Finnish nouns, part 1A-duuri - A majorA-infinitiivi - the first infinitive in FinnishA-molli - Alternative form of a-molliA-oikeudet - A-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 80% of alcoholic content by volume)A-pilari - A-pillarA-pylväs - A-pole (type of utility pole consisting of two legs)A-vitamiini - vitamin AAA-liike - The Alcoholics Anonymous (movement).ABC-ase - ABC weapon (atomic, biological or chemical weapon of mass destruction)AIDS - AIDSAIDS-potilas - AIDS patientAIDS-tukikeskus - AIDS support centreALS-tauti - Lou Gehrig's diseaseAMK - Short for ammattikorkeakoulu.AMP-deaminaasi - Synonym of adenylaattideaminaasi.ASP-laina - A first-time homebuyer loan backed by the Finnish goverment.ASP-tili - A savings account required to be eligible to get an ASP-laina (“state-backed first-time homebuyer loan”).AVI - Abbreviation of aluehallintovirasto. (regional state administrative agency)Aasian mustakarhu - Synonym of kauluskarhu.Abelin ryhmä - Abelian group, commutative groupAckermannin funktio - Ackermann functionAddisonin tauti - Addison's diseaseAlzheimerin tauti - Alzheimer's disease.Apollon - ApolloArkhimedeen kappale - An Archimedean solid.Armollinen Armahtaja - God, the merciful mercy-giver; the Most MercifulAs-duuri - A-flat majorAspergerin oireyhtymä - Asperger's syndromeAvogadron luku - Avogadro's numberAvogadron vakio - Avogadro's numberB-duuri - B-flat majorB-oikeudet - B-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 22 % of alcoholic content by volume)B-pilari - B-pillarB-vitamiini - vitamin BB-vitamiiniryhmä - vitamin B complexBB-voide - BB creamBMX-pyöräily - BMX, bicycle motorcrossBartholinin rauhanen - Bartholin's gland, greater vestibular glandBasedowin tauti - Synonym of Gravesin tauti.Beaufortin asteikko - the Beaufort scaleBechterewin tauti - Bechterew's disease (dated); ankylosing spondylitisBellin halvaus - Synonym of kasvohalvaus.Bellin pareesi - Synonym of kasvohalvaus.Bernoullin laki - Bernoulli's principleBig Mac - Big MacBosen–Einsteinin kondensaatti - Bose-Einstein condensateBowmanin kotelo - Synonym of keräsenkotelo.Brežnevin oppi - Brezhnev DoctrineBrownin liike - Brownian motionBézier-käyrä - Bézier curveC-duuri - C majorC-kasetti - compact cassette, cassette tapeC-oikeudet - C-license (in Finland, a license that allows an establishment to retail alcoholic drinks with up to 4.7% of alcoholic content by volume)C-pilari - C-pillarC-vitamiini - vitamin CCD - CD, compact discCD-R-asema - CD-R drive (short for Compact Disk-recordable drive, type of CD drive that can record on CD's)CD-ROM - CD-ROMCD-ROM-asema - CD-ROM driveCD-ROM-levy - CD-ROM disc, CD-ROMCD-ROM-peli - CD-ROM gameCD-kuvalevy - photo-CD (compact disc specially designed for storage and retrieval of images)CD-levy - A compact disc (optical disc used to store data)CD-levysoitin - Alternative form of CD-soitinCD-soitin - CD playerCD-standardi - CD standardCFP-frangi - CFP franc (West African currency)CP-lapsi - A child having cerebral palsy.CP-vamma - cerebral palsy (group of non-contagious conditions)CP-vammaisuus - The state or property of being CP-handicappedCV - curriculum vitae, resuméCalmette-rokote - BCG (tuberculosis vaccine based on Bacillus Calmette-Guérin)Cannizzaro-reaktio - Cannizzaro reactionCauchy-jono - Alternative form of Cauchyn jono.Cauchyn jono - Cauchy sequenceCes-duuri - C-flat majorChandrasekharin raja - Chandrasekhar limitCharpy-iskukoe - Alternative form of Charpyn iskukoe.Charpyn iskukoe - Charpy impact testCinemaScope - Alternative letter-case form of cinemascope.Cis-duuri - C-sharp majorCooperin testi - Cooper test (fitness test based on the distance a person runs within a set period of time, usually 12 minutes)Coulombin laki - Coulomb's lawCoulombin voima - Coulomb forceCowperin rauhanen - bulbourethral glandCro-Magnonin ihminen - Cro-MagnonCrohnin tauti - Crohn's diseaseD-duuri - D majorD-markka - D-mark, D-Mark (currency of Germany 1948 – 2002)D-pilari - D-pillarD-vitamiini - vitamin DDNA - DNADNA-siru - DNA chip (collection of microscopic DNA spots attached to a solid surface, used to recognize DNA present in a sample)DVD-levy - DVD (optical disc)DVD-soitin - DVD playerDaavidintähti - Misspelling of daavidintähti.Dasein - daseinDe Morganin laki - De Morgan's lawDeimos - Deimos (moon of Mars)Des-duuri - D-flat majorDoppler-ilmiö - Doppler effectDownin oireyhtymä - Down syndromeDownin syndrooma - Synonym of Downin oireyhtymä.E-duuri - E majorE-infinitiivi - the second infinitive in FinnishE-kausi - Clipping of erikoiskoulutuskausi.E-vitamiini - vitamin EEAN-koodi - EAN code (barcode composed according to the EAN standard)EKG-laite - electrocardiographELY-keskus - Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (official translation), often abbreviated as ELY Centre or, rarely, EDTE Centre.EP-levy - EP-recordEU-maa - EU country (member country in the European Union)Edwardsin oireyhtymä - Edwards syndromeEinsteinin kenttäyhtälö - Einstein field equationElliottin aalto - Elliott waveElmon tuli - St. Elmo's fire (electrical discharge, or corona, sometimes seen at mast tops of ships during thunderstorms, caused by ionization of the atmosphere)Erbin pareesi - Erb's palsyEs-duuri - E-flat majorEulerin lause - Euler's formulaEulerin φ-funktio - Euler's totient functionEuraasia - EurasiaEurooppatie - E-road (European road with an E-number)F-duuri - F majorFabergén muna - Fabergé egg (decorated egg made by the Russian jewelers House of Fabergé)Faraday-kiertymä - Faraday rotationFaradayn häkki - Faraday cageFehlingin liuos - Fehling's solutionFeynmanin graafi - Feynman diagramFibonaccin luku - Fibonacci numberFis-duuri - F-sharp majorFoucaultin heiluri - Foucault's pendulumFourier-muunnos - Fourier transformG-duuri - G majorGeneven sopimus - Geneva Convention (any of a set of four conventions which establish international law for conduct during war)Ges-duuri - G-flat majorGibbsin energia - Gibbs free energyGolgin laite - Golgi apparatusGravesin tauti - Graves' disease, Basedow's diseaseGreenwichin aika - Greenwich Mean Time, GMTGrignardin reagenssi - Grignard reagentGuadalupe-epookki - Guadalupian, Middle Permian (middle epoch of the