Finnish adverbs, part 1aakkosellisesti - alphabeticallyaakkosnumeerisesti - alphanumericallyaaltoilevasti - wavilyaaltomaisesti - in a wavelike manneraatteellisesti - ideologicallyaavemaisesti - eerilyabsoluuttisesti - absolutelyabstraktisti - abstractlyabsurdisti - absurdlyadversatiivisesti - adversativelyaerobiologisesti - aerobiologicallyaerodynaamisesti - aerodynamicallyaggressiivisesti - aggressivelyahkerasti - diligently, studiouslyahtaalla - in dire straits, hard-pressed, in difficulties (in a difficult position)ahtaalle - into dire straits, hard-pressed, into difficulties (into a difficult position)aidosti - honestly, reallyaiheellisesti - justifiably, properly, reasonablyaiheettomasti - unnecessarilyaikaavievästi - In a time-consuming manneraikaisin - earlyaikanaan - eventually, in due time, in due courseaikoinaan - at one time, once; in (its) timeaikojen alusta - since the dawn of time (for a very long time)aikuismaisesti - in an adultlike manner, like an adultaikuisten oikeesti - seriously for realajallaan - in its timeajankohtaisesti - topically, relevantly, pertinently (in a way that pertains to a current topic)akateemisesti - academicallyaksiomaattisesti - axiomaticallyaktiivisesti - activelyakustisesti - acousticallyala-arvoisesti - inferiorly, in a subpar manneralakantissa - on the lower end, underestimatedalakanttiin - in a fashion that lowballs or underestimatesalakkain - one below anotheralakuloisesti - melancholically, in low spiritsalakynnessä - disadvantaged, unlikely to succeed, the underdogalakynteen - into a disadvantaged position or statealallaan - where one is, stillalalleen - into where one is or wasalamaihin - into being down (feeling low)alamaisesti - subservientlyalamaissa - down (feeling low)alapuolella - under, below, beneath, underneathalapuolelle - under, underneath, below, beneath (when something moves under something else)alapuolelta - from under, below, beneath, underneathalas - down, downward, downwardsalatusten - Synonym of allekkain.alatuuleen - leewards, downwind (towards the direction wind is blowing)alatuulessa - leewards, downwind (positioned in a place that is in the direction the wind is blowing)alaviistoon - diagonally downwardsalaviistossa - diagonally downalemmas - further downalempaa - from further below, from further downalempana - lower, further down, further below (located farther below)alentuvaisesti - condescendinglyalentuvasti - condescendinglyalhaalla - down below, belowalhaalle - expresses movement to a spatially lower position, down below, belowalhaalta - from belowalimmas - to lowest downalimmillaan - at its lowestalimmilleen - to its lowest, to record lowsalimpana - lowest downalistuvaisesti - yieldingly, submittinglyalistuvasti - submissivelyalitajuisesti - subconsciously, subliminallyalituisesti - constantlyalkeellisesti - primitivelyalkukantaisesti - primitivelyalkuperäisesti - originally, genuinely, authenticallyallegorisesti - allegoricallyallekkain - one below anotheraloillaan - still, not moving or doing anythingaloilleen - into a state of being still; into a state of not moving or doing anythingaltruistisesti - altruisticallyalttiisti - in an exposed manner, sensitively, susceptiblyalueellisesti - regionallyalustavasti - tentativelyalusvaatteisillaan - in one's underwear (wearing only the underwear)alusvaatteisilleen - to one's underwearammattimaisesti - professionallyammollaan - wide open, agapeammolleen - wide open, agape; describes transition to the wide open stateanaalisesti - anallyanaerobisesti - anaerobicallyanalyyttisesti - analyticallyanatomisesti - anatomicallyaneemisesti - anemicallyankarasti - harshly, hardly, strictlyanonyymisti - anonymouslyanteliaasti - generouslyapaattisesti - apatheticallyapeissaan - down, sad, dispirited, depressedarasti - timidly, shylyaristokraattisesti - aristocraticallyaritmeettisesti - arithmeticallyarkaistisesti - archaicallyarkeologisesti - archaeologicallyarkisesti - in an everyday or ordinary wayarkkitehtonisesti - architectonicallyarmeliaasti - mercifullyarmollisesti - mercifullyarmottomasti - mercilessly, ruthlesslyarrogantisti - arrogantlyarvaamattomasti - unpredictablyarvelevasti - hesitantlyarveluttavasti - dubiously, suspiciously, doubtfullyarvoituksellisesti - enigmatically, cryptically, mysteriously, puzzlinglyarvokkaasti - preciously, dearlyarvostelevasti - critically (in a criticizing manner)arvottomasti - worthlesslyarvovaltaisesti - prestigiouslyarvoväritteisesti - biasedly, in a prejudiced mannerasiallisesti - properly, appropriatelyasiantuntevasti - expertly, adeptlyasiattomasti - inappropriatelyaskeettisesti - asceticallyasteittaisesti - graduallyastrologisesti - astrologicallyastronomisesti - astronomicallyasymmetrisesti - asymmetricallyatavistisesti - atavisticallyateistisesti - atheisticallyaurinkoisesti - sunnilyautenttisesti - authenticallyautomaattisesti - automaticallyautonomisesti - autonomouslyauttavasti - passablyavaramielisesti - open-mindedlyavaruudellisesti - spatiallyavoimesti - openlyavuttomasti - helplesslybakteriologisesti - bacteriologicallyballistisesti - ballisticallybanaalisti - banallybarbaarisesti - barbaricallybiodynaamisesti - biodynamicallybiologisesti - biologicallybiseksuaalisesti - bisexuallybotaanisesti - botanicallybrutaalisti - brutallybyrokraattisesti - bureaucraticallydeduktiivisesti - deductivelydefensiivisesti - defensivelydefinitiivisesti - definitivelydemagogisesti - demagogicallydemografisesti - demographicallydemokraattisesti - democraticallydemonisesti - demonicallydeterministisesti - deterministicallydigitaalisesti - digitallydiktatorisesti - dictatoriallydiplomaattisesti - diplomaticallydiskreetisti - discreetlydogmaattisesti - dogmaticallydraamallisesti - dramatically (as a drama)dramaattisesti - dramatically (strikingly)dualistisesti - dualisticallydynaamisesti - dynamicallyedellä - above, before (in text)edemmällä - later, further alongedemmäs - closer to the front, further aheadedempänä - closer to the front, further aheadedempää - from closer to the front, from further aheadedes - even (suggesting an absolute minimum in a question)edessä - aheadedessäpäin - ahead (in or to the front; in advance; onward)edestäpäin - from aheadedesvastuuttomasti - irresponsibly, recklesslyedistyksellisesti - progressivelyedullisesti - inexpensivelyedustavasti - representativelyeettisesti - ethicallyegoistisesti - egoisticallyehdollisesti - conditionallyehdottomasti - absolutely, definitelyehdyksiin - to the state of being depletedehdyksissä - in the state of being depletedeheästi - in a whole or solid mannerehjästi - intactly, in an unbroken and undamaged mannerehkäisevästi - preventivelyehtymättömästi - inexhaustiblyei vähimmässäkään määrin - not in the leastekologisesti - ecologicallyekonometrisesti - econometricallyekonomisesti - economicallyeksaktisti - exactlyeksentrisesti - eccentricallyeksistentiaalisesti - existentiallyeksklusiivisesti - exclusivelyeksoottisesti - exoticallyekspansiivisesti - expansivelyeksplisiittisesti - explicitlyeksponentiaalisesti - exponentiallyekspressiivisesti - expressivelyekstaattisesti - ecstaticallyeksyksiin - lost, astray (to the situation of being unable to find one's way)eksyksissä - lost, astray (in the state of being unable to find one's way)eksyksistä - from (being) lost or astray (from the situation of being unable to find one's way)ekumeenisesti - ecumenicallyekvivalentisti - equivalentlyekvivalenttisesti - equivalentlyelastisesti - elasticallyeleettömästi - expressionlesslyelegantisti - elegantlyelegisesti - elegiacallyelektrolyyttisesti - electrolyticallyelektronisesti - electronicallyelementaarisesti - elementarilyelimellisesti - organically (in the manner of pertaining to, derived from, like, of the nature of, an organ of the body)elinvoimaisesti - vibrantly, viably, vigorously, vitallyelitistisesti - elitisticallyeloisasti - In a lively manner.elokuvallisesti - cinematicallyelottomasti - lifelesslyeläessään - in one's life, during one's life, evereläimellisesti - animallyeläintieteellisesti - zoologicallyeläkkeelle - retired (into having left employment, especially on reaching pensionable age)eläkkeellä - retired (having left employment, especially on reaching pensionable age)elämyksellisesti - memorablyelämänkatsomuksellisesti - in a way that pertains to a view of lifeeläväisesti - in a lively mannerelävästi - having life, being aliveembryologisesti - embryologicallyemotionaalisesti - emotionallyempaattisesti - empatheticallyempiirisesti - empiricallyemäksisesti - baselyendeemisesti - endemicallyendokrinologisesti - endocrinologicallyenenevästi - increasinglyenergisesti - energeticallyennakkoluuloisesti - In a prejudiced manner.ennakkoluulottomasti - In an unprejudiced manner.ennallaan - unchanged, the same, the way it was beforeennalleen - into a state that something used to be beforeennen - before, back then (at an earlier time)ennenaikaisesti - prematurely, before one's timeennennäkemättömästi - unprecedentedlyennustettavasti - foreseeably (in a manner that could be foreseen)ennätyksellisesti - in an unparalleled or record mannerennätysmäisesti - in a way that is or resembles a recordensiluokkaisesti - in a first-class wayensisijaisesti - primarilyensyklopedisesti - encyclopedicallyenteellisesti - ominouslyentiselleen - into a state that something used to be beforeentisellään - unchanged, unalteredentisensä - what one used to be, like one formerly wasepidemiologisesti - epidemiologicallyepäasiallisesti - impertinently, improperly, inappropriatelyepädemokraattisesti - undemocraticallyepäesteettisesti - unaestheticallyepähistoriallisesti - unhistorically, ahistoricallyepähygieenisesti - unhygienicallyepäilevästi - incredulously, skepticallyepäilyttävästi - suspiciouslyepäinhimillisesti - inhumanlyepäitsekkäästi - unselfishlyepäjohdonmukaisesti - inconsistentlyepäkeskisesti - eccentrically (in a matter of not