaralaite - a device using a hammer or hammersvasaraluu - A malleus.vasaramies - auctioneervasaramurskain - hammer crushervasaranisku - a blow of a hammervasaranvarsi - hammer handlevasaravarvas - hammertoevasaroiminen - verbal noun of vasaroidavasarointi - hammering (action)vasektomia - vasectomyvaseliini - vaseline, petroleum jellyvasemmisto - the left, the left wingvasemmistodiktatuuri - A leftist dictatorshipvasemmistoenemmistö - leftist majorityvasemmistohallitus - A leftist governmentvasemmistolainen - leftwinger, leftist (person who holds views associated with the political left)vasemmistolaisuus - leftismvasemmistolehdistö - left-wing press, left-wing mediavasemmistolehti - left-wing newspaper or magazinevasemmistoliike - left-wing movement, leftist movementvasemmistoliitto - Left Alliance (a Finnish political party)vasemmistopiiri - left-wing circle, leftist circle ("circle" in the sense of a social group)vasemmistopoliitikko - left-wing politicianvasemmistopolitiikka - left-wing politicsvasemmistopuolue - left-wing party (a political party that is regarded as being on the left)vasemmistosiipi - left wing (within a political party or organization)vasemmistovoimat - left-wing forcesvasenkätinen - One who is left-handed, a left-hander, southpaw.vasenkätisyys - left-handednessvasensuorajärjestelmä - aligning text on the same column, without indenting to separate paragraphsvasikanhyytelö - jellied vealvasikankyljys - veal chopvasikanleike - veal schnitzel, veal cutletvasikanliha - vealvasikannahka - calfskinvasikanpaisti - roast vealvasikanpyy - veal rollvasikanviillokki - veal fricasseevasikanviilokki - Alternative form of vasikanviillokkivasikanvuota - calf hide, calfskinvasikka - calf (young cow or bull)vasikkahaka - calf catcher (hook)vasikkahyytelö - jellied vealvasikkakarsina - calf penvasikkaturkki - calf furvasikoiminen - verbal noun of vasikoida, calvingvasikointi - calvingvaskaus - panning (act of one who pans, as for gold)vaski - Synonym of kupari (“copper”)vaskikala - sea stickleback (Spinachia spinachia)vaskikäärme - Synonym of vaskitsavaskinen - Leptoderma iridescensvaskipuhallin - brass instrumentvaskiseitikki - A webcap, Cortinarius saginus.vaskisektio - brass sectionvaskisoitin - brass instrumentvaskitsa - slowworm (Anguis fragilis)vaskiyhtye - brass sectionvaskooli - pan (wide receptacle used in gold washing)vaskuliitti - vasculitisvasodilaattori - vasodilator (drug othat causes dilation of the blood vessels thereby reducing blood pressure)vasoittaminen - verbal noun of vasoittaavasoitus - joistingvasominen - verbal noun of vasoavasonta - calvingvasopressiini - vasopressinvassari - a member or supporter of the Left Alliance; lefty, leftistvasta - bath broom, a kind of whip made of birch twigs and used in the sauna to enhance the effect of heat by gently beating oneself with it.vasta-aallokko - head sea (sea or waves of such the direction of which are opposite to the heading of a ship)vasta-aihe - contraindication (factor or symptom which makes a certain treatment inadvisable)vasta-aine - antibodyvasta-alkaja - beginner, novicevasta-alkio - inverse element, additive inversevasta-argumentti - A counterargumentvasta-aurinko - sun that is aheadvastaaja - answerer, person who answers or respondsvastaajapuoli - the defendant partyvastaamattomuus - being (left) unansweredvastaaminen - verbal noun of vastata, answering, replyingvastaanasettajalihas - opponens musclevastaanhangoittelu - resistance, opposition, obstruction, recalcitrancevastaanotin - receiver, set (device for receiving broadcast radio waves; a radio or television)vastaanottaja - receiver, recipientvastaanottajaiset - reception (social engagement, usually to formally welcome someone)vastaanottaminen - verbal noun of vastaanottaa, receivingvastaanottavaisuus - receptiveness, amenability, responsivenessvastaanottavuus - receptivenessvastaanotto - reception (act of receiving)vastaanotto-osasto - reception departmentvastaanottoaika - appointment (prearranged time to meet)vastaanottoapulainen - receptionist, reception clerkvastaanottoavustaja - Synonym of vastaanottoapulainenvastaanottohuone - reception room, reception hall, hallvastaanottojuhlallisuudet - reception ceremonyvastaanottokeskus - A facility run by the Ministry of Interior (sisäasiainministeriö) that accommodates arriving refugees and asylum seekers, officially translated into English as reception center.vastaanottokomitea - welcoming committee, reception committeevastaanottokoti - care center, hospicevastaanottokyky - absorptive capacityvastaanottolaitos - reception facilityvastaanottolupa - authorization to receivevastaanottopaikka - place of reception, place of acceptancevastaanottosali - reception hallvastaanottoseremonia - welcoming ceremony, reception ceremonyvastaanottotarkastus - acceptance inspection, acceptance testingvastaanottotodistus - acknowledgement of receiptvastaanottovirkailija - receptionist, reception clerkvastaanpanija - objector, opponentvastaanpano - opposition, resistancevastaantulija - oncoming person, oncoming drivervastaantulo - meeting in the middle, compromisingvastaantulolaina - a loan granted for saving some amount of moneyvastaava - a person responsible for something; manager, officervastaavuus - correspondingness, similarityvastaehdokas - rival candidate e.g. in an electionvastaehdotus - A counterproposal, counterproposition.vastaesimerkki - counterexamplevastahakoisuus - reluctancevastahanka - resistance, resisting<-- -->