Permian)Guillain-Barrén oireyhtymä - Guillain-Barré syndromeGödelin epätäydellisyyslause - Gödel's incompleteness theoremH-duuri - B majorH-kisko - H-shaped barH-teräs - H-shaped steel beamHDL-kolesteroli - high-density lipoproteinHI-virus - human immunodeficiency virus, HIVHIV - HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)HPA-akseli - Synonym of hypotalamus-aivolisäke-lisämunuaiskuoriakseli.HPG-akseli - Synonym of hypotalamus-aivolisäke-sukurauhasakseli.Hansenin tauti - Synonym of lepra.Heimlichin ote - Heimlich maneuverHelmholtz-resonaattori - Helmholtz resonatorHelmholtzin resonaattori - Helmholtz resonatorHerran pyhä ehtoollinen - Eucharist (sacrament and service in which it is enacted)Herran voideltu - the Lord's Anointed (king by divine right)Herran vuosi - year of our LordHertzsprungin-Russellin kaavio - Hertzsprung-Russell diagramHessen matriisi - Hessian matrixHiggsin bosoni - Higgs bosonHilbertin avaruus - Hilbert spaceHippokrateen vala - The Hippocratic oath.Hirschsprungin tauti - Hirschsprung's diseaseHisin kimppu - bundle of His, AV bundle, atrioventricular bundle (bundle of specialized heart muscle cells that transmit electrical impulses from the AV node in the heart to the muscle cells of the heart wall, which contract in response producing the heart beat)Hitler-viikset - Hitler mustache, Charlie Chaplin mustacheHodgkinin tauti - Hodgkin's lymphoma (type of malignant lymphoid neoplasm)Hubblen vakio - Hubble constantHuntingtonin tauti - Huntington's disease, Huntington's choreaHänen Majesteettinsa - His MajestyI-palkki - I-shaped beamI-teräs - I-shaped steel beamIP-osoite - IP addressItalian ympäriajo - Giro d'Italia (cycling event)Itä-Afrikka - East AfricaItä-Saksan markka - The official term for the former East German currency (until 1990), the East German mark or ostmark.J-kausi - Clipping of joukkokoulutuskausi.Janssonin kiusaus - Alternative form of janssoninkiusausJapanin aivotulehdus - Japanese encephalitisJapanin jättiherhiläinen - Japanese giant hornet, Vespa mandarin japonica (subspecies of the Asian giant hornet)Jazvan komi - Komi-Yazva (language)Jehovan todistaja - Jehovah's WitnessJotuni - Alternative letter-case form of jotuniJoulupukki - Alternative letter-case form of joulupukki (“Santa Claus”)K-vitamiini - vitamin KKainin merkki - mark of CainKamilla - a female given name, equivalent to English CamillaKeski-Atlantin selänne - the Mid-Atlantic RidgeKienböckin tauti - Synonym of lunatummalasia.Kievin kana - Alternative form of Kiovan kana.Kiina-ilmiö - China syndrome (nuclear meltdown).Kiina-keskisyys - SinocentrismKiovan kana - chicken KievKisurali-epookki - Cisuralian, Lower Permian, Early Permian (earliest epoch of the Permian)Kitkan viisas - A variety of small vendace (neulamuikku) living in Lake Kitka in north-eastern FinlandKleenen tähti - Kleene starKoivuniemen herra - birch (stick, rod or bundle of twigs made from birch, formerly used for punishing naughty kids)Kolmogorov-kompleksisuus - Kolmogorov complexityKorsakoffin oireyhtymä - Korsakoff's syndrome.Korsakoffin syndrooma - Korsakoff's syndromeKrebsin sykli - Synonym of sitruunahappokierto.Kristuksen taivaaseenastumisen päivä - Ascension Day (40th day after Easter)Kumlingen tauti - Synonym of puutiaisaivotulehdus.L-rauta - L-shaped piece of iron or metalL-teräs - L-shaped steel beam or steel pieceLA-puhelin - Synonym of lyhytaaltoradiopuhelin.LDL-kolesteroli - low-density lipoproteinLED - Alternative form of ledi (“LED”)LED-lamppu - LED lampLED-näyttö - LED displayLP-levy - LP, long-playing recordLVI-työ - home installation work, work to install a system or systems relating to heating, water or air conditioning; heating/water/air conditioning work, HVAC workLagrangen funktio - Lagrangian function, LagrangianLaplace-jakauma - Laplace distributionLaplace-muunnos - Laplace transformLeidenin pullo - Leyden jar (early capacitor)Lentokenttä - A district of VantaaLewyn kappale - Lewy body (abnormal aggregate of protein that develops inside nerve cells)Leydenin pullo - Alternative spelling of Leidenin pulloLissajous'n kuvio - Lissajous figureLombard-korko - Lombard rateLoping-epookki - Lopingian, Upper Permian, Later Permian (last epoch of the Permian)Lorentz-muunnos - Lorentz transformationLorentzin voima - Lorentz forceLou Gehrigin tauti - Synonym of ALS-tauti.Ludwigin angiina - Ludwig's anginaLymen tauti - Synonym of borrelioosi.MA-infinitiivi - the third infinitive in FinnishMAC-osoite - MAC addressMEP - MEP (Member of European Parliament)MM-kilpailut - Short for maailmanmestaruuskilpailut; world championship gamesMM-kisat - Short for maailmanmestaruuskisat; world championship gamesMS-tauti - multiple sclerosisMaan massa - Earth mass (unit of mass)Maavoimat - the Finnish Army (the ground forces of the Finnish Defence Forces)Mach - MachMachin luku - Mach numberMachin periaate - Mach's principleMaija Meikäläinen - Jane DoeMajakka ja Perävaunu - Laurel and Hardy (any inept, humorous duo)Maltan risti - Maltese cross (symbol)Mandelbrotin fraktaali - Synonym of Mandelbrotin joukko.Mandelbrotin joukko - Mandelbrot setMannerheim-risti - Mannerheim Cross, Mannerheim Cross of Liberty (Finnish military decoration)Marian ilmestyspäivä - AnnunciationMarianpäivä - Synonym of Marian ilmestyspäivä.Markovin ketju - Markov chainMarseille-saippua - Marseille soap (type of soap)Matti Meikäläinen - John Doe, Joe Average, Joe Public (hypothetical average or generic individual; the common man)Maxwellin demoni - Maxwell's demonMefistofeles - Synonym of Mefisto.Meibomin rauhanen - meibomian glandMeretojan tauti - Meretoja's disease, Meretoja syndromeMerkelin solu - Merkel cellMississippi-kausi - Mississippian (geologic period from about 359 to 318 million years ago)Molotovin cocktail - Alternative form of Molotovin koktailiMolotovin koktaili - Molotov cocktail (simple incendiary weapon)Molotovin leipäkori - Molotov bread basket (nickname of RRAB-3, a Soviet-made droppable bomb dispenser that was designed to scatter 100 or more incendiary bombs around)Monte Carlo -menetelmä - Monte Carlo methodMooren laki - Moore's lawMorsen aakkonen - Synonym of morseaakkonen.Musta Maija - The queen of spades in the card