being at or in the centre)epäkiitollisesti - ungratefullyepäkohteliaasti - impolitelyepäkriittisesti - uncriticallyepäkunnossa - broken, broken down (not in working condition)epäkuntoon - Indicates transition to broken-down condition, usually with the verb mennä (“to go”).epäkypsästi - immaturelyepäkäytännöllisesti - impracticallyepälojaalisesti - disloyallyepälojaalisti - disloyallyepäloogisesti - illogicallyepäluonnollisesti - unnaturallyepäluotettavasti - unreliablyepäluuloisesti - suspiciouslyepämiehekkäästi - unmanly (in a manner lacking manliness)epämieluisasti - undesirablyepämukavasti - uncomfortablyepämuodollisesti - informallyepämääräisesti - vaguelyepänormaalisti - abnormallyepäoikeudenmukaisesti - unjustly, unfairlyepäonnisesti - in an unfortunate or unlucky manner or wayepäorgaanisesti - inorganicallyepäortodoksisesti - unorthodoxlyepäpoliittisesti - apoliticallyepäpuhtaasti - uncleanlyepäpätevästi - incompetentlyepärealistisesti - unrealisticallyepärehellisesti - dishonestlyepäreilusti - unfairlyepäröivästi - hesitatinglyepäseksuaalisesti - asexually (lacking interest)epäselvästi - unclearlyepäsiististi - untidilyepäsointuisesti - discordantlyepäsopuisesti - discordantlyepäsuhtaisesti - disproportionately, disproportionallyepäsuorasti - indirectlyepäsuotuisasti - unfavorablyepäsymmetrisesti - asymmetricallyepäsäännöllisesti - irregularlyepätaloudellisesti - uneconomicallyepätarkasti - inaccuratelyepätasaisesti - unevenlyepätavallisesti - unusuallyepäterveellisesti - unhealthilyepäterveesti - unhealthilyepätieteellisesti - unscientificallyepätodellisesti - unreallyepätodenmukaisesti - untruthfullyepätodennäköisesti - unlikelyepätoivoisesti - desperatelyepätoivoissaan - desperately, in desperationepäturvallisesti - unsafelyepätäsmällisesti - impreciselyepätäydellisesti - incompletelyepäurheilijamaisesti - in an unsportsmanlike mannerepäuskoisesti - incredulously, unbelievinglyepäuskottavasti - implausiblyepävakaasti - unstablyepävakaisesti - unstablyepävarmasti - uncertainlyepäviisaasti - unwiselyepävirallisesti - unofficiallyepävireisesti - in the manner of being out of tuneepäyhtenäisesti - discontinuouslyepäystävällisesti - In an unfriendly manner.epäämättömästi - undeniably, unquestionably, incontestably, indisputablyerehtymättömästi - infallibly, unerringlyergonomisesti - ergonomicallyerheellisesti - erroneously, mistakenlyeriarvoisesti - unequally (in a way that exhibits inequality, usually socially speaking)erikoisesti - specially, exceptionallyerikoislaatuisesti - distinctively, extraordinarily, peculiarlyerilaisesti - differentlyerilleen - into being apart or separateerillisesti - separately, individually, independentlyerillään - apart, separate, separated, separately.erimielisesti - in disagreementerinomaisesti - excellentlyeripuraisesti - discordantlyeriskummaisesti - Synonym of eriskummallisestieriskummallisesti - bizarrelyeristyneesti - in an isolated or secluded mannererityisesti - especially, particularly, in particular, in specificeroottisesti - eroticallyerottamattomasti - inseparably, inalienablyesiin - out (of hiding), in the open, into sightesikuvallisesti - exemplarilyesille - forward, forth, out, up, to the front, signifying that something that has been hidden comes or is brought to the sight, either in a concrete way or allegorically; used with a verb that signifies motionesillä - out (in the open), visible, showing.esiltä - away/off from being presented/on display/on the market etc.esimerkillisesti - exemplarilyesitteille - on display (into a state where something is presented publicly)esitteillä - on display (in a state where something is presented publicly)esoteerisesti - esotericallyesteettisesti - aestheticallyesteettömästi - freely (without obstructing)estottomasti - incontinentlyeteen - forward, forwardseteenpäin - forward, onward, ahead (towards the front or at the front, in a forward direction)eteerisesti - ethereallyetelämmäs - further south, (to) some (more) distance towards the southetelämpänä - further south, some (more) distance towards the southetelämpää - from further south, from some (more) distance towards the southetenevästi - progressively; in a way that progresses or goes forwardetenkin - especially, particularly, notablyetenkään - especially (not)etevästi - competently, talentedlyetiologisesti - etiologicallyetnisesti - ethnicallyetnografisesti - ethnographicallyetnologisesti - ethnologicallyetukenoon - into being tilted or leaning forwardetukenossa - tilted or leaning forwardetuoikealla - forward and rightetuoikealle - to forward and rightetuoikealta - from forward and rightetupainotteisesti - in a front-loaded manneretuvasemmalla - forward and leftetuvasemmalle - to forward and leftetuvasemmalta - from forward and leftetuviistoon - to forwards with an angleetuviistossa - forward with or at an angleetuviistosta - from forward with or at an angleetymologisesti - etymologicallyetäisesti - distantly, remotelyetäälle - far (to a great distance)etäällä - far (at a great distance)etäältä - from a distance, from afar, remotelyetäämmälle - farther (to a greater distance in place or space)etäämmäs - further awayetäämpänä - further awayetäämpää - from further awayfaktisesti - factually, in factfanaattisesti - fanaticallyfantastisesti - fantasticallyfarmakologisesti - pharmacologicallyfataalisti - fatallyfiguratiivisesti - figurativelyfiksusti - wisely, cleverly, smartlyfilosofisesti - philosophicallyflegmaattisesti - phlegmaticallyfoneettisesti - phonetically (in the way it sounds)fonologisesti - phonologically (in accordance with phonology)formaalisti - formallyframilla - Synonym of esilläframille - Synonym of esillefrontaalisesti - frontallyfysiatrisesti - physiatricallyfysikaalisesti - physicallyfysiologisesti - physiologicallyfyysillisesti - physicallyfyysisesti - physicallygeneerisesti - genericallygeneettisesti - geneticallygeofysikaalisesti - geophysicallygeologisesti - geologicallygeometrisesti - geometricallygeomorfologisesti - geomorphologicallygeopoliittisesti - geopoliticallygeotermisesti - geothermallygerontologisesti - gerontologicicallygiganttisesti - giganticallyglobaalisesti - Synonym of globaalistiglobaalisti - globallygnostisistisesti - Gnosticallygraafisesti - graphicallygroteskisti - grotesquelygynekologisesti - gynecologicallyhaaleasti - tepidlyhaastavasti - challenginglyhaasteellisesti - challenginglyhaitallisesti - harmfullyhaitattomasti - harmlessly, innocuously, in a manner that is not harmfulhajalla - in pieces, broken, dispersed, smashed, scattered, disassembled, aparthajallaan - Alternative form of hajallahajalle - to pieces, apart, asunder, dispersed, smashed, broken, disassembled, scattered, to bits (to the state of not being whole or united)hajalleen - Alternative form of hajallehajamielisesti - absent-mindedlyhajanaisesti - scatteredly, dispersedlyhajuttomasti - odourlesslyhakoteille - off-track or astrayhakoteillä - off-track, astray (being in such a state)hallitsemattomasti - uncontrollablyhallitusti - in a controlled mannerhalpamaisesti - dirtily, ignobly, cheaplyhaltioihinsa - into being elated, very excited, enraptured, blown awayhaltioissaan - [while being] elated, very excited, enraptured, enthralled, blown away (by/about = elative)halukkaasti - eagerlyhaluttomasti - reluctantlyhalvasti - cheaplyhalveksittavasti - contemptiblyhalveksivasti - contemptuously, scornfully, disparaginglyhalveksuvasti - contemptuouslyhalventavasti - derogatorily, disparagingly, defamatorilyhampaattomasti - In a toothless manner; weakly.hanakasti - eagerlyhankalasti - laboriously, difficult (to)haparoivasti - fumblingly, incompetentlyhappamasti - sourlyhapuilevasti - fumblinglyharalla - apart, split or spread apartharallaan - apart (in a state of being apart‚ used especially of legs, arms and fingers)haralle - apart, (into being) split or spread apartharalleen - apart (to a state of being apart‚ used especially of legs, arms and fingers)harhaanjohtavasti - misleadingly, deceptivelyharhaisesti - delusionallyharhaluuloisesti - delusionallyharhaoppisesti - hereticallyharhateille - astrayharhateillä - astray (in the state of being astray)harhateiltä - from being astrayharkitsemattomasti - imprudentlyharkitsevasti - deliberately, circumspectlyharmillisesti - annoyinglyharmissaan - upset, annoyed, frustratedharmistuksissaan - while being upset or displeasedharmittomasti - harmlesslyharmonisesti - harmonicallyhartaasti - earnestly, entreatingly, heartfeltlyharvasanaisesti - laconically, terselyharvasti - sparselyharvinaisesti - rarelyharvoin - seldom, rarely, infrequently (taking place at long intervals)hassunkurisesti - comicallyhassusti - funnily (in a fun manner)hatarasti - shakilyhauraasti - brittlely, fragilely, fraillyhauskasti - funnilyhavainnollisesti - illustrativelyhedelmällisesti - fruitfullyhedelmättömästi - fruitlesslyhehkeästi - bloomingly, flourishinglyheikosti - weaklyheitteille - abandoned, neglected (to the state of abandonment, neglection or lack of care)heitteillä - abandoned, neglected (in the state of abandonment, neglection or lack of care)heitteiltä - from being abandoned or neglectedheiveröisesti - weakly, feebly, fraillyhektisesti - hecticallyhekumallisesti - voluptuouslyhelakasti - brightly (in a manner that is sparkling with wit, lively, vivacious, cheerful)heleästi - brightly, clearly, vividlyhellittämättömästi - relentlessly, unabatedlyhelläkätisesti - gently, softly (of a person or action)hellästi - affectionately, tenderly, fondlyhellävaraisesti - gentlyhelposti - easilyhelpottuneesti - relievedlyhelppolukuisesti - in a manner that is esay to readhelppotajuisesti - in an easily understandable mannerhelteisesti - in a manner that is very hot (of weather)hemaisevasti - desirably, sexilyhempeästi - sweetly, charmingly, gentlyhengellisesti - spirituallyhengenvaarallisesti - life-threateninglyhengettömästi - soullessly, tediouslyhengissä - alivehenkensä edestä - for one's life, like one's life depended on ithenkevästi - spiritedly, vigorouslyhenkihieveriin - into a very bad or half-dead conditionhenkihieverissä - in a very bad or half-dead conditionhenkilökohtaisesti - in person, face to face, vis-à-vishenkisesti - mentallyhenkitoreihin - into a condition in which one is dying or close to dyinghenkitoreihinsa - Synonym of henkitoreihinhenkitoreisiinsa - Alternative form of henkitoreihinsahenkitoreissa - in a condition in which one is dying or close to dyinghenkitoreissaan - Synonym of henkitoreissahennosti - delicately, fragilelyheppoisesti - flimsily, shakilyhereille - awake (to the state of awakeness)hereillä - awake (in the state of awakeness)hereästi - abundantly, amplyherjaavasti - insultingly, abusivelyherkistävästi - sensitizinglyherkkäuskoisesti - gulliblyherkullisesti - deliciouslyherkästi - easilyhermeettisesti - airtightly, hermeticallyhermostuksissaan - while being nervoushermostuneesti - nervouslyhermostuttavasti - unnervingly, upsettingly, unsettlinglyherraskaisesti - genteelly, fancifullyherrasmiesmäisesti - gentlemanly, in a gentlemanly wayhersyvästi - in a gushing wayherttaisesti - sweetly (with a pleasing disposition)hervottomasti - limplyhetkellisesti - momentarilyhienoisesti - slightlyhienostuneesti - exquisitely, refinedly, classily, sophisticatedlyhienotunteisesti - considerately, tactfullyhienovaraisesti - discreetlyhierarkkisesti - hierarchicallyhihasillaan - in shirtsleeves (having only one's shirt covering the upper body, i.e. wearing no coat or jacket)hiipivästi - in a way that creeps; in a way that happens slowly making it hard to noticehikipäissään - toiling, sweatinghikisesti - sweatilyhiljaa - quietly, quiet, silentlyhiljaisesti - silentlyhiljakseen - slowly, little by littlehiljemmalla - quieter, more quietlyhiljemmalle - quieterhilkulla - close (used of a negative situation that was narrowly avoided)hillittömästi - unrestrainedly (in an unrestrained manner)hillitysti - restrainedlyhilpeästi - cheerfullyhimmeästi - dimlyhimokkaasti - lustfullyhippasilla - in the state of playing taghippasille - into the state of playing tag, to (go) play taghirmuisesti - terriblyhirveästi - terriblyhirvittävästi - horriblyhissukseen - quietly, silentlyhistoriallisesti - historicallyhitaasti - slowlyhivelevästi - silkily, caressinglyhohdokkaasti - glamorouslyholistisesti - holisticallyholtittomasti - recklesslyhomoseksuaalisesti - homosexuallyhoteisiin - into the care (of)hoteissa - in the care (of)hoteista - from the care (of)housusillaan - with one's pants or trousers (and not necessarily anything else) onhoususilleen - with one's pants or trousers (and not necessarily anything else) onhuikeasti - immensely, enormously, whoppinglyhuikentelevaisesti - in a fickle or flighty mannerhuikentelevasti - in a fickle mannerhuikkeilla - about, around, in the region of, in the ballpark ofhuimaavasti - dizzyinglyhuimapäisesti - dauntlessly, foolhardily, recklesslyhuimasti - hugelyhukassa - lost, missing (in an unknown location)hukkaan - wasted, lost (to the state of being wasted or lost)hukkateille - into being astrayhukkateillä - missinghukuksiin - into being losthukuksissa - being drowned or submergedhullunkurisesti - comicallyhullusti - crazily, insanelyhumaanisti - humanelyhumalaan - drunk, intoxicatedhumalapäissään - while drunk, in a drunken fithumalassa - drunk, intoxicated, under the influencehumoristisesti - humorouslyhunajaisesti - in a honey mannerhunningolla - In a state or condition of neglect or oblivion; may often be translated into English with the noun mess, or the verb neglect.hunningolle - into being neglected or in oblivionhuolehtivaisesti - caringly, concernedly, providentlyhuolellisesti - carefully, meticulouslyhuolestuneesti - worriedly, with concernhuolettomasti - carelessly, unsafely, indifferently, blithely.huolimattomasti - sloppily, carelesslyhuolissaan - [while being] concerned, worried, bothered (about = elative)huolitellusti - stylishly, neatlyhuomaamattomasti - inconspicuouslyhuomaavaisesti - considerately, thoughtfullyhuomattavasti - considerably, notably, remarkably, significantlyhuonosti - badly, poorlyhupaisasti - amusingly, funnilyhuppeluksiin - Alternative form of uppeluksiin.huppeluksissa - Alternative form of uppeluksissa.huppeluksista - Alternative form of uppeluksista.hupsusti - in a silly or funny mannerhurjasti - wildly, fiercelyhurmaavasti - charminglyhurskaasti - piouslyhuumorintajuisesti - with a sense of humorhuvikseen - for funhydraulisesti - hydraulicallyhygieenisesti - hygienicallyhyisesti - frigidly, glacially (in a very cold manner)hypnoottisesti - hypnoticallyhysteerisesti - hystericallyhyveellisesti - virtuouslyhyvilleen - into being pleased or delighted (about = elative)hyvillään - pleased, happy, glad, delighted (about = elative)hyvin - well (accurately, competently, satisfactorily; in a manner that can be described as