Finnish adjectives, part 1aakkosellinen - alphabeticalaakkosellisempi - comparative degree of aakkosellinenaakkosnumeerinen - alphanumericaalloittainen - Taking places in waves.aallokas - wavy (full of waves)aallokkoinen - turbulent, rough, swelling (like that of waves)aaltoileva - wavyaaltoilevampi - comparative degree of aaltoilevaaaltoilevin - superlative degree of aaltoilevaaaltoinen - Synonym of aaltoileva (“wavy”).aaltomainen - wavelikeaamu-uninen - sleepy in the morningsaamuinen - taking place in the morningaamuisin - superlative degree of aamuinenaamullinen - Occurring in the morning.aamunraikas - fresh as the morningaamupäiväinen - Taking place during the morning half of the day.aamuöinen - Taking place during small hours, or wee hours.aarilainen - Synonym of arjalainen (“Aryan”).aasialainen - Asianaasimainen - asinineaasimaisempi - comparative degree of aasimainenaataminaikainen - very old, antediluvianaatelinen - noble (belonging to nobility).aateliton - common, titleless (not of noble rank)aatteellinen - Ideological; adhering to an ideology.aatteellisempi - comparative degree of aatteellinenaatteellisin - superlative degree of aatteellinenaava - open, wide (featuring a very large open area, especially sea)aavemainen - ghostly, eerie, phantasmal, spectralaavemaisempi - comparative degree of aavemainenaavemaisin - superlative degree of aavemainenaavempi - comparative degree of aavaaavikkoinen - desert, barren (consisting of, or like a desert)aavin - superlative degree of aavaaavistamaton - unexpected, unforeseenaavistuksenomainen - premonition-likeabaattinen - abasic (lacking the ability to walk)abaksiaalinen - abaxial (facing to a direction away from the central axis of an organism)abakteriaalinen - abacterial (not caused by bacteria, characterized by lack of bacteria)abakterielli - Alternative form of abakteriaalinenabdominaali - abdominal, ventral (of or pertaining to the abdomen)abdominaalinen - abdominalabduktiivinen - abductiveabelinen - abelianaberrantti - aberrantabessinialainen - Abyssinianabhaasinkielinen - Abkhaz (expressed in Abkhaz language)abhasialainen - Abkhazianabioottinen - abioticablatiivinen - ablativalableistinen - ableistabnormaali - Abnormal.abnormi - abnormalaboraalinen - aboral (located away from the mouth)abortiivinen - abortiveabortinvastainen - antiabortionabrahamilainen - Abrahamicabsolutistinen - absolutistabsoluuttinen - absolute (fundamental, ultimate, intrinsic, independent of references or relations to other things)abstraktein - superlative degree of abstraktiabstrakti - abstract (free from representational qualities)abstraktimpi - comparative degree of abstraktiabstraktinen - abstractabsurdein - superlative degree of absurdiabsurdi - absurdabsurdimpi - comparative degree of absurdiabulinen - Alternative form of abuulinen (“abulic”).abuulinen - abulicabyssaalinen - abyssalabyssinen - Alternative form of abyssaalinenadaptiivinen - adaptiveaddiktiivinen - addictiveaddiktoiva - addictiveadditiivinen - additive (pertaining to addition)adduktiivinen - adductiveadekvaatti - adequateadekvaattinen - Alternative form of adekvaattiadenomatoidi - adenomatoid (of or pertaining to adenoma)adenomatoidinen - Alternative form of adenomatoidiadenomatoottinen - adenomatotic (of or pertaining to adenomatosis)adherentti - adherent (having the quality of clinging or sticking fast to something)adhesiivinen - adhesive (sticky; tenacious, apt or tending to adhere; clinging)adiabaattinen - adiabaticadipolyyttinen - adipolytic (converting fat into free fatty acids, esp. by the action of enzymes)adipoosi - adipose, fatty (containing, composed of, or consisting of fat)adipoosinen - Alternative form of adipoosiadjektiivikantainen - deadjectival (deriving from an adjective)adjektiivinen - adjectivaladjuvanttinen - adjuvant (enhancing effectiveness of a medical treatment)administratiivinen - administrativeadolesentti - adolescentadoraalinen - adoral (located near the mouth)adpositionaalinen - adpositional (of or pertaining to adpositions)adrenerginen - adrenergic (having the same effect as adrenaline or epinephrine)adrenogenitaalinen - adrenogenital (of or pertaining to excessive production of androgen hormone)adrenokortikaalinen - adrenocortical (of or pertaining to the adrenal cortex)adrenokortikotrooppinen - adrenocorticotropic, adrenotropic (that stimulates the adrenal cortex)adrenolyyttinen - adrenolytic (that inhibits the effect of adrenaline)adrenotrooppinen - adrenotropic, adrenocorticotropic (that stimulates the adrenal cortex)adsorboiva - adsorptive, adsorbentadstringoiva - astringent (having the effect of drawing tissue together)adverbiaalinen - adverbialadverbinen - adverbialadversatiivinen - adversativeaeolinen - aeolian (referring to the action or the power of wind)aerobinen - aerobic (as opposed to anaerobic)aerobiologinen - aerobiologicalaerodynaaminen - aerodynamicaerodynaamisempi - comparative degree of aerodynaaminenaerodynaamisin - superlative degree of aerodynaaminenaeroelastinen - aeroelasticaerofobinen - aerophobicafaattinen - aphasicafebriili - afebrile (having no fever)affektiivinen - affectiveaffektinen - affectiveafferentti - afferent (carrying towards)affiini - affineaffiininen - affineafganistanilainen - Afghanistani, Afghan (of or pertaining to Afghanistan)afoninen - aphonic (of, relating to, or exhibiting aphonia; unable to speak)afoottinen - aphotic (describing that part of deep lakes and oceans where less than one per cent of sunlight penetrates and where photosynthesis is not possible)aforistinen - aphoristicafrikaansinkielinen - Expressed in Afrikaans language.afrikkalainen - Africanafrikkalaisamerikkalainen - African-American (of or relating to African Americans)afroaasialainen - Afroasiaticafroamerikkalainen - African-American, Afro-Americanafrosuomalainen - Afro-Finnish, African-Finnish, (of or relating to Afro-Finns)aftainen - having aphthas or oral ulcersaftoosinen - having the medical condition of candidiasis, oral thrush, thrush, aphtha (fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth caused by any species of yeast from the genus Candida)agentiivinen - agentiveagglutinatiivinen - agglutinativeagglutinoiva - agglutinativeaggressiivinen - aggressiveaggressiivisempi - comparative degree of aggressiivinenaggressiivisin - superlative degree of aggressiivinenagitatorinen - agitativeagnostinen - agnosticagonaalinen - agonalagraarinen - agrarianahdas - tight, narrow (such that it is difficult for something or someone to pass through it; fitting too close to the body)ahdashenkinen - narrow-minded (having restricted or rigid views, being unreceptive to new ideas)ahdaskatseinen - narrow-mindedahdasmielinen - narrow-mindedahdasnäköinen - narrow-minded, narrow sighted (having mentally a narrow view)ahdasrajainen - tightly limited (having narrow bounds for movement)ahdettu - turbocharged (having a turbocharger)ahdistava - distressingahdistunut - anguished, anxious, angstful (full of anxiety)ahkera - industrious, hardworkingahkerin - superlative degree of ahkeraahmattimainen - gluttonousahnas - gluttonousahne - greedyahneempi - comparative degree of ahneahnein - superlative degree of ahneahtaampi - comparative degree of ahdasahtera - barren, sterileahvenanmaalainen - Of or pertaining to Åland.aidattu - enclosedaidoin - superlative degree of aitoaidompi - comparative degree of aitoaiempi - earlieraigeialainen - Aegean (of or relating to the Bronze Age culture that thrived in the Aegean Sea area)aiheellinen - justifiable, justified (having a justification)aiheenmukainen - thematic, topical (relating to, or having a theme or a topic)aiheeton - unnecessary, unwarranted, unfounded, unjustified, undueaikaansaamaton - inefficient, unproductiveaikaansaapa - Alternative form of aikaansaavaaikaansaava - efficient, productive, competentaikaansaavampi - comparative degree of aikaansaavaaikaansaavempi - comparative degree of aikaansaavaaikaansaavin - superlative degree of aikaansaavaaikaavievä - time-consumingaikaerotteinen - time-resolvedaikainen - earlyaikaisempi - comparative degree of aikainen (“earlier”)aikaisin - superlative degree of aikainenaikakautinen - periodic (referring to a period or periods)aikamoinen - quite a, quite someaikapalkkainen - Getting paid according to the time worked, most commonly on monthly or hourly basis.aikasytytteinen - time-detonatedaikasytytyksinen - Synonym of aikasytytteinen.aikava - slowaikuinen - adultaikuisempi - comparative degree of aikuinenaikuismainen - adultlikeailahteleva - fickle (quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance; insincere; not loyal or reliable)ailahtelevainen - Synonym of ailahteleva (“fickle”).ainainen - constant, perpetual, eternalainavihanta - evergreen (plant)aineellinen - corporeal, tangible, materialaineenmukainen - Synonym of aiheenmukainen.aineeton - intangible, immaterial, incorporealaineettomampi - comparative degree of aineetonainejakoinen - Of teaching, being divided into a number of disciplines which don't connect with each other.ainoa - only, soleainoa oikea - one and onlyainoalaatuinen - Synonym of ainutlaatuinen.ainoinen - onlyainunkielinen - Ainu-language, Ainu-speaking, Ainu (of Ainu language)ainut - onlyainutkertainen - one-shot, unique (occurring only once)ainutkertaisempi - comparative degree of ainutkertainenainutlaatuinen - unique, one-of-a-kind, unprecedented (without equal)ainutlaatuisempi - comparative degree of ainutlaatuinenaiolinen - Aeolianaistienvarainen - Alternative form of aistinvarainen.aistiherkkä - sensitive (of the senses, highly responsive to stimuli)aistikas - tasteful, elegantaistikkaampi - comparative degree of aistikasaistillinen - sensualaistinvarainen - organolepticaistiton - lacking senses (having no senses, or functional sensory organs)aistittomampi - comparative degree of aistitonaistittomin - superlative degree of aistitonaistivammainen - having a/with sensory impairment (having one or more of the senses impaired)aistiviallinen - Synonym of aistivammainen.aitaamaton - unfenced (not enclosed by fence)aito - real, authentic, genuineaitoamerikkalainen - all-Americanaitolialainen - Aetolianaitoperäinen - authenticaitosuomalainen - Of or pertaining to aitosuomalaisuus.aitotumainen - eukaryotic (of or pertaining to Eukaryota)aivastuttava - Causing one to sneeze, errhine.aivastuttavampi - comparative degree of aivastuttavaaivastuttavin - superlative degree of aivastuttavaaivokuollut - brain-deadaivokuorenalainen - subcortical (of or pertaining to the subcortex)aivoperäinen - Synonym of aivosyntyinen.aivosyntyinen - of cerebral origin, cerebralaivoton - brainlessaivottomampi - comparative degree of aivotonaivovammainen - brain-disabledajallinen - temporal (relating to time)ajankohtainen - of current interest, current, topical (existing or occurring at the moment and being of some importance)ajankohtaisempi - comparative degree of ajankohtainenajankohtaisin - superlative degree of ajankohtainenajanmukainen - up-to-dateajantasainen - up-to-dateajanvietteellinen - recreationalajaton - timelessajattelematon - unthinking, inconsiderateajattelevainen - thoughtful (demonstrating kindness or consideration for others).ajattelukykyinen - able to thinkajattomampi - comparative degree of ajatonajattomin - superlative degree of ajatonajatuksekas - thoughtful (demonstrating thought)ajatuksekkaampi - comparative degree of ajatuksekasajatuksellinen - conceptualajatukseton - unthinking (without proper thought)ajatusperäinen - thought-basedajettunut - swollenajoaikainen - Alternative form of ajonaikainenajoittainen - intermittentajokelpoinen - driveable (of road or other surface, capable of being driven on safely or successfully)ajokuntoinen - driveable (of vehicle, capable of being driven)ajokykyinen - fit to driveajonaikainen - run-timeakaalainen - from, related or pertaining to Akaaakallinen - Having a wife; married.akateeminen - academicakkadilainen - Akkadianakkamainen - sissy (effeminate)akkukäyttöinen - battery-operated, battery-powered (of an electric or electronic device, getting its operating power from a rechargeable battery)akkumulatiivinen - accumulativeakkusatorinen - Accusatorial (of or pertaining to the system of a public trial in which the facts are ascertained by the judge or jury from evidence presented by the prosecution and the defence).akkutoiminen - battery-operatedakrobaattinen - acrobaticakromaattinen - achromaticakryylinen - acrylic (made of acrylic)akselisymmetrinen - axisymmetricaksessorinen - accessoryaksiaalinen - axialaksiisinalainen - subject to excise taxaksiomaattinen - axiomaticaksisymmetrinen - axisymmetricaksonometrinen - axonometricaktiivi - Alternative form of aktiivinen.aktiivinen - activeaktuaali - current (existing or occurring at the moment)aktuaalinen - current (existing or occurring at the moment)aktuelli - current (existing or occurring at the moment)akustinen - acousticakuutti - acute (urgent)akuuttinen - Synonym of akuutti.akvaattinen - aquaticala-arvoinen - substandard, base (of inferior quality)alabasterinen - alabaster (made of alabaster)alahärmäläinen - of or pertaining to the village of Alahärmä in Southern Ostrobothnia, Finlandalaikäinen - underagealainen - subject to, under (common in compounds)alaiseton - subordinateless, not having a subordinate (employee)alajärveläinen - from, related or pertaining to Alajärvialakierteinen - with backspinalakkainen - Alternative form of allekkainenalakohtainen - sectoral, sector-wise, sectorwise (of or pertaining to a sector)alakuloinen - blue, melancholicalakuloisempi - comparative degree of alakuloinenalakuloisin - superlative degree of alakuloinenalakuntoinen - in below average shape or conditionalamainen - subservientalamittainen - Too small in size. (of fish or crabs)alankomaalainen - of the Netherlands; Dutchalaosaton - bottomless (having no bottom)alapuolinen - lower, bottom, underneath; often best translated into English with a prepositional structure (being on the underside of something)alaraajahalvaantunut - paraplegicalasaranoitu - bottom-hinged (having hinges on the bottom, as opposed to having them on top or on the side)alaskalainen - Alaskanalaslaskettava - fold-downalaslaskettu - lowered (that has been made lower, such as of a ceiling in a room)alaspäinen - going downwards, descendingalastarolainen - of, from, or pertaining to Alastaroalastomampi - comparative degree of alastonalastomin - superlative degree of alastonalatyylinen - Said of a written or oral expression, vulgar (obscene).alava - low-lyingalaveteliläinen - from, related or pertaining to Alavetelialavieskalainen - from, related or pertaining to Alavieskaalavireinen - flat, lower in pitch than it should bealavutelainen - from, related or pertaining to Alavusalbanialainen - Albanianalbaniankielinen - Albanian, Albanian language, Albanian speaking (written or expressed in Albanian)aleatorinen - aleatoricalehintainen - sale priced, discount pricedaleksityyminen - alexithymicalemmuudentuntoinen - feeling inferioralempi - lower, under-, nether (physically)alempiarvoinen - of lower value, of lesser valuealempikorkoinen - lower-interest (bearing lower interest rate)alempipalkkainen - lower-paidalentava - humiliating, condescendingalentuva - condescending, patronizingalentuvainen - condescending, patronizingalfanumeerinen - alphanumericalalgebrallinen - algebraicalgerialainen - Algerianalgoritminen - algorithmicalhainen - low (of location; close to the ground)alhaisin - superlative degree of alhainenalhaissukuinen - of low birthalhaissäätyinen - of low estatealiedustettu - underrepresentedalifaattinen - aliphaticalihintainen - underpriced (having a relatively or abnormally low price)alijo - Alternative form of aljo.alijäähtynyt - supercooledalijäämäinen - deficientalikehittynyt - Pertaining to something that has failed to develop and is thus underdeveloped or backward.alikoulutettu - undereducatedalikriittinen - subcriticalalilämpöinen - hypothermicalimittainen - undersizedalimmainen - undermostalin - lowest, undermost, lowermostalinen - under, underlyingalinomainen - continuous, incessantaliohjautuva - understeeringalipaineinen - Having too low gas pressure.alipainoinen - underweightalipalkattu - underpaid (getting paid too little for one's work)alipalkatumpi - comparative degree of alipalkattualipalkkainen - underpaidaliravittu - undernourishedaliravitumpi - comparative degree of aliravittualiresursoitu - under-resourcedalisteinen - subordinatealistuva - submissivealistuvainen - Alternative form of alistuvaalitajuinen - subconscious, below the level of consciousnessalitajunnallinen - Synonym of alitajuinenalitajuntainen - subliminal, subconsciousalitehoinen - underpoweredalituinen - continuous, incessantalivoimainen - outnumberedaljo - describing a tamed animalalju - Alternative form of aljo.alkalinen - alkalinealkamaton - Synonym of aloittamaton.alkeellinen - primitivealkeellisempi - comparative degree of alkeellinenalkeellisin - superlative degree of alkeellinenalkemistinen - alchemisticalkoholillinen - alcoholic (containing alcohol)alkoholiongelmainen - with an alcohol problemalkoholipitoinen - alcoholic (containing alcohol)alkoholiriippuvainen - dependent on alcohol, alcoholicalkoholistinen - alcoholistic, characterized by alcoholismalkoholiton - nonalcoholic, non-alcoholicalkukantainen - primitivealkukielinen - in the original languagealkukristillinen - early Christianalkuperäinen - original (preceding all others; first in a series of versions)alkuperäisempi - comparative degree of alkuperäinenalkusoinnullinen - alliterative, with alliterationalkusuomalainen - Proto-Finnic (of or pertaining to these people or their culture)alkuvoimainen - elemental (of, or relating to a force or nature)alla mainittu - mentioned belowalla oleva - underlying (lying underneath)allegorinen - allegoricalallekkainen - One below another.allergeeninen - allergenicallerginen - allergic (of or pertaining to allergy)allergisempi - comparative degree of allerginenallergisin - instructive plural of allerginenallergisoiva - allergenic (having the effect of an allergen)allokroninen - allochronicalloktoninen - allochthonous (found in a place remote from the site of formation)allopaattinen - allopathicallopatrinen - allopatricallotrooppinen - allotropicaloitekykyinen - that who or which has initiativealoitekyvytön - lacking in initiative or drive (of a person)aloittainen - sectoralaloittamaton - Not started.aloitteellinen - Having initiative.aloitteikas - A person having initiative.aloitteikkaampi - comparative degree of aloitteikasaloitteikkain - superlative degree of aloitteikasalokasmainen - rookie-likealpakkainen - Made of the wool of alpaca.alpiininen - alpinealtailainen - Altaic (of or pertaining to a hypothetical language group which includes Turkic, Mongolic and Tungusic languages)altimetrinen - altimetricaltis - exposed, endangered, vulnerablealtistettu - predisposedaltruistinen - altruisticaltruistisempi - comparative degree of altruistinenalttein - superlative degree of altisalttiimpi - comparative degree of altisalueellinen - regionalalueittainen - regionalaluepoliittinen - regional policy (of or pertaining to regional policy)alumiininen - of aluminium, aluminiumalussa mainittu - that was mentioned in the beginningalustariippumaton - cross-platformalustava - tentative, preliminary, provisional, introductoryalvari - frequent (taking place often)alveolaarinen - alveolaramatöörimäinen - amateurishambiofoninen - ambiophonicambivalentti - ambivalentambivalenttinen - ambivalentamebamainen - amoeba-likeamerikankielinen - English (expressed in English language)amerikansamoalainen - American Samoanamerikansuomalainen - Finnish Americanamerikkalainen - American (very often of or relating to the USA or its people)amfibinen - amphibiousammateittainen - profession-wiseammatillinen - occupational, vocationalammattieettinen - professional ethicalammattilainen - professional, proammattimainen - professionalammattimaisempi - comparative degree of ammattimainenammattitaidoton - unprofessionalammattitaitoinen - qualified, professionalammoinen - ancient, age-oldammonilainen - Ammonite, of or relating to Ammonammottava - gaping (wide open)amoraalinen - amoralamorfinen - amorphic, amorphousampiaisvyötäröinen - wasp-waistedamyloidinen - amyloidanaalis-retentiivinen - anal-retentiveanabaattinen - anabaticanabolinen - anabolicanadrominen - anadromousanaerobinen - anaerobicanaforinen - anaphoricanafylaktinen - anaphylacticanakoluuttinen - anacoluthicanakronistinen - anachronisticanalgeettinen - analgesicanalogianäyttöinen - analog display (featuring an analog display)analoginen - analog, analogue, analogic, analogicalanalyyttinen - analytical, analyticanamnestinen - anamnesticanankastinen - anankasticanarkinen - Alternative form of anarkistinenanarkistinen - anarchisticanastigmaattinen - anastigmaticanatominen - anatomicandorralainen - Andorranandrogeeninen - androgenicandrogyyninen - androgynousandrologinen - andrologicalaneeminen - anemicanesteettinen - anesthetic (US), anaesthetic (UK)anestesiologinen - Pertaining to anesthesiology.anglikaaninen - Anglicanangloamerikkalainen - Anglo-Americananglonormannilainen - Anglo-Norman (of or pertaining to Anglo-Normans or their language)anglosaksilainen - Anglo-Saxonanglosaksinen - Anglo-Saxonangolalainen - Angolanangstinen - angstfulanguillalainen - Anguillananiliininpunainen - magenta (of this colour)aniliininvärinen - Synonym of aniliininpunainen (magenta).animaalinen - Synonym of eläimellinen.animistinen - animisticanjalankoskelainen - Of, from, or pertaining to Anjalankoski.ankara - harsh, hard, strict (person)ankarahko - relatively strict, harsh, austere etc., see ankara for all sensesankarampi - comparative degree of ankaraankaranlainen - Synonym of ankarahko.ankarasanainen - strictly wordedankarin - superlative degree of ankaraankea - dreary, drab, dull (colorless, cheerless)ankeampi - comparative degree of ankeaankein - superlative degree of ankeaankeriasmainen - eel-likeankkalinnalainen - Duckburgian, relating to Duckburg or its people.anksiolyyttinen - anxiolytic (that reduces anxiety)annamilainen - Annameseanomaalinen - anomalous, anomalisticanonyymi - anonymousanonyyminen - Alternative form of anonyymi.anorektinen - anorecticanorogeeninen - anorogenicansaitsematon - undeservedansioitunut - merited, distinguished, qualified, deserving, accomplishedansiokas - meritoriousansiosidonnainen - earnings-relatedansioton - undeservingantagonistinen - antagonisticantarktinen - Antarcticantasidinen - antacidantaumuksellinen - dedicated, devotedantautuvainen - submissive, tending to submitantediluviaani - Alternative form of antediluviaaninen.antediluviaaninen - antediluvian (related to time before the Flood)anteeksiannettava - forgivableanteeksiantamaton - inexcusable, unforgivableanteeksiantava - forgivinganteeksiantavainen - Synonym of anteeksiantava (“forgiving”)anteeksipyytelemätön - unapologeticanteeksipyytelevä - apologeticanteeksipyytävä - apologeticanteliaampi - comparative degree of anteliasantelias - generousantenataalinen - antenatalanteriorinen - anterior (all senses)anterogradinen - anterogradeanti-inflammatorinen - anti-inflammatoryantibakteerinen - antibacterialantibioottinen - antibioticantidiureettinen - antidiureticantigeeninen - antigenicantiguabarbudalainen - Antiguan and Barbudan (of or pertaining to Antigua and Barbuda)antigualainen - Antiguan (of or pertaining to Antigua)antiikki - antiqueantiikkinen - antique (old, used especially of furniture and household items; out of date)antiklimaattinen - anticlimacticantikommunistinen - anticommunistantikommutatiivinen - anticommutativeantikvaarinen - antiquarianantimikrobinen - antimicrobialantimilitaristinen - antimilitaristantimitoottinen - antimitoticantineoplastinen - antineoplasticantinominen - antinomianantiokialainen - Antiochianantipsykoottinen - antipsychoticantirasistinen - antiracistantisemiittinen - anti-Semitic, antisemiticantisemitistinen - anti-Semiticantiseptinen - antisepticantisosiaalinen - antisocialantistaattinen - antistaticantistaattisempi - comparative degree of antistaattinenantistaattisin - superlative degree of antistaattinenantisymmetrinen - antisymmetricantitromboottinen - antithromboticantoisa - rewarding, satisfyingantropologinen - anthropologicalantropomorfinen - anthropomorphicantropomorfistinen - Alternative form of antropomorfinenantroposentrinen - anthropocentricapaattinen - apatheticapaattisempi - comparative degree of apaattinenapaattisin - superlative degree of apaattinenapea - melancholic, dejected, depressed, dispirited, blue, sad, moody (on a low spirit)apeamielinen - melancholy-mindedapeampi - comparative degree of apeaapein - superlative degree of apeaapikaalinen - apicalapinamainen - simian, apishapinamaisempi - comparative degree of apinamainenapinamaisin - superlative degree of apinamainenapneustinen - apneusticapokalyptinen - apocalypticapokromaattinen - apochromaticapokryfinen - apocryphal (of or pertaining to Apocrypha)apolloninen - Apollonianapologeettinen - apologeticapomagmaattinen - apomagmaticapomiktinen - apomicticaposteriorinen - a posteriori (involving deduction of theories from facts)apostolinen - apostolicappelsiininen - orangey (resembling oranges as in the fruit)appositiivinen - appositiveapproksimatiivinen - approximativeapriorinen - a prioriapuinen - acting to provide help, support or assistance of the kind that is specified by the modifierapumoottorillinen - auxiliary (equipped with auxiliary motor)arabialainen - Arabian, Arabic.arabiankielinen - Arabic, Arabic language (written or expressed in Arabic)arabiemiirikuntalainen - Synonym of arabiemiraattilainenarabiemiraattilainen - Emirati (of, from, or pertaining to the United Arab Emirates)arabiystävällinen - pro-Arab (supporting or favoring Arabs)aragonialainen - Aragonese, Aragonianaragoniankielinen - Aragonese, Aragonese language (written or expressed in Aragonese)aramealainen - Aramaicarameankielinen - Aramaic, Aramaic language (written or expressed in Aramaic)aravalainoitteinen - financed by Aravaarbitraarinen - Synonym of mielivaltainen (“arbitrary”).arbiträärinen - Alternative form of arbitraarinen.areaalinen - arealareiolainen - Arian (of or pertaining to Arius; or Arianism)arempi - comparative degree of arkaargentiinalainen - Argentinianargumentiton - that takes no arguments (of a function); nullaryaridi - aridarin - superlative degree of arkaaristava - tender (sensitive or painful).aristokraattinen - aristocraticaristoteelinen - Aristotelianaristotelinen - Alternative form of aristoteelinenaritmeettinen - arithmeticarjalainen - Aryanarka - tender, sorearkaainen - archaicarkadialainen - Arcadianarkadinen - Arcadianarkailematon - unhesitatingarkaistinen - archaicarkakatseinen - with a timid lookarkaluonteinen - sensitive, touchy, delicate (of an issue, capable of offending, upsetting or hurting)arkaluontoinen - Alternative form of arkaluonteinenarkanahkainen - with sensitive skinarkatunteinen - touchy, oversensitive, thin-skinned (easily offended)arkeeinen - Archaean (of, or relating to the geologic eon from about 3,800 to 2,500 million years ago)arkeologinen - archeologicalarkikielinen - in informal languagearkinen - everyday, ordinary, workaday, workdayarkipäiväinen - everydayarkirealistinen - mundanely realistic, with mundane realismarkisin - superlative degree of arkinenarkistokelpoinen - archival (of a material: having a quality suited to the conservational needs of archiving)arkkitehtoninen - architectural (of or pertaining to architecture)arkkityyppinen - archetypalarktinen - Arcticarmahainen - Alternative form of armasarmahtava - mercifularmahtavainen - mercifularmainen - dear (loved; lovable)armas - dear, beloved, cherishedarmeijanvihreä - army greenarmelias - mercifularmenialainen - Armenian (of or pertaining to Armenia)armeniankielinen - Armenian, Armenian-language (expressed in Armenian language)armias - mercifularmoinen - mercifularmoitettu - very gifted, talented (with a particular skill, especially as a performer, artist, or similar)armollinen - mercifularmoton - ruthless, unrelenting, pitiless, unforgivingaromaattinen - aromaticaromikas - fragrant, spicy, aromaticarpinen - scarredarpisempi - comparative degree of arpinenarrogantti - arrogantarteesinen - artesianartikulatorinen - articulatoryartistinen - artisticartjärveläinen - Of, pertaining to or originating from Artjärvi.arubalainen - Arubanarvaamaton - unpredictablearvaamattomampi - comparative degree of arvaamatonarveleva - hesitantarvelevainen - cautiousarveluttava - dubious, suspicious, doubtful, questionablearvoinen - wortharvoisa - honored, esteemed, dear (a respectful form of address)arvoituksellinen - enigmatic, cryptic, mysterious, puzzlingarvokas - precious, valuable, invaluablearvokkaampi - comparative degree of arvokasarvokonservatiivinen - socially conservativearvoliberaalinen - socially liberalarvollinen - worthyarvomerkintäinen - denominated (of postage stamp, displaying an inscribed value)arvonlisäverollinen - including VATarvonlisäveroton - excluding value-added tax, exclusive of value-added taxarvosidonnainen - value-based (based on or related to values or morals)arvossapidetty - Synonym of arvostettu (“esteemed”).arvosteleva - criticalarvostelukykyinen - judicious, discerningarvostelukykyisempi - comparative degree of arvostelukykyinenarvostelukykyisin - superlative degree of arvostelukykyinenarvostelukyvytön - indiscriminate, injudicious, undiscerning, that has poor judgmentarvostettu - respectedarvostetumpi - comparative degree of arvostettuarvoton - worthlessarvottomampi - comparative degree of arvotonarvovaltainen - prestigious, authoritativearvoväritteinen - prejudiced, biasedasbestikeraaminen - asbestos-ceramic (of or pertainening to asbestikeramiikka - pottery made with asbestos and clay, found in Finland, Karelia and northern Scandinavia c. 1900 BC – 200 AD)asbestipitoinen - containing asbestosaseellinen - armed (carried out using weapons)aseeton - unarmedaseistamaton - unarmedaseistariisuva - disarmingaseistautumaton - unarmedaseistautunut - armed (meaning that the person has armed him-/herself — compare aseistettu).aseistettu - armed (meaning that someone else has armed the person than the person him-/herself — compare aseistautunut).aseksuaalinen - asexualasekuntoinen - able-bodied (fit for military service)asentamaton - uninstalledasenteellinen - prejudiced, biasedaseptinen - asepticasetekninen - of or relating to weapon technologyasetussääteinen - decretal (that is enacted by a governmental decree rather than a law)asfalttinen - asphalticasfalttipäällysteinen - asphalt, asphalt-paved, asphalt-coated (paved or coated with asphalt)asiaankuulumaton - Irrelevant, beside the point, extraneous (to the subject); inappropriate.asiaankuuluva - Relevant, pertinent, (having a) bearing (on), concerning, connected (with), tied in (with), applicable, suitable, to the point/purpose.asiakaskeskeinen - customer orientedasiakaslähtöinen - customer-orientedasiakeskeinen - matter-oriented, fact-oriented, matter-of-factasiallinen - matter-of-fact, proper, appropriate, businesslikeasianmukainen - appropriate, suitable (fitting to the situation or problem)asianomainen - relevant, concerned, proper; may in some instances also be translated using the definite article theasiantuntematon - uninformed, unqualified, unprofessional, ignorantasiantunteva - professional, expert, adeptasiapainotteinen - Synonym of asiapitoinenasiapitoinen - informative, factual (of presentation, article etc.: containing factual information)asiaton - inappropriateasiatyylinen - written in formal styleasidofiilinen - acidophilicasikkalainen - Alternative form of asikkalalainenasikkalalainen - from, related or pertaining to Asikkalaaskaislainen - Of, pertaining to or originating from Askainen.askeettinen - asceticaskelittainen - stepwise (proceeding one step at a time).askolalainen - from, related or pertaining to Askolaasosiaalinen - asocialaspergerilainen - Aspergian, Aspergerian, Aspergic (of, related to, or having qualities similar to those of Asperger's syndrome)assamilainen - Assamese (of or pertaining to Assam)assertiivinen - assertiveassortatiivinen - assortativeassosiatiivinen - associativeassyrialainen - Assyrianassyriologinen - Assyriologicalastabiili - unstableasteeninen - asthenicasteikollinen - with scale (equipped with a scale)asteittainen - gradualastevaihtelullinen - that undergoes consonant gradationastevaihteluton - that does not undergo consonant gradationastiallinen - Having a dish.astmaattinen - asthmaticastmainen - asthmaticastraalinen - astralastrologinen - astrologicalastronominen - astronomicalasuinkelpoinen - habitableasumaton - uninhabitedasumiskelpoinen - inhabitable, habitableasumiskelvoton - uninhabitableasunnoton - homelessasuntopoliittinen - pertaining to housing policyasuttava - habitableasuttu - inhabited (having inhabitants; lived in)asutushistoriallinen - settlement historicalasuuri - azure (having that colour)asuurinsininen - azureasvalttinen - Alternative form of asfalttinenasyklinen - acyclicasymmetrinen - asymmetricasymptoottinen - asymptoticasyndeettinen - asyndetic (not connected by a conjunction)asynkroninen - asynchronousataraktinen - ataractic (having a tranquilizing effect)atavistinen - atavisticateelinen - atelicateenalainen - Athenian.ateistinen - atheisticatk-pohjainen - Synonym of tietokonepohjainen.atlanttinen - Atlantic (pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean)atleettinen - athleticatmosfäärinen - atmosphericatomaarinen - atomic, monatomic (composed of atoms)atomikäyttöinen - Synonym of ydinkäyttöinen.atominen - atomic (occurring as atoms instead of molecules)atomistinen - atomisticatonaalinen - atonalatooppinen - atopicatrofinen - atrophicatseotrooppinen - azeotropicattraktiivinen - attractiveaudiovisuaalinen - audiovisualauditiivinen - auralaugustinolainen - Augustinian (of or related to St Augustine of Hippo)aukea - open (of land, clear of obstacles for vision, such as trees)aukeampi - comparative degree of aukeaaukein - superlative degree of aukeaaukinainen - open (that which is not closed)aukkoinen - holeyaukoton - solid, watertight (having no holes, both in physical and abstract sense)auktorisoitu - authorizedauktoritaarinen - Alternative form of autoritaarinen.auktoritatiivinen - authoritativeauktoriteettinen - Synonym of auktoritaarinen (authoritative; sense "having a commanding style")aulis - willing, helpfulauralainen - from, related or pertaining to Aura (Finnish municipality)auringonpaahtama - tanned, suntanned, especially with deep colorauringonpaisteinen - sunshiny, sunny (characterized by sunshine)auringonpolttama - sunburntauringoton - sunlessaurinkoinen - sunnyaurinkokeskinen - heliocentricaurinkokuivattu - sun-dried (dried in the sun as part of a process of e.g. conserving foodstuffs)aurinkolämmitteinen - solar heated (heated by the sun)austeniittinen - austeniticaustralialainen - Australianaustraliansuomalainen - Finnish Australianaustroaasialainen - Austroasiatic (of or pertaining to Austroasiatic languages)austronesialainen - Austronesian (of or pertaining to Austronesian languages)autenttinen - authenticautereinen - hazyautio - desolate, uninhabited, empty, abandonedautioin - superlative degree of autioautiompi - comparative degree of autioautistinen - autisticautobiografinen - autobiographicalautoimmuuni - autoimmuneautokefaalinen - autocephalousautokraattinen - autocraticautoktoninen - autochthonous (found in the site of formation)automaattinen - automaticautomatisoitu - automatedautonominen - autonomousautoregressiivinen - autoregressiveautoritaarinen - authoritarianautoritatiivinen - Alternative form of auktoritatiivinenautoritäärinen - Alternative form of autoritaarinen (“authoritarian”)autosomaalinen - autosomalautoton - carless, car-freeauttamaton - incorrigibleauttava - tolerable, passable, adequateauttavainen - helpful, a person wanting to helpautuaaksitekevä - beatifyingautuaallinen - blessedauvoinen - happy, euphoricauvoisa - happy, euphoricauvokas - Synonym of auvoinenavaamaton - unopenedavantgardistinen - avant-gardeavara - spacious, roomyavarakatseinen - broad-minded, tolerantavaramielinen - open-mindedavarampi - comparative degree of avaraavarin - superlative degree of avaraavaruudellinen - spatialavaskulaarinen - avascularavioliitonomainen - marriagelikeaviollinen - maritalavioton - extramarital (taking place outside marriage)avoimempi - comparative degree of avoinavoimin - superlative degree of avoinavoin - open (not closed, not physically drawn together)avojalkainen - barefootavokatseinen - sincere, heartfelt (meaning what one says or does)avokaulainen - having an open necklineavokätinen - munificent, lavish (very liberal in giving or bestowing)avolavainen - flatbed (of a truck or railroad car, having a flat bed)avomielinen - open, open-hearted, frank, candidavonainen - openavopäinen - bareheadedavoselkäinen - open back (of a dress etc., leaving part or all of the back bare)avosuinen - open-mouthedavosydäminen - open-hearted (frank and candidly straightforward)avulias - helpful (person)avullinen - Synonym of auttava (helping).avustettu - assistedavuton - helplessazerbaidžanilainen - Azerbaijaniazerinkielinen - Azeri, Azeri language (written or expressed in Azeri)babylonialainen - Babylonianbagdadilainen - Baghdadi, Baghdadianbahailainen - Baháʼí (of, pertaining or relating to Baháʼí Faith)bahamalainen - Bahamianbahamasaarelainen - Bahamianbahrainilainen - Bahrainibaijerilainen - Bavarianbakteeriperäinen - bacterial (caused by bacteria)bakteeriton - abacterial, sterilebakteriaalinen - bacterial (caused by bacteria)bakteriologinen - bacteriologicalbalilainen - Balinesebalinkielinen - Balinese, Balinese-language (expressed in Balinese)balkanilainen - Balkan, Balkanic, Balkanianballistinen - ballisticbaltialainen - Synonym of balttilainenbalttilainen - Balticbalzacilainen - Balzacianbanaali - banalbangladeshilainen - Bangladeshibangladeshiläinen - Alternative form of bangladeshilainenbarbaarimainen - barbarous, barbaric, barbarianbarbaarinen - barbaricbarbadoslainen - Barbadianbarokkinen - Baroque (from the Baroque period)barokkityylinen - Baroque-stylebarokliininen - baroclinic (describing an atmospheric system in which the isobars are at an angle to the isopycnals or isotherms)baryoninen - baryonicbarysentrinen - barycentricbasalttinen - basalticbaskilainen - Basquebaskimaalainen - of or relating to the Basque Countrybaskinkielinen - Basque (relative to the Basque language)batistinen - made of batistebaudelairelainen - Baudelaireanbayesilainen - Bayesianbayesiläinen - Bayesianbeesi - beigebeessi - Alternative form of beesibeethovenilainen - Beethovenianbehavioristinen - behavioristicbeige - beigebelgialainen - Belgianbelgialaissyntyinen - Belgian-born, Belgian bornbelgradilainen - Belgradian (of or pertaining to Belgrade)belizeläinen - Belizeanbenediktiiniläinen - Benedictine (of or pertaining to St. Benedict of Nursia, or to the Benedictine Order)bengalilainen - Bengali (of or pertaining to Bengal)benigni - benignbeniniläinen - Beninesebensapihi - fuel-efficientbensiinikäyttöinen - gasoline drivenbenttinen - benthicbergmanilainen - Bergmanian (of or pertaining to Ingmar Bergman, an influential Swedish director, writer and producer)berliiniläinen - Of or pertaining to Berlin.bermudalainen - Bermudian, Bermudanbetonibrutalistinen - brutalistic (of or pertaining to Brutalism)betoninen - Made of concrete.betonirakenteinen - Built of concrete blocks.bhutanilainen - Bhutanesebibliografinen - bibliographicbigaaminen - bigamousbigotti - Synonym of tekopyhä.bijektiivinen - bijectivebilabiaalinen - bilabialbilateraali - Alternative form of bilateraalinenbilateraalinen - bilateralbilineaarinen - bilinearbiljoonas - trillionth (short scale), billionth (long scale) (1,000,000,000,000th)bimodaalinen - bimodalbinaarinen - Alternative form of binäärinen.binauraalinen - binauralbinääri - Alternative form of binäärinen (“binary”)binäärinen - binary (being in a state of one of two mutually exclusive conditions)bioaktiivinen - bioactivebioakustinen - bioacousticbiodynaaminen - biodynamicbioeettinen - bioethicalbiogeeninen - biogenicbiografinen - biographicbiohajoava - biodegradablebiokemiallinen - biochemicalbiologinen - biologicalbiolääketieteellinen - biomedicinalbiomekaaninen - biomechanicalbiometrinen - biometricbiomimeettinen - biomimetic (of or pertaining to biomimetics)bioninen - bionicbioottinen - bioticbiosähköinen - bioelectricbiotekninen - biotechnicalbioyhteensopiva - biocompatiblebipolaarinen - bipolar (having two poles)bipoläärinen - Alternative form of bipolaarinen.biraminen - biramousbirgittalainen - Bridgettine, Birgittine (of or pertaining to this order, its teachings or its members)bisarri - bizarrebiseksuaalinen - bisexualbitonaalinen - bitonalbittinen - consisting of or represented by a certain number of bitsbituminen - made of bitumenboiotialainen - Boeotianbolivariaaninen - Bolivarian (of or relating to Bolivarianism, an ideology associated with the South American independence hero Simón Bolívar)bolivialainen - Bolivianbolsevistinen - Alternative spelling of bolševistinenbolševistinen - Bolshevist, pertaining to Bolshevism.boreaalinen - borealborneolainen - Bornean (of or pertaining to Borneo)<-- -->