game mustamaija.Ménièren tauti - Ménière's diseaseMöbiuksen nauha - Möbius stripMöbiuksen oireyhtymä - Moebius syndromeMöbiuksen syndrooma - Synonym of Möbiuksen oireyhtymä.Naberežnyje Tšelny - Naberezhnye Chelny (a city in Russia)Natura-alue - A protected natural area that belongs to Natura 2000, a European Union network established to protect the most seriously threatened habitats and species across Europe.Neva - Neva (a river in Russia)Nooan arkki - Noah's arkNutikka - a Finnish surnameO-aukko - O neckline, O-neckline (O-shaped neckline)O-pääntie - O neckline, O-neckline (O-shaped neckline)Occamin partaveitsi - Occam's razorOmaha-pokeri - Omaha hold 'em (variant of poker)Oolannin sota - A British-French naval campaign along the Finnish coasts during the Crimean War in 1854 and 1855.Ouija-lauta - Ouija boardP-kausi - Clipping of peruskoulutuskausi.P/E-luku - price-earnings ratio, PE ratio, P-E ratio (ratio of share price to earnings per share used as an indication of the relative value of the share)PKV-lääke - CNS drug, central nervous system drug, central nervous system agentPR-kampanja - PR campaignPR-mies - PR manPR-nainen - PR womanPR-osasto - PR departmentPR-toimisto - PR agencyPVR-laite - personal video recorder, PVR (device that can record video from various sources for subsequent playback through a television set)Papa-koe - Alternative form of papakoe (“Pap test”)Papa-näyte - Alternative form of papanäyte (“Pap sample”).Parkinsonin tauti - Parkinson's diseasePascalin kolmio - Pascal's trianglePaulin kieltosääntö - Pauli exclusion principlePekingin ankka - Peking duck (traditional Chinese dish)Pekka-peli - A children's card game similar to Old Maid / old maid, in which cards must be paired and one undesirable card is designated "Pekka" ("Old Maid" in the English/American game).Permin komi - Synonym of komipermjakki.Phobos - Phobos (moon of Mars)Pihtiputaan mummo - Joe Average, John Q. Public, man on the Clapham omnibusPlatonin kappale - A Platonic solid.Potemkinin kulissi - Potemkin villageProkrusteen vuode - procrustean bed (arbitrary standard)Prusikin solmu - prusik (hitch)Pyhän Kolminaisuuden päivä - Trinity SundayPyrrhoksen voitto - Pyrrhic victory (very costly victory)Pythagoras - PythagorasQ-kuume - Q fever (infectious disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii)QAM-modulointi - quadrature amplitude modulationRNA-polymeraasi - RNA polymeraseRaakeli - a female given nameRaakkeli - a female given nameRanvier'n kurouma - Alternative form of Ranvierin kurouma.Ranvierin kurouma - node of RanvierRay-Banit - The glasses of Ray-BanRaynaud'n oireyhtymä - Raynaud's diseaseRaynaudin oireyhtymä - Alternative spelling of Raynaud’n oireyhtymä.Rh-tekijä - The Rhesus factor.Rubikin kuutio - Rubik's cubeSARS - SARS: severe acute respiratory syndromeSI-järjestelmä - The International System of Units (abbreviated SI).SI-yksikkö - SI unit (a unit in SI system)Saksan markka - The official term for the former German currency (until 2002), the German mark or Deutschmark.Salpausselkä - any one of three major ridge systems in FinlandSchengen - Schengen (a town in Luxembourg)Schengen-alue - Schengen AreaSharpen luku - Sharpe ratioSokeritoppa - Sugarloaf Mountain (famous mountain in Rio de Janeiro)Studentin t-jakauma - Student's t distributionSuomen markka - The official term for the currency of Finland between 1860 and 2002, until it was replaced by the euro.Suomen romanikieli - Kalo Finnish Romani (language spoken by the Finnish Roma)T-kahva - T-handle (tool handle shaped like the letter T for a stronger grip)T-luupihvi - T-bone steakT-paita - T-shirtT-palkki - T-beam (beam with cross-section shaped like the capital letter T)T-risteys - T-junctionT-viivain - T-square (rule with a short perpendicular crosspiece at one end)TE-keskus - A regional office of työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö (“Ministry of Employment and the Economy”), discontinued in 2010 and merged with offices of two other ministries to ELY-keskus.TV - TV (abbreviation for television)TV-opas - TV guideTel Megiddo - Mount MegiddoTexas - Texas (a state of the United States)Transiitti - a Ford Transit automobileTroijan hevonen - Trojan horseTroijan puuhevonen - Synonym of Troijan hevonenTuomasmessu - A mass that is less formal than most masses, characterized by more lively and possibly experimental music and a more social nature, which is popular with young adults and adolescents.Tuonela - Alternative letter-case form of tuonela (“underworld in Finnish mythology”)Turingin kone - Turing machineTšehovin ase - Chekhov's gunTšerenkovin säteily - Cerenkov radiationU-arvo - U-valueU-käännös - U-turnU-laakso - A U-shaped valley.U-palkki - U-beam (beam with cross-section resembling the letter U with square corners)UKK - FAQ; initialism of usein kysyttyjä kysymyksiä (“frequently asked questions”).V-aukko - V neckline, V-neckline (V-shaped neckline)V-laakso - A V-shaped valley.V-moottori - V engine, V-engine (type of motor in which the cylinders are arranged in a V shape)V-pääntie - V neckline, V-neckline (V-shaped neckline)V-tyyli - V-technique (ski-jumping technique)VMTL - Initialism of vapautus marssi-, taistelu- ja liikuntakoulutuksesta (“exemption from march, battle and physical education”).VR - VR; virtual realityVR-lasit - VR headset, virtual reality headsetVaterin ampulla - ampulla of VaterVenn-diagrammi - Venn diagramVitruviuksen mies - Vitruvian ManW-bosoni - W-bosonWC - WC (water closet)WC-allas - Alternative letter-case form of wc-allasWC-harja - toilet brush (brush to clean toilet bowl)WC-istuin - Alternative letter-case form of wc-istuinWC-paperi - Alternative letter-case form of wc-paperiWLAN - Alternative letter-case form of wlan (“WLAN”).WWW-selain - Synonym of verkkoselainWWW-sivu - Synonym of verkkosivuWWW-vastaava - Synonym of sivustovastaavaWeilin tauti - leptospirosis, Weil's diseaseWilmsin kasvain - Wilms' tumor, nephroblastoma (cancer of the kidney that typically occurs in children)Wilsonin tauti - Wilson's diseaseWindows-näppäin - Windows keyWorcesterkastike - Worcestershire sauceWorcestershire-kastike - Worcestershire sauceX-bosoni - X boson (hypothetical elementary