good)hyväksyttävästi - acceptablyhyväksytysti - acceptably, in a manner that is acceptablehyväksyvästi - approvinglyhyvänsuovasti - benevolentlyhyväntahtoisesti - benevolentlyhyväntuulisesti - cheerfullyhyväsydämisesti - goodheartedlyhyväuskoisesti - gulliblyhyödyllisesti - usefullyhyödyttömästi - uselesslyhyökkäyskannalla - on the offensivehyökkäyskannalle - on(to) the offensivehyökkäyskannalta - from the offensivehyökkäävästi - aggressivelyhädissään - alarmedly (in an alarmed manner)häijysti - wickedly, meanly, viciouslyhäikäilemättömästi - unscrupulouslyhäikäisevästi - dazzlingly, glaringly, shininglyhäiriintyneesti - disturbedlyhäiritsevästi - disturbingly, disruptivelyhäiriöttömästi - without disruptionhäkellyksiin - stupefied, overwhelmed or dumbfoundedhäkellyksiinsä - Alternative form of häkellyksiinhäkellyksissä - stupefied, overwhelmed, dumbfoundedhäkellyksissään - Alternative form of häkellyksissähälyttävästi - alarminglyhämilleen - into the state of being embarrassed or confusedhämillään - embarrassed, confused, flustered (in the state of shameful discomfort)hämmennyksissään - Alternative form of hämmennyksissähämmentyneesti - confusedly, bemusedlyhämmästyksiin - into being surprised or amazedhämmästyksissä - surprised or amazedhämmästyksissään - while being amazed, in one's amazementhämmästyttävästi - amazingly, astonishinglyhämärästi - faintly, dimlyhämäännyksiin - into being confused or distractedhämäännyksissä - while being distracted or confused, in one's confusionhämäännyksissään - Alternative form of hämäännyksissähännille - to the tail end or back (of)hännillä - at the tail end or back (of)hänniltä - from the tail end or back (of)häpeissään - ashamed (of = elative)häpeällisesti - shamefullyhäpeämättömästi - unashamedlyhärkäpäisesti - stubbornly, pigheadedlyhärskisti - grosslyhätäisesti - hastily, rashlyhätäännyksissään - Alternative form of hätäännyksissähäveliäästi - modestly, bashfullyhävyttömästi - obscenelyhäävisti - wellhölläkätisesti - leniently, lavishly, laxlyhöllälle - into being loosehöllällä - loose (in a state of being loose)höllässä - loosely; not tightlyhöllästi - loosely; not tightlyhöllään - into being loosehölmösti - foolishlyhöperösti - senilelyhörölle - into being open; (of an animal ear) into standing uphörölleen - Alternative form of höröllehöröllä - (being) open; (of an animal ear) (being) standing uphöröllään - Alternative form of höröllähöttösissään - excited, enthusiastic, jazzed uphövelisti - generously, friendlyhöylisti - generously, friendlyiankaikkisesti - forever, eternallyidealistisesti - idealisticallyidemmäs - further east, (to) some (more) distance towards the eastidempänä - In more eastern location.idempää - from further eastidenttisesti - identicallyidiomaattisesti - idiomaticallyidioottimaisesti - idioticallyidyllisesti - idyllicallyihailevasti - adoringlyihailtavasti - admirablyihanasti - wonderfully, beautifullyihanteellisesti - ideallyihastuksissaan - in one's infatuation, while infatuatedihastuttavasti - charmingly, adorablyihmeellisesti - wonderfullyihmeesti - wonderfully, surprisinglyihmeisiinsä - astonished; chiefly used with the expression saada ihmeisiinsä (“to astonish (someone)”)ihmeissään - [while being] astonishedihmeteltävästi - astonishingly, surprisinglyihmisläheisesti - humanely, in a way that is close to peopleihmismäisesti - in a humanlike or manlike manneriisisti - easy, at ease, chillikuisesti - eternallyikävissään - in one's longing or yearningikävystyneesti - boredlyikävystyttävästi - boringly, in a dull wayikävästi - tediously, badly, nastilyiljettävästi - disgustinglyilkeästi - meanly, wickedly, nastilyilkikurisesti - mischievously, impishlyilkivaltaisesti - mischievouslyilkosillaan - stark nakedilkosilleen - into (the state of) being stark nakedillemmaksi - to (later in) the eveningillemmalla - later in the evening, later in the dayillempana - later in eveningilmatiiviisti - airtightly, hermeticallyilmavasti - airily (in the concrete sense only)ilmeettömästi - blankly, expressionlesslyilmeikkäästi - expressivelyilmeisesti - apparently, evidently, obviouslyilmiselvästi - obviously, plainly, self-evidentlyilmiömäisesti - phenomenallyiloisesti - happily, merrily, gailyiloissaan - in one's joy, (while) happy, joyfullyilottomasti - gloomilyimelästi - in an overly sweet manner, sugarily, syrupilyimplisiittisesti - implicitlyimpulsiivisesti - impulsivelyindividualistisesti - individualisticallyineen - insideinessä - insideinhimillisesti - humanelyinhottavasti - disgustinglyinnoissaan - enthusiastic, excited, rapt; jazzed up (about = elative)innokkaasti - avidly, eagerly, enthusiasticallyinnostavasti - invigoratingly, stimulatingly (in a way that gives strength, energy and vitality)innostuksissaan - in one's excitement or enthusiasminnostuneesti - excitedly, enthusiasticallyinnottomasti - halfheartedlyintensiivisesti - intensivelyinteraktiivisesti - interactivelyintertekstuaalisesti - intertextuallyintiimisti - intimatelyintohimoisesti - passionately, zealouslyintohimottomasti - passionlessly, dispassionatelyintomielisesti - enthusiasticallyintuitiivisesti - intuitivelyironisesti - ironicallyirrallaan - loose, free, untethered (not bound or tethered or leashed)irralleen - apart or looseirrallisesti - loosely, disconnectedly, in a way that is not connected to something elseirrationaalisesti - irrationallyirstaasti - lewdlyirtonaisesti - loosely (packed)irveen - into a grin or grimaceirvessä - in a grin or grimace, grinning or grimacingirvokkaasti - grotesquelyiskevästi - wittilyisosti - greatly, largely, bigistuallaan - sitting downistualleen - sitting, into being seatedistualtaan - from being sittingistuvillaan - Alternative form of istuallaanistuvilleen - Alternative form of istualleenistuviltaan - Alternative form of istualtaanisällisesti - In a fatherly manner.isänmaallisesti - patrioticallyitarasti - stingilyitsekeskeisesti - In an self-centered or selfish manner.itsekkäästi - selfishlyitsekseen - alone, by oneself, on one's own, unaided, unassisteditselleen - to or for oneselfitsenäisesti - independentlyitsepintaisesti - stubbornlyitsepäisesti - stubbornlyitserakkaasti - conceitedly (in the manner of having an excessively favorable opinion of oneself)itseriittoisesti - self-absorbedlyitsetietoisesti - self-consciouslyitsetyytyväisesti - smugly, in a self-satisfied manneritsevaltaisesti - autocratically, despoticallyitsevaltiaasti - Synonym of itsevaltaisestiitsevarmasti - self-assuredlyivallisesti - mockingly, sardonically, scornfullyjalkeilla - up, on one's feet (standing up).jalkeille - onto one's feet, into being standing up or movingjalomielisesti - noble-mindedlyjalosti - nobly, finelyjanoissaan - thirstyjatkuvasti - continuously, continually, constantly, perpetuallyjengoillaan - Synonym of kohdallaanjengoilleen - Synonym of kohdalleenjohdonmukaisesti - logically, coherently, consistentlyjok'ainoa - Contraction of joka ainoa.jouheasti - Synonym of juohevastijouhevasti - smoothly, brisklyjoutessaan - while doing nothing else, idlyjoutuisasti - quickly, speedily, expeditiouslyjuhlallisesti - ceremoniallyjuhlavasti - festively, ceremoniallyjulkeasti - impudently, blatantly, arrogantlyjulkisesti - publicly, in publicjulmasti - cruellyjumalaisesti - divinely, godlyjumalattomasti - godlessly, impiouslyjumalisesti - godly (in a way that is devoted to a god or God)jumiin - stuckjumissa - stuckjumista - from being stuck, unstuckjunttimaisesti - in a redneck manner, redneckilyjuntturaan - jammed, to a dead end (to this state)juntturassa - jammed, in a dead end (in this state)juoheasti - Synonym of juohevastijuohevasti - Alternative form of jouhevastijuoksevasti - sequentially, consecutivelyjuonikkaasti - cunningly, in a sly way, craftilyjuoponnapissa - wrong buttoned, uneven (buttoned up with buttons in wrong buttonholes)juoponnappiin - wrong buttoned, uneven (buttoned up with buttons in wrong buttonholes; used of ending up with this situation)juovuksiin - drunk (to the state of drunkenness)juovuksissa - drunk, intoxicated, under the influence, wasted (in the state of drunkenness)juovuspäissään - Synonym of humalassa (“drunk”)juridisesti - juridically, legallyjurosti - sullenly, sulkilyjuttusilla - used of talking or having talked to someonejuttusille - used of going to talk to someonejylhästi - imposing with greatness, austerity or gloominess; awe-inspiringly, majesticallyjyrkästi - steeplyjäihin - on ice, on hold (temporarily unavailable or suspended)jäissä - on ice, on hold (temporarily unavailable or suspended)jäljellä - left, remainingjäljemmäksi - back (to a position further behind)jäljempänä - further back (in a position further behind)jäljempää - further below, below (later on in a text)jäljessä - behindjämerästi - firmly, steadfastlyjämäkästi - stoutly (materially strongly)jännittävästi - thrillingly, excitinglyjännästi - neatly, interestingly, groovilyjänskästi - Synonym of jännästijäntevästi - wirily, flexibly, in a sinewy mannerjäreästi - sturdilyjärjellisesti - rationallyjärjestelmällisesti - systematicallyjärjettömästi - senselessly, crazily, absurdly, mindlesslyjärjissään - in one's right mind, sane, sensible, reasonable, thinking clearlyjärkevästi - sensiblyjärkiperäisesti - rationallyjärkkymättömästi - adamantly, unwaveringly, steadfastly, unshakablyjärkyttävästi - shockingly, disturbingly, outrageouslyjärkähtämättömästi - unflappablyjäyhästi - bluffly, surlily, churlishly, gruffly, abruptly, bluntlyjääräpäisesti - doggedly, obstinately, persistently, pertinaciously, resolutely, stubbornly, unyieldingly (in a stubbornly resolute manner)jäätävästi - icilyjörösti - sullenly, sulkilykaameasti - awfully, terribly, shockinglykaarevasti - in a curved or bent mannerkaavamaisesti - formally, schematicallykadoksiin - lost, missing (to an unknown location)kadoksissa - lost, missing (in an unknown location)kahtaalla - in two directions or