particle)X-kromosomi - X chromosomeX-lentokone - X-plane (any of a series of U.S. experimental aircraft used to test and evaluate new technologies and aerodynamic concepts)X-sukupolvi - Generation XX-tehokkuus - X-efficiency (efficiency of an economic unit (business) in producing whatever it produces with given factors of production)XO-kastike - XO sauceY-bosoni - Y boson (hypothetical elementary particle)Y-kromosomi - Y chromosomeY-liittymä - Y-junctionY-tunnus - Finnish business ID; an official ID given to corporations, organizations and sole proprietors, catalogued in an official registry maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office and the Finnish Tax Administration.YYA-sopimus - Initialism of Ystävyys-, yhteistyö- ja avunantosopimus.Yhdysvaltain dollari - US dollarYlä-Egypti - Upper EgyptZ-bosoni - Z-bosonZIP-pakkaus - zip fileZIP-tiedosto - zip fileZip-asema - Zip drivea - A (note)a-molli - A minoraa - a (The name of the Latin-script letter A)aa'a - Synonym of kehto (“crib”).aakkonen - letter (symbol in an alphabet)aakkosellisuus - the quality of being in alphabetical orderaakkoshakemisto - alphabetical indexaakkosjärjestelmä - alphabetic writing systemaakkosjärjestys - An alphabetical orderaakkoskeitto - alphabet soupaakkoslaji - case, letter case (nature of a piece of alphabetic type)aakkosluettelo - alphabetical list, list in alphabetical orderaakkoslukko - capslockaakkosnimi - spelling alphabetaakkostaminen - verbal noun of aakkostaaaakkosto - alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language)aakkostus - alphabetisationaalloittaisuus - waviness (quality of coming or occurring in waves)aalloke - waveletaallokemuunnos - wavelet transformaallokko - swellaallonharja - crest of a waveaallonhuippu - Synonym of aallonharjaaallonjohdin - waveguideaallonkorkeus - wave heightaallonmuodostus - wave formation (process of creating waves, either by natural causes or by a moving vessel)aallonmurtaja - breakwater, jettyaallonpituus - wavelengthaallonpituusalue - A wavelength band or a band of wavelengths.aallonpohja - trough of a waveaalloppi - drain, exhaust pipe (any pipe that carries waste material away)aallotar - water nymphaallottaminen - verbal noun of aallottaa, making (sth, e.g. paper) wavy / rolling / swelling / undulating, corrugating, corrugationaallotus - corrugationaallotuskartonki - fluting, corrugated paperboard or cardboardaaloe - aloeaalto - wave (on the surface of a liquid)aalto-hiukkasdualismi - wave-particle dualityaaltoallas - wave poolaaltoalue - Short for aallonpituusalue (“wavelength band (used mainly of radio wavelengths and in compound terms)”).aaltoaminen - verbal noun of aallotaaaltoenergia - wave poweraaltofunktio - wave functionaaltoileminen - verbal noun of aaltoillaaaltoilevuus - waviness, curlinessaaltoilu - waving, the movement of waves, undulationaaltoimpedanssi - wave impedanceaaltojohto - waveguideaaltojuotos - wave solderingaaltojuovadelfiini - Clymene dolphin (Stenella clymene)aaltojuovakirppa - small striped flea beetle, turnip flea beetle, Phyllotreta undulata (insect pest that damages the shoots of rapeseed)aaltolevy - corrugated plateaaltoliike - wave motionaaltoluku - wavenumberaaltomaisuus - waviness, undulationaaltomekaniikka - wave mechanicsaaltomittari - scallop shell moth (Rheumaptera undulata)aaltomuoto - waveformaaltonauha - wavy band or stripaaltonen - Diminutive of aaltoaaltopahvi - corrugated cardboardaaltopaketti - wave packetaaltopelti - corrugated iron, corrugated sheetaaltopilvi - wave cloudaaltopituus - Alternative form of aallonpituusaaltoputki - waveguide (pipe)aaltorintama - wavefrontaaltoryhmä - wave groupaaltosulje - A curly bracket, brace (symbols "{" and "}" ).aaltosulku - A curly bracket (symbols "{" and "}").aaltosulkumerkki - A curly bracket sign.aaltoteoria - wave theoryaaltotutkimus - wave researchaaltovektori - wave vectoraaltoviiva - wavy lineaaltovoima - wave poweraaltovoimala - A wave power station, wave power plant, wave farm.aaltoyhtälö - wave equationaamen - amenaami - An old unit of volume, 157.03 litres.aamiainen - breakfastaamiaisaika - breakfast timeaamiaishetki - breakfast timeaamiaiskaappi - breakfast cabinetaamiaismajoitus - bed and breakfastaamiaismurot - breakfast cerealaamiaistapaaminen - breakfast meeting (early meeting in which breakfast is served to the participants)aamiaistunti - breakfast hour (break of work, usually shorter than one hour, allowed for eating breakfast or sometimes lunch)aamu - morningaamu-unisuus - morning sleepinessaamu-uutiset - A morning newscast, morning news.aamuaskare - morning choreaamuateria - breakfast (first meal of the day, eaten in the morning)aamuaurinko - morning sunaamuerektio - morning erection, morning glory, morning woodaamuhartaus - lauds, matins, morning prayer (short divine office held in the morning)aamuhetki - early-morning houraamuhämärä - dawn, morning twilightaamuihminen - morning personaamujumalanpalvelus - morning (church) serviceaamujuna - morning trainaamukahdeksan - eight in the morning, 8 a.m.aamukahvi - morning coffee (cup of coffee drunk early in the morning)aamukaksi - 2 a.m.aamukaksitoista - 12 p.m. (midday)aamukampa - A comb on which every tooth represents one remaining morning of military service - every morning one tooth is removed; "morning comb".aamukaste - morning dewaamukirkko - morning massaamukolme - 3 a.m.aamukuusi - 6 a.m.aamukylmä - morning coolaamukymmenen - 10 a.m.aamulehti - morning paperaamulenkki - morning runaamulepakko - cave nectar bat (Eonycteris spelaea)aamulounas - brunchaamulypsy - morning milkingaamulähetys - morning program, morning broadcastaamulämpö - morning temperature (body temperature in the morning)aamulämpötila - morning temperature (atmospheric temperature in the morning)aamunavaus - morning assembly (joint meeting at the beginning of a working day, chiefly held in schools, the purpose of which is to orientate the students to the working day, to share information or to deliver a message which may have ideological or religious content, depending on the country)aamuneljä - 4 a.m.aamunkajo - dawn (the first light of the day which appears some time before the sunrise)aamunkoi - dawn, sunrise, break of dayaamunkoite - dawn, daybreak, first light, cockcrowaamunkoitto - dawn, daybreak, break of dawn; sunriseaamunsarastus - dawn, daybreakaamuntorkku - late riseraamunvirkku - early riseraamupahoinvointi - morning sicknessaamupala - breakfast (especially a less formal or organized breakfast)aamupalvelus - matinsaamupesu - washing oneself in the morningaamupuhde - morning twilightaamupuku - morning dress, morning suit (men's formal attire worn during the day)aamupuoli - The part of day or night which is close to the morning, i.e. roughly the time from midnight to noon.aamupuuro - breakfast porridgeaamupäivä - morning, forenoon (part of the day roughly from the beginning of working hours to midday)aamupäivätoiminta - In Finnish comprehensive schools (peruskoulu), an optional non-curricular activity offered for the 1st and 2nd year students before the beginning of the school day. This allows working parents to bring their children to school in a time that fits their working hours.aamupäivävahti - forenoon watch (aboard a ship, a watch from 8 a.m. to noon)aamurukous - morning prayer (individual's prayer that is read in the morning)aamuruoka - breakfastaamurusko - light of dawn (change in the colour of the sky) before sunrise.aamuruuhka - morning rush houraamuseitsemän - 7 a.m.aamusumu - morning mist, morning fogaamutakki - dressing gownaamutee - morning teaaamutelevisio - breakfast television, morning televisionaamutohveli - morning slipperaamutoimi - something one does in the morning; (in the plural) morning routineaamutorkku - late riseraamutossu - slipper, morning shoeaamutuima - early morningaamutyö - morning workaamutähti - morning staraamuvahti - morning watch (aboard a ship, a watch from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m.)aamuvarhainen - early morningaamuvartio - morning watchaamuviisi - 5 a.m.aamuvirkku - early riser, early bird, morning person, lark (one who wakes early)aamuvoimistelu - morning calisthenicsaamuvuoro - morning shiftaamuyhdeksän - 9 a.m.aamuyksi - 1 a.m.aamuyksitoista - 11 a.m.aamuyö - small hours (period from midnight to dawn)aanelonen - an A4 sheet of paperaapa - A type of open swamp.aapasara - Carex rotundata (in Carex subg. Carex)aapasuo - string bog; a type of minerotrophic open swampaapinen - primer, ABC (textbook formerly used in primary education to teach the alphabet; also figuratively of the elements of something)aapiskirja - primer, ABC (textbook formerly used in primary education to teach the alphabet)aapiskukko - A rooster with a raised pointer stick in one foot - a symbol of learning and wisdom used since the 1700s, primarily in ABC books.aaprotti - southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)aaprottimaruna - southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)aari - an Aariaari - 100 square metres, areaaria - ariaaarilainen - Synonym of arjalainen (“Aryan”).aarni - treasureaarnialue - primeval forestaarnihauta - A place where a treasure is said to be hidden.aarnihokko - great curassow (Crax rubra)aarnihonka - A tall and old pine tree.aarnikotka - griffon, griffin (mythical animal)aarnikuusi - An old and exceptionally tall spruce.aarniluppo - Any of species Bryoria nadvornikiana of lichen.aarnimetsä - Alternative form of aarniometsäaarnio - Synonym of aarnihauta (“buried treasure”)aarniohauta - A buried treasure.aarniohonka - Synonym of aarnihonka.aarniokuusi - Synonym of aarnikuusi.aarniometsä - old-growth forest, virgin forestaarniopuu - Synonym of aarnipuu.aarnipuu - A tall and old tree.aarnitoko - black dwarf hornbill (Tockus hartlaubi)aarnituli - A will o' the wisp that burns over a hidden treasure.aarnivalkea - A will o' the wisp that burns over a hidden treasure.aaroninparta - Aaron's beard, Saxifraga stolonifera.aaroninsauva - wild arum (Arum maculatum)aarpora - reameraarre - treasureaarreaitta - treasury (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored)aarrearkku - treasure chest, treasuryaarrehauta - A buried treasure.aarrekammio - treasure chamberaarrekartta - treasure mapaarrekätkö - treasure cacheaarrelöytö - treasure trove (hidden treasure, subsequently discovered)aarresaari - treasure islandaarretuli - Synonym of aarnituli.aarrevalkea - Alternative form of aarnivalkeaaarteenetsijä - treasure hunteraarteenetsintä - treasure huntingaarteenkaivaja - treasure diggeraarteenmetsästys - treasure huntaarteisto - treasuresaasa - áss (one of the gods of the Æsir)aasainusko - Asatru, Ásatrú (neopaganistic religion which aims to revive the belief in, and worship of, the Æsir)aasainuskoinen - Asatruar (adherent of Asatru)aasi - donkey, ass (Equus asinus)aasialainen - An Asian person.aasialaisuus - Asianness, Asianity (quality of being Asian)aasianharlekiini - broadbill (bird of the genus Eurylaimus)aasianhaukkanen - falconet (any of the small falcons of the genus Microhierax)aasianiibis - ibis (bird of the genus Pseudibis in the family Threskiornithidae, ibises and spoonbills)aasianiibishaikara - painted stork, Mycteria leucocephalaaasianjokipääsky - white-eyed river martin, Pseudochelidon sirintarae, Eurochelidon sirintaraeaasiankalliokyyhky - hill pigeon, Columba rupestrisaasiankalliopääsky - dusky crag martin, Ptyonoprogne concoloraasiankeisarikalastaja - crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris)aasiankiitäjä - fork-tailed swift, Pacific swift, Apus pacificusaasiankilpikierto - Asian moonseed, Menispermum dauricumaasiankirjotikka - fulvous-breasted woodpecker (Dendrocopos macei)aasiankiuru - oriental skylark, oriental lark, small skylark (Alauda gulgula)aasiankoskikara - brown dipper, Cinclus pallasiiaasiankukaali - greater coucal, Centropus sinensisaasiankultakissa - Asiatic golden cat, Catopuma temminckii or Pardofelis temminckiiaasiankultakutoja - Asian golden weaver, Ploceus hypoxanthusaasiankääpiöhaukka - white-rumped pygmy falcon, white-rumped falcon, Polihierax insignisaasiankääpiöorava - black-eared squirrel, Nannosciurus melanotisaasiankääpiösorsa - cotton teal, Indian pygmy-goose, Nettapus coromandelianusaasianleijona - Asiatic lion, Panthera leo persicaaasianlumivarpunen - snowfinch, (any of the four passerine bird species in the genus Montifringilla which were formerly classified in their own genus Pyrgilauda)aasianlumivarpuset - The genus Pyrgilauda.aasianmangrovemedestäjä - copper-throated sunbird, Leptocoma calcostethaaasianmarmorimurri - long-billed murrelet, Brachyramphus perdixaasianmedestäjä - sunbird (bird of the genus Leptocoma in the family Nectariniidae, the family of sunbirds)aasianmetsäpyy - hill partridge (bird of the genus Arborophila)aasianmutakala - pond loach, dojo loach, oriental weather loach, Japanese weather loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) (freshwater fish in the loach family Cobitidae, native to East Asia, sometimes used as an aquarium fish)aasiannakkeli - chestnut-bellied nuthatch, Sitta castaneaaasiannorsu - Asian elephant, Elephas maximusaasianpalmukiitäjä - Asian palm swift, Cypsiurus balasiensisaasianpalokärki - white-bellied woodpecker, Dryocopus javensisaasianpensaskiuru - rufous-winged bushlark, Mirafra assamicaaasianpikkutikka - grey-capped pygmy woodpecker (Yungipicus canicapillus, syn. Dendrocopos canicapillus)aasianpyhäiibis - black-headed ibis, Threskiornis melanocephalusaasianpääskykahlaaja - oriental pratincole, Glareola maldivarumaasianpöllökehrääjä - frogmouth (bird of the genus Batrachostomus)aasianrakonokka - Asian openbill, Anastomus oscitansaasianrilli - oriental white-eye, Zosterops palpebrosusaasianräystäspääsky - Asian house martin, Delichon dasypusaasianrääkkiäinen - Swinhoe's rail, Coturnicops exquisitusaasiansatulahaikara - black-necked stork, Ephippiorhynchus asiaticusaasiansieppokerttu - A bird of the genus Seicercus of the family Phylloscopidae (separated from Sylviidae, the Old World warblers).aasiansininärhi - dollarbird, dollar roller Eurystomus orientalisaasiantiikerihyttynen - Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictusaasiantoko - grey hornbill (bird of the genus Ocyceros)aasiantrogoni - trogon (bird of the genus Harpactes)aasiantupsuhäntäpiikkisika - Synonym of aasiantupsupiikikäs.aasiantupsupiikikäs - Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine, Atherurus macrourusaasianturturikyyhky - spotted-necked dove, Streptopelia chinensisaasiantöpökerttunen - stubtail (any of the three passerine birds in the genus Urosphena)aasiantöpökiitäjä - silver-rumped spinetail, silver-rumped spinetailed swift, Rhaphidura leucopygialisaasiantörmäpääsky - pale sand martin, Riparia dilutaaasiantöyhtötikka - rufous woodpecker, Celeus brachyurusaasianuikkukana - masked finfoot, Heliopais personatusaasianuuttukyyhky - pale-backed pigeon, yellow-eyed pigeon, Columba eversmanniaasianviheltäjä - mangrove whistler, Pachycephala cinereaaasianvihervarpunen - yellow-breasted greenfinch, Chloris spinoidesaasianvilliaasi - kulan, Equus hemionusaasianvillihevonen - Przewalski's horse, Equus ferus przewalskiiaasianvuoripeippo - Asian rosy finch, Leucosticte arctoaaasimaisuus - asininityaasinajaja - donkey driveraasinkorva - Syngonium auritumaasinmaksaruoho - donkey tail, burro's tail, Sedum burritoaasinpotku - own goal, backfiringaasinsilta - An awkward transition from one topic to another.aasintamma - she-ass, jenny-ass, jenny (female donkey)aasiori - jackass (male donkey)aasitamma - jenny, jennet (female donkey or ass)aatami - Adamaataminomena - Adam's apple, thyroid cartilage, laryngeal prominenceaataminpuku - birthday suit (nakedness)aate - ideologyaatehistoria - history of ideologiesaatejärjestelmä - Synonym of ideologia.aatekilpailu - ideas competition (competition for architects to find the best and most attractive general idea for a construction project, often for an area or zone rather than an individual building)aateli - nobilityaateliike - ideological movementaatelisarvo - noble rankaatelisherra - noblemanaateliskalenteri - calendar of nobility (listing of the members of noble families)aateliskartano - noble estate (large estate owned by a nobleman, often originally granted as privilege by the)aatelisluokka - noble class, nobilityaatelismies - noblemanaatelisnainen - noblewomanaatelisneiti - noble-missaatelisneito - noblewomanaatelisnenä - A type of nose associated with nobility i.e. a relatively tall nose with a more or less visible hump.aatelisnimi - noble name (surname of a noble family)aatelisrouva - noblewomanaatelissuku - noble family (family that belongs to nobility)aatelissääty - nobility (nobility as an estate of the realm)aatelisto - nobilityaatelisuus - nobility, nobleness (quality of being of noble birth)aatelisvaakuna - A coat of arms of a noble family.aateliton - commoner (someone who is not of noble rank)aatelma - Alternative form of ajatelmaaateloiminen - verbal noun of aateloidaaatelointi - ennobling, ennoblement (making one noble)aateluus - nobility, nobleness (quality)aatemaailma - ideology (doctrine, body of ideas)aatepiiri - sphere of ideasaaterakennelma - ideology, system of thought (body of beliefs or principles belonging to an individual or group, especially one that has been organized to a theory)aaterikkaus - richness of ideas, richness of thoughtaatesisar - ideological sister (female ideological companion)aatesuunta - current of thought, ideological currentaatetoveri - co-ideologist, ideological companionaateveli - ideological brother (male ideological companion)aatevirtaus - current of thought, ideological currentaatonaatto - 23 December (Christmas Eve's eve)aatos - thoughtaatra - ard, scratch plough (simple plough)aatteellisuus - The state of being ideological.aatteeton - unideologicalaatto - eveaattoaika - opening hours on an eveaattoilta - eve's eve; the evening of an eve, particularly the evening before juhannus (“Midsummer”), joulu (“Christmas”) or uusivuosi (“New Year”).aattopäivä - eve day, eveaattoyö - eve night, eve's night (night of an eve, particularly the night before juhannus (“Midsummer”), joulu (“Christmas”) or uusivuosi (“New Year”))aava - open seaaavameri - Alternative form of aava meri (“high seas, open sea”)aave - phantom (something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality)aavejuna - ghost train (supernatural manifestation of a train)aavekaupunki - ghost townaavekipu - phantom painaavekuva - ghost image (undesired image appearing at the image plane of an