placeskahtaalle - to or into two directions or placeskahtaalta - from two directions or placeskaihoisasti - wistfully, longinglykaikkensa - all (everything possible)kaikkialla - everywherekaikkialle - everywherekaikkialta - from everywherekaikkineen - and all (including every item associated with preceding item or series of items)kaikuvasti - resoundingly, reverberatinglykainosti - demurely, timidlykaksijakoisesti - dualisticallykallellaan - tilted (relative to an upright orientation), leaningkallelleen - into being slanted or askewkalliisti - expensively, dearlykalpeasti - palelykalsareisillaan - in one's underwearkalsareisilleen - into (being in) one's underwearkalsarisillaan - Alternative form of kalsareisillaankalsarisilleen - Alternative form of kalsareisilleenkalseasti - coldly (in an unfriendly way)kaltevasti - slopingly, inclinedly, slopedlykamalasti - awfullykammottavasti - horriblykanamaisesti - chickenlike, in a chickenlike mannerkankeasti - stifflykansainvälisesti - internationallykansallisesti - nationallykansanomaisesti - folksilykansantajuisesti - in a popular way, in an easy to understand waykansanvaltaisesti - democraticallykaoottisesti - chaoticallykapeasti - narrowlykarheasti - roughly, coarselykarilla - aground (resting on the bottom)karille - aground (into being resting on the bottom)karkeasti - crudely, coarsely, bluntly (without tact or finesse)karkuteille - at large, on the loose, on the run (into the state of fleeing or not being in captivity)karkuteillä - at large, on the loose, on the run (in the state of fleeing or not being in captivity)karkuteiltä - from being at large, on the loose or on the runkarmeasti - horribly, terribly, ghastlykarsaasti - askance, askew (of a look or glance: with disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion)karskisti - sternly, harshly, boldlykarusti - barrenly, austerely, starkly, harshly, barelykarvaasti - bitterlykatalasti - meanly, vilely, deviouslykatastrofaalisesti - catastrophicallykateellisesti - enviously, jealouslykategorisesti - categoricallykateisiin - into being lost or missingkateissa - lost, missingkateissaan - envious, jealous, in one's envy (feeling resentful or angered toward someone for a perceived advantage or success, material or otherwise)katkelmallisesti - fragmentarily (of text, etc.)katkerasti - bitterlykatkonaisesti - intermittently, discontinuously, fragmentarilykattavasti - encompassinglykatumapäälle - regretful (to the state of regretfulness)katumapäällä - regretful (in the state of regretfulness)kauaa - for a long time, for longkauaksi - far, far away (towards or to a faraway place)kauan - a long timekauas - far, far away (towards or to a faraway place)kauemmas - further, farther (to a position that is further from something than the current one)kauempaa - further (away) (from or at a larger distance (than something else))kauempana - further, farther (in a position that is further from something than another)kauheasti - awfully, dreadfully, terriblykauhuissaan - horrified, terrified, frightened (by = elative)kauimmaksi - furthest away (to a point that is most distant from the reference point among the points under comparison)kauimpaa - from furthest away (from a location that is most distant from the reference point among the points under comparison)kauimpana - furthest away (in a location that is most distant from the reference point among the points under comparison)kaukaa - from afarkaukana - far, far away, afarkauniisti - beautifullykaunopuheisesti - eloquentlykaupallisesti - commerciallykaupunkilaisesti - in a way that is of or relates to cities or urban lifekauttaaltaan - thoroughlykavalasti - treacherouslykehitteille - into (being in) developmentkehitteillä - in developmentkehnosti - poorly, badlykehuskelevasti - bragginglykehuttavasti - praiseworthily, laudablykeimailevasti - flirtatiously, coquettishlykeimaillen - flirtatiously, coquettishlykeinotekoisesti - artificiallykekseliäästi - inventively, imaginativelykeljusti - crookedly, meanly, unpleasantlykellelleen - onto one's back or sidekellellään - on one's back or sidekelteisilleen - naked (to the state of nakedness)kelteisillään - nakedkelvollisesti - fitly, suitably, eligiblykelvottomasti - uselessly, worthlessly, unfitlykemiallisesti - chemicallykenollaan - tilted, asidekenoon - tilted or asidekenossa - tilted, asidekepeästi - lightly (in a light manner; in a manner that has low weight)kepulisti - dishonestly, insincerely, deceitfullykeralla - with, accompanyingkeralle - with or accompanyingkerkeästi - quickly, promptlykernaasti - gladly, willingly, with pleasure, eagerly; be glad/ willing/ eager tokertakaikkisesti - once and for all, at once, in the way of being done completely in one actionkesemmäksi - closer towards the summerkesemmälle - closer towards the summerkesemmällä - later in the summerkesempänä - later in the summerkeskeisesti - pivotally, centrally, cruciallykeskelle - to the middle<-- -->