optical system)aavelaiva - ghost shipaavemaisuus - ghostlinessaaveraaja - phantom limbaavesärky - phantom painaavikko - desertaavikkoalue - desert areaaavikkogundi - Val's gundi, Ctenodactylus vali (rodent found in parts of northern Sahara)aavikkohaukka - saker, saker falcon (Falco cherrug)aavikkoiguaani - desert iguana, Dipsosaurus dorsalisaavikkoilmasto - desert climateaavikkoilves - caracal (Caracal caracal)aavikkojerbo - desert jerboa (rodent of the genus Jaculus)aavikkojuoksija - cream-colored courser, Cursorius cursoraavikkojäniskenguru - Lake Mackay hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes asomatus)aavikkokaniini - desert cottontail, Sylvilagus auduboniiaavikkokauppiasrotta - desert woodrat, Neotoma lepidaaavikkokehrääjä - Egyptian nightjar (Caprimulgus aegyptius)aavikkokenguru - desert rat-kangaroo (Caloprymnus campestris)aavikkokerttu - streaked scrub warbler, Scotocerca inquietaaavikkokettu - fennec (Vulpes zerda)aavikkokissa - Asiatic wildcat, Felis silvestris ornataaavikkokiuru - desert lark, Ammomanes desertiaavikkokulkusirkka - desert locust, Schistocerca gregariaaavikkokultakontiainen - Synonym of aavikkokultiainen.aavikkokultamyyrä - Synonym of aavikkokultiainen.aavikkokultarinta - Sykes's warbler, Iduna ramaaavikkokultiainen - Grant's golden mole, Eremitalpa grantiaavikkolokki - grey gull (Leucophaeus modestus)aavikkomara - Chacoan mara, Dolichotis salinicolaaavikkonärhi - ground jay, ground chough (bird of the genus Podoces)aavikkopikkumarsu - southern mountain cavy, Microcavia australisaavikkopussimäyrä - desert bandicoot, Perameles eremianaaavikkopyy - sand partridge, Ammoperdix heyiaavikkopäästäinen - Crawford's gray shrew, Notiosorex crawfordiaavikkopöllö - Hume's owl, Strix butleriaavikkorotta - Synonym of pohjoisafrikanjerbo (“Jaculus jaculus”).aavikkosiili - long-eared hedgehog, Hemiechinus auritusaavikkotaipaani - inland taipan, small-scaled snake, or fierce snake, Oxyuranus microlepidotusaavikkotasku - desert wheatear (Oenanthe deserti)aavikkotaskurotta - desert pocket gopher, Geomys arenariusaavikkotrappi - Arabian bustard, Ardeotis arabsaavikkotulkku - trumpeter finch, Bucanetes githagineusaavikkotylli - greater sand plover, Charadrius leschenaultiiaavikkounikeko - desert dormouse, Selevinia betpakdalaensisaavikkovarpunen - desert sparrow (Passer simplex)aavikoituminen - verbal noun of aavikoituaaavistaminen - verbal noun of aavistaaaavisteleminen - verbal noun of aavistellaaavistelu - having a hunchaavistus - premonition, intuition, hunchaavistuslähtö - false startabakaviiri - abacavirabakus - abacus (a calculating frame)abaloni - An abalone, a pawa (New Zealand English).abasia - abasia (inability to walk)abatasepti - abataceptabatsi - abachi, obeche, wawa, ayous, samba (Triplochiton scleroxylon)abbedissa - An abbess.abbotinsukeltaja-antilooppi - Abbott's duiker (Cephalophus spadix)abbreviaatio - abbreviationabdikaatio - abdicationabdominaalimigreeni - abdominal migraine (variant of migraine)abdominoplastia - abdominoplastyabduktio - abduction (movement which separates a body part from the center line of the body or a limb)abduktori - abductor (muscle which serves to draw a part out)abeetalipoproteinemia - abetalipoproteinemia (rare autosomal recessive disorder, lack of beta-lipoproteins in blood)aberraatio - aberrationabessiivi - abessive.abessiivisija - abessive caseabessinialainen - Abyssinian (person)abessiniangenetti - Synonym of etiopiangenetti (“Abyssinian genet”)abessinianleijona - Masai lion (Panthera leo massaica, syn. Panthera leo roosevelti)abhaasi - An Abkhaz.abhasialainen - Abkhaz (person from Abkhazia)abi - A candidate for the matriculation examination.abietiinihappo - abietic acidabikoliitin - A type of electrical connector for small diameters of electric wire which are attached to the end of the line by pressing.abikopihti - crimper (tool for joining electric connectors to the ends of conductor wires by pressing)abiogeneesi - abiogenesisabiotrofia - abiotrophyabiristeily - A cruise organized for the last year students of one or more high schools (lukio). This type of cruises are often organized by the students of the Finnish high schools located conveniently to the cruise harbors.abiturientti - A student on the last class of a high school, a candidate for the matriculation examination.abivuosi - A student's last year in high school (lukio).ablaatio - ablationablatiivi - ablativeablatiivisija - ablative caseablaut - ablautableismi - ableismableisti - ableist (person exhibiting ableism)abnormiteetti - abnormalityabnormius - abnormalityabo - aboabolitionismi - abolitionismabolitionisti - abolitionistaboriginaali - Aboriginal (original inhabitant of Australia).aboriginaaliheimo - Aboriginal tribeaborigine - Aborigine (aboriginal Australian)abortoiminen - verbal noun of abortoidaaborttiklinikka - abortion clinic (medical facility that specializes in abortions)aborttilainsäädäntö - abortion legislationaborttipilleri - abortion pill (drug that induces abortion)aborttitabletti - Alternative term for aborttipilleri.abraasio - abrasionabrakadabra - abracadabra (complicated technical or other jargon)abrakia - abrachia (congenital absence of arms)absenssi - absenceabsessi - An abscess.absidi - apse (semicircular projection from a building, especially the rounded east end of a church that contains the altar)absiksimabi - abciximababsintiini - absinthin (bitter-tasting compound found in wormwood)absintti - absinthe, absinth (strong alcoholoc beverage)absinttiöljy - Synonym of koiruohoöljy.abskessi - abscessabskissa - abscissaabskissihappo - abscisic acidabsolutiivi - The absolutive case.absolutismi - the ideal of abstaining from the consumption of alcoholabsolutisti - absolutist (one who favours an absolute government)absoluutio - absolutionabsoluutti - absoluteabsoluuttinen lämpötila - absolute temperatureabsoluuttinen nollapiste - absolute zeroabsoluuttinen sävelkorva - perfect pitch, absolute pitchabsoluuttisuus - absoluteness (state of being absolute)absorbanssi - absorbanceabsorbentti - absorbentabsorboiminen - verbal noun of absorboidaabsorbointi - absorptionabsorboituminen - verbal noun of absorboituaabsorptio - absorptionabsorptiojääkaappi - absorption refrigeratorabsorptiokerroin - absorption coefficientabsorptiokyky - absorptivity, absorption capacityabsorptiometria - absorptiometryabsorptiospektri - absorption spectrumabsorptioviiva - absorption lineabstinenssi - abstinenceabstinenssioire - Synonym of vieroitusoireabstrahoiminen - verbal noun of abstrahoidaabstrahointi - abstractionabstrahoituma - A name that has been derived from an inflected form of another word.abstrahoituminen - verbal noun of abstrahoituaabstrakti algebra - abstract algebraabstraktijulkaisu - abstract publication (publication publishing abstracts)abstraktio - abstractionabstraktionismi - abstractionismabstraktistaminen - verbal noun of abstraktistaaabstraktistuminen - verbal noun of abstraktistuaabstraktisuus - abstractness (quality of being abstract)abstraktius - Synonym of abstraktisuus (quality of being abstract).absurdismi - absurdismabsurdisti - absurdistabsurditeetti - absurdityabsurdius - absurdityabulia - abuliaacajoupähkinä - cashew nut, acajouaceh - Acehnese, Aceh (Malayo-Polynesian language spoken in Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia)adaktylia - adactylism (congenital absence of fingers or toes)adalimumabi - adalimumab (antirheumatic drug)adamantaani - adamantaneadamantiini - enamel (hard covering on the exposed part of a tooth)adamiitti - adamiteadapaleeni - adapalene (medicine used topically to treat skin conditions)adaptaatio - adaptation (process of becoming adapted)adaptationismi - adaptationismadapteri - adapteradaptoiminen - verbal noun of adaptoidaadaptointi - An adaptation; the process of adapting.adaptoituminen - verbal noun of adaptoituaaddikti - addictaddiktio - an addictionaddisonismi - Addison's diseaseadditiivisuus - additivity (property of being additive)additio - additionadditioreaktio - addition reactionaddressi - Alternative form of adressiaddukti - adductadduktio - adduction (movement which brings a body part towards the center line of the body or a limb)adduktiovääntökoe - adduction test (test for determining the condition of a joint by examining its movements)adduktori - adductor (muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes extended parts of the body)adefoviiridipivoksiili - adefovir dipivoxil (inhibitor used to treat hepatitis B)adekvaattius - adequacyadele - Adele (language spoken in Ghana and Togo)adeniini - adenineadeniitti - adenitis (glandular inflammation)adenoblasti - adenoblast (embryonic cell that can develop to form glandular parenchyma)adenofibrooma - adenofibroma (benign glandular and fibrous neoplasm)adenohypofyysi - adenohypophysisadenoidektomia - adenoidectomy, adenotomyadenoidi - Synonym of kitarisa.adenoidiitti - adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoid)adenoidinen - glandiformadenokarsinooma - adenocarcinomaadenolipooma - adenolipoma (benign lipoma of a gland containing both glandular and fat tissue)adenolymfooma - adenolymphoma (benign tumour of the salivary glands)adenomatoidikasvain - adenomatoid tumor (benign mesothelial tumour of the genital tract)adenomatoosi - adenomatosis (type of cancer)adenomyomatoosi - adenomyomatosis (condition)adenomyooma - adenomyoma (complex tumor including components derived from glands and muscle)adenomyoosi - adenomyosisadenooma - adenomaadenoosi - adenosis (benign swelling, scarring or enlargement of the lymph glands)adenopatia - Synonym of rauhastauti.adenosarkooma - adenosarcoma (uncommon form of cancer)adenosiini - adenosine (a nucleoside)adenosiinideaminaasi - adenosine deaminaseadenosiinidifosfaatti - adenosine diphosphate (a nucleotide)adenosiinimonofosfaatti - adenosine monophosphateadenosiininukleotidi - adenosine nucleotideadenosiinitrifosfaatti - adenosine triphosphateadenosiinitrifosfataasi - adenosinetriphosphataseadenosyytti - adenocyte (secretory cell of a gland)adenotomia - adenoidectomyadenotonsillektomia - adenotonsillectomyadenotonsilliitti - adenotonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids)adenovirus - adenovirusadenylaattideaminaasi - AMP deaminase (enzyme)adenylaattisyklaasi - adenylate cyclase, adenylyl cyclase (enzyme with key regulatory roles in essentially all cells)adenyylihappo - adenylic acidadenyylisyklaasi - Alternative form of adenylaattisyklaasiaderinsukeltaja-antilooppi - Ader´s duiker, Cephalophus adersi (species of antelope)adessiivi - adessive case, adessiveadessiivisija - adessive caseadheesio - adhesion (ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance)adheesiomolekyyli - adhesion molecule (protein on the surface of a cell that helps the cell stick to other cells and to its surroundings)adherenssi - adherence (attachment of bacteria to the surface of cells)adhesiini - adhesin (substance that facilitates adhesion of bacteria on their target cells)adhesiiviotiitti - adhesive otitis, adhesive otitis media (condition in which abnormal adhesions develop in the middle ear as a result of an inflammation)adiabaatti - adiabatadiadokokineesi - adiadochokinesia, adiadochokinesis (inability to perform rapid alternating movements)adipiinihappo - adipic acidadipiinihapponitriili - adiponitrileadipolyysi - adipolysis (process of converting fat into free fatty acids, esp. by the action of enzymes)adiponitriili - adiponitrileadiposyytti - adipocyteadjektiivi - adjectiveadjektiiviattribuutti - adjective attributeadjektiivijohdos - adjectival derivative (derivative, or derived word, which is an adjective)adjektiivilauseke - adjective phraseadjektiivimäärite - adjective attributeadjektiiviryhmä - Synonym of adjektiivilausekeadjektiivisuus - adjectivity (state or condition of being an adjective)adjungaatti - adjugate, adjointadjunkti - adjunctadjutantti - adjutant, aide-de-campadjuvantti - adjuvant (substance that enhances the efficacy of a treatment or drug)adjuvanttihoito - adjuvant therapy (secondary treatment for cancer given after the primary treatment in order to remove residual microscopic disease)administraatio - administrationadministraattori - administratoradmittanssi - admittanceadneksiitti - adnexitisadolesenssi - adolescenceadonis - Adonis (beautiful man)adoptio - The adoption of a child.adoptioisä - adoptive father<-- -->